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Vi befinner oss i en värld full av religion i olika varianter, var och en med sin egen unika berättelse. Det är episka berättelser som vi läser än idag och tar till som vägledning till hur vi lever våra liv. Det finns många olika religioner och oavsett om du är religiös eller inte är historierna de innehåller otroligt spännande. De besitter också en enorm visdom som går tillbaka till antiken, men som också återfinns i nyare religioner som har uppkommit med tiden. Vi människor behöver alla något att tro på, det ger oss styrka oavsett om det är religion eller något annat. Hitta din bok om religion hos oss ​​idag och ge dig ut på en resa - oavsett våra hållningar är dessa böcker rika på innehåll med fantastiska berättelser och goda livsguider.
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  • av Kat Kerr

    "In Him, we live, we move, we have our being..."Acts 17. Come and learn where we all came from in Heaven, as the Father Reveals His heart! Revealing Heaven II takes you further into the mysteries of God and continues to unveil His home - HEAVEN! You will visit more amazing mansions, find out why God allows your pets to go there and learn about Higher Education. Kat also tells of the time when the Father caught her up to His throne and revealed His heart to His people! You can know the wonders of Heaven through her beautiful illustrations of the celestial realm. See where the little babies play and find out what the Valley of Falls is like as she continues her journeys to Heaven. Also be prepared for the Great Awakening that is about to be poured out on this earth. Jesus said it will be the most exciting time to be alive as a Believer! Kat Kerr, President of One Quest Intl, and author of Revealing Heaven series, has known the Lord for over 50 years. She walks on a foundation of holiness that started in the 1800's with her Great grandparents. Kat pours out her life for others while walking with eyes blinded by God's love! Hopelessly young at heart, she brings a message of HOPE and POWER while sharing (at the Lord's request) what she was shown when caught up by the Spirit of God and taken on tours of Heaven. Operating in a 'seer' anointing for over 25 years, Kat exposes the enemy's plans and shares how to create a habitation for Heaven in your home! Ministering nationally and internationally she brings the rhema breath of God which empowers Believers to become the manifested Sons of God!

  • av Pope Shenouda III

    On the first anniversary of the departure of H.H. Pope Shenouda III, we would like to present to you a collection of books written by His Holiness which contains His contemplations on Holy Week. This book is made up of five different booklets that His Holiness published in different years. This book takes you through the events of this great and holy week and helps the reader to participate in every step of Christ's passions. This book first appeared in the late sixties in the Arabic language and has since been reprinted many times. It consists of five booklets that have been combined into one book. Perhaps contemplations on the Holy Week of Pascha needs many more books as it is the holiest week in the year, filled with great spiritual memories which are impossible to gather in one book. Contemplations on the Holy Week of Pascha are suitable at any time of the year, as the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation of our Christian faith. We remember the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ every day in the sixth hour prayer of the Agpya. Therefore, we present these contemplations in your hands and also pray deep in your hearts.

  • av Jennifer Leclaire

  • - Or, a Help to a Brother. Shewing the Excellency of Secrecy, and the First Cause of the Institution of Free-Masonry; To Which Is Added, a Large Collection of Masons Songs the Sixth Edition, with Additions.
    av Laurence Dermott

  • av James Sprenger & Heinrich Kramer

  • - The Practice of Metta
    av Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

    From the bestselling author of "Mindfulness In Plain English", comes an exploration of the joyful benefits that come from living a life of kindness.

  • - An Innovative Approach to Overcoming Obstacles and Revitalizing Your Practice
    av Bill Morgan

    Through time-tested teachings and exercises, The Meditator''s Dilemma shows you how to deepen your meditation practice while cultivating ease and delight—for both beginners and longtime practitioners. When practiced regularly, meditation naturally deepens self-awareness and leads to spiritual transformation. In our hyper, instant-gratification culture, however, most people miss out on those powerful outcomes because it''s hard to commit to a longterm practice. Despite the increasing popularity of mindfulness and its documented mental health benefits, the silent majority of meditators struggle to maintain a regular practice. In fact, research indicates that more than fifty percent of meditators give up on the practice. This is the elephant in the meditation room.The Meditator''s Dilemma, written by a psychologist with forty years'' experience practicing and teaching meditation, confronts this problem and its causes and provides specific, accessible techniques and exercises that greatly enhance everyday meditation practice. Bill Morgan''s teachings and guided meditation exercises are designed to generate the all-too-missing delight and enjoyment in meditation. The concept of the "holding environment," central to positive outcome in psychotherapy, is the raison d''etre for these techniques. In psychotherapy, the holding environment comprises the trusting, secure, empathic milieu created by the caring therapist. An indirect benefit of these techniques is the capacity to create a nurturing safe space in any relational context: with a mentor, in a conversation with a dear friend, or in a beautiful natural setting. When we are in a holding environment, we feel alive, connected, and relaxed. The Meditator''s Dilemma teaches Western meditators to cultivate an internal holding environment that results in an attitude of relaxed curiosity and exploration toward their meditation practice, leading to greater success and staying power.

  • - An Explanation of the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava
    av Jamgon Mipham

    The commentary translated in these pages is unusual and rare. But if the commentary is a rarity, its subject matter-the seven-line invocation of Padmasambhava-is one of the best-known prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist world. The overall significance of the Seven-Line Prayer is perhaps best appreciated in relation to a practice called guru-yoga, or "union with the nature of the guru." The purpose of guru-yoga is to purify and deepen the student's relationship with his or her teacher. It is introduced as one of the preliminary practices, and it remains crucial-in fact, its importance increases-as one progresses through the more advanced levels of the tantric path. The cultivation of devotion to the guru and the blending of one's mind with his or her enlightened mind is, in the words of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, "the most vital and necessary of all practices and is in itself the surest and fastest way to reach the goal of enlightenment." Regarding the origin of this commentary, Mipham refers in the colophon to an event that triggered the abrupt appearance in his mind of the hidden meaning of the prayer. It is interesting to note that the language Mipham uses suggests that the commentary itself is not an ordinary composition but perhaps a treasure teaching, specifically a "mind-treasure" or gongter.

  • - A Walk in Deeper Intimacy with the One Who Created Us
    av Sue Ahn, Beni Johnson & Heidi Baker

    ""Arise, my love, my beautiful one come away."" Song of Solomon 2:10 (ESV) The insightful wisdom, joy, and lightheartedness of seven amazing women who have pushed through extreme winters only to fall more intensely in love with Jesus will challenge and provoke you to dance, live, breathe, and have your being in the One who created you to arise and come along with Him as His delicate, brilliant one into the bounteous reality of Heaven on Earth. Shed the orphan mindset that keeps you or your loved ones in spiritual poverty, misery, bondage, or rejection and get caught up in the swirl of deeper Father-daughter relationship with Abba Daddy God, who dispatches all of Heaven's resources concerning you for major help and breakthrough from whatever your cocoon into a lavishly abundantly fragrant "destiny now" season. See how time truly has been on your side! Not one moment has been wasted! Learn how all of these women: --Sue, Heidi, Beni, Winnie, Anne, Nina, and DeAnn--endured and discovered how to push through their painful labor for the birthing and rushing in of new things beyond belief. Your moment has arrived. Daddy is in the building! Say good-bye to Poverty Flats. Hear the voice of the Spirit of Adoption calling His darling beautiful daughter, "Arise! Come with Me child. Your time is now." Learn how to: - detoxify, filter your reality, and get focused - make it to the place of faith and belief for your circumstances - endure time and overcome the hurdles - observe, focus, shift paradigms - see God on the other side of your pain - get caught up into God's extravagant plan embrace Daddy's lavish love

  • av Myles Monroe

    From the very beginning God's plan for His creation was centered on our being in relationship with Him. It was never God's plan to establish a religion. This is "the book" for "the hour" in which we live and will take us back to the beginning of all things where we will discover God's original intention for humankind. When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. All of the past ideologies have failedhumanism, communism, totalitarianism, fascism, socialism and even democracy. This is a philosophy, an ideology that will not fail, for it was bore in the heart of God Himself. As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you will be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about. As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you will be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about.

  • - The Amazing Psychic Art of Frank Leah
    av Paul Miller

  • av Todd Macalister

  • av Russell Herman Conwell

  • - Second Series, Volume XIV the Seven Ecumenical Councils

    The English reader has now, in the first three volumes of this Library, a complete collection of the historical writings of the Fathers, whose permanent value, as sources, is universally acknowledged. Several of them have never before appeared in English. The unavoidable delay in the publication of the third volume has been very annoying to the general editors and publishers, but the subscribers will be amply compensated by the addition of the writings of Rufinus, which were not promised in the prospectus. It is encouraging that this difficult and costly enterprise is beginning to be duly appreciated by competent judges on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • - The Gospel of Thomas & the Book of Revelations, Deciphered
    av Higher Connections Group

    THE TRUTH ABOUT CHRISTIANITYWithout a doubt, the most controversial or the most satisfying book of the century, for this book will cause you to stop and examine your very existence.Do you know ...... That Jesus did not die for your sins? ... That the Trinity does not exist? ... That there is no future place called Heaven and that there is no Hell? ...That you can live life abundantly and experience eternal life "right now, right here on earth?" ... That Jesus was not the only son of God? ... That the prophet Isaiah predicted: In our time church doctrine would be unnecessary; that one man would not have to teach another for the truth would be made known to everyone? ... Who and what the "Beast" really is? These questions and more are answered based upon the true sayings of Jesus, as well as the Aramaic culture!


    The ESV Holy Bible for Kids, Economy Edition is a highly affordable Bible made just for kids, with illustrations and extra content that provide an accessible introduction to characters and stories of the Bible.

  • av Tom Wright

    This third volume in N. T. Wright's magisterial series, Christian Origins and the Question of God

  • - A New Translation
    av Tom Wright

    Two world-leading theologians bring a scholarly work of superior religious insight specifically designed for their For Everyone series, creating a more readable version of the Bible.

  • av Pema Chodron

    Inspiration and encouragement for cultivating kindness--by embracing the joy, suffering, confusion, and brilliance of our everyday lives.Do you want to be a more compassionate person, confident and unafraid to love yourself and the world around you unconditionally, but aren’t sure how? We often look far and wide for guidance to become better people, as though the answers were somewhere out there. But Pema Chödrön suggests that the best and most direct teacher for awakening loving-kindness is in fact your very own life. Based on talks given during a one-month meditation retreat at Gampo Abbey, where Pema lives and teaches, her teachings here focus on learning how to see the events of our lives as the perfect material for learning to love ourselves and our world playfully and wholeheartedly—and to live in our skin fearlessly, without aggression, harshness, or shame. This is instruction for embarking on the greatest adventure of all, to come alive to your inherent human kindness.

  • Spara 14%

    The ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition places the full ESV text alongside over 500 elegantly hand-lettered gold ink illustrations by renowned artist Dana Tanamachi.


    A Prophetic Call to Holy Living.

  • av Stormie Omartian

    In The Power of a Praying (R) Husband, you'll find the excitement and hope that come from inviting the God who hears and answers prayer into your marriage. Packed with real-life examples and refreshing honesty regarding her own marriage, Stormie encourages you to lovingly intercede for your wife.

  • - The Buddha's Path of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
    av Christina Feldman

    An esteemed Insight Meditation teacher leads you through the sublime qualities of Buddhism-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity-and how they can enrich your life Compassion, kindness, equanimity, and joy are not only the fruits of the awakened life but also the path to it-attitudes of mind that can be cultivated through intention and dedication. Also known as the brahma viharas (sublime abodes) and the "Four Immeasurables," these enobling qualities are far more than simply the "feel-good" states they are often mistaken for. They must be pursued sincerely as a spiritual practice-not just as a means of getting a "spiritual high"-in order to experience the full extent of their power. In Boundless Heart, Christina Feldman presents teachings on the Four Immeasurables, exploring how they balance each other in a way that enhances them all. Her simple practices will lead you toward a life infused with kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity-and to a way of being that promotes those qualities to the world at large.

  • - Lessons from the Life and Songs of Tibet's Great Yogi
    av Chogyam Trungpa

    A renowned meditation master retells the stories and realization songs of Tibet's best-known and most-beloved religious figure-and reveals how they relate to our everyday livesHe went from being the worst kind of malevolent sorcerer to a devoted and ascetic Buddhist practitioner to a completely enlightened being all in a single lifetime . . . The story of Milarepa (1040-1123) is a tale of such extreme and powerful transformation that it might be thought not to have much direct application to our own less dramatic lives-but Chögyam Trungpa shows otherwise. This collection of his teachings on the life and songs of the great Tibetan Buddhist poet-saint reveals how Milarepa's difficulties can be a source of guidance and inspiration for anyone. His struggles, his awakening, and the teachings from his remarkable songs provide precious wisdom for all us practitioners and show what devoted and diligent practice can achieve.

  • - Capture the Full Meaning Behind the Original Greek and Hebrew
    av Zondervan

    Capture the full meaning behind the original Greek and Hebrew. The updated Amplified Bible is now in a convenient, affordable edition, perfect for ministry and outreach.

  • av New International Version

    This blue hardback British text NIV Bible with larger than usual print is an ideal addition to any church's stock of pew Bibles. especially for those who find it easier to read bigger text.

  • av Pat Alexander & David Alexander

    Still the best book to have next to the Bible

  • - How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction
    av Caleb Kaltenbach

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