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Vi befinner oss i en värld full av religion i olika varianter, var och en med sin egen unika berättelse. Det är episka berättelser som vi läser än idag och tar till som vägledning till hur vi lever våra liv. Det finns många olika religioner och oavsett om du är religiös eller inte är historierna de innehåller otroligt spännande. De besitter också en enorm visdom som går tillbaka till antiken, men som också återfinns i nyare religioner som har uppkommit med tiden. Vi människor behöver alla något att tro på, det ger oss styrka oavsett om det är religion eller något annat. Hitta din bok om religion hos oss ​​idag och ge dig ut på en resa - oavsett våra hållningar är dessa böcker rika på innehåll med fantastiska berättelser och goda livsguider.
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  • av Eben Alexander

  • av Hilarie Burton Morgan


  • av Nancy S. Dawson

    Genealogies play a central role in the Bible, yet they can be confusing and daunting to grasp. In this book, Dawson provides a visual guide to every genealogy in the Bible. Noted biblical scholars Eugene Merrill and Andreas Kostenberger supplement Dawson's work with brief explanations that describe the significance of the Bible's genealogies.

  • av Gregory Koukl

    In Street Smarts, Gregory Koukl shows Christians, step by step, how to maneuver effectively and comfortably in conversations using questions in an artful way to expose the flaws in the thinking of challengers who disagree with their beliefs.

  • av Alberto Villoldo

    Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel-a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel-its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.

  • av Pam Richards

  • av Avi Shlaim

    A unique coming-of-age story from the lost world of Arab-Jews

  • av Belinda J. Womack

    Attract wealth and healing with the guidance of the 12 Archangels

  • av Nostradamus

    Nostradamus (Michel de Nostradame) was born on December 14, 1503 in St. Remy, Provence, France. Nostradamus came from a long line of Jewish doctors and scholars. He is considered by many as one of the most famous and important writers of history prophecies. He is famous mainly for his book 'The Prophecies, ' consisting of quarantine in rhyme. Supporters of the trustworthiness of these prophecies attribute to Nostradamus the ability to predict an incredible number of events in world history, including the French Revolution, the Atomic bomb, the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the attacks of 11 September 2001. However, no one has ever proved that Nostradamus's quarters can provide reliable data for the foreseeable future. Nostradamus had the visions which he later recorded in verse while staring into water or flame late at night, sometimes aided by herbal stimulants, while sitting on a brass tripod. The resulting quatrains (four line verses) are oblique and elliptical, and use puns, anagrams and allegorical imagery. Most of the quatrains are open to multiple interpretations, and some make no sense whatsoever. Some of them are chilling, literal descriptions of events, giving specific or near-specific names, geographic locations, astrological configurations, and sometimes actual dates. It is this quality of both vagueness and specificity which allows each new generation to reinterpret Nostradamus.

  • av John Brierley

    This brand new Camino Guide includes the last two largely undiscovered pilgrim routes into Santiago. That they have remained bypassed for so long is all the more surprising as they follow ancient Roman itineraries and offer spectacular and yet easily accessible alternatives to the well-trodden main routes.

  • av Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

  • av Hillary L. Phd Mcbride

  • av Lorna Oakes & Lucia Gahlin

  • av Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton

  • av Thomas Nelson

    The New King James Compact Bible includes end-of-page cross references, full-color maps and a concordance, yet still fits easily into your backpack or purse.

  • av J. K. Jackson

    ¿ A Collector''s Edition, with deluxe binding and cover.¿ A new introduction reveals our fascination with King Arthur and the Celtic legends.¿ Introduces the characters, landscape and the culture.¿ The series highlights the origins of modern fiction in myth and fable.

  • av J. K. Jackson

    The perfect introduction to the rich delights of Persian Literature, bound in a seductive, collectable edition.Gorgeous Collector's Edition. From such texts as the Shah Nameh (the Persian Book of Kings), Masnavi-e Ma’navi, the Anvar-i Suhayli fables and works by the great poet Nizāmī, come ancient tales of a civilization that once stretched across the known world. Find here the wonderful stories of the magical bird the Simurgh, the Seven Labours of Rustem, the evil demon onager-giant Akwán Díw and the tragic romance of Laili and Majnun. Persian literature is amongst the most beautiful and inventive of all cultures, offering a joyful read of creation, love and conquest.Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.

  • av Tenzin Wangyal

    "If we cannot carry our practice into sleep," Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes, "if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake"--

  • av Rebecca Campbell

    People think that the darkness is the end, but it's also the beginning. Each of us exist in a constant state of change, growth and transformation. But in order for the rebirth to happen we must find the courage to surrender who we once were to create space for who we are becoming. In Your Soul Had A Dream, Your Life Is It, bestselling author Rebecca Campbell shares her personal journey of learning to navigate life's darkest nights, opening to healing and reconnecting with the spirit of Life. This book will support you to: navigate your own dark nights of the soul embrace life's great cycles and initiatory gatewaysunderstand that healing is always happeningreceive ancestral healingbe held and supported by the unseen world of spirit that is all around youreturn to the Mystery School of natureembrace the 'Way of the Mystic' and walk your sacred pathMay these pages hold you through the changing seasons of your life. May they invite you to live courageously and say yes to how life is trying to initiate you. Has your soul been scheduled to go deeper than before?

  • av Richard Paul Evans

    "In this new holiday-themed novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Mistletoe Promise and The Walk, a man receives the best Christmas present he could ask for: the chance to re-write the past. Jason Chercher is not doing well in love or life. Just two weeks after his wife leaves him he receives a phone call that his estranged mother has passed away, days before Christmas--leaving her home and all her belongings to him. Frankly, he would like to see everything just burned. But curiosity about his past and anxiety about his future fuels him to make the drive from Salt Lake City to her home in Medford, Oregon. Maybe cleaning out her house will be slightly less depressing than spending the holidays, alone, watching re-runs of Christmas classics. While going through her things he comes upon her diary and the record of his childhood. He learns that his mother suffered from severe depression and during that difficult time he was taken care of by a young, unwed mother who was living with his family. The only clue he has to the woman's identity is her name: Noel, which is an eerily fitting discovery on Christmas Eve. As Jason reads the diary he begins to uncover the source of his pain in relationships and understand that what he believed to be the truth of his past was actually a lie. That's when he begins a journey to find Noel, wondering if she might hold the truth he needs to bring him peace and love"--

  • av Thomas Aquinas

    The Summa Theologica is a compendium of theology written by Thomas Aquinas between 1265 and 1273. In Roman Catholicism it is the sum of all known learning and doctrine, of all that can be known about God and humanity's relations with God - a landmark in the history of theology that famously offers five proofs of God's existence, the first three of which are cosmological arguments; the fourth, a moral argument; and the fifth, a teleological argument.The third quarter of the thirteenth century marked the first decisive philosophical encounter between Hellenism and Christianity. The rediscovery of Aristotle's works after the Dark Ages ushered in a new era of intellectual fervor in Europe, and the work of Thomas Aquinas is a commentary on Aristotle, whose writings were lost to the non-Arabic world until the beginning of the Thirteenth Century. To many, Aristotle's worldview was a pagan threat to Christianity. To Aquinas, it provided an exciting cosmological framework on which to build an all-encompassing Christian worldview.His thoughts unfolding with a calmness of order and an assurance of judgment, Aquinas explores in the Summa the primary role of the senses in the acquisition of knowledge and the metaphysical analysis of things in terms of matter and form. But unlike Aristotle's "God," who did not care one whit about the world, the God of Christianity, insisted Aquinas, is a personal God. Like Aristotle, Aquinas believed that each human being has a soul and that all created things have a purpose. For Christians, all are part of a divine plan.This dazzling synthesis of Catholic doctrine has had a profound impact on Christian thinking since the thirteenth century and has become the de facto official teaching of the Catholic Church - the intellectual underpinning of the Church to this day.

  • av Muhammad Abdulraoof

    This book is about our leader Muhammad (PBUH), who is the best of all creation. He was honoured with the Glorious Qur'an that has been an enduring miracle throughout the years. He was also sent with his guiding Sunnah that shows the way for those who seek guidance. Our leader Muhammad has been particularized with the characteristic of eloquent and pithy speech, and simplicity and ease in the religion. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the other Prophets and Messengers, all of their families and the rest of the righteous.

  • av Jon Tyson

  • av Jennifer Eivaz

    Let the Holy Spirit Bring Your Heart Back to LifeMost of us need help to look at the pain and fear that grip our lives and to find the courage and stamina it takes to do the work to be free. You are not alone in your efforts. God is eager to work with you to create unprecedented beauty from your ashes, and to deliver and restore you to health and wholeness. Using her personal story of ongoing inner healing and deliverance, prophetic leader and pastor Jennifer Eivaz equips you with biblical and practical tools that will lead you into full restoration. She provides support and encouragement for you to uproot every lie coming against you as a child of God.Jesus is asking, "Do you want to be made well?" With the help of the Holy Spirit to implement His plan using tools He gives you--the Word, prayer, counseling, declarations and more--you can find healing for all the damage of your past."With transparency and powerful insights from Scripture, Jennifer Eivaz reveals how God has been faithful to heal the deepest wounds imaginable in her own life and in the lives of many others. This is an invitation for every reader to experience supernatural freedom that is found in Jesus Christ."--Dr. Ché Ahn, president, Harvest International Ministry

  • av Darrin W. Snyder Belousek

    This book takes a distinctive approach to the same-sex-union debate by framing the issue as a matter of marriage. Darrin Snyder Belousek demonstrates that the interpretation of Scripture affects whether the church should revise its doctrine of marriage for the sake of sanctioning same-sex union. Engaging charitably yet critically with opposing viewpoints, he delves deeply into what marriage is, what it is for, and what it means as presented in the biblical narrative and the theological tradition, articulating a biblical-traditional theology of marriage for the contemporary church. Afterword by Wesley Hill.

  • av Jennifer Saint
    137 - 247

  • av Howdie Mickoski

    " can't hide from a part of reality just because you may not like it."In this wide-ranging spiritual journey, Howdie Mickoski weaves together Zen, Shamanism, Nonduality, Advaita, Gnostic Christianity, Alchemy, Ancient Egypt, Hollywood films, and the teachings of Richard Rose to tell a story of spiritual awakening with a message for all. Full of practical details as well as wisdom gained from the realities of daily living. Howdie's story is an engaging and surprising read.

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