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  • av Francesca Spencer

    ☆☆☆☆☆ ''ll feel like you're there with the all best bits of the trip, crazy people and frustrations too!'A self-confessed world-class slacker is realising a lifetime dream at yoga school in Goa, India.Everything seems perfectly wonderful until the end of the four weeks' training when the newly qualified yogi is ejected from her cushioned existence and bangs into the harsh reality of India's financial crisis, which coincides with the shock of Donald Trump winning the US presidential election. Both bombshells - announced on the same day - take on mystical proportions, impact on yogic bliss, which unravels and disintegrates in the tragic comedy of someone not at all in control. 'Don't get stuck at ice-cream bliss, ' Krishna says with a customary head wobble and broad smile. 'It is not the lasting bliss of enlightenment: it is an illusion. Like ice cream, it will dissolve and disappear. You must pursue pure enlightenment, pure eternal bliss, where everything else is temporary and meaningless.' Is it a great test of The Universe, or simply the effect of being on a beach in Goa? Find out.Click BUY NOW at the top.

  • - Kleines Rätselbuch, was in den Stiefel passt Tolles Nikolausgeschenk für Erwachsene Geschenk Idee für Adventskalender, Julklapp, Weihnachten

    ★ 184 knifflige Rätsel mit Lösungen im Anhang★ 3 Schwierigksstufen: leicht - mittelschwer - sehr schwer★ Kompakt und handlich! Perfekt für unterwegs!★ 127 x 203 mm, ca. DIN A6★ Tolles Geschenk für die Liebsten oder für sich selbst!★ Viel Spaß und Erfolg beim Lösen!

  • - A book of quotes to laugh at and live by.
    av Robin L Preston

    A book of quotes, covering 23 different categories, that will cause you to laugh, think deeply, be inspired, or be entertained.

  • - 10 Gems To Rejuvenating The Spark In Your Relationship
    av Sussan Williams

    ARE YOU FEELING STUCK IN A RUT IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP? Do you miss the excitement and passion that you once had? Are you feeling like the spark in your relationship has dimmed? Are you struggling to connect with your partner like you used to? Are you searching for ways to reignite the passion and make your relationship thrive again? You're not alone. Many couples go through periods where they feel disconnected and unfulfilled in their relationship. But it doesn't have to stay that way. While falling in love is effortless, maintaining a strong and thriving relationship can be a challenge. It can be difficult to keep the spark alive amidst the demands of daily life, conflicts, and monotony. But the good news is that it's possible to reignite the spark and rejuvenate your love. "Enchanted Togetherness: 10 Gems To Rejuvenating the Spark in Your Relationship" is a guidebook designed to help couples rediscover the magic of their love and bring back the excitement, passion, and connection they once had. Whether you're looking to save a struggling relationship or simply want to make your love stronger, this book is for you. With the tools and strategies provided, you'll be on your way to rejuvenating the spark in your relationship and falling in love all over again. "Get a copy as Valentine is fast Approaching"

  • av Kathalyn Russell Orr

    Everyone knows a pessimist. It seems as if no matter how fabulous the situation, a pessimist can always find a dark cloud. Using exaggeration, the author take us into the mind of a pessimist and shows us a pessimist's outlook on life. If you are an optimist, you will enjoy a chuckle at the expense of a pessimist. If you are a pessimist, you will see how you look to an optimist. Excerpt: "Good morning, Lord, another day. The sun is up. I guess I'll pray. Thanks for my house and car and kids and other things you've blessed me with. But God, I think this world's a mess. There are wars, famine, pestilence. I could get robbed or sick or hurt; Stock market crash, I'd lose my shirt!"

  • - A Guy Full of Emotions

    I'm Tara, and I'd just like to introduce myself. I have been performing for eight years and am now eighteen years old. I dance when I'm upset, furious, or just want to get away from this world. To be honest, I can't. I like to smoke a couple joints and then have a drink when I go out spinning or hang out at my dad's clubhouse. My father is the president of the Wild Rider MC. My family consists of four elder brothers. I'm the only woman here. I usually stay in my room when they host parties. I'll be pleased when my tiny house is finished. If that's the case, I'll simply go hide in the back. When I got to the gym, I secured my bike and walked over. My dance studio is located to the left. I didn't notice the biker following me. Even while I danced, I was unaware that nearly half of the boys on the opposite end were staring at me. When I turned around after turning off the music, I noticed that it was all men. "Please accept my apologies. You've possessed some serious dance talents. There will be a lucky person who will get to dance with u one day." "That is unlikely to happen. I'm 18 years old and have never been in a relationship. Countless times. In high school, no one ever invited me to the prom. As a result, I doubt I'll ever learn to dance in this manner with a partner." If we had met while we both were in high school, I would have taken her out on a date. If she asked, I'd invite her to dance. I was compelled to take dance courses from the age of 10 until I graduated from high school. As a working partnership, we could complement each other in a variety of ways.

  • av Barry a Clay

    Do you sometimes wondered if you're really cut out to be a parent? Do you read parenting books and try to apply what you learn from them, but it doesn't seem to work on your children? Do you wonder if you're losing control, or perhaps your mind? If so, this is the book for you. You're sure to feel better reading these absolutely true stories (with only a teensy, weensy bit of exaggeration) of the Clay family. And look! Their children turned out alright! Yours will, too. With laugh-out-loud humor, Barry Clay (edited by his wife Joanne and children Lauren, Jared, Marilla, and Nolan) brings a humorous (and sometimes chaotic) slice of reality that is sure to make things look better. Or at least funnier!

  • - Featuring the Key-West series
    av Christina Oxenberg

    Another entertaining and interesting collection of short-stories covering Key West and New York city.

  • - A Collection of New Essays
    av David R Thorne

    A book about design agencies, above-ground pools, and magic tea by the New York Times bestselling author of The Internet is a Playground. "As sharp, and often as cutting, as a scalpel." THE SUN "Thorne's second book is just as stupid, irreverent, and hilarious as his first." THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD "Instantly engaging and incredibly funny." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

  • - Postgrado Para Politicos Y Funcionarios
    av Mario Said Silvera

    Caco, tal como la recuerda la mitología griega, era un gigante, mitad hombre y mitad sátiro, cuyo mayor empeño (por no decir el único) era esquilmarle los bienes al prójimo. Su fama, lo ha llevado a convertirse, con el correr del tiempo, en patrón de los ladrones. No hay personas, sean políticos, funcionarios, o simples ciudadanos de la actualidad y de otros tiempos que, llegado el momento de hacer sus trapisondas, no se haya encomendado alguna vez a él. Vaya este libro en homenaje a todos los diplomados en su ciencia. Créanme que se lo merecen. Con sus ingenios, han podido superar largamente a su maestro y mentor.

  • - A Johnson McDonald Success Story
    av Annie Miriam

    Annie Miriam is the creator of this book, "Success in the midst of challenges. Annie has a background in research, and she relies on that expertise in the writing that she does.This is one of her many works that has been published, and it contains the book that we are talking about here. Many other works by her have been noticed even in the society at large.She has had multiple books published under her name during her fruitful literary career, which has lasted for more than seven years.Annie is not just a writer, but she is also an actress, a chancellor, and a young businesswoman who is has achieved success in all of the projects that she is involved in. Johnson McDonald circumstances became worse when all means of livelihood ended despite his urge and willingness to achieve greatness. This book contains a story of a young man whose desire was limited by circumstances which made him take a bold step to success.

  • - 50 riddles and answers
    av Sheri Ann M Brown Dussard Bsc

    These riddles are designed to give a good belly laugh, some are brain-teasers requiring some problem solving skills and lateral thinking.

  • - Working At The Zstore
    av Matt Sides

    Have you ever worked at a place, maybe it was your first job or your craziest job, where even if it was not a fun workplace environment, there were still people around you that made the job worthwhile? Do you have more stories that came out of your time there than you can remember? If you are lucky in life, you have had one of those types of jobs or maybe you are in one right now. HOW WAS I NOT FIRED is a compilation of the stories that happened at the Zstore, Funimation's online retail storefront. Starting in a small feed store and moving to larger warehouses, these are the funny stories of what happened inside the walls of the Zstore.

  • - Essays by Chia-lin

    本書蒐錄知名學者鮑家麟教授40件雋永作品──我們那一代的見聞、經歷、感想和回憶。是鮑家麟教授在課餘,興之所至,以嘉霖筆名所寫。大部份在世界日報和亞省時報刊出。書中文章的類別可分解憂﹑勵志﹑歷史﹑教學﹑家在圖桑及其他。本書為《臺大人回憶錄叢書》之一,是臺大人文庫系列作品。序言 這是我繼"婦女問題隨想錄之二:沙漠甘霖"(台北稻鄉出版社出版)之後的另一散文集,搜羅了四十餘篇雜文,加上幾首詩歌。是我在課餘,興之所至,以嘉霖筆名所寫。大部份在世界日報和亞省時報刊出。本想題名為"敝帚集",取敝帚自珍之意,但此一書名已有人用過,只好作罷。 書中文章的類別可分解憂﹑勵志﹑歷史﹑教學﹑家在圖桑及其他。解憂類的有解憂功,美國的車尾文學,新鮮玩意兒,西洋歌劇真有趣,第一次看歌劇,盡信GPS不如無GPS。勵志類的有天堂地獄俱在人心,境由心生,從莫扎爾特說起,過猶不及,明天會更好,無顏見江東父老情結,以及好好念書的歌詞。 文史類較多,有中國的發明對西方的影響,孔子的行情,易經是人類的寶典,地球暖化,美國的少數民族,叫德國人太沉重,從"最後一課"到歐盟:阿爾薩斯去來,張良與黃石老人──歷史的想像,燕梳鎮屋柏文共渡,筆名等篇。教學類的有知識就是力量,教學服務,介紹信,學生評鑒教授應予廢止,晝寢,學中文趣味多。 家住美國西域的圖桑,夏天炎熱高溫,見於鐵釘殺手一文,及見山火有感的塔形詩。對付這種氣候的辦法有消暑功一文。圖桑的土地婆──露伊絲馬歇爾,和外遇演習,也都是圖桑的故事。其他的雜文中,有個"子不語"類,凡涉及不科學或迷信者皆屬此類,掉頭髮,與科學實驗共舞,神佛難為,太陽能與大日如來密法等皆是。 本書由走在時代尖端的漢世紀微出版公司(EHGBooks)全球發行,在就可買到,是我的光榮。

  • - A brain booster game called "Enchanted Adventures
    av Aman Kumar

    DESCRIPTION: -INSIDE THE BOOK > 1. MATH RIDDLES2. FUNNY RIDDLES3. GENERAL RIDDLES4. ANIMAL RIDDLES5. FRUIT RIDDLES6. SIMPLE RIDDLES7. ENGLISH RIDDLES8. FOOD RIDDLES9. TRICKY RIDDLESA brain booster game called "Enchanted Adventures: " The Mystery Riddles"Enter the enchanted realm of "Enchanted Adventures: The Mystery Riddles," where you'll set out on a thrilling quest to crack codes, find secrets, and solve riddles.This entertaining and engaging riddle book is ideal for kids ages 8 to 12 who enjoy mystery, exploration, and challenging puzzles. Young readers' imaginations will be piqued by this book's charming visuals and amusing characters.Follow Lily, the bold and inquisitive main character, as she embarks on an amazing quest to answer several tricky riddles. She will come across a variety of fascinating beings and enigmatic locations along the route, such as a talking tree, a haunted castle, and a brilliant fairyland.Readers are challenged to think imaginatively and apply their problem-solving skills to solve a new puzzle in each chapter to advance the plot. The riddles are created to entertain and challenge young readers while offering them cryptic hints and challenging problems."Enchanted Adventures: The Mystery Riddles" is the ideal book for kids who love to solve mysteries and go on thrilling adventures since it has twists and turns around every corner.

  • - a collection of short stories and cogitations
    av Michael Raymond

    It is just past noon as you arrive early at the dentist's office for your appointment. Never one to enjoy your stay in that dreaded chair, you hope to get in early and get it over with before heading on to more enjoyable endeavors. Life unfortunately has decided to prolong your agony as you learn that the doctor is "running a little behind" today. "Hmmph", you mutter as you retake your place in the waiting room. Perusing the various magazines that litter the end table, you look for a minor distraction. You brush past the usual news, science and techno-doohickey periodicals and collect the book lying there that has caught your eye. Lightly thumbing through, you discover that it is a collection of various short stories, the perfect answer to while away the moments as you begin to forget about why you're here in the first place. In short order the clinical surroundings have slipped away and you are soon carried away into another's world, now a casual observer into moments strange and new, yet also so familiar. Having easily drifted away, you are soon strolling along beside the author through various comedic or sentimental moments in life. Finishing up a tale of "popcorn thieves" you are now transported to a quiet waterfront pier as the storyteller takes you to ... "Excuse me. I'm so sorry to interrupt but I guess you didn't hear me calling you. You can come on back. The doctor is ready to see you now." Slightly flustered, you find yourself once again back in reality as you follow the receptionist in to that dreaded chair. With a few pangs of guilt, you quietly slip "Snippets of a Life" under your jacket, hoping no one will notice and promising yourself you'll bring it back as soon as you've finished reading. Sound familiar? Relax. You don't need to feel guilty about stealing Dr. P. Sherman's office copy. Simply pick up your own copy and enjoy the tales wherever and whenever you so choose. I would however recommend that you wait until you're in more comfortable surroundings to avoid unpleasant return trips to reality.

  • - 21 Lugares Curiosos del Mundo

    El mundo es fascinante, los poetas los vienen diciendo desde hace siglos y tienen razón. Esto no es... Una Guía Turística no es una guía turística, como su nombre indica. Es una celebración de la sorpresa, el absurdo y la fascinación que nos transmiten 21 lugares curiosos del mundo. Son casas encantadas, hoteles imposibles, monolitos modernos, jardines llenos de monstruos, llamas eternas saliendo de la tierra, habitaciones colgadas en las alturas, casas estrechas y, en general, monumentos al imperio de la imaginación. Acompáñanos, querido lector, por un paseo que celebra sitios donde la lógica ha caído, donde la funcionalidad ni se plantea, donde el juego, el ridículo y, a veces, la estupidez humana reina. Puede parecer mentira, puede sonar a cuento, pero no. Todo, todo, lo que leerás aquí es cierto, tan cierto como la biografía autorizada de muchos políticos. Porque este es un mundo extraño y a veces incomprensible, y queremos brindar por ello contigo. Como dijo el gran poeta Ciriano Plubio Nasón "Cuanto más veo, menos entiendo, pero mejor me lo paso". Sobre 21 Lugares Curiosos del Mundo, se ha dicho: "Lo más divertido que me has leído antes de ir a dormir"Descendiente de uno de los autores "Una soberana tontería, de verdad"Fístulo Bajón, Presidente de la Asociación de Tristes y Cenizos"Un libro indispensable"Máximo Acreedor de la editorial. Sobre los autores se cuenta que: Oriol Font i Bassa, descendiente de una larga estirpe de profesionales reconocidos en trabajos respetables, rompió la tradición, primero estudiando cine y después consagrando su vida a las letras y a las conversaciones de bar, lo que le llevará a una larga tortura en el lugar de castigo de alguna de las religiones que hay en el mundo (estadísticamente una u otra tendrá razón). En 2018 publicó su primera novela, Ovejas y Mierda (sí, no es un título de coña, existe), es periodista y director de contenidos de la web Albert Rubio i Costa nació pagano renacido en la cara oculta de la luna, pero al poco la familia se mudó a Santa Coloma de Gramanet, sin apenas notarlo. Estudió con los Jesuitas, se licenció en Filosofía y es Máster en Creación Literaria. Reside con su esposa, dos hijas, una chistera y un conejo blanco, en Vic. No tiene Twitter ni Facebook ni Instagram ni tatuajes visibles, podría estar sentado a tu lado en este mismo instante y no lo sabrías.

  • - Lessons from Lucy & Lulu

    How can two almost identical cats be such diametrical opposites of each other yet peacefully co-exist? How do they navigate such a wide chasm of difference without imposing their individuality on one another the way humans do? JUMPING ON SHADOWS, divided into 3 Parts (Character & Authenticity; Autonomy & (In)Dependence; and Freedom & Coexistence) represents a compilation of these differences told through observation narrative and illustrations, and is meant for children and adults because of its universal message of expression and acceptance. With the state of affairs in the world - where "difference" seems to cause so much angst, despair, injustice and unfairness - Lulu and Lucy show us how to peacefully coexist and thrive despite "differences". Readers of picture books will enjoy the inspiration laced with humor of JUMPING ON SHADOWS.

  • av Jason Daw

    This book is a fun take on the traditional early learning animal books for children. I wrote this for my daughter who loves to laugh. Readers are shown an image of an animal butt and provided a few details about the animal. They can then make a guess as to what the animal is before turning the page and finding out

  • - Over 165 Pages of Motivation & Encouragement
    av Lemmy Yuzda-John

    Most of us will need to answer nature's call at some point in our lives. Some of us seem to take longer than others in completing the task. This important literary contribution is aimed at those who relish their bathroom time and would benefit from some light encouragement to hasten the pace. Please enjoy responsibly, and... hurry up, already.

  • - A Fun and Wacky Coloring Book Featuring Pooping Dinosaurs

    Dino Dump-a-roo is the perfect coloring book for anyone who loves dinosaurs and humor! Get ready to embark on a wacky adventure with prehistoric creatures as they take their bathroom breaks in style. From T-Rex to Stegosaurus, each page features a hilarious depiction of a different dinosaur doing its business. This coloring book is designed for both children and adults, providing a fun and unique way to relax and unwind. Whether you're looking for a funny gift for a friend or a lighthearted activity for yourself, "Pooping Dinosaurs" is sure to provide hours of laughter and entertainment. With over 30 pages to color, you'll have hours of entertainment as you bring each dino to life with your own unique style. The illustrations are bold and whimsical, making them perfect for all ages. And don't worry - each image is family-friendly, so you can share the fun with everyone. Whether you're looking for a unique gift or just want to add a bit of humor to your coloring routine, Dino Dump-a-roo is a perfect choice. So grab your favorite coloring tools and get ready to dive into a world of playful, pooping dinosaurs!

  • - Irresponsible Advice for Begrudging Grown-Ups (Life Is Hard... So Why Not Cheat?)

    "Ridiculously entertaining!" - Christopher Shevlin, Author of Amazon UK's (Humour) #1 bestselling 'Johnathan Fairfax' seriesAre you terrible at life?You're not alone. But the problem isn't you: it's adulthood - with its ridiculous expectations, soul-sucking admin and casual threats of prison.Yet what if you could get all the perks of being a grown-up without having to throw your inner child under a bus? Well, now you can.With Avoiding Adulthood, it's now possible to opt-out of life's most nagging problems... for the price of mere dignity.So join bestselling author Paul Hawkins today and learn how to: - Do a whole weekly supermarket shop in just five seconds- Pull a sickie so convincing your employer will beg you not to come in- Become instantly and undeservedly rich (just by moving somewhere terrifying)Avoiding Adulthood is packed full of anarchic British silliness, impractical advice and a serious plan to become a Somali warlord. It's the perfect gift for that chaotic and ridiculous "grown-up" in your life (especially if that chaotic and ridiculous "grown-up" is you.)Life is hard, so why not cheat?

  • - 1000+ Fun Trivia And Weird Truths You Kinda Wanna Know
    av Edward D Buzzard

    Have fun entertaining friends and family with 1000+ fun trivia and weird truths you kinda wanna knowEnjoy discovering strange and intriguing information. Never be at a loss for words again and always be prepared with the ideal conversation starter. Learn fascinating general information about the beautiful world we live in and its bizarre and amazing past. This is a book of random, weird, little information that you will not be able to put down - you will learn hundreds of amazing facts and trivia. Pull out the random facts to make someone smile. Be the center of any party with all the funny facts you'll find in this book. It's absolutely up to you how you read this book. The majority of you will probably read it from cover to cover at some time, but if you're reading it with friends or family, you can choose the facts that appeal to everyone the most.Inside, here is just a small fraction of what you will discover: Seriously fun facts--- This will give you a boost in your adult life - who says being an adult has to be boring?Useful information--- Discover some common sense in life, many of which will surprise you and can be encountered and used in everyday life.Worldwide Facts---Different cultures around the world --- wherever you go, you'll find unique quirks and blend in with the locals.Comprehensive facts--- Whether it's about geography, weather, or even space knowledge, it gives you interesting facts about various fields.Power comes from knowledge! A fun and simple approach to explore and learn intriguing information that you will remember for the rest of your life.

  • av Alan To

    As they say, 'Happy is the best medicine to your body and mind'. And what better way to be happy than by reading funny jokes! Get this book NOW and read 100+ pages of Funny Short Stories and Funny Jokes. Do you want to: -Eliminate stress-Heal yourself-Bring joy to people around and-Most importantly, laugh your heart out! If yes, then this is the book for you.So make yourself at home or at school, relax, and get ready to be happy at our funny jokes collection Jokes for everyone - high quality and hilarious - this book is a must read!So what are you waiting for?Scroll up NOW and click the BUY Button to get your own copy!Young readers will have a fun time sharing this funny collection of hilarious jokes with their friends and family! A great gift for everyone!Sample Jokes in the Book1.The First Question of Donald TrumpPresident of United States is most afraid of falling into the language trap when doing a public speech, so he always speaks with cautious.One day, Donald Trump visited Russia. At the airport, a reporter asked Donald Trump, 'Do you want to go to the nightclub?'Donald Trump is very smart and replied this question with another question: 'Is there any nightclub in Russia?'In the next morning, the headline of the newspaper is: "The first question of Donald Trump that he asked when he arrived Russia: 'Is there any nightclub in Russia?' "2.One Wish For Three PeopleOne day, three people went to the cliff and they met a genie!The genie grants each of them a wish, only if they jump down the cliff while making their wish.The sea is next to the cliff, so it is safe for them to jump down.The first man jumped down and shouted, 'Money! Money!'When he landed, he has money all over his body.The second man jumped down and shouted, 'Gold! Gold!'When he landed, he has gold all over his body.The third man saw that he could not wait to jump down, but unfortunately he was caught by the branches on the way.He shouted, 'Oh! Shit!' In the end, he has shit all over his body.3.Who Fart on Bus?In the morning, the bus was crowded with people. Someone secretly farts and farts again and it smells so badly, and the passengers cannot move away.Everyone wants to find out this guy and kick him out of the bus, but no one knows who farts.Finally, the driver said, 'Hey! The farting guy! You have not paid the fare yet!' Bob replied. 'Yes, I have paid the fare!' and then he was kicked out of the bus.4.A Great ProphetThere was a place that has no rain for three year. A desperate farmer came to ask the prophet, 'When will it rain?'The prophet gave him an envelop and said, 'This is a secret, and do not reveal it until the time comes. The time will come when you see rain in the sky, then and only then the secret is for you to reveal.'Three days later, it began to rain, and the farmer remembered what the prophet has said, and took out the envelop and opened it. It is written: "It's raining today."The farmer was shocked and said, 'His prophecy comes true! He is really a great prophet!'5. The Fatal FoodOne day, a famous nutritionist gave a speech to a large audience in Chicago. "The things we eat that goes into our stomach are enough to kill the majority of people here: the meat is terrible and the vegetables are terrible, and no one of us is aware of the bacteria that are present in the drinking water, and out of all, there is one food that is the most dangerous to our health, but we all have to eat it someday, who can tell me what the fatal food I am talking about? Anyone? The gentleman of the first row, please tell me your answer."The man bowed his head and replied, "A Wedding Cake."

  • - 15 Secret Ways to Turn your Broken Relationship into a Happy Marriage
    av Fatih Dundar

    "How to Save Your Marriage: 15 Secret Ways to Turn your Broken Relationship into a Happy Marriage" is a comprehensive guide for couples seeking to improve their relationship. Written by a professional relationship expert, this book provides practical and effective techniques and strategies for repairing and improving a relationship. This book is perfect for couples who are dealing with issues such as communication problems, trust issues, and conflicts.✓ Learn how to improve communication and understanding in your relationship✓ Discover effective problem-solving strategies to resolve conflicts✓ Explore the benefits of professional help and how to access it✓ Understand the importance of self-improvement in maintaining a strong and happy marriage✓ Gain practical tips and advice for rebuilding trust and intimacy✓ Learn how to identify and address common relationship issues✓ Discover 15 secret ways to turn your broken relationship into a happy marriage✓ Written by a professional relationship expert with years of experience in helping couples✓ A comprehensive guide for both individuals and couples seeking to improve their relationship.

  • av Lacey Dearie

    Leger's family are taking a trip to a tiny Scottish island and he is looking forward to spending the summer with Annabella, Hugh and Bob. But when he discovers he is to stay in Glasgow with Annabella's niece, Carole, while the rest of the family go on their trip he is outraged. Leger hears there has been a murder on the island and knows he has to somehow travel with them and assist in finding the killer. What he didn't count on was meeting a fellow cat sleuth on the island as well as a clowder of unfriendly gossips. The island way of life proves to be very different from Glasgow. Can he deal with culture shock as well as solve the crime? Can he and Lily, the beautiful calico detective work together to solve this case or will their egos prevent them from becoming friends?

  • - How My Father Ruined My Childhood (Just Kidding!)
    av Jack Ink

    Give the Dad Joke Lovers in Your Life the Gift of Laughter!Many dad joke books out there claim to offer the best in corny humor, but The Dad Joke Book stands out from the rest.This book not only provides a hilarious collection of jokes but also offers insight into why dads tell dad jokes and how these corny jokes can be used to connect with other dad joke lovers.Put simply, The Dad Joke Book: How My Father Ruined My Childhood (Just Kidding!) is your guide to laughing and connecting with others through dad jokes.Are you looking for a unique gift for the dad joke lover in your life?This funny and insightful book contains all you need to know about dad jokes, from classic one-liners to puns to knock-knock jokes that will have you laughing out loud.No matter the occasion, The Dad Joke Book is guaranteed to be a hit. Whether you're looking for something to add to your dad's Father's Day gift or a funny way to show your appreciation, this book fits the bill.From the witty puns to the classic one-liners, readers of all ages and backgrounds will appreciate the humor and insight-packed inside these pages.The Dad Joke Book is so much more than just a funny collection of jokes.It provides insight into why dads tell dad jokes and why dads started all this nonsense in the first place.How these corny jokes can be used to connect with other dad joke lovers.Discover the power of laughter.Gain a deeper appreciation for humor.Gain valuable insight backed by science and come away with a better understanding of the true definition of a dad joke.How to even create your own dad jokes, puns, and one-liners.Understand that there's something special about silly dad jokes!The Dad Joke Book offers a comprehensive look into the world of dad jokes.Get ready to laugh out loud and make amazing memories with The Dad Joke Book today!

  • av Scott Teel

    What makes a fairy tale Irregular? Hansel & Gretel's parents refusing to allow the kids to be adopted by fairies because they disapprove of the fairy lifestyle. Rumplestiltskin teaching a young woman to keep her promises. A prince for Rapunzel who never mastered rope climbing in gym class. Tom Thumb's mother refusing to allow him to date the one girl his size because she's Protestant.Not fairy tales for children - although frequentlychildish - Irregular Fairy Tales are much more fun than atrip to the ball, and less expensive too, when you considerhow much interest Fairy Godmothers are charging thesedays.The Ithaca Times says..."The conversations between characters in these stories sometimes recall the deadpan absurdities of Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks (in 'The 2,000-Year-Old Man' and all of their movies.)"..."Teel is at his best when he integrates sound, alabeit only tangentially relevant, logic into these tales in a breezy, off-hand style."... "In 'Hansel and Gretel' (and several other stories) (Teel) wraps up his story in fashion that is...the opposite of the traditional ending, which can be gratifying to those who find cheerfully clever children to be really obnoxious." --The Ithaca Times


    A divorced man continues his hilarious search for true love as he struggles to learn what women really want.

  • av Robin Segal

    A proper obituary for a famous shelving unit; an ode to a vacuum flask; a Socratic dialogue on product naming; a product recall for a disco ball; a rondeau for LED lighting, set to music for four voices. These are only five of the fifty shades of IKEA, printed on paper, flatpacked inside glossy cover stock, no assembly required. Just open and read. Fifty Shades of IKEA is a collection of fifty essays, stories or poems, each written in a different writing genre, none of which is "abusive relationship erotica."

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