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Vi befinner oss i en värld full av religion i olika varianter, var och en med sin egen unika berättelse. Det är episka berättelser som vi läser än idag och tar till som vägledning till hur vi lever våra liv. Det finns många olika religioner och oavsett om du är religiös eller inte är historierna de innehåller otroligt spännande. De besitter också en enorm visdom som går tillbaka till antiken, men som också återfinns i nyare religioner som har uppkommit med tiden. Vi människor behöver alla något att tro på, det ger oss styrka oavsett om det är religion eller något annat. Hitta din bok om religion hos oss ​​idag och ge dig ut på en resa - oavsett våra hållningar är dessa böcker rika på innehåll med fantastiska berättelser och goda livsguider.
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  • - Witchcraft Magic Spell Bottles to Change Your Life
    av Bridget Bishop

    Small Worlds that Hold Big MagicSpell Jars, or Witch Bottles, have been used for thousands of years to make magic that can change a person's life. From amulets worn as necklaces in ancient Greece, to stone and ceramics containers buried in the woods in England in the 17th century, to glass bottles commonly used in modern times, spell jars are one of the most traditional techniques of witchcraft.Whether you are a new witch or an experienced practitioner, Spell Jars for Witches will guide you towards a deep understanding of how spell jars are made and used, with techniques and tips to enhance your magic.You'll learn: How the color, shape, and material of your spell jar affects your magicHow to prepare and charge your spell jarHow to enhance your magic with by choosing the right materialsYou'll also learn how to construct 45 different spell jars, with simple to follow instructions and easy to find ingredients. Along the way you'll learn everything you need to start making your own magic.

  • av Anne Berest
    157 - 267

  • av Becky Dvorak
    297 - 407

  • av Martin Gallaher

    ARE YOU READY TO ENTER THE FASCINATING WORLD OF CELTIC MYTHOLOGY? Myths help in understanding the cultural heritage of a given society to enable the coming generations to better understand the world and improve their cultural worldviews. Hence, Celtic mythology is all about understanding the cosmos and nature from their own point of view. However, The Celtic mythology is not just about ordinary tales; it is seen as a connection, link and, symbol that exhibits the Celts' real nature and perception of the world.Celtic mythology is one of the most intriguing European mythologies because of its great benefits, which are based on its high sense of heroism, adventure, heroism, romance, and magical prowess. This is evident when a powerful invader dominated all parts of Europe. The Celtic societies started breaking down into smaller groups after the Roman invasions. That notwithstanding, the Celtic mythology remained indestructible and has survived as well. By the end of the book you will discover:- The History of the Celtic Mythology- The Celtic Symbols and Their Signification- The Druidic System- Deities in the Celtic Mythology- Celtic Women Warriors- Celtic Mythological Stories - Niamh and Oisín- The Lir's Children... and much more!

  • av Ibn Daud
    357 - 491

  • av Russell E. Gmirkin
    627 - 1 861

  • - A Guide to Germanic Divination, Lore and Magic
    av Kveldulf Gundarsson
    327 - 411

  • av Igloo Books
    127 - 191

  • av Chris Sonksen

    The church is in decline for the first time in America's history. For many reasons, fewer people walk through church doors and make meaningful connections. The church has lost its steam. If you have questions regarding what to do about this, Chris Sonksen-pastor and founder of ChurchBoom, an organization dedicated to church growth-has some answers.In his latest book, Traction, through the paradigm of a steam locomotive, you'll explore the importance of the following five facets affecting most churches today:¿ Engine: Growth Strategies¿ Fuel: Leadership and Finances¿ Tracks: Staying on Course¿ Conductor: The Essential Role of the Pastor¿ Cars: Alignment of Staff, Leaders, and the CongregationIf barriers have left you feeling stuck, let Traction bring you up to speed, so you can gain momentum and smash through them. Get on board. The kingdom of God is too important to let things slide!

  • av Omar Suleiman

    Whatever our situation may be in this life, a life of struggle or comfort, our inevitable fate is the same as the life of this world is temporary. O believer, this world is not meant to be your paradise, but knowing that Paradise awaits, makes this journey so much more bearable and rewarding. Remember that every difficulty is a right, after all your struggles, all your tests, and trials know that your eternal sanctuary awaits. Jannah, that is built by your deeds and decorated by your du'as. Chalets of crystals sparkling on the horizon for a soul that gave up sin, tree trunks of green emerald and branches of gold for a simple word of remembrance. Each of your shuddering breaths, every second of discomfort you faced, and every one of your sacrifices, all have been accounted for, repaid with sights and rewards unimaginable and the company of the Most High. Build your eternal home, decorate your eternal home. Long for your eternal home...

  • av Deborah Harkness
    147 - 321

  • av Nurjan Mirahmadi

    In the heavenly realm, the heart holds a central and revered position, serving as the locus of divine connection and spiritual enlightenment. Drawing from timeless wisdoms, "Unlocking the 6 Powers of the Heart" offers insights and guided practices to help individuals purify and awaken the heart towards inner illumination.As a Certified Shaykh in the field of meditation, Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi reveals the six intrinsic powers of the heart, each serving as a key to unlocking the secrets of the human soul. Through his immense guidance, the following powers of the heart are delved into: Haqiqatul Juzbah (Reality of Magnetism)Haqiqatul Faiz (Reality of Downpouring Emanation)¿¿¿¿¿¿Haqiqatut Tawajjuh (Reality of Directing to Divinely Face) Haqiqatut Tawassul (Reality of Conveying) Haqiqatut Tayy (Reality of Folding Time and Space)Haqiqatul Irshad (Reality of Guidance) The relationship between the teacher (shaykh) and the student is explored, emphasizing how the power of magnetic attraction is the foundation to receive heavenly emanations. The process of annihilating the ego strengthens the student's spiritual connection, serving as a conduit to connect with the Divinely Face. By keeping a strong fellowship of love, the seeker learns the profound realities of conveyance and transcending time and space through spiritual portals. Through the cultivation of these powers the gift of true guidance begins to flow to the seeker's heart, transforming them into eternally shining stars in the heavenly realm. As the world approaches a period of great spiritual significance, these powers will unfold rapidly within the hearts of those who are guided. This full-colour book unveils immense secrets, taking seekers on a deep and transformative journey into the inner dimensions of the heart.

  • av Sebastian Berg

    Discover who you are, why you're here, and where you're headed.Are you feeling lost and confused about your spiritual life right now?Do you suspect something doesn't add up about what you've been told about God?Are you longing for something more than the mundane grind of survival?This book contains critical information to transform your spiritual journey and help you experience progress. You'll discover the truth about reality and won't be able to look at life the same way again. You'll get a new set of eyes and the drive to explore how much light and goodness you carry within you and develop a personal connection with God without needing to turn to some authority to tell you how to reach your Creator.

  • av Yael (GreenTREE Yoga Calhoun
    491 - 1 967

  • av Muhammad Asad

    A Critical Assessment of Islam in the Modern WorldIn his seminal work, "Islam at the Crossroads," Muhammad Asad offers a profound and insightful examination of the challenges and opportunities facing Islam in the modern world. Asad, a convert to Islam himself, provides a unique perspective on the religion, drawing from his deep understanding of both Western and Islamic thought.Asad argues that Islam is at a crossroads, facing a choice between embracing its core values of justice, equality, and compassion or succumbing to the allure of materialism and individualism. He contends that the future of Islam depends on its ability to adapt to the changing world without compromising its fundamental principles.Asad's critique of the modern Islamic world is both incisive and respectful. He identifies a number of shortcomings, including the rise of sectarianism, the stifling of intellectual inquiry, and the misinterpretation of Islamic teachings to justify violence and oppression. However, Asad also maintains a deep faith in the potential of Islam to provide a positive and transformative vision for the future."Islam at the Crossroads" is a challenging and thought-provoking work that is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the future of Islam. Asad's insights are as relevant today as they were when the book was first published in 1934.Asad's work has been praised by scholars and laypeople alike for its honesty, insight, and profound understanding of Islam. "Islam at the Crossroads" is a landmark work that continues to inspire and challenge readers today.

  • av Rory Vaden

    How do we build character in children and prepare them for success from the time they are young? The answer lies in understanding the difference between how cows and buffalo respond to storms. This heartwarming and compelling tale by New York Times bestselling author Rory Vaden is one that readers, young and old, will remember for years to come.


    The Treasured Guide to Spiritual Growth and EnlightenmentThe Secret of the Golden Flower is an ancient Chinese text, passed on for centuries, in which Taoist mystics reveal the path to true enlightenment. The first written version was believed to have originated with Lü Dongbin, a legendary scholar, poet, and spiritual master. This remarkable and important work, first published in the United States in 1931, is Cary F. Baynes's elegant English translation of sinologist Richard Wilhelm's 1929 German translation of the original Taoist texts. This edition includes insightful philosophical commentary by psychologist Carl Jung which helps explain the metaphysical aspects of the text, providing valuable insights for westerners.In the text, symbols for light represented awareness, which is normally directed outward toward externals. The method of redirecting one's consciousness inward towards the self through a straightforward form of silent meditation and breathing was known as "turning the light around." Through this process of channeling energy beyond the limits of the discriminating intellect, one's psyche-indeed, one's fundamental being-can gradually open and blossom into an awakening of the mind and spirit. The result can be metaphorically pictured as a bright "golden flower" mandala, representing the rewarding end goal of a personal alchemy of inner transformation. The simple method described has been called "Zen with details." Like a practical workbook for achieving enlightenment, this clearly written meditation manual explores foundational techniques to experience elevated states of consciousness. It is nothing less than a spiritual seeker's road map to discovering the secret to peace of mind. This book is also available from Churchill & Dunn in paperback (ISBN 1648374085 ).

  • av Frank Rudolph Young

    1001 true magic techniques for achieving your heart's desire... magic that should bring you new health, new happiness, new prosperity. For Cyclomancy, as Mr. Young states, clearly proves that magic does exist and shows you how - without so much as lifting a finger - incredible results may be achieved. To give you just a brief sample, Mr. Young states that this book shows how you may... - Move objects without touching them; - Hear a conversation going on anywhere, any time; - Travel any place with your Astral Body and gain first-hand information unobtainable by any other means; - Roll back your age and find yourself young again; - Make others see only what you tell them they see; - Materialize objects out of thin air. Mr. Young points out that Cyclomancy (another name for White Magic) is simply the use of certain hidden powers that we all possess. Powers given to us long before books were invented. Forgotten powers. For example, like most people you probably don't remember how to move objects without touching them. But you possess the power to do it. Powers like X Ray Vision, Astral Projection. Hypnotic Mental Attraction and Power Hearing, to name just a few. And yet these magic powers are not difficult to use at all. On the contrary, they require no manual dexterity, no expensive equipment of any time. Just read the instructions and do the exercises, says Mr. Young, and you should awaken astonishing powers you never dreamed possible. What kinds of Powers. Powers like these: The power to know what people look like before you even see them; The power to reduce and stay slim without starvation; The Power to slow down or halt the aging process so that you may actually live many years longer; The power to weaken a dangerously defiant person with the Psychic Harpoon; The power to compel someone who ignores you romantically to notice you with keen interest; The power to send and receive messages through space - across a room, a city, or a continent - to anyone, anytime.

  • av Benjamin H Freedman

    Inscribed upon the cross when Jesus was crucified were the Latin words "Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum." Pontius Pilate was the author of that famous inscription. Latin was Pontius Pilate's mother tongue. Authorities competent to translate and pass upon the correct translation into English agree that it is "Jesus the Nazarene Ruler of the Judean." There is no disagreement among them of that. The word 'JEW' did not occur anywhere in the English Language until the 18th Century. Jesus referred to himself as a Judean. The modern day 'Jews' were historically Khazars or Chazars, a Mongolian Nordic tribe who roamed northern Europe.This book is a copy of a letter addressed to Dr. David Goldstein LL.D., of Boston Massachusetts by its author Benjamin H. Freedman on October 10, 1954. It is a warning to America from a Jewish defector.

  • av Marion Gibson
    151 - 262

    A lively and immersive global history of witchcraft which shows its evolution from the Middle Ages to the present day and shines a light on the stories of the victims, told in thirteen trials.

  • av David M. Eaton

    Exploring the Beliefs of the 12 Major FaithsReligion is a subject that most people are curious about, but when it comes to discussing other faiths, we feel embarrassed or worried about asking questions. "Religions Around the World: Exploring the Beliefs of the 12 Major Faiths" helps you understand the world's most prominent faiths, and some lesser-known ones.Whether religious or not, understanding different faiths helps one become more well-rounded and open-minded, promoting tolerance in a world so often divided.In this book, you will learn about:HinduismBuddhismChristianityIslamJudaismSikhismBahá'í FaithShintoJainismConfucianismTaoismZoroastrianismFrom discovering the key points of the religion to how they connect with others, "Religions Around the World" allows you to delve deeply into the fascinating world of religion and puts you on a path of understanding and enlightenment.Perhaps reading this book will help you identify a religion that you strongly associate with based on its teachings, or maybe it opens your mind to the faiths of those around you. Either way, this book will take you on a journey into religion and fascinate you with intricate and profound discoveries.

  • av Sebastian Junger
    157 - 241

  • av Michael Scott-Baumann

  • Spara 12%
    av Vladimir Lossky
    1 051

    Vladimir Lossky's posthumously published masterwork on German monk and mystic Eckhart is now made available in English for the first time.

  • av Thy Nguyen

    The Creative Haven Creative Christmas Coloring Book is the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. With a variety of festive designs, this coloring book is sure to provide hours of entertainment for both children and adults alike. Some of the fun designs that you can expect to find in this book include:Santa Claus: This jolly old soul is a staple of the Christmas season, and you'll find plenty of different designs featuring him in this coloring book. Whether he's delivering presents, sipping hot cocoa, or just saying "ho ho ho," there's something for everyone when it comes to Santa Claus.Christmas Tree: No holiday would be complete without a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and this coloring book has plenty of them to choose from. Whether you prefer a traditional green tree with colorful ornaments or something a little more unique, you're sure to find a design that speaks to you.Snowman: What's winter without some frosty fun? This coloring book features a variety of snowman designs, from cute and cuddly to silly and whimsical. You can even mix and match different snowman parts to create your own custom snowman creation.So grab your favorite coloring supplies and get ready to spread some holiday cheer with the Creative Haven Creative Christmas Coloring Book!

  • av G. H. Box
    311 - 527

  • av Sofia Visconti

    Do you long for the knowledge and tools to shield yourself from negative influences? Inside this book you're about to discover the world of reversal magick to break hexes, defend against negative influences and reveal your true potential.But "Curse Be Gone" is more than just a book; it's a key to unlocking your inner power and creating an aura of positive energy. Within the pages, you'll learn about the wisdom and tools of witchcraft to safeguard yourself against dark energies. From warding off curses to protecting your inner sanctum, this book offers you the keys to unlock your mystical powers.Safeguard your well-being, and eliminate the negative energies that may be holding you back from a brighter future. Say goodbye to fear and uncertainty, and embrace your newfound ability to protect yourself and your loved ones.Inside you will learn all about:What Is Magick? Debunking Myths About MagickHistory Revealed - Ancient Civilizations & MagickEssential Herbs, Crystals, and Oils for DefenseHow to use Amulets, Charms, and TalismansAll You Need To Know About Placing "Evil Eye" In Your HomeIncorporating Moon Phases & Days of the Week Into Your SpellsThe Rule of Three: Cosmic Karma & WiccaEvoking Deities, Guardian Spirits, and Guides for ProtectionWhen Cleanses Don't Work: The Basics of BanishingAll of this and much, much more.. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a novice, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to protect yourself and those you care about.Begin Today with This Book!

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