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Vi befinner oss i en värld full av religion i olika varianter, var och en med sin egen unika berättelse. Det är episka berättelser som vi läser än idag och tar till som vägledning till hur vi lever våra liv. Det finns många olika religioner och oavsett om du är religiös eller inte är historierna de innehåller otroligt spännande. De besitter också en enorm visdom som går tillbaka till antiken, men som också återfinns i nyare religioner som har uppkommit med tiden. Vi människor behöver alla något att tro på, det ger oss styrka oavsett om det är religion eller något annat. Hitta din bok om religion hos oss ​​idag och ge dig ut på en resa - oavsett våra hållningar är dessa böcker rika på innehåll med fantastiska berättelser och goda livsguider.
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  • av Barbara Hand Clow

    A guide to connecting with the nine dimensions of consciousness

  • av Zondervan

    This contemporary Russian Bible, featuring the clear and accurate New Russian Translation (NRT), is ideal for outreach or for personal use.

  • av Imam Ghazali

    In Ihya 'Ulum ad-Din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences), the author explores the spiritual depth of virtually every aspect of Islam. The book presents Imam al-Ghazali's profound insights regarding man's lifelong struggle to draw closer to Allah in a simple framework, providing the reader with a step-by-step tried and proven method for spiritual development. The result is an essential guide to improving one's relationship with both the Creator and the creation and a perfect introduction to Imam al-Ghazali's other great works.About the AuthorThe Proof of Islam Imam Abu Hamid Müammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 1111)-jurist, legal theorist, logician, theologian, and mystic was a master of both the outer and inner sciences of the Shari'ah who is regarded by many as the greatest Muslim thinker to have lived after the Pious Predecessors. Credited with dealing a death blow to Aristotelian philosophy in the Muslim world and bringing authentic Islamic spirituality into the mainstream, his life and thoughts were highly influential in shaping medieval society's spiritual values and practices and are no less relevant today.

  • av Steven F. Pfister

    The human mind is truly a phenomenal and creative treasure. It has given us dominion over the natural world and set us above all the other life forms we share it with. But in so doing, it has isolated in a world of our own making, one that has imprisoned and so restricted our awareness to a purely mind-based, lower frequency, egoic assessment of Life. The effect has left us chronically insecure, oblivious to the sacred presence of our Source and Creator, mere shadows of our true Eternal Nature on a chaotic, never-ending quest to be and have "more" that is intrinsic to that deception. That dark syndrome has been supported by a truly sinister force that is directly responsible for the evil that has plagued our kind for eons. But take heart, for there exists in the human spirit a profound yearning for truth, Love and a connection to something greater then ourselvers. It is our birthright and spiritual heritage, the reason we have been created and one only you can claim. WithIn these pages, the untapped reservoirs of higher knowledge are explored, transcending the boundaries of conventional thought and thinking. From ancient philosophies to modern insights, this book serves as a guide to the profound wisdom that awaits those willing to embark on a quest for spiritual enlightenment.Drawing on a tapestry of spiritual traditions, personal insights, metaphysical principles, and the timeless teachings of mystics, "The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge" illuminates the path to self-discovery offering glimpses into the profound truths that shape our existence. Whether you are a seeker on a spiritual journey or an explorer of the metaphysical, this book beckons you to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. And so, "The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge" would have you embark on a transformative journey through the realms of esoteric wisdom, inviting you to delve into the mysteries that lie beyond the ordinary and where ancient wisdom converges with contemporary insights, where the seeker becomes the sage, and where the profound truths of higher knowledge reveal themselves to those who dare to seek. This book is an invitation to transcend, transform, and tap into the boundless wisdom that resides within and beyond the everyday dictates of mind and thinking and to the truth that will set you free. Allow its wisdom to end your banishment and liberate you from the illusions of life as it educates, inspires and uplifts mind to the higher frequency of our Source and Creator. That omnipresent Spirit is the essence of this very moment, your true Eternal Nature and the love, unity and peace that is our sacred birth right and spiritual heritage. It awaits you here in this the ever present Now Moment within the silent stillness of your own very Beingness. Are you ready and willing to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary and unlocks the gates to higher knowledge? Late in January of 1967 a "spontaneous Kundalini rising" would unceremoniously awakened Steven from this dream of Life leaving him a confused and frightened stranger to a world he could no longer recognize of partake in. As time passed, he was able to integrate the higher frequency of the Kundalini energy into his daily life, come to terms with the illusion we have all been born into, and reconcile the conundrum of evil that would feed off the mayhem and suffering inherent in our ignorance and neglect. This is Steven's fifth book and the nature of Consciousness.

  • av Kathe Wunnenberg

  • av Lamya H
    151 - 247

  • av Covenant Press
    1 021

    THE 120-BOOK HOLY BIBLE AND APOCRYPHA HARDCOVER IS THE LARGEST SCRIPTURE AND APOCRYPHAL COLLECTION EVER PUBLISHED, FEATURING ALL 54 BOOKS OF THE 2022 EDITION OF THE COMPLETE APOCRYPHA AND ALL 66 BOOKS OF THE HOLY BIBLE, PLUS ADDITIONAL WRITINGS, CHARTS, AND MAPS. IT'S THE NEW, LITERAL, EASY-TO-READ, DEFINITIVE COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH [NON-GNOSTIC] SCRIPTURES AND APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. IT'S ALSO THE LONGEST SINGLE-VOLUME PUBLISHED BOOK IN THE WORLD AT OVER 1.5 MILLION WORDS, EXCEEDING EVEN THE GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER A LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU BY MARCEL PROUST AT 1.3 MILLION WORDS.*All 39 books of the Old Testament, 27 books of the New Testament, and 54 books of the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Apostolic Fathers, all revised and retranslated into a clean, literal, and easy-to-read translation: the complete LSV collection. This is the largest and most comprehensive collection of non-Gnostic Scriptures and apocryphal books ever produced (120 books in total). This substantially exceeds the Catholic Bible (73 books), Ethiopian Bible (81 books), and even the Cepher (87 books).*This quality hardcover has elegant, 9.5-point typeface and minimized verse numbers for a more engrossing, novel-like reading experience. Thick white pages are used for high contrast and minimal bleed-through.*The 54 included apocryphal works contain approximately 90% as much material as the standard 66 books of The Holy Bible, thus this complete collection is approximately twice the size of the 66 canonical books present in most Bibles. Additional fragments, writings, charts, and maps are included in an appendix section.*Includes the Catholic and Orthodox Deuterocanon material, all three of the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, the Aramaic Book of Giants, the testaments, apocalypses, pseudepigrapha, New Testament-era works, the Apostolic Fathers, and more.*Utilization of the transliterated Tetragrammaton in the Old Testament. All uppercase LORD is used in the New Testament and Apocrypha when a reference to YHWH is likely.The Literal Standard Version (LSV) is a modern translation that stays true to the original manuscripts. This collection includes all 66 books of the Holy Bible, as well as Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, 1-4 Baruch, 1-4 Maccabees, Apocryphal Esther, Apocryphal Psalms, Apocryphal Daniel (including Azariah, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon), 1-2 Esdras, Prayer of Manasseh, Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, Jubilees, 1-3 Enoch, Book of Giants (from the DSS), Jasher, Life of Adam and Eve, Book of Creation, Testament of Abraham, Testament of Isaac, Testament of Jacob, Ladder of Jacob, Joseph and Asenath, Testament of Job, Testament of Moses, Testament of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon, Lives of the Prophets, Words of Gad the Seer, Ascension of Isaiah, Revelation of Abraham, Revelation of Elijah, Revelation of Zephaniah, Apocryphon of Ezekiel, Epistle of Aristeas, Didache, Revelation of Peter, Epistle of Barnabas, 3 Corinthians, 1-2 Clement, Seven Epistles of Ignatius, Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians, Martyrdom of Polycarp, Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus, The Shepherd of Hermas, Odes of Peace, Apology of Aristides, and more. The LSV is published by Covenant Press, the publishing arm of the Covenant Christian Coalition.

  • av Kirsty Gallagher

    The Goddess Path is your sign to start living authentically.Taking you on a personal deep dive, this 13-step journey will help you to uncover all that keeps you hidden. By venturing on the goddess path, you'll reclaim your self-worth, learn how to establish your boundaries, cultivate intuition and learn who you truly are. Kirsty will help you embrace your shadows so you accept and love all parts of you; you'll get to know yourself like never before.Packed with wisdom, affirmations, simple practices, rituals, and a sprinkling of ancient goddesses, this is your invitation to activate your sense of wholeness. These pages will help you trust yourself and show up in the world as your most powerful, goddess-like self.

  • av Dr Tony Nader

    From a renowned Vedic scholar, leader of the Maharishi Foundations, and Harvard-trained neuroscientist: this book answers fundamental existential questions with practical benefits for enlightenment, peace, and fulfillment.

  • av Jareb Nott

    Do Your Thoughts Invite the Demonic or the Divine?Is your mind clouded with thoughts of depression or anxiety, even anger or bitterness? Have you tried to rise up and renew your mind only to be weighed down by exhaustion or laid low by hopelessness?The truth is that what you think controls who has access to your mind. Even seemingly harmless thoughts can open gates in your mind that allow the enemy to secretly infiltrate, build strongholds, and turn your mind to wage war against the very One that you long to serve.But what's been opened can always be closed.Having helped multitudes experience spiritual freedom from demonic forces, Jareb Nott shows how you can seal off the powers of darkness from your mind and tear down their strongholds, empowering you to think thoughts that host the peace, presence, and power of God. Through scientific and biblical research, he offers a step-by-step process to help you transform your mind into a supernaturally impenetrable fortress of hope and joy!In this revolutionary yet practical book, Jareb not only exposes the enemy's insidious strategies for infecting your mind, but he also reveals how to:Silence the enemy's tormenting thoughts.Think the kind of thoughts that host God's presence.Wield the power of biblical meditation, prayer, and intercession to renew your mind.Build supernatural strongholds in your mind that open the gates of Heaven.Protect your life and mind from the powers of darkness.And more!A deeper dimension of fellowship and encounter with the Holy Spirit awaits you! Stop empowering the darkness to dominate your thoughts. It's time to dominate the darkness-and flood your mind with the transforming light of God's presence.


    With a beautiful cover design and helpful journaling tools, the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Hosanna Revival Series encourages believers to capture notes, prayers, or personal reflections alongside Scripture.

  • av Tony Reinke

    Distilled from the popular podcast Ask Pastor John, this comprehensive book compiles pastor-theologian and bestselling author John Piper's answers to life's perplexing questions about situational ethics, spiritual disciplines, theology, and more.

  • av Helen H. (Helen H. Lee) Lee

    A weekly Bible study for women devoted to Jesus’s life and teachings, featuring daily reading plans, prompts, reflections, and prayers to grow in faith and love with Jesus in every moment and season.Whether Christian women are new to faith or devout believers, studying the Bible and encountering Jesus can be challenging. With clear guidance and explanations and genuine reflections in this Bible study for women, Walk with Jesus provides a solid foundation for women to grow closer to Jesus and propel deep spiritual growth so they can bloom and flourish as the women God has called them to be.  52 WEEKS OF BIBLE STUDY WITH GUIDED SCRIPTURE AND READING PLANS—study and deep dive into Jesus’s life in the books of John, Mark, Matthew, and Luke.  PLENTY OF WRITING SPACE—jot down prayers, innermost thoughts, and personal notes for encouraging intimate conversations with Jesus. PROMPTS TO REFLECT AND APPLY to hear what Jesus is speaking into their heart and easily weave directly into their daily lives. Draw meaning from the sacred text in confidence. AFFIRMING KEY VERSES & PRAYERS to meditate on God’s truths to remind women that Jesus is always near and help focus on what’s most important throughout the week  CERTIFIED CHRISTIAN LIFE COACH—Helen Lee, MSc’s faith-based license and passion and comforting words help women live courageously and experience spiritual growth.

  • av Jeremiah Johnson
    281 - 477

  • av Sarah Bakewell

  • av Jason Shurka

    The Pyramid Code is a fascinating first-hand account of the anonymous author's experience with an undercover organization known as TLS (The Light System) and the unveiling of many of life's mysteries that were revealed to him on his path.His story Is a true and accurate representation of the beginning of his journey into the spirit world, his memories from a very important past reincarnation in ancient Egypt, his knowledge and wisdom of the sacred mysticism of the Pyramid, the construction of the Pyramids and hidden codes within, as well as his knowledge of the new era in which humanity is heading towards.

  • av Dr. David Jeremiah

    Amidst all the pain and heartbreak that we face, is there real hope for those who follow Jesus?

  • av Rizwan Virk

    'The impact of the Autobiography wasn't limited to musicians or spiritual seekers. Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple Inc., which became the world's most valuable company, was a big fan and went so far as to say it was one of his favourite books. Jobs first read it as a teenager and claimed to have re-read it every year since then.'Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi was one of the most impactful spiritual books of the twentieth century and has travelled around the world, inspiring millions to walk the spiritual path. But what are twenty-first-century spiritual aspirants, steeped in technology and science, to think of these classic tales of gurus, swamis and miracles in the Himalayas? Do these tales have relevance today?In Wisdom of a Yogi, bestselling author, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Rizwan Virk brings out the lessons from Yogananda's classic and reinterprets them for the modern age. In fourteen unforgettable lessons, interweaving stories from the Autobiography with tales of college professors, students, entrepreneurs and modern seekers, Virk brings the ancient lessons of karma, yoga, meditation and siddhas into the modern age of YouTube, video games, mobile phones and social media.Whether you have never read the Autobiography or have read it multiple times, Wisdom of a Yogi will help enhance your spiritual practice in today's increasingly complex, cluttered and connected world.


    This expanded edition of the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible features study notes from the ESV Student Study Bible, over 400 in-text summaries, 25 articles, book introductions, sidebars, and more.

  • av Julie Jordan Avritt & Thomas Hübl

    A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Healing Shared TraumaWhat can you do when you carry scars not on your body, but within your soul? And what happens when those spiritual wounds exist not just in you, but in everyone in your family, community, and even beyond?Spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl has spent years investigating why it is that old and seemingly disconnected traumas can seed their way through communities and across generations. His work culminates in Healing Collective Trauma, a new perspective on trauma that addresses both its visible effects and its most hidden roots. Thomas combines deep knowledge of mystical traditions with the latest scientific research. "In this way," writes Thomas, "we are weaving a double helix between ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding."Thomas details the Collective Trauma Integration Process, a group-based modality for evoking and eventually dissolving stuck traumatic energies. Providing structured practices for both students and group facilitators, Healing Collective Trauma is intended to build a practical tool kit for integration. Here, you will learn:. The innumerable ways trauma shapes our world-from identity and health to economy, geopolitics, and the state of the environment. The concept of "trauma loyalty"-unconscious group bonds based in a pain narrative. How the climate crisis is both a manifestation of humanity's collective trauma and an opportunity to heal . "Retrocausality"-how the power of presence can reshape the past and make new futures possibleIncluding essays contributed by experts such as Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Otto Scharmer, Dr. Christina Bethell, and Ken Wilber, Healing Collective Trauma offers not just an advanced look at community trauma but also a hopeful glimpse of the future. As Thomas declares, "Together, I believe we can and must heal the 'soul wound' that marks us all. In so doing, we will awaken to the luminous possibility and profound potential of our true, mutual nature as humankind."

  • av Sergio Rijo

    Are you feeling lost or uncertain about your life's purpose? Do you feel like there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing? If you're searching for answers, I'm here to tell you that you've come to the right place.I'm excited to introduce you to my book, The 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Personal Growth and Spiritual Enlightenment. This book is the culmination of years of research, personal experience, and spiritual growth. It's designed to help you understand the fundamental laws that govern our universe and how you can use them to achieve personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.In this book, I guide you through each of the 12 spiritual laws, providing clear and concise explanations of their meanings and practical ways to apply them to your life. You'll learn how to let go of negative beliefs and patterns that hold you back, and instead, cultivate positive habits and attitudes that will help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.Throughout the book, I share exercises and techniques to help you deepen your understanding of the laws and integrate them into your life. You'll learn how to manifest your desires, connect with your intuition, and align with your higher self.My hope is that this book will be a valuable resource for you on your spiritual journey. Whether you're a beginner or have been on the path for some time, The 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe will provide you with insights and guidance to help you continue growing and evolving.So, if you're ready to unlock your full potential and experience the joy and abundance that life has to offer, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let's explore the 12 spiritual laws together and discover the power of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

  • av Sara L Mastros

    "An excellent body of practice for those wishing to explore the vast depths of the magic of the Solomonic pentacles." --David Rankine, author of The Grimoire Encyclopaedia The Key of Solomon is a family of closely related historic grimoires legendarily attributed to Solomon, the biblical Magician King. Most famously, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers's 1889 English edition presented forty-four Hebrew seals, commonly called the "planetary pentacles." However, it offered very little guidance for how to work with them. Sara L. Mastros, a leading teacher and practitioner of magic, translates and interprets each of these pentacles and presents practical methods for working with their magical powers, creating a clear, accessible user's guide. "Sara Mastros has provided a deep dive into the forty-four pentacles as codified by Mathers. Drawing on a wide variety of sources and her own experiences, she includes many easy-to-follow exercises for exploring them." --Joseph Peterson, author of The Secrets of Solomon In The Sorcery of Solomon, Mastros places The Key of Solomon in a historical and folkloric context, presenting a complete, fresh translation of the forty-four pentacles, all of which have been newly illustrated. She guides the reader through the process of working with Solomonic pentacles and more. Primarily intended for intermediate-level magicians who already have a basic knowledge of spellcraft, The Sorcery of Solomon is also appropriate for beginners who are willing to do a bit of extra "homework." "Sara Mastros manages to illuminate the past history of the pentacles while shining a light forward into the future with clear and thoughtful instruction. Not only does she fully explain the design of each pentacle, correcting many errors along the way, but she shares advice and insight gained from her own work. The Sorcery of Solomon delivers what it promises: a fully workable system of magic." --Jason Miller, author of Protection and Reversal Magic

  • av G.E.H. Palmer

  • av Andrew Root

    How Do You Minister to People Who Are Spiritual but Not Religious?In a secular age that offers a buffet of spiritualities focused on the self and on personal transformation, Andrew Root demonstrates the difference between these reigning mysticisms and an authentic Christian view of transformation."Root playfully illustrates how we have become trapped in the present by way of the past, and neither heroics nor introspection nor ourselves will save us. Instead, he posits an enticing, ancient transformation in confession and surrender to something beyond ourselves. A balm for those guilted by Instagram and self-help, Root's book is both illuminating intellectual history and an essential guide for spiritual leaders navigating secular mysticisms."--Erin Raffety, Princeton University and Princeton Seminary"A theological gem. This book is a primer on spiritual theology and philosophical theology that inspires readers to recover and reconsider traditions of confession and surrender. Root balances wit and humor with intellectual depth. This thought-provoking book is an important read that challenges mainline pastors and congregations striving for relevance in the secular age."--Kermit Moss, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary"A gifted practical theologian, Root invites us to wrestle with the nature of historical and contemporary mysticism in the Western world so that we might resist a spirituality that essentially ends in the self and respond to the transformative invitation to Christ-centered relationships. Ministry leaders will benefit greatly from Root's practical wisdom."--Angela Reed, Truett Seminary, Baylor University"Root's final book of the Ministry in a Secular Age series passes on a legacy: the mystery of how a theology of the cross paradoxically offers a path for transformation of the self. At the end of his secular pilgrimage, Root becomes a mystical guide, pointing passionately at how transcendence may be found in the receptive life--a life of passive surrender and confession."--Bård Norheim, NLA University College, Norway; coauthor of The Four Speeches Every Leader Has to Know

  • av John Mark Comer

    "The New York Times bestselling author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and Live No Lies reveals the obstacles holding us back from authentically following Jesus and presents countercultural practices to connect us with a vibrant, lifelong faith"--

  • av Matthieu Ricard

    "Originally published as Carnets d'un moine errant. Copyright Allary âEditions, 2021."--Title page verso

  • av Tessa Paul

    An authoritative guide to the lives and works of over 300 saints, with expert commentary and over 500 beautiful paintings, statues and icons.

  • av Naomi Kelsey
    147 - 267

  • - A Muslim Love Story
    av Huda Fahmy

    So relevant in todays evolving cultural climate, Fahmys story offers a perceptive and personal glimpse into the sometimes sticky but ultimately rewarding balance of independent choice and tradition.

  • - The Exodus from Egypt
    av John F. MacArthur

    Although the descendants of Jacob moved to Egypt as honored guests, in time they became despised slaves groaning under the mistreatment of Pharaoh. In response to the people's cries, God called a man named Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan, but their journey took a dramatic forty-year detour when they failed to trust in God.In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at the historical period beginning with God's calling of Moses, continuing through the giving of the Ten Commandments, and concluding with the Israelites' preparations to enter the Promised Land.This study includes close-up examinations of Aaron, Caleb, Joshua, Balaam and Balak, as well as careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as "e;Complaints and Rebellion"e; and ';Following God's Law."e;ABOUT THE SERIESThe MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

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