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  • av Maida Foscaro

    "Gesù tra Hashtag e Parabole 2.0" Benvenuti in Giudea 2.0, dove i miracoli sono tendenza e le parabole ricevono like! In questo ingegnoso giro di trama, Gesù non solo diffonde saggezza, ma fornisce anche consigli su come ottenere seguaci. Immergiti in un mondo in cui i social media coesistono con le sabbie del deserto e ogni miracolo è degno di condivisione. "Gesù tra Hashtag e Parabole 2.0" è un'odissea comica attraverso un universo alternativo, dove gli insegnamenti biblici si fondono con la cultura digitale. Immagina un Sermone della Montagna con il suo proprio hashtag o l'Ultima Cena catturata in una storia di Instagram. Con umorismo e sottile ironia, questo libro ti guiderà attraverso episodi divertenti, sfidanti e a tratti assurdamente riconoscibili dell'era digitale. Nelle sabbiose terre della Giudea, dove un tempo gli insegnamenti risuonavano tra montagne e valli, ora risuonano tra tweet, storie e like. "Gesù tra Hashtag e Parabole 2.0" ti immergerà in un universo alternativo esilarante, in cui il Messia non solo trasforma l'acqua in vino, ma converte anche selfie in virali. Dalla ricerca spirituale alle tendenze sui social media, quest'opera offre una reinterpretazione fresca e comica di eventi biblici nel contesto di un'era digitale sfrenata. Attraverso situazioni che sfidano le consuetudini, rivelando le ironie della nostra cultura moderna, questa narrazione garantisce risate e riflessioni in egual misura. NOTA IMPORTANTE: Quest'opera è affrontata con un tono leggero e umoristico. Non ha l'intenzione di offendere o sminuire alcuna fede religiosa. Viene presentata semplicemente come un esercizio creativo di "cosa succederebbe se", mescolando il sacro con il modernamente irriverente. Ideale per coloro che hanno un acuto senso dell'umorismo e una passione per le contraddizioni del mondo moderno. Fai clic, acquista e preparati a scorrere il dito attraverso l'epopea esilarante di Gesù nel mondo dei social media!

  • - Assigned Male Comics single issue no.26
    av Sophie Labelle

    Get Used to Us, because trans and queer people aren't going anywhere - the world will only get more trans & queer! In this comic book, trans cartoonist Sophie Labelle debunks a bunch of bonkers stuff we've been hearing everywhere in this era of trans panic, with her legendary humor and wit.

  • - Rendez-vous au Châtelet de Paris
    av Ali Badara Keita

    Plongez dans les coulisses les plus énigmatiques et divertissantes du monde du football avec "Révélations Inédites et Amusantes Autour du Ballon d'Or 2023". Préparez-vous à une aventure captivante, teintée de mystère, de rires et de découvertes uniques qui vous tiendront en haleine à chaque page. Ce n'est pas seulement un livre, c'est une invitation à déverrouiller les secrets cachés derrière le prestigieux Ballon d'Or de cette année où la concurrence est de taille.Derrière chaque victoire se cachent des histoires inconnues et des moments hilarants qui n'ont jamais été partagés avec le grand public. Dans ce livre, vous serez emporté dans un voyage intrigant au coeur du football mondial. Imaginez-vous en train de glisser dans les coulisses, comme un espion du rire, découvrant des anecdotes et des faits incroyables qui n'ont jamais vu la lumière du jour.Les pages de ce livre sont remplies de moments où les légendes du football ont dévoilé leur côté le plus drôle et le plus espiègle. Les rivalités acharnées sur le terrain cachent des amitiés hilarantes en dehors et les discussions drôles pour conquérir le Ballon d'Or sont entremêlées d'anecdotes cocasses de moments de jeu et de célébrations épiques. C'est un véritable festin pour les amateurs et fans de football qui cherchent à connaître les histoires sécrètes qui se cachent derrière les trophées étincelants.Imaginez découvrir la rencontre sécrète et futuriste des joueurs nominés au ballon d'or de cette année, utilisant des tours de passe-passe pour piéger, se moquer et taquiner de leur adversaire coriace lors d'un épisode divertissant de leur carrière, tout en gardant un sourire en coin. Découvrez les moments où les joueurs ont dû se livrer à des duels comiques de mots sur le terrain et en dehors, tout en luttant pour la victoire. Plongez dans les fous rires partagés entre coéquipiers dans les vestiaires, bien loin des regards scrutateurs des médias.Chaque chapitre est une invitation à entrer dans un monde mystérieux, où les rires sont aussi importants que les trophées. Vous serez emporté par les anecdotes sur les célébrations excentriques qui ont laissé les supporters perplexes, les entrevues post-match où l'humour a fait la une, et les stratégies farfelues qui ont étonné les entraîneurs et les adversaires."Révélations Inédites et Amusantes Autour du Ballon d'Or 2023" n'est pas simplement un livre, c'est une quête captivante. C'est une opportunité rare de s'immerger dans le monde du football d'une manière totalement nouvelle. Alors, si vous êtes prêt à rire, à vous étonner et à plonger dans l'inconnu du football, tournez la première page et embarquez pour une aventure unique en son genre.Préparez-vous à rire, à être surpris et à découvrir un côté du football que vous n'avez jamais imaginé. Car ce bel ouvrage vous promet une expérience inoubliable et des rires à chaque ligne. Ne manquez pas votre chance d'être témoin de la magie qui se cache derrière la cérémonie de remise du ballon d'or 2023 au Châtelet de Paris. Achetez dès aujourd'hui votre billet pour ce voyage mystérieux et amusant dans le monde du Ballon d'Or de cette année éblouissante.

  • - Blagues d'Halloween pour Âmes Courageuses
    av Lucie Lamoureux Beauvais

    OFFREZ LE CADEAU IDÉAL QUI ILLUMINERA CHAQUE FÊTE ! "Éclats de Rire Nocturnes: Blagues d'Halloween pour Âmes Courageuses" Vous cherchez le cadeau parfait pour Halloween, la fin d'année ou pour ces événements spéciaux qui jalonnent votre calendrier? Ne cherchez plus! Rires, frissons et souvenirs sont au rendez-vous avec ce recueil incontournable. POURQUOI CE LIVRE EST LE CADEAU PARFAIT: Il fusionne épouvante et humour, offrant un cadeau à savourer à la lueur d'une bougie ou au coin du feu.C'est le complice idéal des soirées en famille ou entre amis, assurant amusement et partage.Un trésor pour les âmes courageuses, montrant que même face à l'épouvante, un éclat de rire est possible.Que ce soit pour Halloween, pour la fin d'année ou ces moments spéciaux, "Éclats de Rire Nocturnes" est le cadeau à offrir pour garantir rires et émotions. Car après tout, quelle meilleure façon de célébrer que de partager un bon moment de détente et d'humour?Offrez des éclats de rire, offrez des moments mémorables, offrez le cadeau idéal !

  • - Sous les ombres de l'histoire
    av Konan Joel Kouadio

    les histoires de jo Il est dit que chaque livre est une porte ouverte vers un monde parallèle, un univers où l'imagination est reine et où les mots ont le pouvoir de transcender les limites de la réalité. Les histoires de jo vous invitent à franchir le seuil de cette porte enchantée, à vous laisser emporter dans un tourbillon d'aventures, de rires et de larmes, tissées avec habileté par une plume magique. Dans ces pages, vous découvrirez le monde extraordinaire créé par l'auteur, un monde où les rêves prennent vie et où chaque personnage est doté d'une profondeur et d'une humanité qui les rendent aussi réels que vous et moi. Au coeur de cet univers se trouve jo, un conteur passionné, porteur d'histoires qui résonnent avec la vérité universelle de l'expérience humaine. Jo possède le don rare de captiver son public, de l'emporter dans des récits qui éveillent les émotions, élargissent les horizons et illuminent l'esprit. Que ce soit à travers des aventures fantastiques, des romances enchanteresses ou des histoires empreintes de sagesse, les histoires de jo touchent le coeur et l'âme de ceux qui les écoutent. Mais il y a plus dans ces récits que de simples divertissements. Chaque histoire est un miroir, reflétant nos propres vies, nos triomphes et nos défis. Jo nous rappelle que nous sommes tous des héros en devenir, que nous sommes liés par une humanité commune et que nos histoires, aussi uniques soient-elles, sont tissées ensemble dans la grande trame de l'existence. Les histoires de jo sont une célébration de l'imagination, de la créativité et du pouvoir transformateur des mots. Elles nous rappellent que, même dans les moments les plus sombres, il y a de la beauté à trouver, des leçons à apprendre et de l'espoir à cultiver. Les histoires de jo sont un baume pour l'âme, une invitation à explorer les recoins les plus profonds de notre être et à embrasser notre propre potentiel. Que vous soyez un lecteur chevronné ou un nouvel adepte de la magie des mots, vous trouverez dans les histoires de jo un monde qui vous captivera, qui vous fera rire et pleurer, qui vous transportera dans des contrées lointaines et qui vous ramènera finalement chez vous, enrichi par l'expérience de ces histoires intemporelles. Alors, chers lecteurs, préparez-vous à vous évader dans un monde de possibilités infinies, à être touchés au plus profond de votre être et à être inspirés par les histoires enchanteresses de jo. Ouvrez ce livre avec curiosité et laissez-vous porter par la magie des mots, car les histoires de jo sont prêtes à vous emmener dans un voyage extraordinaire. Que cette collection d'histoires vous apporte joie, émerveillement et un profond sentiment de connexion avec le pouvoir infini de l'imagination. Bienvenue dans l'univers merveilleux des histoires de jo.

  • av Saibot Publishing Inc

    Navigating the wild, unpredictable terrains of office politics? From sly conference call tactics to mastering the art of the 'elevator ambush', "10 Laws of Corporate Survival" is your incisive guide to thriving amidst the corporate jungle. This book isn't your ordinary corporate manual-it's your secret playbook. Expect laughs, a-ha moments, and perhaps a side-eye from HR. Dive in and discover how to not just survive, but to laugh in the face of those mundane Monday meetings. It's not just about surviving the corporate circus, it's about owning the tent!

  • av John Russo

    L'ombra degli AngelsRipper è un biker tosto e spregiudicato, un ragazzone largo come un letto a due piazze che non ha paura di niente e nessuno. Gira con la sua banda, i Death's Angels, seminando il panico di città in città. Procede tutto come sempre, se non fosse che una notte Ripper decide di lasciare gli Angels...

  • - A Country Man from the Mountain to the City
    av Felix F Mendoza

    This autobiography portraits the experiences of an excited and self-motivated young country man (campesino) who fallowing the advice of his grandfather, took the journey of his life. Amazingly, his experiences based on a true story will make you laugh until you reach the end. Each episode is easy to enjoy and remember because the humor is projected in a talented and funny writer. Suggestion: Eat something before you open the book.

  • - X Marks The Spot
    av Sean Carless

    Having somehow avoided being 'cancelled' the first time, Sean Carless decided to see if he could possibly go two for two, dusting off his old comedic writing chops to finally deliver a sequel to his popular yet ridiculous original offering: Twit-Face (Or How To Lose Friends & Alienate People Via The Use Of Anti-Social Media And More.) In this even more absurd sequel, Twit-Face, Volume 2: X Marks The Spot, Sean once again dives headfirst into the shallow end of the pool, sharing his most popular jokes, quips and politically incorrect observations, as featured on various social media platforms, as well as taking you through some of his most hilarious and insane interactions with the varying characters and weirdos that have somehow crossed his path. A quick and easy read, guaranteed to make you laugh, smile and go "okay, what the #@%!?", Twit-Face Volume 2 is exactly what the doctor ordered! (A doctor clearly fired for gross malpractice).

  • av Lorenzo Raia

    Non vi è mai capitato di soffrire per un sentimento non corrisposto? Non siete mai ''stati sotto'' a chi non dava neppure uno straccio di attenzione. Bene, questo libro è per voi: un manuale per istruire chi prova e non è corrisposto, chi riceve una dichiarazione d'amore e non sa come uscirne, chi soffre e non sa come uscirne.

  • av Felicia S Biznatch

    In "Fuck Puppies," embark on an emotional journey that explores the profound impact of having puppies in your life. Discover how these adorable creatures take over and consume everything that defines you. This raw and honest account delves into the challenges, sacrifices, and joys of puppy ownership as it unfolds the transformation it brings to your world. Amidst the chaos and overwhelming responsibility, the author grapples with the idea that maybe puppies aren't what they expected. Ultimately, in a heartwarming revelation, they realize the unexpected beauty and love that puppies can bring, leading to a life-affirming realization that these four-legged companions are more than worth the journey. "Fuck Puppies" is a gripping tale that explores the depths of human-animal bonds and the transformative power of unconditional love.

  • - The Stress Relieving Book
    av Patrick Pako

    Discover a new, tactile way to relieve stress with "Tear to Clear: The Stress Relieving Book". This is not your ordinary book - it's not designed to be read, but rather to be torn apart. Created as a unique stress relief tool, this book presents a symbolic and physical release of tension and negative emotions.The premise is simple yet powerful. Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, take this book and start tearing the pages, one by one. As you rip through the pages, envision your worries being torn away. This transformative act of catharsis is aimed at helping you reclaim your peace and tranquility.In addition to its stress-relieving function, each page contains an uplifting, motivational message, creating a therapeutic experience that engages both the mind and the hands."Tear to Clear: The Stress Relieving Book" is a journey of destruction and creation, offering a unique and innovative approach to achieving calmness and clarity. The book is hardcover and made with quality, easy-to-tear paper.Not only is this a perfect self-care tool, but it also makes an excellent and thoughtful gift. With its unique concept and engaging experience, it's the ideal present for anyone who could use a little stress relief in their life. Don't let stress weigh you down or those you care about - start tearing your way to tranquility today!

  • - Volume II
    av Tarl Warwick

    "Orange Man Big" is a collection of depraved short stories ridiculing those suffering from chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome. In these stories, left wingers and neoconservatives alike revel in projection, masochism, and degeneracy on a level which would make Marquis DeSade blush. It is at once a humorous political satire, and a psychological investigation of the diseased minds of the mentally abnormal.

  • - Drag Show: Through The Pink Starfish
    av Candace Swift

    Bedazzling her acting chops, Drag Queen Izzy Lovely joins the space cast of Through the Pink Starfish, a loose adaptation of Through the Looking Glass. Replacing the former Drag Queen Alice due to a freak death drop accident, Izzy Lovely quickly discovers that their director Sui GenerAnus is up to something more sinister. Join Izzy Lovely and her squirrel friends as they sashay their cosmic way Through the Pink Starfish.

  • av Kathy Wile

    Magazine writer Nancy Green wanted to write about food, or the water park, or anything but the topic she's just been assigned: the quirky residents at a camp near Sardis Lake. Most people in the community fear them. No one really knows what they're doing out there or what they're all about, and no one has dared to find out. With the help of her writing partner, Adam, Nancy must enter the notorious area to interview these mysterious people.Though Nancy and Adam have been friends and coworkers for years, this is their first project as a team. Their working relationship is going so smoothly that Nancy finds herself wondering if it could develop into something more. She realizes that this is probably a bad idea, but that doesn't lessen her attraction to him. Little hints whisper that he might feel the same.As they knock on doors, they find that many of those behind them are just as scared of outsiders as they are of them. Nancy and Adam's attempts to earn their trust suffer a setback when a couple of other people hungry for a story piggyback their progress with ill intentions. This unexpected roadblock only furthers their determination to tell the residents' stories to the prejudiced public.During the interview process, the writers encounter situations often humorous, sometimes dangerous, but always intriguing. The interviewees have eccentricities born of individual fears and have sought refuge in a place where they know they will rarely be bothered by anyone. As Nancy and Adam get to know these people and see the beauty in each of them, their desire to convey their findings to the public grows. They set out to change the negative public mindset surrounding the residents, despite the many challenges thrown their way.

  • av Anne Depaulis

    BANKING WITH CHOPSTICKSNarrative non-fictionYou would never associate tree climbing goats or Fengshui with Investment Banking... Banking with chopsticks will change your mind about the world of finance. A humorous account of my professional life as an investment banker, it is a personal insight into the world of banking and various cultures, with a focus on China and Japan. The book begins in London in 1986, the year of the Big Bang, and ends in Geneva with the latest financial crisis of 2008.

  • - "Stories of Friendship"
    av Chatgpt 3

    Embark on an extraordinary journey through "Adventures Unleashed," a collection of short captivating stories that celebrate adventure and friendship. Join a spirited cast of characters as they navigate thrilling quests, unravel mysteries, and discover the true meaning of bravery and loyalty. With each turn of the page, young readers will be immersed in a world where imagination knows no bounds, inspiring them to embrace their own unique path and cherish the power of friendship along the way.

  • - In this poetry photobook, The coos come to life in every verse
    av Walter Lindsay Shepherd

    Titled "Scottish Cow Poetry in Pictures," this collection features stunning photographs of coos taken on the Scotland NC500 road trip, each accompanied by a witty limerick-style poem.What sets this book apart is that each coo picture has been given a unique name, adding a personal touch and bringing each animal to life. Some of the names are whimsical, such as "Goldielockscoo" and "Benthorncoo," while others, like the "Bigtonguecoo," have a mischievous edge. Each picture captures the unique personality and spirit of the animal, highlighting the rugged beauty of Scotland's countryside.The accompanying poems are just as delightful, written in a limerick style that captures the playful spirit of the coos. Some are humorous, like the poem about "Peakaboocoo" who loves to play hide and seek with passersbys. Others are even more playful, like the poem about when the five coo's go on an adventure across the Scottish country sideThrough his photographs and poems, the creator Walter Shepherd of Scottish Macqueen heritage celebrates the connection between Scotland and their beloved coos. These animals have been a part of Scotland's cultural heritage for centuries, and now are found being grazed in places across outback Australia. Their rugged beauty and gentle demeanor have captured the hearts of people around the world.The fact that these photographs were taken on the Scotland NC500 road trip adds another layer of charm to the book. This famous route takes visitors on a journey through some of Scotland's most breathtaking scenery, and the coos that call this area home are a cherished part of that experience.Overall, "Scottish Cow Poetry in Pictures" is a delightful tribute to one of Scotland's most beloved animals. Whether you are a lover of poetry, photography, or Scottish culture, this book is a must-read. It is a celebration of the natural beauty of Scotland, and the deep connections between its people and animals. If you are looking for a charming and heartwarming read, be sure to pick up a copy of "Scottish Coo Poetry in Pictures" on Amazon today

  • av Jesús Vázquez

    En "Perdido en el Ikea", sumérgete en una odisea única y cómica junto a Harold, un hombre que no puede salir del Ikea, pero su amor propio le impide pedir ayuda para encontrar la salida.Acompáñalo mientras se aventura en la icónica tienda de muebles en busca de un reto inolvidable. Junto a su amiga Emma y un nuevo compañero, Max, Harold se encuentra atrapado en los pasillos aparentemente interminables de Ikea. En medio de situaciones hilarantes, travesuras extravagantes y encuentros con personajes excéntricos, descubrirán que Ikea es más que una simple tienda. Pero, ¿lograrán encontrar la salida y volver al mundo exterior? Sumérgete en esta historia de amistad, desafíos y situaciones surrealistas mientras Harold y sus compañeros se enfrentan a un laberinto de muebles y risas.

  • av Pristin Bonnes

    In a world teeming with textbooks and timetables, Pristin Bonnes presents a refreshingly unique perspective on the college years. Delve into the pages of this book and discover a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and anecdotes that will transform your college journey into a masterpiece of personal growth and lasting connections. This short guidebook is not just about acing exams and crossing graduation stages - it's a roadmap to crafting a college experience that brims with meaning, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

  • - Oltre 100 fatti incredibili da leggere mentre sei in bagno
    av Cagapoco Kifapoco Moto

    Preparati per un'esperienza di lettura unica e divertente! "Letture durante la cacca" è il libro perfetto per coloro che amano approfittare del loro tempo in modo intelligente, imparando fatti curiosi e storie sorprendenti mentre si rilassano. Metti da parte le distrazioni e immergiti in un mondo di conoscenza stravagante e risate senza fine.

  • av Maria Vittoria Pratesi

    Friends yay!!! Here we go again!!! Nick and Matt have set their sights on trying to live 100% environmentally sustainable for six months, and I absolutely must tell you all about what's going on!Are you ready for our new adventure?

  • - L'incredibile viaggio di Dante nell'età moderna
    av Max Tyler

    Se cercate un libro capace di farvi ridere a crepapelle dalla prima all'ultima pagina, allora "Beatrice si fa i selfie con l'i-phone" è quello che fa per voi!In questo esilarante romanzo, l'autore immagina il sommo poeta Dante Alighieri catapultato ai giorni nostri, alle prese con smartphone, app di incontri e tutta la tecnologia moderna. Il risultato è un concentrato di comicità e ironia da far invidia al miglior Boccaccio!Dante si ritrova spaesato in un mondo che non riconosce, e le sue reazioni a WhatsApp, Instagram e ai selfie della sua amata Beatrice sono semplicemente imperdibili."Deh, fanciulla innocente, non vedi che quel marchingegno ti ha irretita nelle sue maglie? Ti fa compiere strani gesti, modulare sorrisi artefatti, tutta presa da quel gioco alienante. Deponilo ti prego, ritorna al creato che t'attende!"Con queste parole prova invano a distogliere Beatrice dalla sua ossessione per gli autoscatti, in una scena di comicità irresistibile."Or immaginate la mia meraviglia quando mi apparve una gentildonna dai capelli verdi, con due anelli nel naso e vestita in maniera assai bizzarra e succinta! Non sapendo come comportarmi dinanzi a tal visione, la feci accomodare e le offrii del vino. Ma ella mi porse una pergamena con sopra scritto "Pizza a domicilio, sono 15 euro".Anche i passaggi sulla sua esperienza con treni, aerei e le altre diavolerie dei trasporti moderni strappano risate a raffica: "Per le mutande del Signore! Questa non è una carrozza, è un carro di fuoco diretto dritto all'Inferno!"Insomma, se volete passare ore di puro divertimento, questo è il libro che fa per voi.

  • - Des blagues à mourir de peur
    av Léo Raphaël Pineda

    Halloween Approche... Êtes-Vous Prêt à Rire... et à Frissonner ?! Introduisant "Halloween sans horreurs ? JAMAIS: Des blagues à mourir de peur", le livre d'Halloween pour enfants le plus prisé de l'année ! Chaque page est une immersion dans des mystères d'Halloween tellement amusants que vos enfants ne voudront plus le lâcher.Mais ATTENTION, chers parents ! Ne soyez pas étonnés si vous vous retrouvez captivés par ses histoires d'Halloween pour adultes. Une chose est sûre: ce livre n'est pas juste un autre livre pour enfants sur Halloween, c'est une explosion d'aventures et de mystères qui fascine tous les âges.Commandez dès maintenant et embarquez-vous dans un voyage d'humour et d'horreur, parfait pour les soirées frisquettes d'octobre.Ne ratez pas cette occasion ! Faites de cette saison d'Halloween la plus mémorable avec le livre que tout le monde s'arrache. Préparez-vous à être le héros de l'heure du conte.

  • av Maria Vittoria Pratesi

    This book is a sequel to "Jack Russell Forever" and "Jack Russell for Christmas" and unfortunately it's not understandable without having read the first two books. Boy yay we are back again!!! I'm Jack!!! Do you guys remember me and Nick and Matt? I sure hope so, because I really have a lot to tell you, and I was just thinking where to start! The great thing about stories, is that as soon as you finish telling one, you immediately start living another, and in fact here we are! Actually, though, the last time I told you about us, it was back in the days when still to look for Matt, we didn't have to follow ketchup tracks around the house, and when we lived in complete peace and relaxation. If I remember correctly, the only real problem that could have plagued me, was having wonderfully spent.... Good old days... Anyway... Let's not digress... Are you ready for Nick and Meg's amazing wedding? It will be the most enchanted wedding of the year! We are no longer in our paws with excitement! Maybe there's just a little something I'll have to fill you in on first, but don't worry, nothing irreparable. So, are you ready for this fantastic new adventure?!!! Happy reading to all!!!

  • - Volume III
    av Paula Walborsky

    STOP! This is Volume 3 of Unpacking Paula and it is NOT a sequel to books 1 and 2. No sequels. Just more of the essays, memories, opinions you found in the earlier books. I have been writing for years, and was a local commentator on WFSU's NPR. I am a military brat. I have taught the deaf, integrated an all black school in Thomasville, GA, been a family law attorney, a step-mother, grandmother, daughter and sister. I am Jewish. Some of these essays are funny, some poignant. All of them are genuinely heartfelt.

  • - 13 Hilarious Tips to Outsmart Furry Foes
    av Colin Frey

    Discover essential strategies for navigating wild animal encounters with humor in this engaging guide. Each chapter presents practical and amusing techniques, from charming squirrels with your impersonation to dancing away from deer. Learn to diffuse tense situations with raccoons through jokes and befriend lions with belly laughs. With insightful tips for handling various creatures, this book ensures you're prepared for any wild encounter, all while maintaining a lighthearted approach to safety.

  • - Parental Strategies for Modern Women
    av Benedict Irvine

    Refreshingly uplifting, this Special Report, "Super Mom: Parental Strategies for Modern Women", is your comprehensive guide to mastering the fine art of modern motherhood. Curated and crafted with care by Benedict Irvine, a recognized expert in parenting and family relationships, this detailed report captures the essence of the Super Mom phenomenon. It's not just a report - it's an investment in yourself and, by extension, your family. Here's what this eye-opening report offers: Insights: Understand the Super Mom Phenomenon and how it plays into traditional roles and modern expectations. Tools: Implement smart strategies for time management, fitness, health and well-being. Resilience: Learn to build resilience and turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Support: Learn the importance of creating a supportive environment and nurturing emotional intelligence in children. Momentum: Build and sustain the Super Mom momentum for the future.This engaging, life-changing report is a must-have for the modern woman navigating the beautiful yet challenging terrain of motherhood. Be prepared to feel seen, understood, and motivated. Prepare to transform your everyday challenges into a growth-filled journey. Embrace your superpowers and get ready to rise and shine as a 'Super Mom'.

  • - Plauti Stichus
    av Ramón Navarro Jurado

    Stichus es una sucesión de tres piezas que, juntas, forman un tríptico. En la primera nos encontramos con dos hermanas casadas con dos hermanos que lamentan la ausencia de sus maridos, desde hace tres años. El padre pretende que sus hijas se divorcien y se casen con otros hombres y, aunque estas deben obedecer, consiguen ablandar al padre para ganar tiempo. El parásito Gelasimus lamenta la ausencia de sus benefactores. Se convierte en protagonista de los dos primeros cuadros, con su hambre voraz que no puede calmar.En la segunda pieza regresan los maridos de su viaje con grandes riquezas. Se reconcilian con el suegro gracias a su éxito en los negocios y el poder del dinero. Para celebrar su llegada sanos y salvos celebrarán una cena en casa del hermano mayor. El parásito es burlado y apartado de este nuevo mundo, no le va mejor con la llegada de los amos, al revés de lo que sucede con los demás. En la tercera pieza, Stichus, esclavo del mayor de los hermanos, ha conseguido el día libre y celebra una cena con su amigo, esclavo del menor, y su amiga, una consierva que ambos aman: el canto, la música, la danza, la bebida, el amor y la amistad presiden la última pieza del tríptico.

  • - Exploring the World with Equanimity and Perspective
    av Fiona Rivera

    "Traveling Stoic: Exploring the World with Equanimity and Perspective" by Fiona Rivera sweeps you off your feet and onto an odyssey of self-growth and introspection. This unique fusion of travel and philosophy invites you to concurrently traverse the globe and the depths of your soul, cultivating serenity amid stunning landscapes and serendipitous encounters.Marrying the spirit of exploration with the ancient wisdom of Stoic philosophy, Traveling Stoic is far from a traditional travel guide. It's your compass directing you towards uncharted terrains of internal serenity, resilience, and limitless perspective, fundamentally transforming your travelling experiences.From navigating bustling cities to appreciating tranquil villages, dive into the intricacies of marrying the seemingly abstract Stoic principles with practical real-world encounters. Harness this philosophy to embrace equanimity during chaotic experiences, connect authentically across cultural barriers, and most importantly, view your journey through the lens of a Stoic philosopher.What will you discover within the pages of this insightful guide? The Foundations of Stoicism and its intersection with Travel Practical Stoic Tools for the Modern Traveler Transformative experiences leading to the embodiment of a Traveling Stoic Cultivating resilience and peace in the face of challenges Approach to sustain a life-long Traveling Stoic mindsetWith its powerful blend of reality and philosophy, Traveling Stoic: Exploring the World with Equanimity and Perspective will challenge the way you perceive and conduct travel. Embark on this transformational journey with Fiona Rivera and reimagine the possibilities of pure, tranquil adventure.

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