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  • - Strategies, Tactics and Innovations for Thriving in Today's Competitive Marketplace
    av Williams Dimediator

    "Mastering Modern Selling Techniques" is an indispensable guide navigating the dynamic landscape of contemporary sales. Packed with strategic insights, tactical wisdom, and innovative approaches, this book equips both novice and seasoned sales professionals to excel in today's fiercely competitive marketplace. Authoritative and actionable, it delves into cutting-edge strategies that transcend traditional sales methodologies, offering a roadmap to foster client relationships, harness technology, and capitalize on emerging trends. A must-read for those aiming not just to survive but to thrive in the fast-evolving world of sales, this book is a game-changer, empowering individuals to master the art of modern selling.Click the buy button now to grab your copy.

  • - Strategies For Rapid Wealth Accumulation
    av Wendy A Johnson

    Unlock the key to quick abundance gathering with "The Millionaire's Weekend Playbook." This exhaustive guide takes you on an exciting journey through crucial monetary planning, offering invaluable insights to fast-track your way to financial success. Master the art of building a solid financial foundation, excel in budgeting, and effectively manage your expenses. Dive into smart investment strategies, explore opportunities for additional sources of income, and harness the power of real estate ventures. Learn the intricacies of savings, retirement planning, and tax optimization to maximize your wealth. However, this playbook goes beyond just numbers; it delves into the mindset and discipline necessary for sustained success. With each chapter, gain the tools and knowledge to navigate changing market dynamics and adapt your strategies for continued growth. This playbook is your go-to resource for turning weekends into stepping stones toward millionaire status, whether you're an experienced investor or just starting. Elevate your financial game, embrace a long-term financial stability outlook, and let this playbook be your guide to a future of financial abundance.

  • - Helping You Thrive in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    av Bob Sager

    We now find ourselves in the beginning stages of the Artificial Intelligence age. Without question, the advent of A.I. is a huge paradigm shift. I dare say, it is bigger than the internet and even bigger than mobile devices. It is massive because it is fundamentally changing the lives of billions. There are estimates that as much as 40% of jobs will be disrupted by A.I. While some see this disruption as dire, in my opinion it as a good thing! Yes, I am serious. It is normal for people to fall into a comfort zone and to not move out of it until they are forced to. But, growth only happens through discomfort. It is through experiencing this temporary discomfort that one expands what they are comfortable with. A.I. will act as the force that prompts people to grow. The ideas and strategies in this book will help you achieve more success and prosperity in the short term. As importantly, in companionship with my first book on this topic, 101 Freaking Brilliant Business Ideas: And Ten Ways YOU Can Create Your Own, this book will be a catalyst that activates your ability to think creatively. Because bots will now be handling ordinary tasks - including routine thinking - the skill of Purposeful Creative Thinking is essential to the long term success of those who desire to thrive in the age of A.I. That's you, right?

  • - Minor adjustments for Prosperity in Business and Finance
    av Williams L Batts

    "Micro gestures for Macro Success: minor adjustments for Prosperity in business and finance" is a transformative guide unveiling the subtle yet pivotal gestures shaping professional triumph. Delving into the intricate dance of business and finance, this book decodes the nuanced signals that catalyze success. It explores the art of negotiation, strategic decision-making, and financial acumen, offering practical insights for entrepreneurs and executives alike.From boardroom dynamics to fiscal strategies, it illuminates the profound impact of micro gestures on macroscopic achievements.Elevate your professional journey by mastering the language of success, where every gesture counts in the dynamic interplay of business and finance.

  • - Please keep all of them around cause they might commute over the time.
    av Serge Maurice Lobreau

    In "The Rock, The Overplayer, and The Observer," Serge Maurice Lobreau embarks on a journey through the intricate realm of business. This edition, showcasing a profound understanding of the challenges inherent in nation-building, lays the foundation for a narrative that reshapes events by exploring the vital connections between "Rocks"- individuals pivotal for achieving greatness and navigating adversity.Key points in this edition underscore the importance of discerning genuine interest from mere pretense in order to illuminate the path toward establishing a successful enterprise. Lobreau advises readers to "keep these categories close," acknowledging the inevitable encounters with individuals falling into these groups along their entrepreneurial journey.Against the backdrop of diverse corporate endeavors, the narrative delves into the significant aspects of "Rocks." The table of contents acts as a guide, explaining the importance of strong roots, familial bonds, and thoughtfully selected partnerships. It sets the stage for a more profound examination of the corporate sector.The first chapter initiates a discussion on why rocks are pivotal to the success of an entrepreneurial endeavor. Reflecting on a significant 2018 event, Lobreau vividly portrays the challenging and uncertain path an entrepreneur must tread. The cancellation of this event prompts an in-depth exploration of the profound impact of consistent support or its absence. Rocks emerge as steadfast presences that provide stability amidst life's unexpected challenges, giving birth to the concept of "Rocks."Lobreau defines "Rocks" as a classification system encompassing sibling ties, parental support, and personally chosen individuals. These selected Rocks, forged through shared experiences and unwavering support, become indispensable guides on the intricate path of business.As the narrative unfolds, readers can anticipate a thorough examination of rock dynamics, the dispelling of myths, and the presentation of real-life case studies. The book aims to serve as a reference for business leaders, guiding them in leaving legacies, discovering inner strength, and cultivating new Rocks for sustained prosperity.In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, Serge Maurice Lobreau's story underscores the critical importance of having a solid support system. Both seasoned business leaders and those just starting out can glean valuable insights from the teachings encapsulated within this narrative.

  • - Strategies for Building a Thriving Freelance Career in a Competitive Marketplace.
    av Fred Martin

    UNLOCKING SUCCESS ON FREELANCERAfreelancer is a self-employed individual who offers their services to clients on a project-by-project basis, rather than working as a full-time employee for a single company. Freelancing is a form of entrepreneurship that offers flexibility, autonomy, and the potential for higher earnings than traditional employment. Freelancers work in a wide variety of industries and professions, including writing, design, programming, marketing, consulting, and more. They typically set their rates, choose their projects, and work from their location. While freelancing can offer many advantages, it also requires discipline and strong business skills to manage projects, clients, finances, and professional development. Successful freelancers must be skilled in marketing, networking, communication, time management, and goal setting.DO YOU WANT TO LEARN NOT JUST HOW TO BECOME A FREELANCER, BUT HOW TO SUCCEED AS ONE?GET A COPY NOW!

  • - Your Ultimate Guide to Explosive Growth through Affiliate Business System
    av Pradip Das

    Are you ready to learn advance affiliate marketing and achieve explosive growth in your online business?Look no further! "Make Money by Mastering Advanced Affiliate Business System" is your ultimate guide to becoming a successful affiliate marketer. This comprehensive book will provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools you need to thrive in the competitive world of affiliate marketing.Benefits: Learn the insider secrets of affiliate marketing and gain a competitive edge in the industry.Discover proven strategies to drive massive traffic to your affiliate offers and maximize your earnings.Master the art of creating compelling content that captivates your audience and converts visitors into loyal customers.Uncover the top affiliate networks and select the most profitable products to promote.Harness the power of social media and leverage it to expand your reach and increase your affiliate commissions.Develop effective email marketing campaigns that build trust, engage your subscribers, and generate consistent income.Gain insights into advanced affiliate marketing techniques such as funnel optimization, split testing, and scaling your business for long-term success.Overcome common challenges and pitfalls in affiliate marketing with expert tips and troubleshooting strategies.Benefit from real-life case studies and success stories from top affiliate marketers who have achieved remarkable results.Take control of your financial future and create a passive income stream that allows you to live life on your own terms.Don't miss out on the opportunity to become a master of the affiliate business system. Get your hands on "Mastering the Affiliate Business System" and embark on a journey to financial freedom and online success today!

  • - Strategies, Opportunities and Decisions
    av Marco Valeri
    2 017

    Entrepreneurship depends on the decisions that people make about how to undertake that process; however, in recent years, entrepreneurship research has focused largely on the environmental characteristics influencing firm founding and the characteristics of entrepreneurial opportunities, ignoring the role of human agency. This book, therefore, focuses on how human motivations influence the entrepreneurial process. It argues that the attributes of people making decisions about the entrepreneurial process influence the decisions that they make. The book particularly investigates whether entrepreneurial role models, social valuation of entrepreneurship, perceived knowledge of entrepreneurial support and barriers to starting a business, entrepreneurial intention, and its determinants are related to entrepreneurial motivation.Featuring case studies that analyze the motivations that researchers have suggested should influence the entrepreneurial process, this book is beneficial to students, scholars, and practitioners in entrepreneurship.

  • - Accessing Your Inner Entrepreneur for Business and Beyond
    av Andrew Clarke

    Everybody wants their employer to recognise and value the skills and attributes they have, but not everybody feels those skills are valued. Entrepreneurial Attributes: Accessing Your Inner Entrepreneur for Business and Beyond looks at the link between skills, actions and attributes, and the value they present: value in terms of how an employee can be more valuable to the company they work for; in essence more employable. The book aims to answer the question - why are entrepreneurial attributes we see in businesspeople valued, but in non-businesspeople they are sometimes not recognised when there is a clear link between entrepreneurial skills and attributes, human capital (effectively your CV) and how successfully a company performs?Entrepreneurial Attributes: Accessing Your Inner Entrepreneur for Business and Beyond discusses how we currently view skills, actions and attributes, and how those attributes add value to a person in life and to a business that person works for. The author questions whether certain skills and actions are unrecognised or neglected in today's world, and uses case studies and research methodologies to illustrate how value can be recognised and appreciated within the context of human capital and firm performance. Finally, the book offers tools and strategies which may assist the reader in gaining a better understanding of the way in which their entrepreneurial actions and attributes can enhance their value as a person, and also make them more employable. This book also offers businesses tools to better recognise and reward the skills it needs.The ideal audience for this book are those of us who wish to better evidence the skills and value we can offer a company; Entrepreneurial Attributes: Accessing Your Inner Entrepreneur for Business and Beyond will find an appreciative audience wherever there is a keen interest in the recognition and value of employee skills and attributes.

  • - Plano de Negócios para lucrar 40.000 por mês com brigadeiros gourmet
    av João Augusto Dukas

    Desvende o segredo do sucesso no mundo doce dos brigadeiros gourmet. "Brigadeiros Milionários: Plano de Negócios para lucrar 40.000 por mês com brigadeiros gourmet" é o guia definitivo para transformar sua paixão culinária em um negócio lucrativo. A partir de casos de sucesso inspiradores, você vai vislumbrar o potencial do seu próprio império de brigadeiros de luxo. Cada capítulo é uma jornada pelo planejamento, aspectos legais, financeiros e muito mais, tudo com o objetivo de ajudar você a faturar 40.000 mensais com brigadeiros. Imagine-se dono ou dona uma marca de brigadeiros reconhecida, com receitas exclusivas e um modelo de negócio escalável. Desde a criação da sua identidade de marca até a expansão e exportação, "Brigadeiros Milionários" é o seu roteiro para o sucesso. Descubra não apenas como produzir, mas como promover e vender seu produto. Seu futuro de sucesso no mundo dos brigadeiros gourmet espera por você.

  • - Os segredos do mestre do copywriting Eugene M. Schwartz
    av Compacto Edições

    Esta síntese de "Breakthrough Advertising" foi cuidadosamente elaborada para dois tipos de leitores: os copywriters experientes que precisam de um manual prático e aqueles interessados em descobrir as ideias fundamentais de Eugene Schwartz sem enfrentar o investimento inicial.Para os copywriters profissionais, esta síntese oferece um manual prático e resistente ao desgaste que pode ser consultado diariamente, permitindo assim manter o valioso livro original em perfeitas condições. Seja para refrescar a memória sobre um princípio específico ou para referenciar rapidamente um ponto durante uma reunião, esta síntese é a ferramenta perfeita para ter sempre à mão as lições fundamentais de Schwartz.Para os novatos no campo do copywriting ou para aqueles simplesmente curiosos sobre a sabedoria de Schwartz, esta síntese oferece uma oportunidade acessível para mergulhar em suas ideias revolucionárias. Apesar da raridade e do alto custo do original, acreditamos que suas percepções são demasiadamente valiosas para serem limitadas a um público restrito. Esta síntese é, portanto, pensada para democratizar o acesso à genialidade de Schwartz, mostrando como suas teorias, mesmo após mais de sessenta anos de sua publicação, continuam sendo atuais e poderosas.O nosso objetivo não é substituir o livro original de Eugene Schwartz, mas sim promover sua disseminação e compreensão. Esperamos que esta síntese possa funcionar como um trampolim para aqueles que desejam explorar mais profundamente sua obra, demonstrando que "Breakthrough Advertising" é um clássico atemporal que todo copywriter deve conhecer.

  • - Mastering the Art of Business Strategy: The Ultimate Guide for Business Leaders of Tomorrow (Today): From MBA Studies to the C-Suite
    av Jeyaraj Sinnappan

    Think Like a CEO: Mastering the Art of Business StrategyThe Ultimate Guide for Business Leaders of Tomorrow (Today): From MBA Studies to the C-SuiteIn the high-stakes chess game of modern business, where mere decisions are overshadowed by the need for visionary architects who craft winning strategies, "Think Like a CEO" emerges as your strategic playbook. This guide transcends the realms of traditional business literature, eschewing dry textbooks and stale theories. Instead, it becomes your personal MBA coach, replete with actionable insights and real-world tactics that propel you from an ambitious student to the helm of the C-suite.Navigating the Chessboard of Modern Business: In the ruthless arena of corporate strategy, thinking like a CEO is not just an aspiration; it's a prerequisite for success. This guide becomes your ally in mastering the art of outmaneuvering uncertainty, crafting winning strategies, and propelling your company to the pinnacle of success.A Bridge from Academia to the Boardroom: Forget the textbook jargon and ivory tower aloofness. "Think Like a CEO" serves as your bridge, seamlessly connecting the knowledge gained in academia's hallowed halls to the intense battles of the boardroom. It meticulously equips you with the mindset and tools of a high-performing CEO, ensuring you are ready for the strategic challenges that lie ahead.From Student to C-Suite Commander: This guide unfolds as your journey, chapter by chapter, into the heart of strategic leadership. It transforms you from a bright-eyed MBA student hungry for a head start to a seasoned professional honing your strategic edge. With practical frameworks, actionable guidance, and battle-tested case studies, "Think Like a CEO" ignites your leadership spark, empowering you to navigate the complexities of the strategic landscape.Your Roadmap to Success: Whether you are embarking on your educational journey or refining your strategic acumen as a seasoned professional, "Think Like a CEO" is your roadmap to success. Buckle up, unleash your inner strategist, and prepare to conquer the business world-one decisive move at a time. This guide is not just a book; it's a transformational experience that propels you towards leadership excellence in the world of business strategy.

  • - les maîtres de l'entrepreneuriat
    av Ellison Preston

    Plongez dans l'univers fascinant des "Visionnaires du XXIe siècle: Les maîtres de l'entrepreneuriat", un livre captivant qui explore les esprits les plus brillants et innovateurs de notre époque. Ce livre n'est pas seulement une lecture, c'est une odyssée à travers les réussites les plus époustouflantes du monde entrepreneurial. Découvrez les "Innovateurs du 21e siècle" qui redéfinissent notre façon de penser, de travailler et de vivre. Chaque chapitre vous emmène dans les coulisses des "Stratégies disruptives" qui ont bouleversé des industries entières, révélant les secrets derrière le "Leadership visionnaire" qui propulse ces changements."Entrepreneuriat numérique" - ces deux mots résument l'ère dans laquelle nous vivons. Apprenez comment la technologie façonne de nouvelles avenues de succès et comment les "Réussites en startup" ne sont pas des contes de fées, mais des réalités construites avec persévérance et ingéniosité.La section "Tech et affaires" dévoile comment les avancées technologiques sont intégrées de manière stratégique dans les modèles d'affaires. "Pensée révolutionnaire" n'est pas juste un terme, mais une nécessité dans le monde en rapide évolution d'aujourd'hui.Le "Visionnaires du XXIe siècle: Les maîtres de l'entrepreneuriat" n'est pas seulement une source d'inspiration, c'est un guide pour ceux qui aspirent à laisser leur empreinte dans le monde de l'entrepreneuriat. Avec des "Cas d'études de succès" et des histoires de "Transformation d'entreprise", ce livre vous fournit les outils nécessaires pour comprendre et embrasser le "Futur de l'innovation".Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage captivant pour découvrir les secrets des visionnaires qui façonnent notre futur. Que vous soyez un entrepreneur en herbe, un leader d'entreprise ou simplement quelqu'un passionné par l'innovation et le succès, ce livre est une source inestimable d'inspiration et de connaissance.

  • - Your Guide to Getting Approved
    av Terrica Hightower Washington

    Embark on a transformative journey to business prosperity with "Mastering the SBA 7(a) Loan." This comprehensive guide is your key to unlocking the full potential of the Small Business Administration's flagship loan program.Why Choose "Mastering the SBA 7(a) Loan"?Fuel Your Business Growth: Uncover the unparalleled benefits of SBA 7(a) loans and learn how they can supercharge various facets of your business.Step-by-Step Roadmap: Navigate the intricacies of the application process effortlessly with detailed steps, ensuring you're well-prepared at every stage.Strategic Approaches: From showcasing your business goals to addressing financial projections, master the art of presenting your case for optimal success.In-Depth Insights: Explore the nuances of credit scores, collateral requirements, and the impact of personal guarantees, gaining a 360-degree view of the lending landscape.Patience and Persistence: Learn the art of staying patient and responsive throughout the approval timeline, collaborating effectively with SBA resource partners and lenders.Why This Guide Matters: Comprehensive Understanding: Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a newcomer, this guide provides a holistic understanding of the SBA 7(a) loan process.Practical Strategies: Real-world examples, actionable tips, and proven strategies ensure the knowledge gained can be immediately applied to your unique business scenario.Mindset for Growth: Beyond immediate financial needs, this guide instills a mindset of adaptability and strategic thinking for sustained business growth.Transform your entrepreneurial journey with "Mastering the SBA 7(a) Loan." Your business expansion is not just a dream - it's a reality waiting to be unleashed. Seize your copy today and set the stage for unparalleled success!

  • - great success
    av Emmanuel Mudi

    Success means different things to different people. Most often, though, it refers to reaching meaningful, worthwhile goals aligned with one's values and fully realizing personal and professional potential. Success is an ongoing process of growth rather than a fixed endpoint, as people's goals and values tend to change over their lives. While complex, six key elements provide the foundation for nearly every success story. Progress is impossible without clarity on objectives. So, the first critical ingredient for success lies in regularly defining concrete goals.

  • - Les secrets du monstre sacré du copywriting Eugene M. Schwartz
    av Éditions Concentré

    Cette synthèse de 'Breakthrough Advertising' a été méticuleusement élaborée pour deux types de lecteurs: les copywriters expérimentés qui cherchent un guide pratique et ceux qui veulent découvrir les idées fondamentales d'Eugene Schwartz sans l'investissement initial. Pour les copywriters professionnels, cette synthèse offre un manuel compact et résistant, parfait pour une consultation quotidienne, permettant ainsi de garder le précieux livre original en parfait état. Que ce soit pour rafraîchir la mémoire sur un principe particulier ou pour se référer rapidement à un point spécifique lors d'une réunion, cette synthèse est l'outil idéal pour avoir toujours sous la main les enseignements essentiels de Schwartz. Pour les nouveaux venus dans le monde du copywriting ou pour ceux qui sont simplement curieux de découvrir la sagesse de Schwartz, cette synthèse représente une opportunité accessible de plonger dans ses idées révolutionnaires. Malgré la rareté et le coût élevé de l'original, nous pensons que ses insights sont trop précieux pour être limités à un public restreint. Ainsi, cette synthèse vise à démocratiser l'accès au génie de Schwartz, montrant comment ses théories, bien que publiées il y a plus de soixante ans, restent pertinentes et puissantes. Notre but n'est pas de remplacer l'ouvrage original d'Eugene Schwartz, mais plutôt de promouvoir sa diffusion et sa compréhension. Nous espérons que cette synthèse servira de tremplin pour ceux qui souhaitent explorer plus en profondeur son travail, prouvant que 'Breakthrough Advertising' est un classique intemporel que tout copywriter se doit de connaître.

  • - A Business Guide to Securing Funds
    av Bernard Baah

    Grant Funding Unlocked: A Business Guide to Securing FundsUnlock the power of grant funding to fuel your business growth! In "Grant Funding Unlocked," author Bernard Baah, a seasoned expert in grant proposal writing, shares a wealth of knowledge and practical insights. This comprehensive guide demystifies the grant-seeking process, from understanding eligibility criteria to crafting winning proposals. Whether you're a startup, small business, or large corporation, this book equips you with the strategies and tools needed to secure vital funding. Discover the key to transforming your business dreams into reality. Grant funding is within reach-unleash its potential today!

  • - How to Turn the Craft of Wood Burning into a Side Hustle for Less Than $20! Have Fun & Make Money. Includes 30 Easy Designs.
    av Elisa Fasulo

    Wishing you could stay at home and earn extra income doing something you love?Wanting to start a business but don't have the capital you think you need?Worried you don't have the skill level? Make Money Wood Burning from Campfire Woodburning will show you how you can earn extra income with a basic wood burning tool and little-to-no experience. For less than $20, we will show you how to get your wood burning side-hustle off the ground and generating income. Because EVERYONE loves wood! Some of the Topics We Cover: -Equipment Needed (for less than $20)-Woodburning Income Strategies 101-Where to Sell Your Wood Crafts-Thinking BIG-Easy Best-Selling Designs You Can Use About the Author-Elisa (Lisa) Fasulo is a longtime artist + entrepreneur. She has made a living from her arts and crafts for several decades. Whether she is painting tiny pet portraits or wood burning large wood live-edge pieces, she always keeps her eye on the latest trends and side hustles that fuel her passions and help others succeed. Tags: wood burning, wood burner, wood burned crafts, side hustle, earn money from home, wood crafts, wood engraving, pyrography, beginner wood burning, starter wood burning, woodburning designs, campfire woodburning

  • - Re - Think Your Recycling - For Cash!
    av Frank Palaia

    Recycling isn't just about sorting trash in the kitchen. Once you breeze through this book, you'll know what to look for, and how you can make some money recycling, while at the same time, doing your share to help save the planet. This book tells you how with lots of examples. It's full of great ideas for homeowners, teenagers looking for a little extra money, and people who want to reduce what they contribute to the local or global waste problem.

  • av Grupo Ígneo

    CRECE feliz no es solo un tratado de superación personal, tampoco se trata de un modelo para emprender con éxito. Aunque el método CRECE no es una panacea y no impacta en las personas y en los negocios de la misma manera, la obra que nos presenta Marco Escalona sí resulta ser una estupenda recopilación de los mejores consejos y estrategias que, a partir de su método, ayudarán al lector a lograr una vida personal de éxito y a construir y consolidar su propia empresa. Este es un libro en donde el autor busca compartir sus ideas y el resultado de muchas decisiones, tanto buenas como malas, que ha tomado a lo largo de su vida en torno al crecimiento. Se trata, en definitiva, de recomendaciones basadas en su propia experiencia de vida. Marco EscalonaNo se es alguien solo por tener títulos escolares, por lo que omitiré esa parte de mi vida. No creo que la medición de un ser humano funcione con base en su grado de estudios; creo más bien en el aprendizaje perpetuo, pero siempre estaré agradecido por haber tenido el privilegio de prepararme.Soy un simple ser humano apasionado por ayudar, construir, crear, abrir la mente y usar la creatividad para enfrentar los retos de la vida y luchar por un futuro mejor al contribuir con el crecimiento humano y de los negocios. Quiero ayudar a tener un mejor país y, por lo tanto, un mejor planeta.

  • - "Entrepreneur's Guide to Business and Transformation"
    av Aron Josephath Katosho

    DEDICATIONTo the young dreamers and restless spirits, those with fire in their bellies and ambition in their hearts, I dedicate this book. You, the vibrant youth, are the beating pulse of the nation, brimming with potential and yearning for a future you can reshape.This book is a beacon for your entrepreneurial journeys, a guidepost as you navigate the exciting, if sometimes daunting, path of building your own ventures. Within these pages, you'll find not just the technicalities of business formation, but the spirit of enterprise, the audacity to dream big, and the resilience to turn passion into purpose.Let this book, in its humble way, serve as a bridge between your dreams and the resources you need to make them a reality.Go forth, young warriors, and build the world-changing businesses your ambition deserves. This book is yours, a compass on your path to igniting economic future, one groundbreaking idea at a time.With unwavering faith in your potential, BUILDING YOUR VISIONDream big, start small, scale fast, unleash your inner entrepreneur and join the author on his path to building a brighter future." Forget age, forget limitations. This book proves anyone can build something remarkable. Let your business journey begin!" next generation of success stories starts here. Learn from experience, get practical, and build your own legacy.""Rejected? Refocused! This young author dared to test his business theories before publishing them. Now, he shares his secrets with you." Dive into the real-world experiences of an entrepreneur who built a business from scratch."Unlock practical insights, legal know-how, and growth strategies from a young founder's journey." Master the art of entrepreneurship with this insider's guide to generating ideas, launching, and sustaining your venture." "Go beyond theory, into practice! This book gives you the tools and inspiration to turn your business dreams into reality."Contents BUILDING YOUR VISION xiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xiiINTRODUCTION 1Hints for Motivations 1Building a World-Changing Business with Confidence 3Active power. 6THE SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE 8Before You Start: 8Financial Foundations: 10Your Vision 10Where does university matter in business? 12Taking business as a project 14Reading inspiring books 16What makes a great entrepreneur? 18LEGAL FORMS OF BUSINESS 21Talent alone doesn't guarantee a stable future. 23Unincorporated legal forms: 24Incorporated legal forms 28For-Profit Entities: 31Non-Profit Entities: 33Registration/incorporation process 34Limited Company 35Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs): 38Post-registration Duties: 41Starting a Non-Profit Organization: 43Choosing Your Level: 46Required Documents for all registration: 47Registration Fees: 48Post - Registration duties; 50The Board of a Start - up Non-profit 53GROWTH AND STABILIZATION. 56Internet application in business operations 59Paperwork documentation for growth 62360 - degree management for growth 70Elements of 360-degree project management 72Coaches and platforms for growthAron Katosho: Entrepreneur Journey 78

  • av Dave Thomas

    Since the days of bartering and trade, the ability to sell has been essential in conducting hand-to-hand business in the world. In those days, even though there was no exchange of money, you still had to show that your merchandise was worth trading for. Then, as money came into the picture, you had to prove that your product was worth buying. Those sellers who were charismatic, clever, well-spoken, persuasive, and persistent always did well in the early days of bartering, trade, and business in the marketplace. These samecharacteristics continued to bring success to sellers all over the world throughout history, and still applies to those who are, and seek to be, successful in sales today. Author Dave Thomas offers a new book, offering advice for seasoned salespeople as well as those new to the game. Don't miss out on this invaluable resource for salespeople at all stages of their careers!

  • - Attracting Strategic Investors to Fund Your Vision
    av Greg Weiss

    Attract Strategic Investors to Fund Your BusinessYou have a great business idea. You're confident it will be a success. But you need funding and strategic support to turn your vision into reality. Where do you start? How do you find investors who are the right fit?In Build a Business with Gusto, serial entrepreneur Greg Weiss draws a quarter century of experience to provide a clear roadmap for attracting the ideal investors for your business. Greg explains what investors are really looking for, how to create an irresistible value proposition, the pros and cons of different investment types, and key strategies to build strong partnerships that propel your business forward.Follow Greg's proven step-by-step process to: Articulate your company's unique value and competitive edgeLearn what investors seek so you can create an irresistible value propositionIdentify the ideal investment types and partners to propel your growthBuild strong investor relationships for long-term successDevelop deep relationships with key suppliersWhether you're starting up or looking to grow, Build a Business with Gusto will give you the confidence and strategic know-how to secure the investors and partnerships your business needs to thrive. Follow this proven step-by-step process to attract the right investors with confidence. Get your copy today and be ready to secure the capital and expertise you need to turn your big idea into reality.

  • - A Realistic Approach and Practical Solutions
    av John Christopher

    "Jobless $10K A Month Earner: A Realistic Approach and Practical Solutions" by John Christopher Welcome to a transformative journey towards financial freedom in the digital age. "Jobless $10K A Month Earner" is more than a book; it's a mentor that combines real-life success stories, expert insights, and actionable advice to guide you on the path to substantial and sustainable income. Whether you're a stay-at-home parent, a student, or a professional seeking additional income streams, this book empowers you to unlock the vast potential of the internet. Say goodbye to financial constraints and hello to a world where your dreams can become tangible realities. "Jobless $10K A Month Earner" is your comprehensive roadmap to navigating the digital landscape and emerging victorious. Dreaming of financial independence is one thing, but making it a reality is another. This guide goes beyond the theoretical and dives into the practical, offering tangible steps to help you harness the power of the internet from the comfort of your home. It's time to discover the limitless possibilities awaiting you online and learn how to leverage them to your advantage. John Christopher provides a persuasive and comprehensive resource that equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the digital marketplace. Whether you're a novice or someone looking to enhance your online earning potential, this book offers valuable insights and strategies to propel you toward financial success. Embark on a journey that demystifies the art of earning income online. "Jobless $10K A Month Earner" is your go-to guide for turning your aspirations into achievements. Are you ready to transform your financial reality? Open the pages and step into a world where the internet becomes your most powerful ally on the path to financial independence.

  • - Learn To Think Like An Inventor
    av Mike Sorel
    1 867

    help, i am so bad at sales. i went to school for event management, not engineering... but i was able to design 90+ products that i think people would like. i am a self taught inventor, and i wrote this book to teach people how to generate creative product ideas. it is almost like i am an enigmatic prodigy, who is undiscovered and ignored due to how brilliant and vibrant my work is. people are left gobsmacked when they turn the pages wondering if they are being humiliated bragged to or touched by a caring individual with the best of intentions. this book i wrote, which i have been having trouble putting into words how much time and effort i put into it, well, the book descriptions i have written so far cannot compare to how the actual book is. between its mind bending product design examples and stories of eurekas, this book is greater than the sum of its parts. and in a new age where people are glued to their phones, more than not everyone that obtains a copy of this book reads it extremely quickly as the book is not only written in a language that doesn't bore or confound, but the slick writing style and imaginitive and dreamy topics i touch, well, in a world of chaos boredom being poor being doomscrolling, this book reads like a dreamlike adventure that takes the reader on a cloud trip on a plane in the skies far above the noise and static of social media and iphone scrolling. open your heart mind and eyes and take in the body of work by a runaway dedicated inventor who has been searching for dreams of gold and just wants to share a beacon of hope that even in this world where people are struggling financially and emotionally that speaking to the reader in a friendly and equitable tone lets their respected minds souls and hearts get a leg up and empower them when they witness some truly great designs that indeed would soothe the hearts of the stressed out people in a world where poorly designed high priced products leave a stain of toxic static in their brains, the simple illustrations and simple almost apple corporation like simplicity and elegance in the products the writer had designed coupled with the creative instruction of how to identify new innovations ultimately result in giving the reader a calming infusion of hope, ambition, motivation and acceptance into a world where aspirations and ambition are not always rewarded at first sight

  • - What They Know About Bitcoin That You Don't,
    av Daniel O Alison

    In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about Bitcoin, the digital currency that is revolutionizing the way we think about money. And while there is still a lot of uncertainty about the future of Bitcoin, there are a handful of people who have become incredibly wealthy by investing in Bitcoin early on. These Bitcoin Billionaires have made headlines around the world, and in this book, we will take a closer look at their stories. You will learn about the people who made a fortune by investing in Bitcoin when it was still relatively unknown. You will also learn about the risks they took and the challenges they faced along the way. By reading this book, you will gain a better understanding of the Bitcoin phenomenon and maybe even be inspired to start investing in Bitcoin yourself. "Bitcoin Billionaires" is an enlightening and captivating book by Daniel Alison that explores the world of cryptocurrency and its potential for generating immense wealth. With a clear and concise writing style, the author demystifies the enigmatic realm of Bitcoin, making it accessible to both newcomers and seasoned investors. Drawing from his expertise as an electrical engineer, successful entrepreneur, and content creator, Daniel delves into the inner workings of online businesses and showcases his visionary approach to leveraging emerging technologies. Through captivating storytelling and insightful analysis, "Bitcoin Billionaires" unlocks the doors to financial prosperity, empowering readers to navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency and seize the opportunities it presents. Meet the Bitcon Billionaires. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, from the infamous Facebook lawsuit, and Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, have all become overnight billionaires thanks to Bitcoin. In this book, we explore their rags-to-riches stories and how they're handling their newfound wealth. For the Winklevoss twins, it's all about investing in cryptocurrency-related projects and companies. Armstrong, on the other hand, is focused on growing Coinbase into the world's leading digital currency exchange.No matter their approach, one thing is clear: these men are on the cutting edge of a new financial frontier.

  • av Beata Glinka
    1 577

    Given the strong migration trends in our society all over the years, this handbook addresses the upcoming topic of migrant entrepreneurship in all its colourful facets. Migration, ethnic minorities, and related phenomena are currently the subject of intensive scholarly discussion and a heated public debate. Migrant entrepreneurship is a powerful issue within this debate as it creates numerous chances for both migrants and societies - despite significant challenges. In 19 chapters scholars from different disciplines and countries shed light on the phenomenon of migrant entrepreneurship. Long traditions of studies have resulted in the diversity of topics and approaches applied by scholars, and the handbook offers a systematization of research efforts. It also aims to explore future research avenues by providing inspirations. Three types of readers can benefit from this handbook: researchers, professionals (including policymakers), and students from around the world.

  • - A guide for beginners
    av Chika Njoku

    Do you want to learn how to make money from Facebook Marketplace? (2024)Are you ready to turn your Facebook Marketplace presence into a sales dynamo? Unlock the secrets to selling like crazy with our comprehensive guide tailored for 2024!

  • - How to Make Money Outside of Your Day Job
    av Joy Daniels

    Unlock the doors to financial independence and personal fulfilment with "The Successful Side Hustle: How to Make Money Outside of Your Day Job." This empowering guide is your key to navigating the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, providing you with the strategies and insights needed to turn your passion into a lucrative and sustainable side hustle. In a world where the traditional nine-to-five is no longer the sole path to financial success, this book emerges as a beacon for those ready to seize control of their destiny. Through seven comprehensive chapters, you'll embark on a transformative journey, discovering the secrets to identifying, cultivating, and thriving in your side hustle. The journey begins with a deep dive into "The Side Hustle Landscape," where you'll gain a profound understanding of the evolving economy and the pivotal role side hustles play in shaping it. From the gig economy to emerging trends, this chapter lays the foundation for your entrepreneurial venture. Prepare to navigate the intricacies of entrepreneurship with "Recognizing the Importance of Side Hustles." Explore how side hustles empower individuals to diversify income streams, pursue passions, and create a life of purpose beyond the constraints of a traditional job. "The Successful Side Hustle" isn't just about making money; it's about discovering your passion-driven path. In "Discovering Your Passion-Driven Side Hustle," uncover the transformative process of aligning your skills and interests with entrepreneurial opportunities. This chapter serves as a compass, guiding you toward a side hustle that resonates with your heart and soul. Transition seamlessly into the practical aspects of entrepreneurship with "Building a Strong Foundation." Learn the art of setting clear goals, creating a sustainable business model, and navigating legal and financial considerations. This chapter provides the blueprint for establishing a robust framework that withstands the tests of time and market dynamics. With a solid foundation in place, delve into the realm of effective time management and productivity in "Mastering Time Management and Productivity." Uncover techniques to balance your day job and side hustle, implement time-blocking strategies, and overcome procrastination. This chapter equips you with the tools needed to make the most of your limited time. The journey culminates in "Marketing and Growing Your Side Hustle." Unleash the power of strategic marketing, from crafting a compelling brand story to leveraging social media platforms. Explore the nuances of content marketing, search engine optimization, and influencer collaborations. This chapter guides you through the digital landscape, providing the keys to amplifying your reach and cultivating a loyal audience. "The Successful Side Hustle" is more than a guide; it's an immersive experience designed to propel you toward financial freedom, personal fulfilment, and entrepreneurial success. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just beginning to explore the possibilities of a side hustle, this book offers actionable insights, real-life examples, and a roadmap to transform your passion into profit. Are you ready to redefine success on your terms? "The Successful Side Hustle: How to Make Money Outside of Your Day Job" is your invitation to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, embark on a journey of self-discovery, and shape a future where your side hustle thrives, and your aspirations know no bounds. Welcome to a world where success is not just a destination; it's a dynamic and exhilarating journey that starts now.

  • - Mastering the Principles of Personal and Financial Growth
    av Apostle Joshua Selman

    You don't need to be a Christian to believe the logic and wisdom within this book. It's not just a spiritual principle; it's a universal one. While some mysteries may take time to unfold, the principles in this book can have an immediate impact on your life. Upon finishing this book, you should expect to feel uplifted and transformed. As you read, it's not just a mental shift you experience; something profound is happening to your spirit. The knowledge I've shared in this book has lifted people from virtually nothing to positions of grace and power. I've witnessed how neglecting what you're about to learn can bring people from grace to grass. It will guide you to avoid wasting time pursuing empty pursuits and gathering useless information, only to realize their inability to bring about real change - the truths you discover and hold onto will indeed be true. HOW DO I GAIN ENLARGEMENT? FIND OUT IN THIS BOOK. The Critical Factor Lies In How You Carry Yourself And Persistently Strive For Personal And Financial Growth THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU BE THAT MAN.

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