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  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching: una strategia per il successo?In un momento in cui la qualità dell'essere e dello stare insieme sta diventando una questione importante per la crescita e la longevità di tutte le organizzazioni e le comunità umane, l'approccio del coaching è una parte essenziale della nostra strategia di successo. Esso fornisce a tutti coloro che devono gestire una relazione di supporto (con individui, team o organizzazioni) - coach, manager, formatori, educatori, dirigenti - concetti e strumenti originali e rilevanti per aiutare le persone a trasformarsi e a costruirsi. Libertà e responsabilità, pienamente assunte, sono il filo conduttore di questo processo di alleanza generatrice di senso.Il contenuto di questo libro dovrebbe quindi interessare i coach in formazione o in esercizio. Troveranno in esso altrettanti punti di appoggio per "teorizzare la loro pratica" e "praticare la loro teoria". Che si tratti di terapeuti, formatori, insegnanti, coach, assistenti sociali o consulenti, ci auguriamo che anche tutti coloro che hanno il compito di sostenere gli altri trovino nei contenuti di questo libro qualcosa di cui nutrirsi.

  • av Tobias Koellner
    1 527

    This edited volume provides an anthropological study of family businesses and business families. In previous research on family firms and business families, the comparative cross-cultural approach of anthropology has so far received little attention. As a result, family firms and business families are too often analyzed without considering cultural and kinship differences adequately. Similarly, although the topics of kinship and the economy are central to anthropological analysis, research on family firms and business families has been a marginal topic only that lacks in-depth discussions within anthropology. This volume breaks the mold by offering new empirical and theoretical insights into discussion about business families and family firms from a comparative cross-cultural perspective. It first addresses how the business family can be defined in different cultures and how kinship becomes understandable as a process and through ¿doing family¿. In this, the book provides a systematic comparison of the connections between family, kinship and economic activity in different cultures, whereas many of the previous studies have concentrated on only one or a few regions or cultures. It also shows the complexities and challenges when grounding the analysis of economic activity and entrepreneurship in cultural context.

  • av Greice Martins Gomes

    The study of the relationships that individuals maintain with each other has always been at the centre of the concerns of the most diverse areas of knowledge. Due to the plurality and multiplicity of approaches adopted as legitimate references for the production of knowledge about group processes, this study is a theoretical review centred on a specific model called: Operative Groups. Every operative group presupposes learning and learning, from the perspective of operative groups, is synonymous with change. In this way, it can be concluded that the study of a model for working in groups centred on principles of change is particularly appropriate in the face of the challenges and demands of the many different groups to which we belong today.

  • av José Francisco Bernardes

    Entrepreneurial innovation management in university organisations has a very strong tendency towards continuous improvement in processes, products, services and management. It is also very important for teaching, research and extension, with entrepreneurial and innovative initiatives aimed at the needs of the community and society in general. The aim of this research was to identify, by means of an integrative systematic review, the contribution of entrepreneurial innovation management to university management. For this research, a bibliographical survey was carried out focusing on an integrative systematic review that presented a large number of articles on entrepreneurship in management. A bibliographical review was also carried out in order to strengthen the research. In general, based on the articles investigated, the importance of university management focused on processes, products and management in an entrepreneurial and innovative way was noted, these aspects being the competitive differential for organisational growth and development.

  • av Greice Martins Gomes

    L'étude des relations que les individus entretiennent entre eux a toujours été au centre des préoccupations des domaines de connaissance les plus divers. En raison de la pluralité et de la multiplicité des approches adoptées comme références légitimes pour la production de connaissances sur les processus de groupe, cette étude est une revue théorique centrée sur un modèle spécifique appelé : les groupes opérationnels. Tout groupe opérationnel présuppose l'apprentissage et l'apprentissage, du point de vue des groupes opérationnels, est synonyme de changement. On peut donc conclure que l'étude d'un modèle de travail en groupe centré sur les principes du changement est particulièrement appropriée face aux défis et aux exigences des nombreux groupes auxquels nous appartenons aujourd'hui.

  • av Mohamed Azzel Arab Debbarh
    1 427

    Cet ouvrage présente d¿une manière simple la boite à outils du diagnostic financier et aborde les principales problématiques de l¿analyse financière entre autres l¿étude de l¿activité, de la rentabilité et de financement de l¿entreprise avec beaucoup de clarté, de pédagogie et de rigueur.Son objectif est d¿offrir une vision claire, structurée et synthétique de cette matière avec notamment le recours à de nombreux schémas et tableaux. En outre, chaque chapitre présente un ou plusieurs exemples et des études de cas corrigées.L¿analyse de la structure financière et de l¿équilibre financier de l¿entreprise (analyse fonctionnelle, besoin en fonds de roulement d¿exploitation normatif, analyse financière du bilan).Les tableaux de flux de l¿entreprise (tableau de financement, excédent de trésorerie d¿exploitation, tableau des flux de trésorerie).Au terme de cet ouvrage, nous présenterons une méthodologie structurée du diagnostic financier illustrée par des études de cas de synthèse.Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux:-Étudiants (es) des écoles de commerce et des universités;-Des professionnels soucieux d'appréhender l'état de santé financière d'une entreprise.

  • av José Francisco Bernardes

    La gestione dell'innovazione imprenditoriale nelle organizzazioni universitarie ha una forte tendenza al miglioramento continuo di processi, prodotti, servizi e gestione. È anche molto importante per l'insegnamento, la ricerca e l'estensione, con iniziative imprenditoriali e innovative rivolte ai bisogni della comunità e della società in generale. L'obiettivo di questa ricerca è stato quello di identificare, attraverso una revisione sistematica integrativa, il contributo della gestione dell'innovazione imprenditoriale alla gestione universitaria. Per questa ricerca è stata condotta un'indagine bibliografica incentrata su una revisione sistematica integrativa che ha presentato un gran numero di articoli sull'imprenditorialità nel management. Per rafforzare la ricerca è stata effettuata anche una revisione bibliografica. In generale, sulla base degli articoli analizzati, è stata rilevata l'importanza di un management universitario focalizzato su processi, prodotti e gestione in chiave imprenditoriale e innovativa, aspetti che costituiscono il differenziale competitivo per la crescita e lo sviluppo organizzativo.

  • av Grejs Martins Gomes

    Izuchenie otnoshenij, kotorye lüdi podderzhiwaüt drug s drugom, wsegda nahodilos' w centre wnimaniq samyh raznyh oblastej znaniq. Vwidu mnozhestwennosti i mnogoobraziq podhodow, prinqtyh w kachestwe legitimnyh orientirow dlq proizwodstwa znanij o gruppowyh processah, dannoe issledowanie predstawlqet soboj teoreticheskij obzor, sosredotochennyj na konkretnoj modeli pod nazwaniem "operatiwnye gruppy". Kazhdaq operatiwnaq gruppa predpolagaet obuchenie, a obuchenie, s tochki zreniq operatiwnyh grupp, qwlqetsq sinonimom izmenenij. Takim obrazom, mozhno sdelat' wywod, chto izuchenie modeli raboty w gruppah, osnowannoj na principah izmenenij, osobenno umestno pered licom wyzowow i trebowanij samyh raznyh grupp, k kotorym my prinadlezhim segodnq.

  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching : - Une stratégie pour la réussite ?A une époque où la qualité d¿être, et d¿être ensemble, devient un enjeu majeur de croissance et de pérennité pour toute organisation et communauté humaine. Il met à la disposition de tous ceux ayant à gérer une relation d¿accompagnement (des personnes, des équipes ou des organisations), - coach, manager, formateur, éducateur, dirigeant -, des concepts et des outils, originaux et pertinents, pour aider la personne à se transformer et à se construire. Une liberté et une responsabilité pleinement assumées constituent le fil rouge de cette démarche d¿alliance génératrice de sens.Le contenu de ce livre devrait donc intéresser les coachs en formation ou en exercice. Ils y trouvent autant de points d¿appui pour « théoriser leur pratique » et « pratiquer leur théorie ». C¿est pourquoi, qüils soient thérapeutes, formateurs, enseignants, entraineurs, travailleurs sociaux ou consultants, tous ceux qui font métier d¿accompagner autrui trouveront eux aussi, nous espérons, matière à se nourrir dans le contenu de cet ouvrage.

  • av Greice Martins Gomes

    Lo studio delle relazioni che gli individui intrattengono tra loro è sempre stato al centro delle preoccupazioni delle più diverse aree del sapere. Data la pluralità e molteplicità di approcci adottati come legittimi riferimenti per la produzione di conoscenza sui processi di gruppo, questo studio è una rassegna teorica incentrata su un modello specifico chiamato: Gruppi Operativi. Ogni gruppo operativo presuppone l'apprendimento e l'apprendimento, nella prospettiva dei gruppi operativi, è sinonimo di cambiamento. In questo modo, si può concludere che lo studio di un modello di lavoro in gruppo centrato sui principi del cambiamento è particolarmente appropriato di fronte alle sfide e alle richieste dei tanti e diversi gruppi di cui facciamo parte oggi.

  • av José Francisco Bernardes

    Das unternehmerische Innovationsmanagement in Hochschulorganisationen hat eine sehr starke Tendenz zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung von Prozessen, Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Management. Es ist auch sehr wichtig für die Lehre, die Forschung und die Erweiterung, wobei unternehmerische und innovative Initiativen auf die Bedürfnisse der Gemeinschaft und der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen ausgerichtet sind. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, durch eine integrative systematische Überprüfung den Beitrag des unternehmerischen Innovationsmanagements zum Hochschulmanagement zu ermitteln. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine bibliografische Untersuchung durchgeführt, die sich auf eine integrative systematische Übersichtsarbeit konzentrierte, in der eine große Anzahl von Artikeln über Unternehmertum im Management vorgestellt wurde. Eine bibliografische Überprüfung wurde ebenfalls durchgeführt, um die Forschung zu stärken. Auf der Grundlage der untersuchten Artikel wurde allgemein festgestellt, wie wichtig ein Hochschulmanagement ist, das sich auf Prozesse, Produkte und Management in einer unternehmerischen und innovativen Weise konzentriert, wobei diese Aspekte das Wettbewerbsdifferenzial für das Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Organisation darstellen.

  • av Pragati Agarwal

    E-commerce have grown significantly in recent years, becoming one of the preferred methods of purchasing goods or services by customers. Online websites are increasing their proportion of sales volume in a rapid and transient manner, indicating that they are a channel to which retailers should pay attention, given that they are a future trend for retail. E-commerce has rapidly multiplied the business opportunity of the companies by entering into larger population. We have witnessed these changes in the COVID-19 pandemic where the websites have come up with innovative ways to cater the needs of the people. Therefore, this research tries to measure and analyse service quality of e-commerce websites, customer satisfaction and financial performance.The objective of this study is to measure various service quality factors of online shopping websites and to examine customer satisfaction derived from service quality. The study also focuses on measuring financial performance affected from customer satisfaction. The study focuses on five dimensions of e-service quality model to predict the service encounter satisfaction of customers.

  • av Greice Martins Gomes

    Die Untersuchung der Beziehungen, die Individuen untereinander unterhalten, steht seit jeher im Mittelpunkt des Interesses der verschiedensten Wissensbereiche. Aufgrund der Pluralität und Vielfalt der Ansätze, die als legitime Referenzen für die Produktion von Wissen über Gruppenprozesse angenommen wurden, handelt es sich bei dieser Studie um einen theoretischen Überblick, der sich auf ein spezifisches Modell konzentriert: Operative Gruppen. Jede operative Gruppe setzt Lernen voraus, und Lernen ist aus Sicht der operativen Gruppen gleichbedeutend mit Veränderung. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die Untersuchung eines Modells für die Arbeit in Gruppen, das auf den Prinzipien der Veränderung basiert, angesichts der Herausforderungen und Anforderungen der vielen verschiedenen Gruppen, denen wir heute angehören, besonders geeignet ist.

  • av Xiaodong Ma
    751 - 1 117

  • av Nathan O Hatch
    301 - 801

  • av Ana Maria Munoz

    A book for future, past, and present Shopkeepers (and the people who love them). After five years of owning, operating, and closing her dream store, Ana Maria realized that opening for business also means opening up to personal growth. OPEN dives into the practical elements of building and operating a retail store while squarely focusing on the Shopkeeper behind it. Blending memoir and keen observations, author Ana Maria Muñoz shares her Shopkeeper Journey while encouraging readers to dig into their "Personal Backroom" and take Personal Inventory to identify what makes them tick, dim, glow, and burn out. OPEN is filled with hands-on insights, vulnerable personal stories, and reflections to inspire present and future Shopkeepers to take action, build a better launch, grow their store, and evolve with their Shopkeeper Dream. This book is less how-to build and more how-to be: - Dig deep into your vision for your personal life and store so you can choose the right path for both. - Identify the metrics for success that will be your guide as you drive your business more effectively to bring your vision to life. - Enjoy the journey and experience your time as a Shopkeeper with more ease and delight while serving your community. While focused on Shopkeepers, the overarching themes are universal for any entrepreneur, small business owner, and anyone who desires to live the YES out of life.Whether you want to launch your dream store, operate your current brick-and-mortar with less friction and more bliss, move on to a new adventure, or get a Shopkeeper's point of view, OPEN will reveal a world of considerations and possibilities.

  • av Brady Brim-DeForest

    Smaller is Better uses real-world examples of companies who have saved billions, shaving years off their development cycles through small teams. Discover how to form autonomous teams, optimize for mission, and scale.

  • - Insights from Serial Entrepreneurs on Starting, Scaling, Exiting, and Repeating
    av Naomi Jaurez

    In the exhilarating world of entrepreneurship, there exists a dynamic and perpetual cycle-a journey that visionary individuals master to achieve enduring success. "Entrepreneur's Loop" is your roadmap to understanding and conquering this extraordinary journey, where innovation, growth, strategic exits, and new beginnings are intertwined. **Navigating the Entrepreneur's Loop** At its core, the Entrepreneur's Loop is an endless journey that encompasses four pivotal stages: Start, Scale, Exit, and Repeat. This book is your gateway to unlocking the secrets, stories, and strategies that power this remarkable journey. **The Art of Inception** Journey through the inception phase as you explore the passionate, innovative minds of entrepreneurs at the "Start" of their quests. Here, ideas take root, dreams materialize, and the thrill of crafting something new begins. You'll discover the essential steps of market research, business planning, and securing initial funding. **The Thrill of Scaling for Success** Once established, the entrepreneurial quest transitions to the "Scale" phase, marked by exhilarating growth, market expansion, and the quest for effective resource management. Delve into the world of successful entrepreneurs who have mastered the art of scaling their ventures. **The Strategic Exit Strategy** Exiting a venture is an art of its own, with various paths to explore, including selling, merging, or going public through an IPO. This book sheds light on the strategic decision-making process that seasoned entrepreneurs undertake to achieve success through their exits. **The Passion for Repeating Success** For serial entrepreneurs, the journey never truly concludes. After one venture ends, another begins at the "Start." What ignites their unyielding passion for innovation and success? How do they employ their accumulated knowledge to reach even greater heights?Embark on a transformative journey through the intricate web of entrepreneurship. Join the ranks of those who have unlocked the code to perpetual innovation, growth, and the ultimate entrepreneurial dream: to Start, Scale, Exit, and Repeat. "Entrepreneur's Loop" invites you to step into the shoes of visionaries and become a master of the entrepreneurial journey.

  • - How a Tiny Board Can Create Massive Revenue Streams!
    av Gary Covella

    ATTENTION ALL ENTREPRENEURS, TECHIE GURUS, AND INNOVATION SEEKERS!Are you ready to revolutionize your income and explode your entrepreneurial endeavors with the most understated tool of the century? Buckle up, because "Pi Profits: How a Tiny Board Can Create Massive Revenue Streams" is about to take you on a wild ride through the untamed frontiers of technological innovation!Now, you might be sitting there, scratching your head, thinking, "What in the world can a pocket-sized circuit board do for me?" Oh, you sweet summer child, it's not just any board; it's a Raspberry Pi, and it's your unstoppable, unbeatable, and unbelievably potent weapon in dominating the modern market!Dive headfirst into a treasure trove of groundbreaking strategies, top-secret tips, and the downright decadent success stories that will have you salivating at the mouth, ready to devour the competition!"But I'm not a techie," you whimper. STOP right there! Whether you're an artist crafting mesmerizing digital masterpieces, an educator shaping the brilliant minds of tomorrow, or a farmer with your boots deep in soil, this book is your Golden Ticket! We're not just talking theory here; we're talking practical, actionable, and monetizable steps that you can take right to the bank!Picture this: Automated homes that are the envy of sci-fi movies, custom gaming consoles that would make even the most hardcore gamers weak at the knees, art installations that interact and mesmerize, and agricultural tech that will safeguard our future. And that's just barely scratching the surface!Each chapter of "Pi Profits" is a Pandora's box of profit-churning potential! We're handing you the keys to the kingdom, where every turn uncovers new, untapped markets ripe for the taking, where your innovative ideas morph into lucrative ventures that will have your pockets bulging with green!Here's the clincher, folks: You're standing at the precipice of the old you and the future you; one foot in your mundane, profitless world, and the other, just a step away from entrepreneurial nirvana. This isn't just a book; it's a lifeline, pulling you from the quicksand of missed opportunities into a realm of infinite possibilities.Ride the wave of innovation, or get swallowed by the tides of obsolescence! The choice is yours, but remember, fortune favors the bold! Secure your copy of "Pi Profits: How a Tiny Board Can Create Massive Revenue Streams," and set fire to your entrepreneurial spirit!Embrace the revolution with an arsenal of wisdom at your fingertips. The time is now! Explore, innovate, and capitalize with the game-changing manual that will transform your world. Let's turn that tiny spark in your eye into a raging inferno of success! Are you ready to ignite your life with "Pi Profits"? Let's light this candle and blast off to a world of endless innovation and wealth!

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Starting an LLC in 2024
    av Louis Scott

    LLC 101 is the essential guide to starting a Limited Liability Company in 2024. This book will walk you through every step of the process, from choosing the right business structure to filing the necessary paperwork. You'll also learn about the benefits of an LLC, including limited liability protection and tax advantages. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - get your copy today and start your journey to success! DON'T WAIT - YOUR FUTURE IS CALLING! GET STARTED WITH LLC 101 TODAY. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!

  • - Integrating the laws of the Kybalion into the business world
    av José Nicanor Pinilla Barcelona

    Welcome to a transformational journey that will take you beyond the ordinary world of entrepreneurship! In "The Holistic Entrepreneur: Integrating the Laws of the Kybalion for Entrepreneurial Success", we invite you to discover a revolutionary approach that fuses the ancient wisdom of the Kybalion with cutting-edge business strategies. Get ready to challenge your limits and open yourself to a world where entrepreneurship meets spirituality, and where success is not only measured in terms of profit, but also in personal growth and contribution to the world.In "The Holistic Entrepreneur", you will not only find a guide to improve your business, but also a path to transform yourself. We are here to help you transcend the limitations of traditional entrepreneurship and open yourself to a universe of infinite possibilities.Get ready to unleash your full potential and discover a new meaning to entrepreneurial success! This book is your passport to a form of entrepreneurship that will not only enrich you financially, but also nourish your soul and lead you to a personal fulfilment you never thought possible.Are you ready to take the next step into holistic entrepreneurship, then this book is for you! Get your copy now and begin the journey that will transform not only your business, but also your life.

  • - Making Strangers Want to Purchase Your Stuff
    av Douglas E Week

    In today's competitive marketplace, capturing the attention of potential buyers is a formidable challenge. How to Generate Leads worth Hundreds of Millions offers a comprehensive guide to master the art of persuasion and transform strangers into enthusiastic purchasers. This book is your key to conquering the challenge of lead generation in a digitized world. Persuasion is the core of this book. It's about forming a genuine connection rather than manipulation. How to Generate Leads worth Hundreds of Millions delves into the psychology of persuasion, providing a roadmap to connect with potential buyers, understand their needs, and guide them toward purchasing your products or services. The book's first part addresses the core challenge: understanding your audience. It explores their pain points, desires, and decision-making psychology. Armed with this knowledge, you can align your offerings with their needs effectively. Another vital aspect covered is problem-solving. Concrete strategies are presented to position your products as solutions to your audience's challenges. You'll learn how to address their concerns and communicate the unique benefits of your offerings. Storytelling is a powerful tool explored in depth. Compelling narratives make your products unforgettable and resonate with your audience. Stories connect on a deep, emotional level, making them an essential persuasion tool. Building trust and credibility are cornerstones of persuasion. Without trust, your attempts to make people want to buy your products will fail. This chapter delves into strategies for building trust, including transparency, reliability, and exceptional customer service. In the modern digital era, your company's web presence frequently gives prospective clients their first impression of it. This chapter provides insights into designing user-friendly websites, utilizing social media effectively, and optimizing content for search engines. The language of persuasion is dissected in another chapter. Learn how to choose words that evoke emotions, create urgency, address objections, and highlight the uniqueness and benefits of your products. Effective copywriting, persuasive call-to-action strategies, and A/B testing are covered in detail. The art of persuasion doesn't stop at crafting compelling messages. It extends to incentives and conversion strategies. Explore how incentives tap into the psychology of human decision-making, including discounts, freebies, loyalty programs, guarantees, and limited-time offers. Master call-to-action strategies and measure the impact of your incentives and conversion strategies. The final chapters emphasize the importance of nurturing customer relationships and leveraging feedback. Cultivating solid client relationships is crucial for long-term success. Strategies for personalized communication, consistent engagement, and exceptional customer service are covered. Handling customer inquiries and feedback effectively is also a key focus. This book offers a comprehensive understanding of the art of persuasion and a practical roadmap to implement these strategies in your business. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to build lasting, meaningful relationships with your audience, ultimately increasing the desirability of your products and the growth of your business. Now is the time to act. How to Generate Leads worth Hundreds of Millions is your guide to mastering the art of persuasion and making strangers want to purchase your products. Transform your business into a persuasive powerhouse. Your journey to success begins here.

  • - Navigating the Path from Startup to Success
    av Joshua Harris

    "In 'The Comprehensive Guide to LLCs, ' embark on a detailed journey through the landscape of Limited Liability Companies. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an experienced business owner, this guide offers invaluable insights. From the foundational steps of formation and selecting the right structure to navigating the complexities of taxation, growth strategies, and even potential transitions or sales, every aspect is meticulously covered. Packed with expert advice, practical tips, and real-life examples, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to harness the benefits of an LLC. Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and build a thriving, sustainable business."

  • - Simple Secrets for a Successful Business
    av Stanley Blaise

    Nothing can be more frustrating in business than ignorance. Light is superior to darkness because it rules over this outstanding book, I offer the reader a unique opportunity to dominate in business and make progress where others are crawling.Wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). It is wisdom to ensure your business; be diligent, and faithful, have a kingdom dream, be informed, and use the available. Revealed secrets make stars in life and business. Also, in this epoch-making book, you will know - how to start a business without money and some useful tips for business exploits.It's...Nominal!


    Earning Money is loaded with practical, money-making ideas that don't require fancy degrees of huge start-up costs, (or any start-up cost, in many cases)-from selling and mail order to catering and high-tech repair services.

  • - Principles to Achieve Success and Happiness
    av Roger Frederick Vaughn

    Craft Your Ideal Life: Principles to Achieve Success and Happiness by Roger Frederick Vaughn is not just another guide for personal development-it's an empowering companion on the journey towards self-fulfillment. This Special Report seeks to challenge conventional success metrics and invites readers to architect their versions of prosperous reality, laced with joy and satisfaction.Immerse yourself in the world of strategic life design. The report breaks down the principles of achievement and happiness, rendering them into 10 digestible chapters, each one transitioning intuitively into the next. You'll begin by understanding freshly contextualized concepts of success, before delving into self-discovery, visualization techniques, mastery of resilience, importance of mental and physical health, and much more! Understanding Success: Redefining the MetricsUnlocking Your Potential: Self-Discovery and AssessmentThe Power of Visualization: Crafting Your Ideal Life BlueprintResilience and Persistence: Keys to Overcoming ObstaclesMind and Body: The Importance of Physical and Mental HealthProductivity Tools: Maximizing Time to Cultivate SuccessMastery of Skills: Continuous Learning and GrowthBuilding Strong Relationships: The Bedrock of HappinessCelebrating Success: The Power of Gratitude and RecognitionThe Journey Forward: Sustaining Success and Happiness in Your LifeThe path to personal development does not have to feel like a daunting uphill trek. With Roger's eloquent prose and relatable stories, it's as though you've gained a companion on this journey. Tackle challenges with renewed vigor, celebrate triumphs, and courting positive changes enthusiastically-with this comprehensive guide, your ideal life is not a far-off dream but a reality waiting around the corner! Inspire yourself today and take steps towards creating a vibrant and fulfilling life. Own a copy of Craft Your Ideal Life: Principles to Achieve Success and Happiness now!

  • - Steps for growing hemp from seed to mature plant, harvesting, drying, and sales
    av Robert Schmidt

    Have you ever used hemp products or tried CBD and wondered if you could grow it? Look no further!Hemp is an easy plant to grow. This is a guide to what goes into growing it!We try to provide a basic understanding of what it takes to grow it and to benefit from it.What's included in this book: A history of hemp Understanding how to select seeds to produce the most CBD or bio-mass for your investment Some seed suppliers that are best in class Soil and water management Harvesting and drying suggestions Processing information And most importantly a look towards final saleThis book will help you get a start and an understanding of the things needed to successfully grow hemp.If you want to learn more about this amazing plant, then scroll up and click the buy button. See you inside!

  • - A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Wealth
    av Simon Sterling

    Financial Freedom Roadmap: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Wealth" is your comprehensive guide to achieving true financial independence. In this enlightening book, you'll embark on a transformative journey through the world of personal finance, equipping yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to secure your financial future.This roadmap offers clear and actionable steps, guiding you through the intricacies of wealth creation and management. From setting SMART financial goals to understanding various investment options, it empowers you to make informed decisions. With chapters on income generation strategies, financial planning, asset protection, and legacy planning, it covers the full spectrum of wealth-building.Discover how to diversify your income, manage risks effectively, and safeguard your assets.Learn how to create a financial plan that aligns with your aspirations and adapt it as life unfolds. Whether you're starting on your financial journey or seeking to enhance your wealth-building strategies, this book is your trusted companion. Financial freedom is within reach, and this roadmap will illuminate the path to your financial dreams.

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