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Vi befinner oss i en värld full av religion i olika varianter, var och en med sin egen unika berättelse. Det är episka berättelser som vi läser än idag och tar till som vägledning till hur vi lever våra liv. Det finns många olika religioner och oavsett om du är religiös eller inte är historierna de innehåller otroligt spännande. De besitter också en enorm visdom som går tillbaka till antiken, men som också återfinns i nyare religioner som har uppkommit med tiden. Vi människor behöver alla något att tro på, det ger oss styrka oavsett om det är religion eller något annat. Hitta din bok om religion hos oss ​​idag och ge dig ut på en resa - oavsett våra hållningar är dessa böcker rika på innehåll med fantastiska berättelser och goda livsguider.
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  • - Wisdom and Comfort from the Afterlife for This Life
    av Sylvia (Sylvia Browne) Browne

    Get back into the spirit of appreciating your life. Share in Sylvia Browne’s extraordinary lessons of wisdom and comfort from The Other Side.... Keeping life in perspective is difficult for everyone. For many, holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries become overwhelming events; not to mention job changes, family crises, and personal issues. We become preoccupied with things we cannot change and lose sight of what really matters. Now renowned psychic and #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Browne helps us celebrate and appreciate life by reminding us of the countless blessings we received before coming into this world. With chapters on forgiveness, past lives, contacting The Other Side, and discovering life’s purpose, Sylvia Browne tells uplifting stories of people she has helped to find their way. Sylvia Browne believes that, if we can remember why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing here, our lives will ultimately become happier, healthier, and more spiritually fulfilling. 

  • - Contemplations from the Teachings of Dr David R. Hawkins MD, PhD
    av David R. Hawkins

    How does one traverse the spiritual landscape to move beyond suffering to experience the peace and love of God, to transcend illusion and realize the state of enlightenment? This title lets the reader remind the illusory nature of the personal self (identification of the ego/mind) and the direct pathways to transcend the ego/mind's trappings.

  • - A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss
    av Cheryl (Cheryl Simone) Simone

  • - An Introduction to Earth-centered Religions
    av River Higginbotham

    This volume is full of exercises, meditations and discussion questions about Paganism for group or individual study. The text explores how the Pagan sacred year is arranged; what Pagans do in ritual; what magic is; and what Pagans believe about God, worship, human nature and ethics.

  • av Rueckert, Elkins & McCarty

    Book Five of The Law of One is comprised of the 56 fragments of personal material that were originally omitted from the first four books of this series. Both Jim, the scribe, and Carla, the instrument for the Ra contact, have added their comments to these fragments to give the reader an idea of what it was like to be part of this contact and to show how every person's experience can be used for personal growth and service to others. A wide variety of topics is covered, from Eisenhower's meeting with extraterrestrials in 1954 to UFO/government conspiracies, Wanderers, sexual energy transfers, anger, balancing, Aleister Crowley, the Tunguska crater in Russia, pre-incarnative choices, psychic greetings, alternate and orthodox healing modalities, the ball lightning phenomenon, and the many facets of the spiritual journey in general.

  • - And living well by taming the mind
    av Dalai Lama

    In this ground-breaking book, the Dalai Lama advises us to gain familiarity with the process and practices of death so that, when we are physically weak, our minds can still be focussed in the right direction, and in the right manner.

  • - A Druid Ritual Handbook
    av Julie White

    All ritual is a focus. It makes you aware of the point at which you stand -- be that of a time of year, of day or night, of a moment of potential when the way forward becomes apparent or a possible future is revealed, of an instant when one cycle closing opens the next. It also makes you aware of the place where you stand, for none of the events celebrated by our rituals takes place in limbo. They happen in the real world, marking real and often intimate events of enormous consequence. And by marking these events, we allow them to mark us -- binding us to the sky, to the land, and to the sea from which they all derive. Along with sample rituals for the eightfold year and eight major rites of passage, it contains chapters on the nature of ritual and its place in our spiritual and everyday lives. There are also prayers and other workings.

  • av Iva Hoth

    This edition makes a good first Bible for young readers and contains the full-text plus 233 Bible stories in full-color, graphic novel format. Including such special features as time lines, story listing, maps, and much more, this edition brings the Bible to vivid life.

  • - Ritual Magic in Contemporary England
    av T. M. Luhrmann

    To find out why reasonable people are drawn to the seemingly bizarre practices of magic and witchcraft, Luhrmann immersed herself in the arcane world of Londoners who call themselves magicians. Her report is as fascinating as the esoteric world itself. Illustrated.

  • av Pascal Boyer

    Do they have features in common and why does religion persist in the face of science? Pascal Boyer shows how experimental findings in cognitive science, evolutionary biology and cultural anthropology are now providing precise answers to these general questions, and providing, for the first time, real answers to the question: Why do we believe?

  • - Reflections on Christian Leadership
    av Henri J. M. Nouwen

    In this treasure of a book, Henri Nouwen presents a powerful vision of leadership for now and for the future, reflecting upon the challenges and solutions that are faced by today's Christian leaders.

  • av Thomas O. Lambdin

    This book is designed to cover one year's work in Hebrew leading up to a full understanding of the language. It has been used by the author with his students for many years and the published text is the result of testing and refining over these years. Every attempt has been made to make the grammar clear and simple. For example, all Hebrew words are transliterated, as well as being given in the original for the first three-quarters of the book. The grammatical discussion is made as unsophisticated as possible for it is the author's intention that this book should also be of use to those who study Hebrew without a teacher.


    A translation of "The Lotus Sutra" which has been regarded as one of the illustrious scriptures in the Mahayana Buddhist canon.

  • av Rick Warren

    Rick Warren, founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, one of America's largest and best-known churches, shows you how to lead a Purpose-Driven Life. This Miniature Edition (TM) will help you understand why you are alive and God's amazing plan for you- both here and now, and for eternity.

  • av James Redfield

    Near Tibet lies a community thought to be a mere myth called Shambhala. Here is a knowledge that has been hidden for centuries, and an insight that can have a profound impact on the way we live our lives. The search for Shambhala begins with the words of a child and the vision of an old friend.

  • - Love and Work
    av Charlotte Joko Beck

    Charlotte Joko Beck is one of the most popular Zen teachers currently teaching in the West.

  • av Gai Eaton

    A best-selling introduction to contemporary Islam. The author is concerned not simply with Islam in isolation, but with the very nature of religious faith, its spiritual and intellectual foundations and the light it casts upon the mysteries and paradoxes of the human condition.

  • - The Gospel of Compassion and Love Revealed
    av Rudolf Steiner

    Though Steiner was born with clairvoyant capacities, it was not until his fortieth year that he could link his inner experiences with the principal figure of Western spirituality, Jesus Christ. After that "solemn festival of knowledge", as he describes it in his autobiography, Steiner received ceaseless revelations about the significance and detailed course of the Christ's incarnation. In lecture cycles spanning two decades, he spoke of the hidden background to all four gospels, the Book of Revelations, and even the "Fifth Gospel" of events that he read directly from the spiritual worlds.This lecture cycle presents the most accessible and illuminating of Steiner's revelations with regard to Christ, and his significance for humanity's spiritual development. He discusses the link between Buddha and the life of Christ, a description that unites Buddhism and Christianity, not in theory but in perceived spiritual deeds of these two figures. Here, too, Steiner describes the relationship of the Greek Mystery traditions to the event at Golgotha: "A 'sign' was to be placed before them as well, a sign now to be enacted before the eyes of all mankind. The 'mystical death' that had been a ceremonial act in the Mystery Temples for hundreds and thousands of years was now to be presented on the great arena of world-history. Everything that had taken place in the secrecy of the Temples of Initiation was brought into the open as a single event on Golgotha".Utilizing a historical overview, revealing the relationship between the great religious traditions, and how they have conspired together for the good of humanity, Steiner never loses sight of the Gospel's great inner meaning, as echoed in theGospel of St. Luke: "The revelation of the spiritual worlds from the Heights and its answering reflection from the hearts of men brings peace to all whose purpose upon the evolving Earth is to unfold good will".

  • - Or the After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane, according to Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering

    Traditionally used as a mortuary text, to be read or recited in the presence of the dead or dying, this sacred text - which relates the experience of death and rebirth in three intermediate states of being - was originally understood as a guide not only for the dead but also for the living.

  • - Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman
    av Malidoma Some

    Maliodoma Patrice Some was born in a Dagara Village, however he was soon to be abducted to a Jesuit school, being harshly indoctrinated into European ways of thought and worship. This title tells the story of his return to his people, his hard initiation back into those people, which lead to his desire to convey their knowledge to the world.

  • - How to Connect with Your Guide
    av Sanaya Roman

    A step-by-step guide to the art of channeling for those who wish to connect with a spirit guide. By using this safe, simple, and effective process, thousands have achieved mastery with their higher selves. (Channeling)

  • - Bringing out Your Inner Soul Strength
    av Paramahansa Yogananda

  • av G. E. H. Palmer

    The Philokalia is a collection of texts on prayer and the spiritual life, written between the fourth and fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition.

  • av Shri Purohit Swami

    'This is a book to be read slowly and lovingly, for it is full of grand passages and haunting phrases from those ancient sages who have left us some of the profoundest reflections ever made upon the nature of man.' F. Yeats-Brown in the Listener

  • - The Serpent Power of Ancient Egypt
    av Alison Roberts

    Drawing together temple art, myths, rituals and poetry, "Hathor Rising" reveals a rich tradition of feminine divinity. It explores how the sexual polarity of Hathor and the sun god manifests in the Pharaoh''s life'' as well as Hathor''s connection with Isis and the moon cults. The serpent cult was given a new impetus by Hatshepsut, the innovative female Pharaoh whose remarkable reign, early in the 15th century BC, laid the foundations for the cultural splendour of New Kingdom Egypt. Ecstatic, musical, heart-centred -- the serpent tradition was interrupted only by the reign of Akhenaten who suppressed much of the serpent cult in favour of a trinitarian father god.

  • av Alija Ali Izetbegovic

    Islam between east and west is not a book of theology, it deal with dogmas, institutions and teachings of Islam with the aim of establishing the place of Islam in the general spectrum of ideas.

  • av Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi

    This collection of forty 'hadith' by one of the most famous compilers of 'hadith' is generally regarded as the most popular anthology and the best introduction to the study of the Prophet's sayings. The Arabic original has been printed alongside the English translation.


    The hidden texts of the Old Testament world - the Apocrypha are the books written at the same time, but not officially accepted. They include histories, romances and proverbs - plus extra writings about familiar Biblical characters such as Daniel and Esther.

  • - The Direct Path to Realization
    av Analayo

    A translation and detailed textual study of the Satipatthana Sutta, the foundational Buddhist discourse on meditation, drawing on traditional Buddhist texts, modern works, and the teachings of present-day meditation masters to make the rich implications of this text clear to all.

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