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Vi befinner oss i en värld full av religion i olika varianter, var och en med sin egen unika berättelse. Det är episka berättelser som vi läser än idag och tar till som vägledning till hur vi lever våra liv. Det finns många olika religioner och oavsett om du är religiös eller inte är historierna de innehåller otroligt spännande. De besitter också en enorm visdom som går tillbaka till antiken, men som också återfinns i nyare religioner som har uppkommit med tiden. Vi människor behöver alla något att tro på, det ger oss styrka oavsett om det är religion eller något annat. Hitta din bok om religion hos oss ​​idag och ge dig ut på en resa - oavsett våra hållningar är dessa böcker rika på innehåll med fantastiska berättelser och goda livsguider.
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  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future is a seminal work of moral philosophy by Friedrich Nietzsche, presented here in hardcover form.First published in 1886, it expands on the ideas put forth by an earlier work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The tone this text carries is more critical, polemical and argumentative, its words representing the fierce maturing of Nietzsche's ideas. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche boldly claims that earlier philosophers are lacking in good critical sense, basing their ideas upon a wide, uncontested acceptance of the dogmatic principles of ordinary morals, virtues and vices. The first claim Nietzsche makes is that his forebears and contemporaries have founded grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that good people are the opposite of evil people. This, as opposed to both poles of duality being a different expression of the same impulses more directly and plainly expressed by the evil man.

  • av Annie Besant

    From the FOREWORD.THIS little book is intended to help the student to study his own nature, so far as its intellectual part is concerned. If he masters the principles herein laid down, he will be in a fair way to co-operate with Nature in his own evolution, and to increase his mental stature far more rapidly than is possible while he remains ignorant of the conditions of his growth.The Introduction may offer some difficulties to the lay reader, and may perhaps be skipped by such at the first reading. It is necessary, however, as a foundation for those who would see the relation of the intellect to the other parts of their nature and to the outer world. And those who would fulfill the maxim, ""Know thyself,"" must not shrink from a little mental exertion, nor must expect mental food to drop ready-cooked from the sky into a lazily-opened mouth.If the booklet help even a few earnest students, and clear some difficulties out of the way, its purpose will have been served.-Annie Besant.

  • - Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc.

    Pre-Vatican II traditional Roman Ritual in three volumes. This is Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc. Note that this version has a b&w interior. (For color interior, see ISBNs below.) Translated and edited with Introduction and Notes by Fr. Philip T. Weller. In parallel Latin and English, with rubrics and plainchant notation. All three volumes are indexed in both Latin and English.THE ROMAN RITUAL (RITUALE ROMANUM)3 VOLUME SET, Year of Imprimatur: VOL 1 (1948), VOL 2 (1950), VOL 3 (1945).ISBNs:PAPERBACK, COLOR INTERIOR: Vol 1: Sacraments and Processions: ISBN-10: 1945275146 Vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc.: ISBN-10: 1945275154 Vol 3: The Blessings: ISBN-10: 1945275162PAPERBACK, B&W INTERIOR (least expensive): Vol 1: Sacraments and Processions: ISBN-10: 1945275170Vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc.: ISBN-10: 1945275189¿Vol 3: The Blessings: ISBN-10: 1945275197

  • av St Augustine

    This is a unique work from one of the preeminent early leaders of the Christian Church. These are wonderful and inspiring writings of St. Augustine that not only teach us some of the intellectual and theological elements of our faith, but also of the passion.

  • - Connecting God's Word to Natural Healing
    av Randi Minetor

    Spiritual and physical healing with essential oils gathered from the Bible.In Biblical times, essential oils were used for everything from holy ceremonies to everyday needs. Today, we can harness the all-natural power of essential oils to calm, purify, and heal our bodies and homes. Essential Oils of the Bible is written at the intersection of science and spirituality, allowing the benefits of both to infuse your spiritual essential oils practice.In Essential Oils of the Bible, you will find:Profiles of 30 essential oils of the Bible, each beautifully illustrated and featuring a verse in which it’s mentionedOil profiles that specify medicinal properties and uses, precautions, and complementary or substitute oils 75 common needs for essential oils—from flu and muscle pain to kitchen care—and 150 simple remedies and recipesA handy list of oils in Scripture, noting book, chapter, and verse for eachAs practical as it is informative, Essential Oils of the Bible will shed new light on the essential oils that God manifested for natural health and wellness.

  • av Andrew Murray

    It is under a deep impression that the place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood that this book has been written. I feel sure that as long as we look on prayer chiefly as the means of maintaining our own Christian life, we shall not know fully what it is meant to be

  • - med ny fortale og formaning til skriftemal

  • - My Personal Journey
    av Joel I Ridgeway

    There is so much confusion over who God is... What is the Truth?From a staunch anti-trinitarian to a confirmed believer in the Eternal Heavenly Trio... What would cause a staunch Anti-trintinatian to change his view on the Godhead? Discover light on this most confusing topic from the journey of one who has 'been there and done it'. The author was raised a Seventh-day Adventist, and in his early teens accepted the Anti-trinitarian view of God. But years later he experienced some unease with these teachings, and chose to search out more thoroughly the Truth for himself. The result: he is now a confirmed believer in the Eternal Heavenly Trio, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What could cause a person to make such a change? Many said it couldn't happen. Discover the answers in this book.

  • - The Erotic Guide to Relationship Discipline
    av Marisa Rudder

  • av Robert A Russell

    GOD Works Through FaithThis is the second in a series of books in which each title beginswith the words, "God Works." I do not apologize for the repetitionin the title or in the content. The human Mind tends to learn greattruths, scientific principles, and mathematical facts slowly, or so myown experience leads me to believe.Can you remember your struggle with addition combinations? Howmany repetitions did it take for you to master the multiplication tables?Parents are often impatient with the persistent questions of childrenabout the facts of life which have been conscientiously presented tothem, and sometimes attribute these to a morbid curiosity. It isn'tthat. It is merely an indication that the child has not been able toaccept the explanation given "Him" and to make it his own in oneexperience.No day goes by that doesn't teach me more about the way in whichGod works and more about what the power of Faith can accomplish.I learn from my own experience, from observing the lives of others,and from reading the words of persons who have deep convictions.In this book, I have centered my discussion on Faith.Dr. Robert A. RussellDr. Robert A. Russell was an exceptional author and had an uncannyability to make the most difficult spiritual subjects easy to understandand apply. While known primarily for two works "GOD Works ThroughYou" and "GOD Works Through Faith" he was in fact a prolific authorwith over 16 titles to his credit. We have spent the last several yearstracking down his legacy of works and will be publishing them all inthe coming years, each a spiritual classic in their own right.Barry J Peterson, CEO Audio Enlightenment

  • - With Modern Spelling, Old Testament
    av David L Brown

  • av King Solomon

  • - Byzantine Textform 2018
    av William G Pierpont

  • av Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    Three master works from the official Church of Satan reading list: The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley, The Anti-Christ by Friedrich Nietzsche and Notes from Underground Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

  • av H H Pope Shenouda

  • - A Workbook on Cross-Cultural Marriage
    av Janet Fraser-Smith

  • - A Guide to Magical Activism
    av Sarah Lyons

    Basic Witches meets Read and Riot: The Pussy Riot Guide to Activism in Revolutionary Witchcraft, a fiery, feminist guide to the history, theory and practice of politically-motivated magic, from the Salem Witch Trials to today.

  • av The Vatican

    The first edition of the new Catechism went out across the world in many language versions. This gave the local Churches the chance to study it in depth. Through their bishops and teachers they responded with comments on texts that needed refinement. The present edition was developed in the light of these comments and published in Latin as the definitive Editio Typica. This book is the English translation of the Editio Typica.

  • - Isaiah

    ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Isaiah pairs the entirety of the book of Isaiah with a lightly dotted blank page opposite each page of Bible text and hand-lettered illustrations interspersed throughout--providing space to creatively engage with and reflect on the Word of God.

  • - The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary
    av Clark Strand

    What happens when a former Zen Buddhist monk and his feminist wife experience an apparition of the Virgin Mary?"This book could not have come at a more auspicious time, and the message is mystical perfection, not to mention a courageous one. I adore this book."-Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the SpiritBefore a vision of a mysterious "Lady" invited Clark Strand and Perdita Finn to pray the rosary, they were not only uninterested in becoming Catholic but finished with institutional religion altogether. Their main spiritual concerns were the fate of the planet and the future of their children and grandchildren in an age of ecological collapse. But this Lady barely even referred to the Church and its proscriptions. Instead, she spoke of the miraculous power of the rosary to transform lives and heal the planet, and revealed the secrets she had hidden within the rosary's prayers and mysteries-secrets of a past age when forests were the only cathedrals and people wove rose garlands for a Mother whose loving presence was as close as the ground beneath their feet. She told Strand and Finn: The rosary is My body, and My body is the body of the world. Your body is one with that body. What cause could there be for fear? Weaving together their own remarkable story of how they came to the rosary, their discoveries about the eco-feminist wisdom at the heart of this ancient devotion, and the life-changing revelations of the Lady herself, the authors reveal an ancestral path-available to everyone, religious or not-that returns us to the powerful healing rhythms of the natural world.

  • - The Peaceful Mediator
    av Beth McCord

    Type 9: The Peaceful Mediator, from The Enneagram Collection, is for anyone who loves the Enneagram and wants to go deeper with this interactive book exploring the unique motivations, longings, and strengths and weaknesses of a Type 9---those who have a core desire to have inner stability and peace of mind.

  • - Unlock the Power of the Holy Communion
    av Joseph Prince

    Let Pastor Joseph Prince unlock the healing promises from the Scriptures designed to lead you to a life of abundance!

  • - Reclaiming Your Life in an Overworked, Overspent, and Overconnected World
    av Jefferson Bethke

    This is your wake-up call to resist the Hustle culture and embrace the slowness of Jesus.

  • - Essential Writings on Engaged Buddhism
    av Jacob Surpin

    Thich Nhat Hanh, His Holiness The Dalai Lama, bell hooks, Bill McKibben, Gary Snyder, Maha Ghosananda, Charles Johnson, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Matthieu Ricard, and many others are featured alongside each other in this foundational trove of Buddhist essays, poems, and teachings.Now a modern classic, True Peace Work is the premier collection of writings on the practice of Engaged Buddhism, a term that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh coined in the 1960s as part of his peace work in Vietnam that has grown to become a worldwide movement. The topics covered here are especially relevant in today's world: from creating nonviolent social change, to raising climate awareness, to simply learning how to walk (and enjoy it). This is not purely an activist's manual, however. True Peace Work is a spiritual bedrock that is as timeless as it is timely, one that insists on the connection between peace in oneself and peace in the world.Originally published in 1996 as Engaged Buddhist Reader, this revised edition has been expanded for our current time with a new introduction and additional contributors.

  • - Nurturing a Culture of Christoformity in the Church
    av Scot McKnight

    A popular New Testament scholar shows how the apostle Paul calls pastors to nurture a culture of Christlikeness, highlighting the vital role of spiritual formation in the life and ministry of the pastor.

  • av John Lennox

    Evangelistic book looking at whether science and religion are opposed.

  • - Unleashing the Church to Bring Life to the City
    av Alan Scott

  • - God's Way of Salvation
    av Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    Time-tested sermons about the redemptive act of Christ's crucifixion. Lloyd-Jones' classic expository style will encourage clergy, exhort believers and challenge new Christians.

  • - The Choice for Love
    av Pat Rodegast

    Fear tells you, “I want to make you safe.”Love says, “you are safe.”Fear would walk you on a narrow path.Love says, “open your arms and fly with me.”—EmmanuelEmmanuel’s great wisdom—coming to us through channel Pat Rodegast—has illuminated thousands of lives. Emmanuel’s Book revealed deeply enriching truths about our place in the cosmos and the evolutionary destiny of the human soul.Now Emmanuel shines his light on the limitless power of love—and the prison house of fear. With startling directness and gentle wit, he confronts ageless questions such as “Why am I here?” and contemporary questions such as “How can we help the homeless?” Whether we struggle with personal confusion and pain or with the dilemmas of a troubled world, this wonderful new collection brings us singular comfort, assurance, and encouragement on our way to wholeness.

  • - Basic Readings from the Kabbalah
    av Gershom Scholem

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