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Har du precis fått en idé som kan vara värd miljoner eller tusentals kronor? Då bör du försöka komplettera den med några böcker om entreprenörskap! Vi har samlat många böcker om ämnet och de är skrivna av tidigare eller nuvarande näringsidkare. Det finns experter på området som har många bra tips om hur du kommer igång med att starta eget företag. Numera har så mycket uppfunnits att man tror att nästan ingenting nytt kan komma. Men det handlar om mångfald! Vi är alla lockade till det nya och spännande, så oroa dig inte, om du har en idé som redan finns handlar det om att skapa något nytt inom fältet. Om du saknar inspiration till uppstarten eller om du redan är i gång har vi de perfekta böckerna för dig. Kolla in vårt urval och hitta en spännande bok om entreprenörskap!
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  • av Faize Ali Shah

    Jedes neue Dogma ist eine Frucht von weitreichend verwurzelten Theorien und Mechanismen, und Online-Shopping ist keine Ausnahme. Das Buch erörtert solche wichtigen Theorien und Konzepte, die den Weg zu fortschrittlichen Methoden ebnen, um die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Verbraucher gleichermaßen zu befriedigen. Dieses Buch bietet ein einführendes Wissen, das die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart und die Zukunft des Online-Shoppings für Millennials, Forscher, Akademiker und Vermarkter verbindet, die auf der Suche nach umfassenden Informationen über das "Wie", "Wann" und "Warum" des Online-Shoppings und statische Faktoren sind, die den Online-Kauf beeinflussen. Eine detaillierte SWOT-Analyse liefert wichtige Einblicke und verdeutlicht die Grundlagen, die bei der Gestaltung von Online-Marketing-Portfolios zu beachten sind, um den Markt besser zu erfassen und ein aktionsinduziertes Branding zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus bietet die vereinfachte und prägnante Erklärung selbstverständliche Informationen über diese futuristische Art des Einkaufens. Ungeachtet dessen beantwortet dieses Buch rudimentäre Fragen und motiviert die Leser für eine reibungslose Reise auf dem Weg in die weite Arena der virtuellen Märkte.Viel Vergnügen beim Lesen!

  • av Edmond Goumkwa

    Die Motivation der Mitarbeiter ist für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens von entscheidender Bedeutung, insbesondere angesichts der derzeitigen Weltwirtschaftskrise. Wenn Führungskräfte verstehen, was ihre Mitglieder motiviert, können sie das volle Potenzial jeder Person mobilisieren und ihre Energie effektiver lenken. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bestätigen uns, dass Managementmethoden, Organisationsklima, soziale Strukturen, wirtschaftliche Gegebenheiten und Kultur wesentliche Elemente sind, die zur Bedeutung der Arbeit beitragen, und dass sie auch Quellen der Arbeitsmotivation sind. Motivation kann nicht überall und immer mit denselben Rezepten erreicht werden. Die Erneuerung der Motivationsquellen erfordert eine vorherige Analyse der Veränderungen, die derzeit die Arbeitswelt betreffen, und ihrer Folgen. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, den Personen, die die Humanressourcen (im Unternehmen) verwalten, zu helfen, zu verstehen, wie man günstige Bedingungen für die Motivation der Mitarbeiter schafft, wie man die Motivation der Mitarbeiter lenkt, weckt und unterstützt und wie man geeignete Motivationsstrategien aufbaut.

  • av Anastasiq Matwienka

    Osnownoj cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq qwlqetsq analiz naibolee wostrebowannyh i znachimyh kompetencij i kwalifikacij kak dlq menedzherow, tak i dlq obsluzhiwaüschego personala w otdele pitaniq i napitkow w dwuh pqtizwezdochnyh otelqh: Art Nouveau Palace Hotel, Praga, Cheshskaq Respublika i Swissotel Sochi Kamelia, Sochi, Rossijskaq Federaciq, i predlozhit' wozmozhnye rekomendacii po uluchsheniü raboty w ätih otelqh. Dannoe issledowanie predstawlqetsq chrezwychajno aktual'nym, tak kak razwitie gostinichnoj i turisticheskoj industrii sozdaet wse bol'shee kolichestwo rabochih mest, a znachit, woznikaet neobhodimost' predostawleniq kachestwennogo serwisa i ponimaniq wsej otrasli w bolee glubokoj perspektiwe. Krome togo, rezul'taty i rekomendacii mogut byt' ispol'zowany w rabote menedzherow otdelow pitaniq i napitkow w gostinicah, a takzhe w nezawisimyh restoranah. Kompetencii i kwalifikaciq rukowodstwa i personala ochen' polezny dlq lübogo zawedeniq gostepriimstwa, s ih pomosch'ü menedzhery mogut uznat' bol'she o swoih sotrudnikah, a takzhe pomoch' sotrudnikam raskryt'sq i uznat' bol'she s professional'noj tochki zreniq. Jeto takzhe sposob pomoch' sotrudnikam stat' nastoqschimi professionalami w toj sfere, w kotoroj oni rabotaüt.

  • av Humoün Egamberdiyew

    Monografiq dannoj nauchnoj raboty "Uprawlenie strategiqmi razwitiq w sel'skom hozqjstwe" takzhe swqzana s äkologiej i regional'nym razwitiem. Social'noe sel'skoe hozqjstwo ochen' tesno swqzano s ätim, tak kak ono mozhet byt' odnoj iz strategij razwitiq regiona s pomosch'ü sel'skogo hozqjstwa. Chtoby pokazat', kak social'noe sel'skoe hozqjstwo mozhet byt' poleznym dlq strategicheskogo razwitiq s pomosch'ü sel'skogo hozqjstwa, w dannoj issledowatel'skoj rabote q predstawlqü analiz social'nogo sel'skogo hozqjstwa w Cheshskoj Respublike. Metodologicheski dlq dannoj raboty q wybral kachestwennoe issledowanie.V ramkah dannoj raboty budut prowedeny interw'ü s uchastnikami social'nogo sel'skogo hozqjstwa. Jeto dolzhny byt' polustrukturirowannye interw'ü s lüd'mi, podwerzhennymi risku social'noj izolqcii, kotorye nashli rabotu w social'nom sel'skom hozqjstwe, dopolnennye interw'ü s menedzherami.

  • av Faiz Ali Shah

    V nashi dni internet-magaziny poluchili äklektichnoe priznanie. Kazhdaq nowaq dogma - plod gluboko ukoreniwshihsq teorij i mehanizmow, i internet-magaziny ne isklüchenie. V knige rassmatriwaütsq takie zhiznenno wazhnye teorii i koncepcii, prokladywaüschie put' k progressiwnym metodam udowletworeniq potrebitel'skih potrebnostej i zhelanij. Jeta kniga daet wwodnye znaniq, swqzywaüschie proshloe, nastoqschee i buduschee onlajn-pokupok dlq millenialow, issledowatelej, uchenyh i marketologow, ischuschih ischerpywaüschuü informaciü o tom, "kak", "kogda" i "pochemu" onlajn-pokupki i staticheskie faktory, wliqüschie na onlajn-pokupki. Podrobnyj SWOT-analiz daet znachitel'nuü informaciü, raz#qsnqüschuü osnowy, kotorye neobhodimo uchitywat' pri razrabotke portfelej onlajn-marketinga dlq luchshego zahwata rynka i brendinga, stimuliruüschego dejstwiq. Bolee togo, uproschennoe i lakonichnoe ob#qsnenie predlagaet informaciü dlq samostoqtel'nogo ponimaniq ätogo futuristicheskogo sposoba sowersheniq pokupok. Chto i goworit', äta kniga otwechaet na älementarnye woprosy, tem samym motiwiruq chitatelej k besproblemnomu puteshestwiü po shirokoj arene wirtual'nyh rynkow.Blazhennoe chtenie!!!

  • av Ferehiwot Ambaje

    Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq bylo wyqsnit' determinanty liderstwa w agentstwah OON w Jefiopii, qwlqetsq li stil' rukowodstwa w agentstwah OON tranzakcionnym, transformacionnym ili swobodnym ot obqzatel'stw. Rukowoditeli agentstw OON byli opredeleny kak direktora i lica professional'nogo urownq (urowen' zamestitelq direktora), perechislennye w spiskah agentstw OON w Jefiopii, s ispol'zowaniem mnogofaktornogo oprosnika liderstwa (MLQ), razrabotannogo Bassom i Awolio (2000).

  • av Humoyun Egamberdiyev

    A monografia deste trabalho de investigação "Gestão de estratégias de desenvolvimento na agricultura" também está relacionada com a ecologia e o desenvolvimento regional. A agricultura social está intimamente relacionada com este tema, uma vez que pode ser uma das estratégias para desenvolver a região através da agricultura. Para mostrar como a agricultura social pode ser benéfica para o desenvolvimento estratégico através da agricultura, através deste trabalho de investigação apresento a análise da agricultura social na República Checa. Metodologicamente, escolhi a investigação qualitativa para este trabalho.Como parte deste trabalho, serão realizadas entrevistas com actores da agricultura social. Deverão ser entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas em risco de exclusão social que encontraram emprego na agricultura social, complementadas por entrevistas com gestores.

  • av Anastasia Matviyenka

    O principal objetivo desta investigação é analisar as competências e qualificações mais necessárias e significativas para os gestores e o pessoal de assistência no departamento de Alimentação e Bebidas em dois hotéis de cinco estrelas: Art Nouveau Palace Hotel, Praga, República Checa e Swissotel Sochi Kamelia, Sochi, Federação Russa e sugerir possíveis recomendações para a melhoria do trabalho nestes hotéis. Esta investigação é considerada extremamente relevante porque o desenvolvimento das indústrias hoteleira e turística cria um número crescente de locais de trabalho, pelo que é necessário prestar um serviço de alta qualidade e compreender toda a indústria numa perspetiva mais profunda. Além disso, os resultados e as recomendações podem ser utilizados no trabalho dos gestores dos departamentos de Alimentação e Bebidas dos hotéis, bem como dos restaurantes independentes. As competências e qualificações dos gestores e do pessoal são muito úteis para qualquer estabelecimento hoteleiro. Com a sua ajuda, os gestores podem saber mais sobre os seus empregados, bem como ajudá-los a abrir-se e a aprender mais do ponto de vista profissional. É também uma forma de ajudar os empregados a tornarem-se verdadeiros profissionais na esfera específica do seu trabalho.

  • av Ferehiwot Ambaye

    O objetivo deste estudo era descobrir os factores determinantes da liderança nas agências das Nações Unidas na Etiópia, se o estilo de liderança das agências das Nações Unidas é transacional, transformacional ou laissez-faire. Os líderes das agências das Nações Unidas foram definidos como directores e indivíduos de nível profissional (nível de diretor-adjunto) enumerados pelas agências das Nações Unidas na Etiópia, utilizando o Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) desenvolvido por Bass e Avolio (2000).

  • av Humoyun Egamberdiyev

    La monografia di questo documento di ricerca "Gestione delle strategie di sviluppo in agricoltura" si riferisce anche all'ecologia e allo sviluppo regionale. L'agricoltura sociale è strettamente correlata a questo tema, in quanto può essere una delle strategie di sviluppo regionale attraverso l'agricoltura. Per dimostrare come l'agricoltura sociale possa essere utile allo sviluppo strategico attraverso l'agricoltura, in questo lavoro di ricerca presento l'analisi dell'agricoltura sociale nella Repubblica Ceca. Dal punto di vista metodologico, ho scelto la ricerca qualitativa per questo lavoro.Nell'ambito di questo lavoro, verranno condotte interviste con gli attori dell'agricoltura sociale. Si tratterà di interviste semi-strutturate con persone a rischio di esclusione sociale che hanno trovato impiego nell'agricoltura sociale, integrate da interviste con i dirigenti.

  • av Driss El Alami
    1 197

    Cet ouvrage a pour ambition de mettre à la disposition du lecteur un savoir et un savoir-faire de plusieurs années d'expérience en matière de management de la qualité. La démarche méthodologique proposée permettra au lecteur d¿appréhender la thématique à travers une double lecture qui se complète : informative, à travers un ensemble de connaissances sur les concepts de la qualité, de la normalisation et de la certification ; et pragmatique, à travers une constellation de "fiches-outil " pratiques et pédagogiques lui permettant de s¿éclairer et de guider sa réflexion et sa démarche pour la mise en place d'un système de management qualité selon la Norme ISO 9001 version 2015. Une norme qui adopte maintenant une structure dite : "Structure de haut niveau" ou "High Level Structure", abrégée en HSL. L'ouvrage s'adresse d'abord aux spécialistes de la qualité (directeurs de qualité, cadres chargés de la fonction qualité, animateur qualité, etc.) et à toute personne motivée par la culture d'un "état d'esprit qualité ". Il s'adresse également aux étudiants désirant investir dans le champ de connaissance du management de la qualité et aller à la conquête de son univers passionnant.

  • av Anastasia Matviyenka

    L'obiettivo principale di questa ricerca è analizzare le competenze e le qualifiche più richieste e significative sia per i manager che per il personale di assistenza nel reparto Food & Beverage di due hotel a cinque stelle: Art Nouveau Palace Hotel, Praga, Repubblica Ceca e Swissotel Sochi Kamelia, Sochi, Federazione Russa e di suggerire possibili raccomandazioni per il miglioramento del lavoro in questi hotel. Questa ricerca è considerata estremamente rilevante perché lo sviluppo dell'industria alberghiera e turistica crea un numero crescente di posti di lavoro, quindi è necessario fornire un servizio di alta qualità e comprendere l'intero settore in una prospettiva più profonda. Inoltre, i risultati e le raccomandazioni possono essere utilizzati nel lavoro dei manager dei reparti Food and Beverage degli hotel e dei ristoranti indipendenti. Le competenze e le qualifiche del management e del personale sono molto utili per qualsiasi struttura ricettiva, perché con il loro aiuto i manager possono conoscere meglio i loro dipendenti e aiutarli ad aprirsi e a imparare di più dal punto di vista professionale. È anche un modo per aiutare i dipendenti a diventare veri e propri professionisti in una particolare sfera del loro lavoro.

  • av Faize Ali Shah

    Chaque nouveau dogme est le fruit de théories et de mécanismes profondément enracinés, et les achats en ligne n'échappent pas à la règle. Ce livre traite de ces théories et concepts essentiels qui ouvrent la voie à des méthodes progressives pour satisfaire les besoins et les désirs des consommateurs. Ce livre fournit des connaissances introductives reliant le passé, le présent et l'avenir des achats en ligne pour les millennials, les chercheurs, les universitaires et les spécialistes du marketing, à la recherche d'informations complètes concernant le "comment", le "quand" et le "pourquoi" des achats en ligne et les facteurs statiques qui affectent les achats en ligne. Une analyse SWOT détaillée fournit des informations significatives clarifiant les principes fondamentaux à garder à l'esprit lors de la conception de portefeuilles de marketing en ligne pour une meilleure compréhension du marché et une image de marque induite par l'action. En outre, l'explication simplifiée et concise permet de comprendre ce mode d'achat futuriste. En d'autres termes, ce livre répond à des questions rudimentaires, motivant ainsi les lecteurs pour un voyage en douceur sur la route de la vaste arène des marchés virtuels.Une lecture heureuse !

  • av Humoyun Egamberdiyev

    La monographie de ce document de recherche "Gestion des stratégies de développement dans l'agriculture" est également liée à l'écologie et au développement régional. L'agriculture sociale est très étroitement liée à ce sujet car elle peut être l'une des stratégies de développement régional par le biais de l'agriculture. Pour montrer comment l'agriculture sociale peut être bénéfique au développement stratégique de l'agriculture, je présente dans ce travail de recherche une analyse de l'agriculture sociale en République tchèque. D'un point de vue méthodologique, j'ai choisi la recherche qualitative pour ce travail.Dans le cadre de ce travail, des entretiens seront menés avec des acteurs de l'agriculture sociale. Il s'agira d'entretiens semi-structurés avec des personnes menacées d'exclusion sociale qui ont trouvé un emploi dans l'agriculture sociale, complétés par des entretiens avec des gestionnaires.

  • av Anastasia Matviyenka

    L'objectif principal de cette recherche est d'analyser les compétences et les qualifications les plus importantes et les plus nécessaires pour les managers et le personnel d'assistance du service de restauration dans deux hôtels cinq étoiles : Art Nouveau Palace Hotel, Prague, République tchèque et Swissotel Sochi Kamelia, Sochi, Fédération de Russie et de suggérer des recommandations possibles pour l'amélioration du travail dans ces hôtels. Cette recherche est considérée comme extrêmement pertinente car le développement des industries hôtelières et touristiques crée un nombre croissant de lieux de travail, d'où la nécessité de fournir un service de haute qualité et de comprendre l'ensemble de l'industrie dans une perspective plus approfondie. En outre, les résultats et les recommandations peuvent être utilisés dans le cadre du travail des responsables des services de restauration des hôtels et des restaurants indépendants. Les compétences et qualifications des cadres et du personnel sont très utiles pour tout établissement hôtelier, car elles permettent aux cadres d'en savoir plus sur leurs employés, ainsi que d'aider ces derniers à s'ouvrir et à apprendre davantage d'un point de vue professionnel. C'est également un moyen d'aider les employés à devenir de véritables professionnels dans leur domaine de travail.

  • av Faize Ali Shah

    Hoje em dia, as compras em linha ganharam uma aceitação eclética. Cada novo dogma é fruto de teorias e mecanismos amplamente enraizados e as compras em linha não são exceção. O livro aborda essas teorias e conceitos vitais, abrindo caminho para métodos progressivos de satisfação das necessidades e desejos dos consumidores. Este livro fornece um conhecimento introdutório que interliga o passado, o presente e o futuro das compras em linha para os millennials, investigadores, académicos e profissionais de marketing, em busca de informações exaustivas sobre o "como", o "quando" e o "porquê" das compras em linha e dos factores estáticos que afectam as compras em linha. Uma análise SWOT pormenorizada fornece informações significativas que clarificam os fundamentos a ter em conta na conceção de carteiras de marketing em linha para uma melhor apreensão do mercado e uma marca induzida pela ação. Para além disso, a explicação simplificada e concisa oferece informação autocompreensiva sobre este modo futurista de fazer compras. Sem dúvida, este livro responde a questões rudimentares, motivando assim os leitores para uma viagem tranquila no caminho para a vasta arena dos mercados virtuais.Uma leitura feliz!!

  • av Ferehiwot Ambaye

    L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les déterminants du leadership dans les agences des Nations unies en Éthiopie, selon que le style de leadership des agences des Nations unies est transactionnel, transformationnel ou de laissez-faire. Les dirigeants des agences des Nations unies ont été définis comme les directeurs et les personnes de niveau professionnel (directeur adjoint) répertoriés par les agences des Nations unies en Éthiopie à l'aide du questionnaire sur le leadership multifactoriel (MLQ) élaboré par Bass et Avolio (2000).

  • av Tala Al Masri

    This study investigates the role of entrepreneurial Public Relations at Princess Sumaya University for Technology in enhancing its image. To achieve the objectives of the study, a quantitative and descriptive research approach based on a questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The used method focused on studying the case (of PSUT) as it exists. The quantitative survey method was employed to investigate the role of entrepreneurial public relations at Princess Sumaya University for Technology in building its reputation and image. The qualitative, descriptive survey approach measures the research variables and evaluates the relationship between the variables within the model of study.

  • av Anath Lee Wales
    247 - 251

  • - Tarot For Women Who Mean Business
    av Robyn Sayles

    Tired of the same old hustle-culture business advice that feels more like a monologue than a conversation? Dive into "Read The Room," a refreshing guide that marries the ancient wisdom of tarot with the modern challenges of entrepreneurship. Tailored specifically for the fierce female business owner, this book offers a unique lens to view your business landscape, helping you navigate decisions with intuition, insight, and a touch of mystique.Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey, this guide is your trusty companion. With wit, warmth, and a sprinkle of magic, "Read The Room" empowers you to harness the cards' energy, make confident business choices, and truly own your entrepreneurial narrative. It's time to shuffle the deck and let the cards guide your next business move!

  • - Transforming Marketing Missteps into Milestones
    av Vicky Wu

    "Pivot to Success: Transforming Marketing Missteps into Milestones" is a beacon for entrepreneurs eager to transform marketing missteps into milestones. In this insightful book, you'll discover how to navigate the complex world of marketing, learning from some of the most common mistakes, and how to pivot those to propel your business forward.Vicky Wu, a marketing maestro with over 30 years of experience, shares her profound insights and strategies. Her guidance has been instrumental in steering numerous businesses towards success. This book isn't just a compilation of tactics; it's a deep dive into the essence of effective marketing.Unveiling Marketing PitfallsThe book begins by exploring the several critical spots of marketing where many entrepreneurs lose their way. Vicky identifies common pitfalls, from the allure of one-size-fits-all solutions to the perils of DIY marketing, and shows you how to navigate these challenges.Beware the FakexpertsDiscover the world of "Fakexperts" - those who claim expertise without the necessary experience or results. Learn to spot these red flags and understand the cost of misplaced trust. Vicky provides practical advice on how to discern true expertise in the digital age.Real-Life Case StudiesExperience the power of learning through real-life examples. Vicky shares case studies from her extensive career, offering insights into both cautionary tales and the successful strategies that helped the entrepreneur change course. These stories bring to life the principles discussed, showing you their application in the real world.Interactive and Practical Guidance"Pivot to Success" is more than a read; it's an interactive guide. It includes questions, exercises and worksheets to help you apply the concepts to your own business. This hands-on approach ensures that you can implement what you learn, making the book a valuable tool in your entrepreneurial journey.For Every EntrepreneurWhether you're just starting out or looking to refine your marketing strategy, this book is for you. Vicky's approach is tailored to entrepreneurs at all stages, providing wisdom that is both timeless and timely.Embark on this journey with "Pivot to Success" and transform your marketing approach from a stumbling block into a stepping stone towards your business goals. This book is your roadmap to marketing mastery, helping you avoid common mistakes and build a strategy that resonates with your unique business identity.Avoiding the trap of "one-size-fits-all" marketing strategiesNavigating the complexities of digital marketing in a rapidly evolving landscapeUnderstanding the dangers of relying on unverified "experts" and misleading adviceLearning from real-world examples of marketing successes and failuresDeveloping a marketing strategy that aligns with your unique business goalsIdentifying and leveraging your business's unique selling pointsCreating a marketing plan that is both sustainable and effectiveUnderstanding the importance of diversifying marketing effortsRecognizing the signs of when to pivot your marketing strategyImplementing practical steps to recover from past marketing missteps

  • av M L Ruscscak

    Embark on a transformative journey with "The Entrepreneurial Mindset," a comprehensive guide crafted for both aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs. This book is not just a manual; it's a navigator for the uncharted waters of entrepreneurship. Written with the conviction that business success is achievable for all, it provides a roadmap for navigating the multifaceted world of entrepreneurship.From the foundational concepts of entrepreneurship in Chapter 1 to the critical aspects of Social Responsibility and Ethical Entrepreneurship in Chapter 12, each chapter is a deep dive into the essential elements of building and sustaining a successful business. The book covers crucial topics such as Vision and Goal Setting, Innovation and Creativity, Financial Acumen, and much more, offering practical insights and strategies that are both engaging and enlightening.With real-world case studies, practical exercises, and a wealth of resources and tools, "The Entrepreneurial Mindset" is not just a read; it's an interactive experience. It brings to light the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship, encouraging readers to embrace the journey with resilience and adaptability.This book is a celebration of entrepreneurial spirit, a tribute to the bold and the brave who dare to dream and do. Whether you're standing at the precipice of your entrepreneurial voyage or steering through the high seas of business growth, "The Entrepreneurial Mindset" equips you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to thrive in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.Step into these pages and discover the entrepreneur in you. Transform your ideas into action, challenges into opportunities, and dreams into reality. "The Entrepreneurial Mindset" is more than a guide; it's your companion on the exhilarating path to entrepreneurial success.

  • - Strategies for Success
    av Sage Summit

    Tired of fleeting trends and overnight sensations?Crave timeless principles to unlock the doors to lasting business success? Then "Entrepreneurial Commandments: Strategies for Success" is your ultimate guide.Forget dusty platitudes. This book digs deep, unearthing fundamental truths that have propelled even the most audacious ideas into empires. We'll decode the DNA of thriving businesses, dissecting the practices and philosophies that fuel success across industries and economic climates.Prepare to be: Engaged: Dive into the minds of successful entrepreneurs, uncovering the common threads that weave their stories of triumph.Challenged: Question your assumptions and embrace actionable strategies you can adapt to your unique venture.Empowered: Gain the confidence and clarity to navigate challenges and emerge victorious.This is your entrepreneurial Rosetta Stone. Each chapter acts as a commandment, etched in the bedrock of business excellence. From visionary leadership to strategic innovation, cultivate the mindset, strategies, and practices that distinguish the exceptional from the ordinary.Whether you're a seasoned mogul or an aspiring go-getter, this book is your indispensable guide. It's: A blueprint for success: From the seed of an idea to a thriving enterprise, unfold the proven path to entrepreneurial achievement.A manifesto for dreamers: Embrace the transformative power of these commandments and witness their profound impact on your journey.A source of inspiration, empowerment, and practical guidance: Join the league of visionary entrepreneurs who have harnessed these principles to shape industries, create legacies, and leave their mark on the world.The journey to entrepreneurial success begins here. Immerse yourself in the "Entrepreneurial Commandments" and let the transformative odyssey unfold.

  • - Launching and running a business on a budget
    av Anthony Lindsay

    Unlock the secrets to launching and scaling your startup or side hustle with "Business Mastery for Startups and Side Hustlers" by Anthony Lindsay CeReR, CeMaP. This essential guide offers practical advice, real-world examples, and actionable strategies to help you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. Whether you're planning, launching, or running a business on a budget, this book provides the tools and insights needed to achieve business success. Discover how to create a solid business plan, identify your target audience, master branding, and leverage digital marketing to grow your business. Anthony Lindsay's expert guidance and firsthand experience will inspire and empower you to turn your business dreams into reality.

  • - A Guide to launching and scaling your business
    av Penny C Hampton

    "Strategic Startup Success: A Guide to Launching and Scaling Your Business" is your essential companion for navigating the intricate path of entrepreneurial triumph. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned entrepreneur, this comprehensive guide provides a roadmap to not only successfully launch but strategically scale your business. Learn the secrets of a successful startup launch, from transforming innovative ideas into actionable plans to identifying your target audience and crafting a compelling value proposition. Delve into the art of strategic planning, discovering how to set achievable goals, create a sustainable growth model, and adapt to evolving market trends. Uncover the latest marketing techniques designed for startups, including building a powerful online presence and establishing a memorable brand identity. Navigate the financial challenges with insights on budgeting, fundraising, and cash flow management, ensuring informed decisions for sustainable growth. Explore the intricacies of building and leading a high-performing team, from hiring the right talent to fostering a positive company culture. The guide extends its reach to scaling strategies for long-term growth, preparing your business for the future through expansion, entering new markets, and maintaining a competitive edge. "Strategic Startup Success" is more than just a guide; it's your strategic advantage in the competitive startup landscape. Whether you're in the ideation phase or ready to scale, equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to position your startup for enduring success. Launch your entrepreneurial journey with confidence and chart a course towards strategic startup success today.

  • - A Guide for Professional Business Women
    av Rainya P Miller Nbct

    Success Blueprint" is a masterclass in professional evolution, tailored for the woman who is ready to sculpt her future in the world of business. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Miller serves as your guide, offering a powerful mix of mentorship and actionable strategies that will equip you with the skills to excel as a leader, innovator, and entrepreneur.Within these pages lies a transformative approach to career growth, emphasizing strengths, engagement, and personal branding. Dr. Miller's insightful exercises and real-world examples will empower you to navigate your professional journey with confidence. Whether you're stepping into the corporate arena or pivoting to a new industry, "Success Blueprint" is your essential companion for success in the ever-evolving business landscape.Step into your power. Craft your journey. Define your success.

  • av Sheila Campbell

    Side Hustle and Passive Income: The Ultimate Guide to Building Wealth and Financial Independence Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you dream of escaping the 9-5 grind and achieving financial freedom? Look no further than Side Hustle and Passive Income, the definitive roadmap to creating multiple streams of income and building a life of abundance. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the ins and outs of starting and growing a successful side hustle, from crafting a winning business idea to marketing and scaling your venture. Discover the most effective strategies for generating passive income, including investing, real estate, and digital assets, and learn how to make your money work for you. Packed with practical advice, real-life success stories, and actionable steps, this book is your ticket to breaking free from financial stress and creating a life of wealth and abundance. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Side Hustle and Passive Income is your key to unlocking the door to financial independence and living the life you've always desired.

  • - Mastering Menu Engineering for Hotel Restaurants
    av Michael Yacoub

    A Strategic Guide for F&B Managers and Chefs to Master Menu Engineering and Elevate Profitability in the High-Risk, Small Margin Realm of Hotel Restaurants.


    "500+ AI Prompts for Business" is a groundbreaking compilation crafted by the Bald and Bonkers Network Academy, a subsidiary of Bald and Bonkers Network LLC, dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and business owners with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of today's business landscape. In this comprehensive toolkit, entrepreneurs will discover a treasure trove of AI-driven prompts meticulously curated to foster innovation, streamline operations, and drive sustainable growth. From strategic planning and marketing to customer engagement and beyond, each prompt is designed to inspire creativity, stimulate strategic thinking, and deliver actionable insights.Drawing upon the latest advancements in AI technology and industry best practices, this book serves as an indispensable companion for entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. Whether you're a seasoned business leader seeking to optimize existing processes or a budding startup owner striving to gain a competitive edge, "500+ AI Prompts for Business" offers practical guidance and expert advice to help you achieve your business goals.Through this transformative journey, readers will learn to harness the power of AI to revolutionize their approach to business, unlocking untapped potential and redefining the future of entrepreneurship. Join the Bald and Bonkers Network Academy on this exhilarating adventure and embark on a path towards entrepreneurial excellence.Are you ready to transform your business? Dive into "500+ AI Prompts for Business" and unlock the keys to success in the digital age.

  • - A field guide for launching wildly successful businesses as a faith-based entrepreneur
    av Jeremy Gaston

    Are you a faith-driven entrepreneur with a vision to launch a business venture that not only thrives but also aligns with your spiritual principles? Look no further than "The Next Seven Days." This comprehensive field guide is meticulously crafted to walk you through a detailed process of turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality, all while staying rooted in your faith.In "The Next Seven Days," Jeremy Gaston provides invaluable insights, practical strategies, and actionable steps to empower faith-based entrepreneurs like yourself to embark on the journey of building wildly successful business ventures. Drawing from personal experiences, timeless principles, and real-world examples, this book serves as your trusted companion as you navigate the intricate landscape of entrepreneurship with unwavering faith as your guide.From defining your vision and crafting a mission statement to developing a robust business plan and executing effective marketing strategies, each chapter of "The Next Seven Days" is meticulously designed to equip you with the tools and mindset necessary to thrive in the competitive business world while staying true to your beliefs.Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur seeking to infuse your business with renewed purpose or a budding visionary ready to take the first step towards your dreams, "The Next Seven Days" offers a roadmap that transcends conventional wisdom, inviting you to embark on a transformative journey of faith, entrepreneurship, and success.

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