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  • av Tumennast Erdenebold

    Smart Government ist das fortschrittliche E-Government, das sich als globaler Trend bei der Erbringung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen herauskristallisiert hat. Außerdem machen mobile Dienste die öffentlichen Dienste für die Bürger zugänglicher und bieten die Möglichkeit, jederzeit und überall auf sie zuzugreifen, sowie Mobilität und Übertragbarkeit für die Öffentlichkeit, Unternehmen und Behörden. Die Nutzung mobiler Smart-Government-Dienste ist mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen verbunden, darunter die Komplexität verschiedener Technologien, die Sicherung des Zugangs, die Bereitstellung einer gemeinsamen Architektur und die Verringerung von Doppelarbeit zwischen bestehenden und neuen Systemen im Anwendungsbereich. Um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern, ist eine integrierte, innovative und umfassende Systemarchitektur erforderlich, um den Rahmen von Smart Government für die mobilen Dienste zu gestalten. Im Anschluss an diese Studie wurde daher ein "Smart Government Enterprise Architecture (EA) Framework für mobile Anwendungsdienste" entworfen und vorgeschlagen, um unnötige Duplizierung von Systemeinsätzen zu vermeiden und gemeinsame Teile des Anwendungsdienstes zu integrieren. Die Studie basiert auf einer Literaturübersicht, einer Ist-Analyse und Fallstudien aus Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern.

  • av Mohammad Amiri

    Die vorliegende Studie wurde durchgeführt, um beruflichen Stress, Arten von beruflichem Stress, Stressniveau, Stressursachen, Stressmanagement und Strategien des Stressmanagements zu ermitteln und zu erklären. Das Problem des beruflichen Stresses ist in jedem Unternehmen, in jedem Beruf und in jeder Berufsgruppe sehr verbreitet. In vielen Unternehmen herrscht heute unnötiger Stress, der sich nachteilig auf die körperliche und geistige Verfassung der Mitarbeiter auswirkt. In vielen Unternehmen gibt es ein höheres Maß an Stress. Diese Belastungen sind ein integraler und weitgehend unvermeidbarer Bestandteil der Arbeit. Organisationen der Informationstechnologie (IT) sind ein gutes Beispiel für diese Situation. Beschäftigte in IT-Organisationen gehören zu den am stärksten belasteten Berufsgruppen, die durch die Notwendigkeit gekennzeichnet sind, auf die Anforderungen anderer und die Zeit zu reagieren, wobei sie nur sehr wenig Kontrolle über die Ereignisse haben. Heutzutage ist berufsbedingter Stress zu einem weltweiten Problem oder Thema im Bereich der Humanressourcen geworden.

  • av Samuel Majekodunmi

    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, ein besseres Verständnis der Dimensionen der Dienstleistungsinnovation zu erlangen, die die Kundenzufriedenheit in der Dienstleistungsbranche beeinflussen. In der Studie wurden einige Dimensionen der Dienstleistungsinnovation ausgewählt, die in der Geschäftstätigkeit von First Registrars und ihrer Beziehung zu den Kunden getestet werden sollten, um die Beziehung zwischen Dienstleistungsinnovation und Kundenzufriedenheit zu untersuchen. Es wurde ein quantitativer Forschungsansatz verwendet, um ein besseres Verständnis dieses Themas zu erhalten. Die empirischen Daten wurden anhand von 200 Fragebögen erhoben, die den Befragten ausgehändigt wurden. Die Darstellung und Analyse der Daten erfolgte in Übereinstimmung mit den Forschungsfragen. Die Hypothesen wurden getestet und die ersten beiden Alternativhypothesen wurden bestätigt. In Abhängigkeit von den Antworten auf die Forschungsfragen wurden Feststellungen getroffen und Schlussfolgerungen gezogen. Zu den wichtigsten Erkenntnissen gehörte, dass die Kunden zufrieden waren, wenn ihre Erwartungen erfüllt oder übertroffen wurden. Schließlich wurden Empfehlungen ausgesprochen. An erster Stelle der Empfehlungen stand, dass Dienstleistungsunternehmen innovativ sein sollten, um die Erwartungen der Kunden zu erfüllen und wenn möglich zu übertreffen.

  • av Sami Basly
    1 647

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of decentralized finance (DF) and discusses how entrepreneurs can leverage it in their business activities.Decentralized finance (DF) is a system for exchanging value without centralized intermediaries. It relies heavily on peer-to-peer lending and borrowing, decentralized exchanges, trustless systems, and blockchain. Decentralized Finance is seen as a disruptive technology that could replace traditional financial systems in the future due to its advantages of being inclusive, non-discriminatory, resilient to risk management failures, cost-effective for lenders and borrowers to access the system and more efficient in terms of financial intermediation through automated trustless systems. This book explains the challenges and opportunities that these blockchain-based financial innovations present for both entrepreneurship and the broader financial system.

  • av Mohammad Amiri

    The present study was carried out to identify and explain occupational stress, types of occupational stress, level of stress, causes of stress, stress management, and strategies of stress management. The issue of occupational stress is very common in any business organization, occupation, or profession. Today, many business organizations are unnecessarily stressful and have adverse effects on the employees¿ physical and mental conditions. In many business organizations, there are higher levels of stress. These stresses are an integral and largely unavoidable element of the job. Information Technology (IT) organizations are a good example of this situation. Employees in IT organizations are among those with the most highly stressed occupations, marked by the need to respond to others' demands and time, with very little bit of control over any event. Now a day, occupational stress has become a worldwide problem or issue about human resources.

  • av Sambhaji V. Mane
    1 121

    This book focuses on the development of employees within organizations through attitudinal change. It assists the reader in understanding the various reasons for the formation of employee attitudes in the organization and their impact on productivity. The author presents various methods for addressing these identified issues to motivate employees and enhance their productivity.The author shares research-based findings from two distinct studies conducted in different sector organizations across the entire western part of Maharashtra. The book covers all human resource development (HRD) practices, detailing their current status in the selected organizations through research findings, and proposes systematic recommendations derived from both studies to overcome these challenges. The book strives to present diverse ways of achieving attitudinal change among employees by addressing organizational work setting problems and offering practical solutions. This book will be beneficial for HRD managers, management consultants, and research students pursuing their studies in this field.

  • - Tested Plans And Methods That Build Success In Business And Profession, Ways To Make New Profits, How To Cut Down The Load Of Profitless Detail Work
    av A W Shaw Company

    Written in the early 20th century, this classic guide to business success is full of practical tips and strategies that are still relevant today. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager, or simply an ambitious employee, you will find valuable insights into how to improve your performance, increase your profits, and achieve your goals.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - What Each Calling Offers Ambitious Boys and Young Men
    av Nathaniel Clark Fowler

    This practical guide to career planning offers useful advice and insight for boys and young men just starting out in the world. Nathaniel Clark Fowler describes the opportunities and challenges of various occupations, from farmer to lawyer to sailor, and offers tips on how to choose a career path that is both fulfilling and financially rewarding.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Faize Ali Shah

    Online shopping has gained eclectic acceptance nowadays. Every novel dogma is a fruit of extensively rooted theories and mechanisms and online shopping is no exclusion. The book discusses such vital theories and concepts paving ways towards progressive methods to satisfy consumer needs and desires alike. This book provides an introductory knowledge interlinking the past, present and future of online shopping for millennials, researchers, academicians and marketers, in search of comprehensive information regarding the ¿how¿, ¿when¿ and ¿why¿ of online shopping and static factors that affect online buying. A detailed SWOT analysis provides significant insights clarifying fundamentals to be kept in mind while designing online marketing portfolios for better market grasp and action-induced branding. Moreover, the simplified and concise explanation offers self-understanding information regarding this futuristic mode of shopping. Regardless to say, this book answers rudimentary queries thereby motivating the readers for a smooth journey on the road to the wide arena of virtual markets. Blissful Reading!!

  • av Fatima Zohra Drissi

    Cet ouvrage présente 7 Guides d¿audit social suivants :1. Guide d¿Audit du Contrat de Travail à Temps Partiel ;2. Guide d¿Audit de l¿Absentéisme ;3. Guide d¿Audit de de la Formation ;4. Guide d¿Audit des Congés Payés ;5. Guide d¿Audit du Turnover ;6. Guide d¿Audit du Bilan Social ;7. Guide d¿Audit des Conditions d¿Hygiène et de Sécurité.Par points de contrôle, la procédure de contrôle fournie le type d¿informations et de documents à collecter ainsi que les analyses et évaluations à exécuter afin d¿aboutir à une opinion de l¿auditeur social. A travers cette procédure de contrôle, l¿auditeur social est sensibilisé sur l¿ensemble des techniques d¿audit social.Le programme d¿audit sera élaboré sur la base des Guides d¿audit présentés dans cet ouvrage et ce en liaison avec le thème abordé.Cet ouvrage est utile pour l¿auditeur social, ainsi que pour l¿étudiant universitaire qui s¿intéresse à ce domaine.

  • av William Frye

    Embark on Your Dropshipping Odyssey and Transform Your Ambition into RevenueImagine transforming the simple strokes on your keyboard into a thriving digital empire. "Keyboard Cash: The Modern Entrepreneur's Dropshipping Playbook" is your essential guide through the exciting realm of online business. With carefully curated content, designed for the ambitious entrepreneur, this book beckons you into a world where opportunity meets innovation.Dive deep into the nuts and bolts of dropshipping with a comprehensive introduction that not only familiarizes you with the landscape but helps you navigate it like a seasoned pro. Chapter 1 provides a crystal-clear understanding of dropshipping and lays the foundation for everything to follow. It's more than just an overview; it's an eye-opener to the possibilities within your reach.When it's time to build, Chapter 2 leads you through crafting your online presence, ensuring you select the right hosting service and design a website that welcomes customers with open arms. Your blueprint for an empire awaits - a step-by-step guide that clears the mist and shows you the how-to's in meticulous detail.As you find your footing with a user-friendly website, Chapter 3 sharpens your entrepreneurial instinct to identify niches ripe for profit. You'll learn the art of sourcing products from reputable suppliers while Chapter 4 helps strengthen ties with those behind the goods you sell.Understanding pricing is crucial, and Chapter 5 ensures you maximize your earnings without alienating your audience, setting you on a path to financial freedom. Crafting a sales funnel that converts browsers into loyal customers becomes your next conquest in Chapter 6, while Chapter 7 dives into the power of branding, a cornerstone of any long-standing business.With your brand firmly established, Chapter 8 equips you with arms to conquer the marketing battlefield, from social media prowess to the subtleties of SEO. Every operational aspect, including inventory management and providing exquisite customer service, is covered as you journey through each thoughtful chapter, culminating in the expansion tactics of Chapter 12.Your ambition has a companion within these pages. Set sail with Keyboard Cash and let your entrepreneurial dreams set the digital oceans ablaze.

  • av Shelly Lynn Hughes
    387 - 437

  • - Articles sur L'entrepreneurship et le Developpement de la Petite Entreprise: 3

    This collection of articles from leading experts in the field of small business development is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and policymakers alike. Covering topics such as innovation, financing, and strategic planning, these articles provide insights and best practices for building a successful small business.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Or, Men of Business Who Did Something Besides Making Money
    av James Parton

    In this groundbreaking study, James Parton examines the lives and legacies of some of America's most prominent businessmen, from Benjamin Franklin to Cornelius Vanderbilt. He argues that these men were not just greedy capitalists, but also visionary thinkers who played important roles in shaping the course of history. With compelling anecdotes and sharp analysis, Parton sheds new light on a little-understood aspect of American business.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Observations and Experiences of Over Twenty Years As Travelling Salesman, European Buyer, Sales Manager, Employer
    av Walter Dwight Moody

    In this fascinating memoir, Moody draws on his decades of experience in the world of sales to offer a unique and compelling perspective on this critical aspect of modern business. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or just starting out, Men Who Sell Things is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the art and science of selling.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Sheila Cannon

    In this book, the authors argue that social enterprise is surrounded by great promise, and that this high expectation has contributed to its pitfalls, setting social enterprise out as separate and different from other kinds of business, public service provision, and nonprofit organising for social benefit.

    1 897

    Building on past research in the broad field of stakeholder management and entrepreneurship, this book pushes a new agenda for more effective stakeholder engagement and management in entrepreneurial firms in Africa. An essential read for postgraduate students, researchers, and public and private analysts.

  • av Olivia Yijian Liu
    2 031

    This book examines how socially privileged entrepreneurial talents adopt and champion the wolf culture, that is, a fast-paced, competitive, and demanding work culture, prevalent since China's mass promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation.

    1 897

    Entrepreneurship Education and Internationalisation: Cases, Collaborations and Contexts provides a wide-ranging overview of entrepreneurship education today, from a global perspective.

    2 037

    With a range of real life insights from intrapreneurs, and illustrated with international examples drawn from policy and practice, Innovating From Within is a comprehensive introduction to an increasingly important area of business.


    With a range of real life insights from intrapreneurs, and illustrated with international examples drawn from policy and practice, Innovating From Within is a comprehensive introduction to an increasingly important area of business.

  • av Soumi (Future Institute of Engineering and Management Majumder
    1 091

    Soumi Majumder and Nilanjan Dey address the unique challenges posed by Industry 4.0, exploring the intersection of risks and cultural shifts within the business landscape. Key topics include the transformative potential of machine learning; big data; and IoT in the domain of enterprise risk management.

  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching: - Eine Strategie für den Erfolg?In einer Zeit, in der die Qualität des Seins und des Zusammenseins zu einer wichtigen Herausforderung für das Wachstum und den Fortbestand jeder Organisation und menschlichen Gemeinschaft wird. Es stellt allen, die eine Begleitbeziehung (von Personen, Teams oder Organisationen) zu führen haben - Coach, Manager, Ausbilder, Erzieher, Führungskraft - originelle und relevante Konzepte und Werkzeuge zur Verfügung, um der Person zu helfen, sich zu verändern und sich selbst aufzubauen. Eine vollständig übernommene Freiheit und Verantwortung bilden den roten Faden dieses sinnstiftenden Bündnisprozesses.Der Inhalt dieses Buches dürfte daher sowohl für angehende als auch für praktizierende Coaches interessant sein. Sie finden hier viele Anhaltspunkte, um "ihre Praxis zu theoretisieren" und "ihre Theorie zu praktizieren". Wir hoffen, dass die Inhalte dieses Buches auch für all jene interessant sind, die beruflich andere Menschen begleiten, sei es als Therapeut, Ausbilder, Lehrer, Trainer, Sozialarbeiter oder Berater.

  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching: - A strategy for success?At a time when the quality of being, and of being together, is becoming a major growth and sustainability issue for all organizations and human communities. It provides all those who have to manage a support relationship (with individuals, teams or organizations) - coaches, managers, trainers, educators, executives - with original, relevant concepts and tools to help people transform and build themselves. Fully-assumed freedom and responsibility are the common thread running through this process of meaning-generating alliance.The contents of this book should be of interest to coaches in training or in practice. They will find in it as many points of support for "theorizing their practice" and "practicing their theory". Whether therapists, trainers, teachers, coaches, social workers or consultants, we hope that all those whose job it is to support others will also find food for thought in the contents of this book.

  • av Cídar F. Pinaya Céspedes

    El presente trabajo analiza y expone las deficiencias existentes en el Plan Territorial de Desarrollo Integral para Vivir Bien del Departamento de Cochabamba 2021-2022, de las áreas de salud y medio ambiente. Es así, que se presenta una descripción, luego recomendaciones para finalmente, establecer mecanismos participativos de inclusión al Plan Territorial de Desarrollo Integral para Vivir Bien del Departamento de Cochabamba 2021- 2025, presentando pautas para la atención y solución del problema, considerando al desarrollo endógeno sustentable, capaz de transformar la sociedad en base a la reconquista de tradiciones y saberes culturales propios; toda vez, que no existe mención y menos una planificación territorial, de uso del suelo y menos de desarrollo, que permita garantizar el cumplimiento de lo tan hermoso que se menciona: Desarrollo integral en armonía con la Madre Tierra para eliminar la pobreza.

  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching: - Uma estratégia para o sucesso?Numa altura em que a qualidade de ser e de estar em conjunto se torna uma questão fundamental para o crescimento e a longevidade de todas as organizações e comunidades humanas, a abordagem do coaching é uma parte essencial da nossa estratégia para o sucesso. Ela fornece a todos aqueles que têm de gerir uma relação de apoio (com indivíduos, equipas ou organizações) - coaches, gestores, formadores, educadores, executivos - conceitos e ferramentas originais e pertinentes para ajudar as pessoas a transformarem-se e a construírem-se a si próprias. Liberdade e responsabilidade, plenamente assumidas, são o fio condutor deste processo de aliança geradora de sentido.O conteúdo deste livro deverá, portanto, interessar aos coaches em formação ou em exercício. Encontrarão nele muitos pontos de apoio para "teorizarem a sua prática" e "praticarem a sua teoria". Assim, quer sejam terapeutas, formadores, professores, coaches, assistentes sociais ou consultores, esperamos que todos aqueles cujo trabalho consiste em apoiar os outros encontrem também algo que os alimente nos conteúdos deste livro.

  • av Martin KUJeNGIENDA

    Liderskij kouching: strategiq uspeha?V to wremq, kogda kachestwo bytiq i sowmestnoj zhizni stanowitsq glawnoj problemoj dlq rosta i dolgoletiq wseh organizacij i chelowecheskih soobschestw, podhod kouchinga qwlqetsq wazhnoj chast'ü nashej strategii uspeha. On predostawlqet wsem, komu prihoditsq uprawlqt' otnosheniqmi podderzhki (s lüd'mi, komandami ili organizaciqmi) - koucham, menedzheram, treneram, pedagogam, rukowoditelqm - original'nye i aktual'nye koncepcii i instrumenty, pomogaüschie lüdqm transformirowat'sq i stroit' sebq. Swoboda i otwetstwennost', polnost'ü prinqtye na sebq, - wot obschaq nit', prohodqschaq cherez ätot process smysloporozhdaüschego al'qnsa.Poätomu soderzhanie ätoj knigi dolzhno zainteresowat' trenerow, prohodqschih obuchenie ili praktikuüschih. V nej oni najdut kak mnogo tochek opory dlq "teoretizirowaniq swoej praktiki", tak i dlq "praktikowaniq swoej teorii". My nadeemsq, chto wse te, ch'q rabota zaklüchaetsq w okazanii podderzhki drugim, najdut w ätoj knige chto-to poleznoe dlq sebq, bud' to terapewty, trenery, uchitelq, kouchi, social'nye rabotniki ili konsul'tanty.

  • av Anasse Benabdallah
    1 197

    Cet ouvrage vise à apporter une contribution tant sur le plan théorique que sur le plan pratique. Sur un plan théorique, la contribution concerne la compréhension de l¿évolution des méthodes de calcul des coûts, de tarification et de financement hospitalier. Sur le plan pratique, à travers une recherche-action nous avons appliqué une démarche pour calculer les coûts des actes médicaux réalisés en oncologie médicale. Compte tenu des deux objectifs, elle a été nécessaire de mobiliser un cadre théorique et conceptuel important relatif au calcul des coûts, au financement et à la tarification hospitalière. Ce corpus en littérature riche et diversifié à faciliter par la suite l¿application d¿une démarche de calcul des couts. L'objectif est de contribuer dans la définition d¿une politique de tarification appropriée de l¿acte de chimiothérapie en oncologie médicale des CHU(Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire) marocains et dans le processus de budgétisation de la prise en charge des patients en oncologie médicale du CHU HII de Fès. Elle vise également à enrichir les études de coûts réalisées dans les pays à revenu faible à moyen, et ce en l¿absence d¿une comptabilité analytique hospitalière.

  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching: una strategia per il successo?In un momento in cui la qualità dell'essere e dello stare insieme sta diventando una questione importante per la crescita e la longevità di tutte le organizzazioni e le comunità umane, l'approccio del coaching è una parte essenziale della nostra strategia di successo. Esso fornisce a tutti coloro che devono gestire una relazione di supporto (con individui, team o organizzazioni) - coach, manager, formatori, educatori, dirigenti - concetti e strumenti originali e rilevanti per aiutare le persone a trasformarsi e a costruirsi. Libertà e responsabilità, pienamente assunte, sono il filo conduttore di questo processo di alleanza generatrice di senso.Il contenuto di questo libro dovrebbe quindi interessare i coach in formazione o in esercizio. Troveranno in esso altrettanti punti di appoggio per "teorizzare la loro pratica" e "praticare la loro teoria". Che si tratti di terapeuti, formatori, insegnanti, coach, assistenti sociali o consulenti, ci auguriamo che anche tutti coloro che hanno il compito di sostenere gli altri trovino nei contenuti di questo libro qualcosa di cui nutrirsi.

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