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  • - A Mixologist's Guide To Finding Joy In Unexpected Places
    av Billie Reed

    "Who Moved My Happy Hour?" by Billie Reed is a sparkling concoction of humor and heart, skillfully blending the art of mixology with the quest for everyday joy. This whimsical guide serves as a reminder that life's true delights are often hidden in plain sight, waiting to be savored like a finely crafted cocktail.Your Mixology of Delight: Savoring Life's Ingredients: Discover joy in daily routines, mixing the ordinary with unexpected happiness.Mindful Mixology: Stir mindfulness into each day, transforming routine moments into celebrations.Journaling Jiggers: Engage with reflective prompts, pouring your thoughts into a cocktail of self-discovery.Perfect Gift for Tipple Lovers: An ideal present for those who appreciate a good drink and a great read.'Who Moved My Happy Hour?' is the perfect blend for anyone looking to shake up their perspective and uncork the champagne of life. It's an invitation to toast to the hidden joys in the everyday - a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good tipple and a hearty laugh.

  • - A Book for Beginner Readers
    av Lula Lafayette

    Shafiq was a mussels stuck in a rigid routine, always feeling tightly wound. When a friend, Gaby invited him to try yoga one evening, he reluctantly agreed-never imagining how much it would change his life. For the first time, he felt his tight muscles release their grip. Intrigued by this newfound sense of lightness, Shafiq continued showing up to his mat each day. In "Ongoing; Opening to Yoga", he shares his transformational journey of learning to loosen his rigid ways through an ongoing yoga practice. Discover how embracing flexibility-both physical and mental-helped Shafiq crack open his shell and discover his true calling.

  • - A Harvest of Puns, Groaners, and Plant-Based Wit
    av Mosley Sage

    What did the vegan person text their lover?I've bean thinking ABOUT you! Discover a world where laughter and veganism intertwine in the most delightful way! "The Vegan Jokebook," authored by the witty and charming Mosley Sage, is a refreshing take on the lighter side of a plant-based lifestyle. Enrich your days with joyful humor that resonates with vegans and non-vegans alike. This book is a treasure trove of puns, groaners, and jokes that celebrate the quirks and idiosyncrasies of vegan living. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just someone who appreciates a hearty laugh, this book is perfect for you. Dive into chapters filled with creative and whimsical takes on everyday vegan scenarios. From the hilarious interactions with pets to the imaginative musings about vegan astronauts, each page promises a laugh and a light-hearted perspective.Gift yourself and your loved ones this unique collection that is sure to brighten any day. It's not just a book; it's a celebration of life, laughter, and the love of all things vegan. Unlock the joy of vegan humor with "The Vegan Jokebook" - your ticket to a happier, more vibrant daily routine. Add it to your collection today and embrace the lighter side of green living! Buy it now!

  • - Reiði og gremju opinberra starfsmanna
    av Arduino Rossi

    þjóðvegir 2 - HefndReiði og gremju opinberra starfsmannaFjörugar sögur af Arduino RossiÁ kápunni akrýlmálverk á striga eftir Arduino RossiHöfundarkynningþetta er seinni hluti af safni kaldhæðnislegra, illgjarnra, kaldhæðna, sannleiksskra sagna um heim opinberra starfa: hefnd tilheyrir persónunum, sem halda áfram að Þjást í daglegri meðalmennsku í heimi án útrásar, dálítið lygari, hæfir lífinu sem "dúfur", sem smáborgaraleg, lítil, með galla og ótta, með uppgjöf og stöðugri baráttu við...... örlög manns.Hún er jafnframt framhald söfnunarinnar "Ríkisstarfsmenn, gleði og sorg hins fasta starfs".það eru 19 sögur sem gerast í smámunasemi, í fáránleika fastastarfsins hjá ríkinu: iðjuleysingjar hafa hjarta, sál, tilfinningar og margvíslega tvískinnung af ólíkum toga, reyndar alls konar.raunverulegt: ímyndunarafl mitt Þarf ekki beinar endurgerðir frá raunveruleikanum.Ég óska öllum góðrar lestrar og líka smá bros, ef raunverulegur og sjálfsprottinn hlátur var ekki mögulegur.BoxarinnKona MarshalsRókókóbyltingarsinninnHinn reiði öðruvísiKonan með andlit mannsinsVictor rauðiByggingarverktakiHin fallegaDóttir hershöfðingjansFerilfíflVinur hins háttvirtaLögfræðingurinnSlátrarinnFlugvélinStóri maðurinnMilljarðamæringurinnHin forherta gamla vinnukonaHið óheillavænlegaGina sleikjan

  • - 400 (ish) of the world's best dad jokes
    av Dadsnet Community

    Prepare to embark on a laughter-filled journey with the world's best dad joke book! Best Dad Jokes is the first book from one of the world's largest online communities for Dads, Dadsnet. @TheDadsnet has grown a following of over 1 million across Instagram and Facebook, and now this side-splitting compendium, a treasure trove of hilarity, has been carefully curated to bring joy and groans to dads, mums, and joke enthusiasts alike.Inside the pages of this rib-tickling tome, you'll find a collection of timeless classics and fresh, pun-tastic gems that will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. From the clever wordplay that only a dad could appreciate to the perfectly timed punchlines, each joke is a masterclass in the art of cheesy humour.

  • - Navigating Single Parenthood with Laughter and Love
    av Jeff Cormier

    In "Dad and Dazzled," embark on a heartwarming and hilarious journey through the rollercoaster of single parenthood with our charming protagonist, Jeff. Left to navigate the turbulent waters of parenting solo, Jeff discovers that the secret to surviving the chaos lies in embracing laughter and love.As Jeff stumbles through the daily challenges of raising his spirited children, he finds unexpected joy in the most unlikely places. From mismatched sock puppet theaters to impromptu dance parties in the living room, Jeff's home becomes a haven of laughter, love, and the kind of messy magic that only single parenthood can create.The story unfolds with a perfect blend of wit and warmth, offering a refreshing perspective on the trials and triumphs of being a single parent. Through the ups and downs, Jeff's resilience shines as he transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, proving that love can conquer even the toughest of parenting trials."Dad and Dazzled" is not just a tale of one man's journey through single parenthood; it's a celebration of the strength found in family, the power of laughter to heal, and the enduring nature of love. Join Jeff on this heartfelt adventure that will leave you both in stitches and reaching for the tissues, reminding us all that, sometimes, the best way to navigate life's challenges is with a hearty dose of laughter and an abundance of love.Get ready to be captivated by "Dad and Dazzled," a poignant and uplifting exploration of family, resilience, and the extraordinary power of a father's love.

  • - Estratto, non convenzionale, delle mie scritture private
    av Something Mood

    Immergetevi in un mood umoristico, tagliente e fatto di storie esileranti.un libricino che vi condurrà attraverso mondi comici e riflessioni caustiche, lasciandovi con il sorriso sulle labbra e una ventata di allegria nel cuore!

  • - Embrace the beauty of the season
    av Michael A Duhart

    Step into the enchanting world of "A Magical Christmas Journey," a heartwarming tale that captures the spirit of the season. Join our lovable characters on a festive adventure filled with joy, wonder, and the true meaning of Christmas.

  • - From Yankees to Y'all, A Guide for Smooth Transitions
    av Heather Alfonso

    "Sweeter in the South: From Yankees to Y'all, A Guide for Smooth Transitions" is not just a book; it's your roadmap to a seamless and delightful transition into the heart of Southern living. If you're a Northerner contemplating the move down South or already unpacking your bags, this guide is your indispensable companion. With wit, warmth, and wisdom, the author navigates the uncharted waters of Southern culture, offering valuable insights on everything from decoding the language of 'y'all' to mastering the art of gracious hospitality. Packed with practical advice, humorous anecdotes, and a genuine celebration of the South's unique charm, this book is the perfect guide for anyone seeking a smooth and enjoyable integration into their new Southern home. So, whether you're a Yankee newcomer or a Southern native looking to understand the perspectives of your newly arrived neighbors, "Sweeter in the South" is the go-to handbook for embracing the richness of Southern culture and making your transition a truly sweet experience. Welcome to the South - where the tea is sweet, the accents are charming, and hospitality knows no bounds!

  • - Boterearen zerbitzariak eta haien abenturak.
    av Arduino Rossi

    Estatuko langileak 3 - Ergel erabilgarriakBoterearen zerbitzariak eta haien abenturak.Istorio sarkastikoa De ARDUINO ROSSIAzalean mihise gaineko akrilikoa Arduino Rossiren eskutik AurkezpenaBotereak beti behar ditu tontoak, aginte posizio jakin batzuetan jartzen dituena, bere helburuetarako manipulatzeko eta erabiltzeko.Italian, azken 70 urteotan, ergelak karrerako eskailera guztiak igo dira, publikoak oro har, baina baita pribatuak ere.Sistema parasito, zikin eta antidemokratiko bati eusten dioten indarra dira, zentzugabekeriak errepikatzen diren egia eta informazioa otzanduta.Erdi mailako klasekoak dira, nik erdipurdikotzat definitzen ditudanak, baloreen, idealen faltagatik, baina ezerezean buruan, etxekotutako pertsonenak, sormenerako gai ez direnak, baina baita adimen arrazional eta kritikokoak ere.Egun onak dira, baina garai batean sozialistak, kristau-demokratak, 68ko aldekoak, baina baita eskuindarrak ere beren ñabardura ezberdinekin, edo eliztar fidelak, ordea, parrokiatik libratu zirenak, jada errentagarria ez zenean. .Sindikatuak dira, baina alderdiaren jarrera ez da finkoa, ikur guztiak baliagarriak dira eta inporta duena beti jatea da.Miserableak dira, ezjakinak, noziozko kultura dutenak, lau datu ezagutzen dituzte bihotzez eta horretaz harrotzen dira, atzeko azalak beti irakurrita liburuaren ordez.Boterea ofizialki konpontzaileen, ustelen, ustelleen, mafiaren aldekoen esku dago, baina baita beti erakundeei fidel, plebearen parekoak dira, mespretxatzen dituztenak, askoz diru gehiagorekin bakarrik.Gutxi balio dutela jakitearen ezaugarria dute, zentzu guztietan, baina aita eta aitonak, langileak eta nekazariak mespretxatzen dituzte, benetako gizaki jator, zintzoak eta kiratsekiko mesfidati zirenak.Arimarik gabeko pertsonak dira, iraganik gabekoak, egunkarietan gutxitan irakurtzen edo telebistan entzuten dituzten azpikulturetan, banalitateetan eta topikoetan bizi direnak, ia beti eta gaur egun sare sozialetan ere bai.Jende ergelak bezala definitzen ditut, azkenean desagertzera joatea, beren ezerezarekin: bizitzak, historiak, eramango ditu eta txantxak baino ez dira geratuko.Istorio askoOratorioan karrera egiten daAlkate ekintzaileaAberastasuna alderdietatik pasatzen daKaritateak aberats egiten zaituOsasungintza eta negozio askoSardina egosiakKarrerako magistratuaSindikalista joaten da lehiaketaraBesarkadak izurrite garaianAlderdi berriakUnibertsitateko irakasleaBum arrakastatsuaBankariaKamaleoiaKazetariaLehiaketaBurosauroaEmagalduaBidaltzaileaBonsaiakTipoa

  • - A Mapton Short Story
    av Sam Maxfield

    MAPTON'S PAWFECT CHRISTMAS What says Christmas more than a Festive Fun Dog Show in Mapton? With rivalry between the judges, a grumpy pregnant vet about to pop, and cast of mischievous pooches causing havoc, things are about to go crackers. Featuring a cast of dogs based on Mapton readers' own pets, this will be sure to put a festive wag in your tail.

  • - per Grandi e Piccini
    av I M Spaia

    Un'esplosione di sorrisi per grandi e piccini! Questo libro raccoglie più di 400 tra barzellette scintillanti, colmi esilaranti e indovinelli avvincenti, perfetti per intrattenere tutta la famiglia.Con pagine piene di umorismo intelligente e enigmi accattivanti, diventerà il compagno ideale per serate divertenti e momenti spensierati in famiglia.Un mix di allegria e ingegno in ogni pagina, pronto a scatenare risate e stimolare menti di ogni età.Perfetto per: idee regalobambini e ragazziadulti con senso dell'umorismofamigliecombattere la noia

  • - Prima io e poi... Ancora io: Il Manuale dell'impazienza creativa e dell'egocentrismo affascinante
    av La Gabbia

    Dall'ardente audacia dell'Ariete alla mistica tranquillità dei Pesci, ogni capitolo di questo libro è un invito a esplorare l'unicità dei dodici segni. Con una penna intrisa d'ironia e saggezza, l'autore tessera una narrazione che cattura l'essenza di ogni segno con racconti, aneddoti e consigli, impreziosendoli di mitologia, storie di eroi sotto le stelle e personaggi storici che hanno segnato il tempo sotto l'egida del loro segno solare.Questa guida non è un semplice elenco di tratti caratteriali, ma un mosaico di esperienze umane che s'intrecciano con la danza delle costellazioni. È un invito a sorridere dei nostri difetti, a celebrare le nostre forze, e forse, a cogliere quella scintilla di verità universale che brilla in ognuno di noi, indipendentemente dal segno sotto il quale siamo nati. Scappati da La GabbiaNon perderti gli altri irriverenti titoli: "Il sale aggiusta tutto, forse pure te""A te e famiglia: Il libro Augurio degli Auguri""Si, avevi ragione tu. Saturno ti odia.""La sfiga è dietro l'angolo""Invasioni acustiche: dal microfono al misfatto""Sei un 8! Smettila di buttarti giù"e molti altri

  • av Phillip Hancock

    Megan and JJ are at it again. Megan's grade school nemesis calls her requesting help from her PI team. Although asking for help this nemesis brings back her better than thou attitude even when she has been beaten down by her life's situation. While trying to help this acquaintance, Megan and JJ pick up an unusual stalker case that ultimately puts Megan's life in danger.

  • - Ten Crimes Against Nursery Rhymes
    av Adam Madman Martinez

    We've all read nursery rhymes. The most familiar, we've heard a million times. Now, you're about to see them torn to shreds in Mother Goose Barbecue, a twisted take on ten classic nursery rhymes. You'll never think of Mary's little lamb the same way again.

  • - A book for dads of little girls and for all the girls whose fathers helped inspire who they are!

    This book was inspired by true stories from daily life with my little princess, the things I deal with as a daddy to my little "angel", and it is written from her perspective. You'll relate to many of the stories and words contained here. As fathers, we are responsible for ensuring our daughters grow up to know how special they are. As fathers, we are the first love of our daughters, and we must build their self-esteem. We must remove their insecurities and replace them with the ability to have confidence in their minds, their abilities, and their whole selves. Our daughters will gauge and build future relationships based on the relationship she has (or does not have) with us. We've probably all heard our daughters say, "Daddy, I want to marry you." As innocent as that is, some research shows that many women date or marry men with certain recognizable similarities with their fathers. That means she will look for the "good" you've shown her, or she will look for the "bad" you've shown her. Be the "good" in her life. You don't know how long you have with her. What memories will she be left with if you're gone tomorrow? Once they journey outside of our protective and loving arms, they must be equipped to protect themselves and go forth to conquer this world! So, enjoy every moment with her, and relish your time together. Dad, you are THE most influential person in her life! Please provide any comments or feedback to

  • av Bow Wow

    Welcome aboard the most delightful and wise journey of your life! Imagine a magical book where you can ask a question, open it to a random page, and find an answer from the wisest grandmother you've ever known. Well, here it is! Our "The Book of Answers. Ask Your Grandma" is exactly what you need. Who needs an oracle when you have a grandmother at your fingertips? This book is like a dinner at grandma's, but without having to clean the kitchen afterward! Each page is a surprise, and the grandmotherly wisdom you'll find is seasoned with a touch of humor and a lot of love. Feeling lost in love? Ask your grandma! She knows how to put her heart into the kitchen and make it come out happier than before. Looking for advice on how to deal with a complicated situation? Grandma always has the right answer, along with a good comfort food recipe. This book is perfect for anyone in need of a laugh, a virtual hug, or some sage advice. It's the ideal companion for facing life's challenges, big or small. Are you ready to discover the most flavorful and love-filled answers your grandma would have given you? Open the pages and let grandmotherly wisdom guide you on a journey of discovery, with secret recipes and heartwarming advice. It will be like having your grandma with you at all times, ready to share her affection and experience. Who is this book for?For you.For your friends.For your grandparents to flip through together.Enjoy! Order "The Book of Answers. Ask Your Grandmother" today and start receiving the most delicious and wise advice you've ever imagined!

  • av Eva Jenner

    Alma vive su vida normal y feliz con su marido, compartiendo su día a día con él y su mejor amigo.Alma también vive en las redes sociales, donde el destino le cruza con alguien que pone su vida patas arriba.La toxicidad, la obsesión, los límites y la lealtad...¿Qué Alma resistirá?

  • - Another Calapene Story
    av Bill Anderson

    Calapene is back in the news, but not for all the right reasons. After 40 years of CRAP government, political sabotage and dodgy dealing abound as German resident, Jorgen Schmidt becomes Mayor of the small coastal village. WIll he survive all attempts to discredit him and remove him from office?

  • - A Tale of Tantrums and Time Outs
    av Storytime Mommy

    Is your last nerve sizzling? Did your kids color the wall (again)?Do you ever lose your mind wondering "Why is this wet?!"Did you ever repeat yourself so many times that the words start mushing together like jumbled up angst-stew? We've all been there. And now there's a book to settle the score! This delicately worded bedtime story will achieve absolutely nothing in the way of behavior management, but hopefully the laughs will extend that last nerve of yours long enough to get those kids into time out where they belong. Happy sizzling!

  • - Lost in New York
    av Rod Hyner

    A children's book for adults and children alike.Peter the Skeeter is a story about a young mosquito living in Goochland, Virginia. Peter lives at the Pond with his Mama, Papa and 147 brothers and sisters. While playing tag with his two brothers, Peter winds up in the car of the Harlup family (the humans who own the land that the pond sits on) and is on his way to New York City. Peter, who has never left the pond, is confused and scared yet eager to find out what life is like beyond the pond. He has a run in with a truck driver at a rest area, which unknowingly kidnaps Peter in his hat and takes Peter into his truck where he meets a family of fleas. Peter finds his way back to the Harlup's car, with the help of the "flea circus", hoping that if he stays with the Harlup family, they will eventually go home. While Peter is being unwillingly transported to New York, his Papa and two brothers devise a plan to find him and bring him home. Meanwhile, Mama Skeeter, who always watches the TV through the Harlup's kitchen window, hears that a big machine will be spraying mosquito killer throughout New York that very evening Peter will arrive. Upon Peter's arrival to New York, Peter forgets his plan to stay with the Harlups and starts flying towards the bright lights of Broadway. There he bumps into Barbara, a glamorous skeeter actress who becomes very annoyed that this young, country skeeter interrupted her scene. Bernadette, a large skeeter actress with bright red lipstick consoles Peter as Barbara becomes overly dramatic. Sir Frederick, another skeeter actor, introduces himself to Peter and explains to him that he has just met the "world famous Thespian Skeeters of Broadway". While Peter is getting to know the Thespian Skeeters, Papa, Buddy and Tom are exiting the bus into the bustling streets of New York. They quickly realize that their chances of finding Peter in this big city are very slim. They contrive an ingenious method of searching for him without losing each other. Peter again realizes that his only hope of returning home is with the Harlups so he begins a mission to find them. He heads to Central Park, at the direction of the Thespian Skeeters, to see if he could find the Harlups and food. Along the way he encounters a street wino, The West Nile Gang, (a group of rough female skeeters), The Skugs (a group of mobster skeeters from Little Italy), and even his family for a brief moment before being threatened by the deadly mosquito spray truck. Peter was saved at the last minute from the giant truck by a mysterious female skeeter, Sandra. Together they wind up on in the West Village having to hide from the "big machine". There, Peter meets some of Sandra's friends like Al who lives at the 4th Street basketball courts and Begga, a small homeless mosquito. Peter and Sandra campout inside a building at the New York University campus, to stay away from the dangerous poison the giant machine is spraying. Peter is anxious to continue his quest to find a way home but Sandra explains to him that they have to stay in doors until the sun comes up. Always one step behind him, Peter's family continues to track him courageously through the big city while befriending native mosquitoes who offer to help them find Peter. Some of the New York mosquitoes, however, have their own unsavory reasons for helping Papa, Buddy and Tom. Escaping their clutches becomes another of the adventures that all of them must survive to reunite as a family and return to their beloved Virginia pond. Even after the families escape from the giant machine's poison and the Skugs, Sandra and Peter find themselves at the start of another adventure.

  • - A Heart Warming Little Cotton Jacket

    本書集結旅美華裔女作家余國英女士2022年到2023年在報章雜誌和網站上發表的二十五篇散文,曾由海外文軒公眾號連載的中篇小說《瓜田李下》等及長篇小說《小棉襖余愛臺》(將於杜十娘公眾號連載);篇篇含蓄雋永,妙筆生花,引人入勝,令人不禁莞爾──其中散文《手拉手,向前走》更是榮獲第31屆【漢新文學獎徵文比賽】金獎!閱讀,是最好的學習,余國英的文采充滿幽默風趣,她的作品字裡行間無不閃現著幽默才華;一首首動人心弦的文學旋律,伴隨著美妙悅耳的抒情樂章,徜徉於萬里時空的中西軸線,匯聚成晝夜不息的大川大河,浪奔向中華文化的傳承與域外漢學的新世紀。●《跋》●問:余國英女士,請問妳最新出版的一本書,書名叫什麼?答:新書名是《小棉襖余愛台》預計於2024年1月1日出版。問:這本書內容是什麼?答:《小棉襖與愛台》收集了2022年到2023年在報章雜誌和網站上發表的:I. 短篇散文,共24篇,記錄了大疫內兩年以來,日常生活的點點滴滴和心路歷程。II. 中篇小說《瓜田李下》曾由海外文軒公眾號連載,III. 長篇小說《小棉襖余愛台》將于杜十娘連載。問:在哪裡可以購買到這本書?答:在台灣有金石堂網站和三民網站,在美國及世界其他國可以由亞馬遜網站網購紙板書及電子版書。問:可否說一說長篇小說《小棉襖余愛台》的故事大綱。答:小棉襖余愛台故事大綱:台灣省立嘉義中學教數學的余老師家中新雇用了一位阿里山鄒族山地姑娘高阿月,數月之後,她突然生了一個小女嬰。其實,高阿月早有一位青梅竹馬的同族男朋友阿凱在嘉義市內打工存錢,約好五年以後結婚,在兩人分開的時間內,她救助了一位被追捕而受傷的台大學生讀書會會員,不慎懷孕,小寶寶的生父下落不明。可愛的小寶寶深得余家人尤其是少主余京生的喜愛。高阿月見余老師的兒子很喜歡這個小寶寶,就懇求余家收養為童養媳。上世紀50年代,台灣的政府已經明令禁止童養媳的制度,雖然在民間仍然十分盛行。幸好余京生當機立斷,決定收余愛台為養女,此後,小棉襖余愛台與余家發展出了長達70年的溫馨故事。余國英,生於中國大陸,1949年隨父母遷臺,國立臺灣大學畢業後,得羅格斯大學全額獎學金赴美,先後畢業於羅格斯大學研究所、康乃爾大學研究所。曾任教於母校羅格斯大學及汎尼笛根生大學。任職於愛絲蘭黛公司。退休後專心寫作,任北美華文作家聯誼會副會長、世界華文女作家協會秘書長等職。

  • av Cecelia Ellen Morgan

    "Where's Boogie" is a quirky story about boogers. While the storyline is meant to be fun and entertaining, the overall goal of this book is to encourage the reader to think about making good decisions and taking responsibility for their actions. Exaggerated situations are used to illustrate how one small action could quickly turn into something much bigger. A super tissue hero was designed to show how anyone can be a hero by simply making good choices.

  • - A Hilarious Handbook for Little Jokesters and Rising Comedy Stars
    av Lilas Kids

    Get ready for a hilarious adventure in "Dadly Puns: 300 Dad Jokes and Puns for Kids"! Bursting with laughter, this book is your ticket to a world of whimsical wordplay, clever puns, and dad jokes that will have the whole family in stitches.Inside, you'll discover a treasure trove of 300 handpicked dad jokes, carefully crafted to tickle the funny bones of kids and adults alike. From puns that'll make you groan to jokes that'll leave you grinning ear to ear, "Dadly Puns" is the ultimate collection for little jokesters and seasoned humor enthusiasts.Why choose "Dadly Puns" for your family?Endless Laughter: Each page is a passport to laughter, with jokes that promise to entertain and delight.Family-Friendly Humor: Share smiles and create lasting memories with jokes that are wholesome and perfect for all ages. No foul language, cursing or toilet humor!Brain-Boosting Fun: Packed with clever wordplay, these dad jokes are not just funny but also a playful way to stimulate young minds.Read Aloud or Solo: Whether you're reading together as a family or your little one is diving into solo giggles, "Dadly Puns" is perfect for all occasions.Great Gift: Looking for a unique and amusing gift for birthdays or holidays? Look no further - "Dadly Puns" is the gift that keeps on giving.Join the laughter revolution and add "Dadly Puns: 300 Dad Jokes and Puns for Kids" to your collection today. Get ready for chuckles, grins, and a whole lot of dadly delights! Buy it now!

  • - A Snip in the Right Direction
    av Kim Karson

    Embark on a whimsical journey through the world of haircuts with "The Conservative's Guide to Lesbian Haircuts: A Snip in the Right Direction." This light-hearted and humorous book is designed to bridge the gap between conservative viewpoints and the bold, expressive world of modern hairstyles, particularly those popular within lesbian culture.Through a series of engaging chapters, this guide takes readers on an entertaining exploration of various haircut styles, their cultural significance, and their place in today's fashion landscape. From the classic bob to the daring undercut, each style is presented with a blend of witty commentary, historical anecdotes, and playful observations.But it's not all just fun and games. This book also serves as a unique platform for understanding and acceptance, using humor as a tool to explore diverse perspectives and foster a conversation about identity, self-expression, and the ever-evolving nature of personal style. It challenges stereotypes and encourages readers to appreciate the beauty and creativity inherent in all forms of self-expression.Whether you're conservative in your style or adventurous with your locks, "The Conservative's Guide to Lesbian Haircuts" promises to be an enlightening and enjoyable read. Packed with amusing anecdotes, DIY haircut disasters, and a comprehensive glossary of hair-related terms, this book is sure to educate, entertain, and maybe even inspire your next trip to the salon. So grab your scissors (or just your sense of humor), and get ready for a delightful snip through the world of haircuts!

  • - Urban Tales Totally Twisted Part 2
    av Rg Publishing

    Presenting Urban Fairy Tales: Totally Twisted Part 2!

  • - Fantasy Coloring Book For Everyone

    The engaging coloring book "Some Things Don't Exist Coloring Book" is full of amazing pictures that inspire creativity. Each page is embellished with rich pictures that invite readers to explore their creativity and use color to bring their visions to life. In addition to providing a unique and entertaining way to explore the fantasy world, this book also offers various advantages to users. Here are the top three advantages: Creative Exploration: A chance for self-expression and creative inquiry is offered by this coloring book. It invites readers to immerse themselves in a fantastical world and allow their creativity to run wild as they customize the entrancing graphics. It provides a venue for letting creativity go and exploring fresh artistic horizons.Relaxation and Stress Relief: It has been demonstrated that coloring can ease tension and encourage relaxation. People can get relief from their daily stresses, unwind, and feel at ease by engrossing themselves in the process of coloring these appealing pictures. It helps people reduce tension and achieve a feeling of calmness by acting as a calming and contemplative activity.Emotional Escape and Inspiration: This coloring book provides a way to get away from reality and into a realm of inspiration and creativity. It enables people to briefly put their regular worries aside and visit a world where dreams are realized. The Outside Of Your Imagination depictions in the book can inspire readers, kindle their creativity, and elevate their spirits, offering a means of emotional escape and renewal.Product Details: 8.5 x 11 Inches (21.59 x 27.94 cm)Glossy paperback cover102 pages50 unique fantasy coloring pages for everyoneSingle-sided to minimize bleed through*The product is very suitable as a gift for anyone*

  • - La Leggenda: novità con 50 segreti sul Milan per un Vero RossoNero
    av Bebo Best

    ((( L'unico con 50 segreti sul Milan ))). In questo libro, i lettori esploreranno le vite, le sfide e i trionfi del Milan. Sarà un viaggio coinvolgente attraverso il presente e il futuro del club, mostrando come la passione per il calcio e l'impegno costante abbiano contribuito a rendere il Milan una delle squadre più rispettate e amate al mondo. 50 sfumature di rossonero. 50 curiosità, segreti e aneddoti affascinanti sulla storia del Milan:

  • - Condominiale
    av Romina Zanetta

    Racconti brevi e spassosissimi tra equivoci, fraintendimenti e monumentali figuracce, vi faranno sorridere a più non posso.Le rocambolesche avventure di un amministratore condominiale, narrate con sagace ironia, per mostrare tutti gli aspetti di un lavoro solo all'apparenza normale.

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