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  • - Essential Foods for Low Hemoglobin Food + Boost Your Red Blood Cells Vitamin - Foods for Anemia Fighting Essential Guide With Healthy Recipes
    av Ryder Sera

    Arе уоu еxреrіеnсіng аnаеmіа ѕуmрtоmѕ ѕuсh аѕ fаtіguе, dіzzіnеѕѕ, оr ѕhоrtnеѕѕ оf brеаth? Gеt thіѕ bооk tо lеаrn еffесtіvе hоmе rеmеdіеѕ аnd іngrеdіеnt tо mаnаgе аnd trеаt уоur аnаеmіа соndіtіоn. In thіѕ bооk, wе аrе gоіng tо dіѕсuѕѕ аnеmіа dіеt аnd fооdѕ fоr lоw hеmоglоbіn lеvеlѕ. Hеmоglоbіn іѕ аn іrоn-соntаіnіng рrоtеіn іn rеd blооd сеllѕ thаt trаnѕроrtѕ оxуgеn tо уоur оrgаnѕ аnd tіѕѕuеѕ аnd саrrіеѕ саrbоn dіоxіdе bасk tо уоur lungѕ. Inѕіdе thіѕ book, уоu can find: Gеnеrаl guide to Anеmіа; 20 + hеаlthу іrоn rісh rесіреѕ fоr everyday mеаlѕ аnd nutrition facts; Trісkѕ аnd tірѕ fоr cooking; A 7 - Day dіеt plan; This bооk wіll ѕhоw you еxасtlу hоw іt'ѕ dоnе аnd teach уоu hоw tо improve уоur blood iron nаturаllу and fаѕt!Clісk оn "Buу Rіght Now" аnd ѕtаrt the fіrѕt dау оf уоur nеw healthful lіfеѕtуlе nоw! Different tуреѕ оf аnеmіа hаvе dіffеrеnt саuѕеѕ Irоn dеfісіеnсу Vіtаmіn dеfісіеnсу Aрlаѕtіс Hеmоlуtіс Sісklе сеll Anеmіаѕ аѕѕосіаtеd wіth bоnе mаrrоw dіѕеаѕе Recipes presented in thіѕ book are vеrу hеаlthу, delicious аnd fulfilling. Thеу саn bе соnѕumеd bу аdultѕ and сhіldrеn, аnd mіght nоt bе used оnlу durіng уоur rесоvеrу рhаѕе but саn be a lоng-tеrm diet рlаn fоr you аnd уоur fаmіlу. Irоn dеfісіеnсу іѕ thе mоѕt соmmоn саuѕе оf lоw hеmоglоbіn lеvеlѕ. іrоn rісh foods fоr аnеmіа Rесіре fооdѕ fоr аnеmіа fооdѕ hіgh іn іrоn fоr аnеmіа lоw іrоn dіеt fооdѕ gооd fоr аnеmіа Rесіре fооd fоr іrоn dеfісіеnсу іrоn rісh fruіtѕ fоr аnеmіа аnеmіа dіеtаrу ѕuррlеmеnt fооdѕ tо еаt for аnеmіа fооd fоr lоw hеmоglоbіn fооdѕ tо hеlр аnеmіа аnеmіа trеаtmеnt fооdѕ аnеmіа fооdѕ tо еаt fооdѕ tо іnсrеаѕе hеmоglоbіn Lіghthеаdеdnеѕѕ

  • av La Fonceur
    556 - 710,-

    Get answers to all your questions about Vitamin E in the book The Science of Vitamin E.Vitamin E is known to have various health benefits, some of which are still being researched. Consuming vitamin E supplements may not be as effective as obtaining it naturally from food sources. If you're not prioritizing getting your required vitamins from your diet, you're missing out on many potential health benefits that come with it.Learn about the crucial role of Vitamin E in maintaining good health, the latest scientific findings, and how they can affect your vitamin decisions in the book The Science of Vitamin E. Clear up common vitamin-related dilemmas, such as how to know if you are deficient in Vitamin E and when to get tested.This guide provides information about the benefits of combining Vitamin E with other vitamins and minerals for optimal health. It also covers the potential consequences of taking Vitamin E with certain foods or medications. You'll learn about both beneficial and harmful combinations of Vitamin E to help you make informed choices.It is important to learn about vegetarian food options that are rich in nutrients and contain high levels of Vitamin E. By including these foods in your diet, you can prevent Vitamin E deficiencies and maintain excellent overall health, reducing the risk of illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cognitive decline. Plus, explore some nutritious and easy-to-cook vegetarian recipes that can be included in your diet to maximize the health benefits of Vitamin E.

  • - Tasty and Healthy Bariatric-Friendly Recipes For Weight Loss
    av Lincoln Kimmons

    Have you ever considered enhancing the taste and health benefits of the foods you eat after surgery? Find a range of delicious meals designed for each stage of your gastric bypass procedure. This cookbook will assist you in making healthy, tasty meals that you can enjoy, whether you're drinking a velvety blend or enjoying filling pieces."Throughout your gastric bypass journey, this cookbook is your go-to resource for delicious and nourishing meals. It's your go-to resource for tasty and healthful food, with recipes that are perfect for every level of cooking, from beginners to maintenance. You may be sure you're getting the greatest meals for dieters using gastric bypass surgery with this cookbook. Every dish is meant to offer you energy and the proper nutritional balance in addition to being a delicious treat for your taste senses.Nutrition and serving size breakdowns are included with every dish. "Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to delicious, healthful, and simple meal preparation for a successful gastric bypass experience."Benefits Of This CookbookGet meals created especially to fit each phase of your trip, including the ideal nutrients at the ideal times.Discover a variety of delectable selections to enhance the pleasure and satisfaction of your post-surgery meals.It's simple to prepare delicious meals that assist your weight reduction objectives and enhance your general well-being.With recipes tailored to liquid, soft, and solid stages, you may confidently navigate the various post-surgery phases.A wholesome shopping listCarefully curated weekly meal planner for every stage of your journeyEmbrace the "Gastric Bypass Cookbook For All Stages" today and embark on a flavorful adventure toward a healthier, happier you. Take charge of your well-being now!

  • - Healthy Plans and Recipes to Lose Weight
    av Lisa Adrian

    Are you prepared to regain mastery of your physical appearance?Maybe you've tried dieting in the past, but the lack of success left you feeling discouraged and disillusioned very soon. Perhaps you're ready to try weight reduction again, but this time you want a method that has been shown to be effective rather than simply another fad. You may be prepared to enhance not only your eating habits but also your physical appearance and health practices. THE WEIGHT LOSS BOOK GUIDE is a must-read if any of this describes you! You can get all the information you require regarding weight loss and effective methods in this book.

  • - Schützen Sie Ihre Gesundheit und verlieren Sie Gewicht mit diesen 20 köstlichen Rezepten
    av Roger Wexler

    Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, ob Sie Ihren Gaumen verwöhnen und gleichzeitig Ihre Gesundheit schützen und die überflüssigen Pfunde loswerden könnten? Machen Sie sich bereit für eine kulinarische Revolution, wenn wir das "Mini Engine 2 Diet Recipes Cookbook for Seniors" präsentieren. Dies ist nicht nur ein Kochbuch; Es ist Ihr Tor zu einer Welt, in der Leckeres auf Nährstoffe trifft, und jede Seite ist ein Schritt in Richtung eines gesünderen, vitaleren Menschen. Sind Sie bereit für eine Reise voller Geschmack und Wohlbefinden? Tauchen Sie ein in 20 köstliche Rezepte, die sorgfältig zusammengestellt wurden, um nicht nur Ihren Gaumen zu verwöhnen, sondern auch Ihre Gesundheit zu verbessern. Verabschieden Sie sich von alltäglichen Mahlzeiten und begrüßen Sie eine Welt, in der pflanzliche Köstlichkeiten im Mittelpunkt stehen und beweisen, dass gesundes Essen ein exquisites Erlebnis sein kann. Und hier ist der Knaller: Entscheiden Sie sich für die Taschenbuchversion und Sie erhalten einen zusätzlichen Bonus: ein kostenloses E-Book, das die Weisheiten der physischen Ausgabe ergänzt. Dieser digitale Begleiter verbessert Ihr Erlebnis und bietet zusätzliche Tipps, Einblicke und Bonusrezepte, die Ihren Weg zur Gesundheit beschleunigen. Aber warum hier aufhören? Die Frage bleibt in der Luft: Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Beziehung zum Essen zu verändern und ein Leben voller Vitalität zu beginnen? Die Antwort liegt in diesem verlockenden "Jetzt kaufen"-Button. Klicken Sie darauf und lassen Sie sich vom Mini Engine 2 Diet Recipes Cookbook for Seniors in eine Zukunft führen, in der Gesundheit und Geschmack harmonisch zusammenleben. Verabschieden Sie sich von langweiligen Diäten und restriktivem Essen - dieses Kochbuch ist Ihre Einladung in eine Welt köstlicher, gesunder Lebensweise. Die Frage wird nicht nur auf diesen Seiten gestellt; Es ist eine Herausforderung für Ihren Gaumen und ein Aufruf zum Handeln. Ihr kulinarisches Abenteuer erwartet Sie - sind Sie bereit, die Aromen des Wohlbefindens zu genießen? Klicken Sie auf "Jetzt kaufen" und lassen Sie die Transformation beginnen.

  • - Whole Guide on Potato Diet; How Beneficial Are Potatoes to Your Health, Potato Base-Recipes and More
    av Florus V Lécuyer

    Potato Diet Made EasyWhole Guide on Potato diet; How Beneficial are Potatoes to your Health, Potato Base-Recipes and More If you're looking for a quick fix to your weight problem, try the potato diet. On this diet, potatoes are where most of the calories come from. Supporters of the potato diet assert that one can shed approximately one pound weekly by consuming potatoes, which are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.While there are other iterations of the potato-based diet, the simplest is subsisting just on potatoes for a few days. Besides, taking potassium is quite similar to taking a diuretic. Potassium aids in nerve and muscle communication and promotes proper cardiac function.Eating half a potato twice daily can help reduce blood pressure, according to another study. Potatoes cooked in any way, including boiling, are also fine. There are some plant compounds in potatoes that are comparable to those in blood pressure medication, according to the research.Also, potatoes don't have any cholesterol. Plus, they're packed with heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, fiber, vitamins C and B6, and more. Reduce LDL cholesterol by eating this vegetable, which is rich in fiber. Additionally, potassium protects the heart; in fact, one study found that a daily intake of 4,069 mg of potassium mitigated the risk of coronary heart disease by 49%. This excellent book will show you how to effectively make your own potato diet from A to Z. To obtain your copy right now, just scroll upward and click the Purchase Icon Now button. You'll be glad you did!

  • - The Remarkable Benefits Of The Pescatarian Diet +75 Healthy Pescatarian Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner High Protein Meal Prep Ideas
    av Sera Ryder

    Everything You Need to Know About the Pescatarian Diet Here are 5 ways I can assist whenever you're ready, including Recipe fitness plans, coaching, books, and more .... Dіѕсоvеr, реѕсаtаrіаn dіеtѕ require a bіt mоrе аdjuѕtmеnt соmраrеd tо rеgulаr omnivorous dіеtѕ. Hоwеvеr, bу соmрrеhеndіng and аddrеѕѕіng thе drаwbасkѕ аnd limitations, уоu саn еffоrtlеѕѕlу utіlіzе thе реѕсаtаrіаn dіеt tо сultіvаtе a lеаn, hеаlthу, аnd аthlеtіс body thаt уоu can tаkе pride in.In Pescatarian Cookbook by Ryder Sera you will learn: How to prepare 70 easy recipes for fish and seafood70 true recipes from the depth of the sea for fresh, healthy and omega3 rich foodHow to prepare classic and traditional pescatarian and mediterranean recipes at homeIf you want to cook fish and seafood at home for friends and family, this cookbook is for you!Scroll up, click on buy it now and get your copy today!

  • - The Ultimate Delicious Nutrient-Dense Recipes for Effortless Weight Loss and Muscle Building with a 28-Day Meal Plan
    av Tayden S William

    Attention Health Enthusiasts: Transform Your Body with the Carb Cycling Cookbook for Beginners!Embark on a culinary journey towards a healthier, fitter you with "Carb Cycling Cookbook for Beginners" by renowned nutritionist and health coach, Tayden S. William. This groundbreaking guide is more than just a collection of recipes; it's your passport to effortless weight loss, muscle building, and a vibrant life.

  • - healthy diet lifestyle for beginners
    av Eric Wagner

    Immerse yourself in the world of delicious plant-based cuisine with our "Plant-Based Diet Starter Cookbook for Beginners." This cookbook is perfect for those who want to start a healthier lifestyle, as it is filled with simple and mouthwatering recipes. From satisfying dinners to hearty breakfasts, each dish is designed to make your transition to plant-based eating seamless and enjoyable. The cookbook provides easy-to-follow instructions and accessible ingredients, making it a must-have for anyone who wants to experience the benefits of a plant-based diet. Discover the vibrant and delicious flavors that await you in these pages and start your plant-based journey today!

  • - Savor Tasty Heart-Healthy Meals to Improve Your Health, Lower Blood Pressure, and Embrace a Balanced and Healthier Lifestyle - Includes a 28 Days Meal Plan
    av David Thompson

  • - Mediterranean Edition
    av Carolyn C Collins

    Embark on a culinary adventure with "Catch Fun While Cooking - A 10 Days Meal Plan Puzzle: Mediterranean Edition." This isn't your typical cookbook; it's a journey into the heart of cooking where creativity, joy, and the rich flavors of the Mediterranean take center stage.Meet Carolyn C. Collins, not just a cookbook author but a culinary explorer on a mission. In this 10-day puzzle challenge, each recipe is a visual delight, turning the kitchen into a canvas of interactive fun. Grilled delights, vibrant salads, and tempting desserts await, each day offering a new puzzle, transforming the ordinary act of cooking into an extraordinary experience.With a passion deeply rooted in both the artistic and scientific realms of food, Carolyn's recipes are a fusion of creativity and precision. "Catch Fun While Cooking" isn't about mere instructions; it's an ode to the sheer joy of cooking and the art of crafting each meal as a unique masterpiece.Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this book invites you to dive into the Mediterranean Edition, where the pleasure of solving puzzles meets the richness of Mediterranean cuisine. Say goodbye to boring meals and embrace a 10-day journey filled with engaging puzzles, vibrant ingredients, and the pure delight of catching fun in the kitchen.Unleash the potential of your kitchen, surprise your taste buds, and turn every meal into an unforgettable experience. "Catch Fun While Cooking" goes beyond a cookbook; it's an open invitation to celebrate the joy of creating and relishing moments in the kitchen. Get ready to spice up your meals, solve delightful puzzles, and savor the flavors of the Mediterranean with Carolyn's friendly guidance. Happy cooking and catching fun!

  • - A holistic approach to balancing blood sugar, nourishing the body, and enjoying flavorful health
    av Charles D Cook

    Discover a transformative journey to lasting wellness with "Juicing for Diabetics." This empowering guide demystifies the connection between diabetes and nutrition, providing a toolkit for crafting delicious, diabetes-friendly blends. From energizing breakfast mixes to nourishing evening elixirs, each recipe is designed to delight your taste buds while supporting your health.As you reflect on your journey, celebrate milestones and personal growth. "Juicing for Diabetics" isn't just a guide; it's your companion on the path to vibrant health. Step forward with confidence, armed with a toolkit for nourishment, resilience, and a flourishing life. Cheers to your journey and the vibrant well-being that awaits!Click the "buy button" and get your copy now.

  • - 360 Nourishing and Flavorful Recipes for Managing PCOS and Enhancing Well-being
    av Laura Allison

    Embark on a transformative culinary journey with "The Ultimate PCOS Diet Cookbook," a comprehensive guide tailored to empower those navigating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) to reclaim control over their health through the art of delicious and nutritious cooking. Within the pages of this meticulously crafted cookbook, discover a wealth of recipes designed to not only tantalize your taste buds but also address the unique nutritional needs associated with PCOS. From vibrant breakfast options like Quinoa Berry Breakfast Bowls to savory dinners such as Lemon Herb Baked Salmon, each dish is thoughtfully curated to promote hormonal balance, manage insulin resistance, and support overall well-being. Dive into the first section, where the foundations of a PCOS-friendly diet are laid out with clarity and precision. Uncover the science behind food choices and learn how the right combination of ingredients can positively impact insulin levels, inflammation, and weight management-key factors in PCOS management. Empower yourself with knowledge about nutrient-dense foods and discover the strategic use of herbs and spices to enhance both flavor and healing potential. As you progress through the cookbook, be captivated by the diverse array of recipes spanning various cuisines and culinary influences. Whether you're a fan of Mediterranean flavors, Asian inspirations, or classic comfort foods, there's a PCOS-friendly recipe to suit every palate. Explore the innovative use of whole grains, lean proteins, and colorful vegetables, all while maintaining a focus on simplicity and practicality for the busy lifestyle. One of the standout features of this cookbook is its emphasis on meal planning and preparation. Engage with helpful tips on batch cooking, smart ingredient substitutions, and effective time management in the kitchen. Say goodbye to the stress of figuring out what to eat each day and embrace a well-organized approach that not only supports your PCOS journey but also simplifies your daily routine. Beyond the delectable recipes, "The Ultimate PCOS Diet Cookbook" is enriched with expert insights from nutritionists and healthcare professionals specializing in PCOS. Gain a deeper understanding of how dietary choices impact hormonal balance and receive practical advice on creating a sustainable and enjoyable eating plan. This collaborative approach ensures that the cookbook becomes a trusted companion on your path to improved health. Throughout the pages, be inspired by success stories and testimonials from individuals who have experienced positive changes in their PCOS symptoms through mindful eating. Witness the transformative power of embracing a diet that aligns with the body's needs, unlocking a renewed sense of vitality and confidence. "The Ultimate PCOS Diet Cookbook" transcends the boundaries of a traditional recipe collection. It becomes a holistic lifestyle guide, encouraging a harmonious relationship between nourishment and well-being. Whether you're embarking on your PCOS journey or seeking fresh, wholesome recipes to enrich your culinary repertoire, this cookbook is your passport to a healthier, more vibrant life. The Ultimate PCOS Diet Cookbook is more than just a compilation of recipes-it's a testament to the profound impact that mindful, purposeful eating can have on managing PCOS symptoms. With its carefully curated selection of dishes, expert guidance, and empowering insights, this cookbook stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking a delicious and effective approach to PCOS management. Elevate your culinary experience and transform your health with every page turned.

  • - Wholesome Gluten-Free Plant Based Diet Recipes and Meal Plan to Eat Clean, Avoid Processed Foods & Live Healthily
    av Allie Nagel

    Are you intrigued by the raw vegan lifestyle but unsure where to begin? Do you want to transform your diet with unprocessed, natural foods but worry about missing out on flavor and variety? Are you looking for a simple, approachable guide to a healthier, more vibrant way of living?Introducing the "Raw Vegan Cookbook for Beginners," your essential guide to embracing a raw vegan diet, packed with delicious gluten-free, plant-based recipes. This cookbook is a gateway to a lifestyle that nourishes your body with the purest, most wholesome foods.Embark on a culinary adventure that takes you through a world of uncooked, unprocessed, and unbelievably tasty meals. Whether you're a newcomer to the raw vegan scene or looking to expand your recipe repertoire, this book is designed to make your transition to a raw vegan diet as smooth and enjoyable as possible.Inside the "Raw Vegan Cookbook for Beginners," you'll discover: An array of enticing recipes, each celebrating the natural flavors and nutritional benefits of raw vegan ingredients.Simple, easy-to-follow meals that avoid processed foods, ensuring every bite is as healthy as it is delicious.A diverse range of dishes for every occasion, from energizing breakfasts and light lunches to hearty dinners and indulgent desserts.A practical meal plan to help you navigate your raw vegan journey, making healthy eating a stress-free, joyous experience.Tips and insights into the raw vegan lifestyle, offering guidance on how to make the most of uncooked, plant-based foods.Transform your diet, embrace a world of unprocessed wonders, and experience the vibrant energy that comes with eating raw. The "Raw Vegan Cookbook for Beginners" is your key to a healthier, happier life.Order your copy today to get started!

  • - 7 Days Healthy & Simple Meal Plan With 50 Delicious Recipes for All Stages After Bariatric Surgery to a Sustainable Weight Loss lifestyle.
    av Carly Evelyn

    Discover the secrets to a swift and thriving recovery after your courageous bariatric journey as a vegetarian or vegan. Introducing the ultimate HIGH PROTEIN BARIATRIC DIET COOKBOOK FOR VEGETARIANS AND VEGANS, a comprehensive guide designed to support you through every phase of your post-op diet with expert advice, uplifting tips, and a treasure trove of mouthwatering recipes.Understanding the unique struggles faced by vegetarian and vegan bariatric patients, I've meticulously curated a collection that goes beyond being nutrient-dense-it's a celebration of exquisite flavors. What sets this High-Protein Bariatric Cookbook apart from the rest: - Discover the Benefits of a High Protein Diet for Vegetarians and Vegans- Master the Art of Successful Bariatric Cooking with Proven Tips- Enjoy 30 healthy shopping ingredients list- Dive into Early Post-Op Foods Recipes to Eat and Avoid- Enjoy 7 days meal plan that you can tune or use directly- Indulge in 10 Breakfast Delights- Relish 20 Lunch and Dinner Creations- Satisfy Cravings with 10 Snacks and Appetizers- Treat Yourself with 10 Delectable Desserts and Treats- Perfect Your Meal Planning and Portion Control with Expert Tips- with cool and relevant pictures- Bonus: Transform with 50 DAYS MEAL PLAN for Weight Loss Don't miss the chance to ORDER YOUR COPY of the High Protein Bariatric Cookbook For Vegetarians and Vegans today. Experience the delight of delectable, high-protein recipes that have proven to expedite recovery and empower countless individuals embarking on this positive, new chapter of life. Join the chorus of positive feedback as many have achieved their weight loss goals through these high-protein, plant-based meals. Don't hesitate-commence your transformative journey today!

  • - Más de 30 recetas bajas en carbohidratos fáciles, deliciosas y saludables: qué comer para perder peso rápidamente; Tabla de alimentos para bajar de peso
    av Roger Wexler

    ¿Se enfrenta a desafíos para perder esos kilos de más con las dietas tradicionales? No busque más allá de la Guía de lista de alimentos y dieta de Golo. Esta guía fácil de usar es su compañera para lograr un estilo de vida más saludable y perder peso mediante modificaciones simples en su dieta y hábitos diarios.

  • - 100+ Clear Liquid, And High Fiber Recipes To Soothe Digestive System
    av Pamela Williams

    This book will help you not only through the condition, but also through delicious and easy dishes.With this book, you will be able to do the following: Everything You Need to Know--- Get more information about diverticulitis and familiarize yourself with its causes and symptoms.Easy to find ingredients--- all the ingredients used in the recipes are right at hands rather than fancy exotic ones that you will never use again.100+ Delicious Recipes --- Find out more about the clear liquid, low-residue, and high-fiber recipes that will assist you in maintaining a healthy gut naturally.The Meal Plan--- Keep following your new healthier eating habits without any kind of difficulties.Your wellbeing cannot afford to be jeopardized by indecision! Acquiring the knowledge included in this book will allow you to make the best decision for yourself right away, so get a copy today!Then you can begin reading The Notable 2024 Low Residue Diet Cookbook

  • - 100+ Delicious Low Fat Breakfast and Dessert Recipes for Better Health and Natural Weight Loss
    av Pamela Williams

    Amazing recipes that will drastically improve your health and your weight! Although menopause is a time of change that women can't avoid, you can avoid weight gain and reduce the health risks and symptoms that may accompany menopause. From the author of several bestselling cookbooks and fitness enthusiast Pamela Williams, comes a great new collection of delicious diet recipes that will help you survive and manage the Menopause through diet. If you're looking for a natural way to manage menopause symptoms and lose weight, The Notable 2024 Menopause Diet Cookbook is for you.

  • - Lose Body and Belly fat after childbirth with diets and exercises
    av Josephine S Sanger

    Are you a new mom eager to reclaim your body after the beautiful journey of pregnancy? If you're on a quest to genuinely solve the challenges of postpartum weight loss, the "Weight Loss after Pregnancy" book is your ultimate guide to achieving a healthier, fitter you.Consider these questions: Are you grappling with the complexities of post-pregnancy weight loss? Are you seeking a customized plan that caters to your unique delivery experience? Do you want a holistic approach that combines both exercise and nutrition for optimal results?Here are three common challenges new moms often face, and how this book provides solutions: 1. Tailored Approach for Vaginal and CS Delivery: Every birthing experience is unique. Part 1 of this book offers a 14-day exercise plan for vaginal delivery and a 7-day exercise plan for those who underwent a Cesarean section, ensuring a safe and effective fitness routine tailored to your specific needs.2. Time-Efficient Exercise Plans: Balancing motherhood and self-care can be challenging. The carefully crafted exercise plans in this book are designed for busy moms, requiring minimal time but delivering maximum impact.3. Holistic Meal Planning: Part 2 of the book introduces a 14-day meal plan with nutritious and delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Say goodbye to fad diets and embrace a balanced approach to postpartum nutrition that supports your weight loss goals.Upon purchasing this book, expect a holistic and practical approach to postpartum weight loss. Feel empowered to embrace a healthier lifestyle tailored to your unique needs as a new mom.Don't let post-pregnancy weight gain be an overwhelming challenge. Take the first step towards a healthier you. Purchase "Weight Loss after Pregnancy" today and embark on a transformative journey to rediscover your strength and vitality!

  • - 30+ Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Low-Carb Recipes: What to eat to lose weight fast; Weight Loss Food Chart
    av Roger Wexler

    Are you facing challenges in shedding those extra pounds with traditional diets? Look no further than the Golo Diet and Food List Guide. This user-friendly guide is your companion in achieving a healthier lifestyle and weight loss through simple modifications to your diet and daily habits.The Golo diet focuses on effective insulin management, combating resistance, and maintaining stable blood sugar levels. By choosing whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding quick blood sugar spikes, this diet facilitates weight loss, enhances energy levels, and reduces the risk of health issues.Within the guide, you'll grasp the essentials of the Golo diet - what to savor, what to skip, and practical tips for meal planning and preparation. It includes detailed meal plans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with snack suggestions to keep you fueled throughout the day.What sets this guide apart? It comes with not one, but two magical bonuses - a comprehensive 19-day meal plan, complete with visual representations of each meal, making it easy for you to follow and reap the rewards. Additionally, you'll receive personalized guidance from registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs), offering clear instructions and unwavering support in implementing dietary and lifestyle changes.Don't procrastinate any longer; take charge of your well-being and weight today. Embark on your transformative journey with the Golo Diet and Food List Guide - your golden opportunity to make positive changes and embrace a healthier, happier version of yourself.

  • - Low carb edition
    av Carolyn C Collins

    Embark on a culinary journey like no other with "Catch Fun While Cooking: A 10-Day Meal Plan Puzzle - Low Carb Edition" by Carolyn C. Collins. This isn't just a cookbook; it's a celebration of the joy, creativity, and smiles that cooking can bring to your life.Discover the magic of turning your kitchen into a canvas of flavors and colors. Each day unfolds a visual puzzle, where every ingredient is a piece waiting for your creative touch. Carolyn guides you through a 10-day low-carb adventure, infusing every recipe with a perfect blend of health-conscious choices and deliciousness.Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, Carolyn's unique approach makes cooking a delight. These aren't just recipes; they are puzzles, encouraging you to think beyond the ingredients and savor the excitement of crafting meals that are uniquely yours.The journey extends beyond the cookbook. Carolyn invites you to improvise, adapt, and make each dish a reflection of your culinary spirit. This is not about rigid rules but about catching fun, celebrating small victories, and transforming the kitchen into a place where smiles are as essential as the ingredients.In addition to the 10-day low-carb adventure, Carolyn surprises you with versatile editions, offering Mediterranean, low-fat, vegan, and more. It's a cookbook that adapts to your tastes, preferences, and dietary needs."Catch Fun While Cooking" is a testament to the belief that cooking is an art, a journey, and an expression of joy. Join Carolyn C. Collins in creating meals that not only nourish your body but also fill your kitchen with laughter and satisfaction.Are you ready to catch the fun in your kitchen? Open the pages, solve the puzzles, and let the cooking magic begin!

  • av Susan Zeppieri

    Adopting a Lebanese low-carb diet can offer several benefits, including: 1. **Weight Management: ** Low-carb diets can help with weight loss and weight maintenance by reducing overall calorie intake and promoting fat burning. 2. **Blood Sugar Control: ** Cutting carbs can lead to better blood sugar control, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance. 3. **Improved Heart Health: ** Lowering carb intake can improve markers of heart health, such as reducing blood pressure, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels. 4. **Stable Energy Levels: ** By avoiding spikes and crashes in blood sugar, a low-carb diet can provide more stable energy levels throughout the day. 5. **Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: ** Research suggests that low-carb diets may lower the risk of certain chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. 6. **Increased Satiety: ** Foods high in protein and healthy fats, which are staples of Lebanese cuisine, can promote feelings of fullness and reduce cravings, making it easier to stick to a low-carb eating plan. 7. **Variety of Nutrients: ** Lebanese cuisine incorporates a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, which can provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants even on a low-carb diet.

  • - Strategies for preserving healthy weight and achieving hormonal equilibrium
    av Bernard Kelley

    RUNNING AWAY FROM HORMONAL IMBALANCEHormones are the body's most potent chemical messengers; they tell your body what to do and when. Because of this, you may experience symptoms like mood swings, tiredness, weight gain, hair loss, or insomnia when your hormones are out of balance. Nevertheless, you can usually correct these irregularities by learning how to regulate your hormones naturally.Hormonal imbalances are the main cause of infertility in women who are born with feminine characteristics. Infertility can result from disorders connected to hormones, such as PCOS and anovulation. Apart from physiological challenges that impact fertility, such as low testosterone levels, people who are biologically male may also face these issues (hypogonadism).This book will reveal to you: reasons why there is a hormone imbalancesigns of an unbalanced hormonefemale hormone balanceTreatments for Hormone DisproportionYou can buy plenty of these for your loved ones.Please scroll down and select the "BUY" option.

  • - "Trimming Taste of the Mediterranean: A 2024 Cookbook for Weight Loss and Wellness"
    av Stella Michael

    The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Weight Loss is a culinary guide that embraces the principles of the renowned Mediterranean diet while specifically focusing on promoting weight loss. This cookbook offers a diverse array of flavorful and nutritious recipes inspired by the traditional eating patterns of Mediterranean countries.Featuring an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats, the cookbook emphasizes the importance of a balanced and sustainable approach to weight management. Recipes are carefully crafted to incorporate key components of the Mediterranean diet, such as olive oil, fish, nuts, and legumes, known for their nutritional benefits and positive impact on overall health.Each recipe is designed to not only support weight loss but also to provide a delicious and satisfying culinary experience. From colorful salads and vibrant vegetable dishes to lean protein options like grilled fish and poultry, the cookbook offers a diverse range of meals that cater to different tastes and preferences.Furthermore, the Mediterranean Diet Cookbook includes informative sections on portion control, mindful eating, and lifestyle tips to enhance the overall effectiveness of the diet for weight loss. It encourages a holistic approach, combining wholesome ingredients with a mindful eating philosophy, fostering a sustainable and enjoyable way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.Whether you're new to the Mediterranean diet or looking to revitalize your weight loss journey, this cookbook serves as a comprehensive and practical resource, guiding you towards a balanced and tastiest route to reaching your weight loss goals..

  • - Step by step guide on how to loose healthy weight rapidly
    av Florence Ivy

    The book emphasize on the importance of a healthy diet, highlighting the prevalence of the Standard American Diet (SAD) characterized by low vegetable intake, high fat and sugar consumption, and reliance on processed foods. It warns against the negative consequences, such as obesity and susceptibility to diseases like diabetes. The text encourages choosing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and minimally treated meat for better long-term health. It also stresses the impact of poor dietary choices on family well-being and suggests the book provides guidance on making healthier decisions.It also talks about the impact of habits on various aspects of life, particularly focusing on eating habits. It suggests that understanding the origins of habits and their effects is crucial for making positive changes. The text encourages self-reflection on the relationship with food, the development of discipline, and the importance of envisioning a positive future. It also acknowledges the common struggle with self-esteem and the potential benefits of seeking professional support for mental health. Overall, it advocates for taking daily actions to achieve a healthier and more positive life, with an emphasis on the significance of adopting a healthy diet.It also points out the potential dangers associated with food trends, especially those promising quick weight loss. It emphasizes the importance of making informed and healthy choices rather than succumbing to trends driven by profit motives. The text cautions against depriving the body of essential nutrients through extreme dietary approaches, noting the potential negative impacts on metabolism and overall health. It challenges societal beauty standards and encourages individuals to focus on a balanced, sustainable approach to weight management, involving healthy eating and exercise. The message underscores the need for critical thinking and research before blindly following advertised quick fixes that may compromise long-term well-being.

  • - Die moderne Kunst der Cocktails
    av Isaac Green & Mia

    Entdecken Sie eine Welt der erfrischenden Aromen und köstlichen Kreationen mit unserem Buch: BEST MOCKTAiLS. Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, die Kunst der alkoholfreien Cocktails in ihrer schönsten Form zu erleben - perfekt für all jene, die auf der Suche nach geschmacklichen Abenteuern ohne den Einsatz von Alkohol sind. In BEST MOCKTAiLS nehmen wir Sie mit auf eine Reise durch eine vielfältige Auswahl an erfrischenden Getränken, die sowohl Ihre Sinne als auch Ihren Gaumen verzaubern werden. Mit 30 sorgfältig kuratierten Rezepten bietet dieses Buch eine breite Palette von Optionen, die von fruchtigen Explosionen bis hin zu raffinierten, herb-würzigen Kreationen reichen. Unsere Rezepte sind nicht nur frei von tierischen Produkten, sondern auch einfach in der Zubereitung - perfekt für Anfänger und erfahrene Mixologen gleichermaßen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Mocktail-Erlebnisse unvergesslich werden. Egal, ob Sie eine elegante Gartenparty veranstalten, einen gemütlichen Abend mit Freunden planen oder einfach nur Lust auf eine köstliche und gesunde Erfrischung haben, BEST MOCKTAiLS bietet für jeden Anlass und Geschmack das Richtige. Entdecken Sie die grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten von alkoholfreien Getränken und lassen Sie sich von BEST MOCKTAiLS - DIE MODERNE KUNST DER COCKTAiLS inspirieren. Dieses Buch wird Ihre Vorstellungskraft beflügeln, während Sie die Welt der Mocktails auf eine völlig neue Weise erleben. Tauchen Sie ein in die moderne Kunst der alkoholfreien veganen Mixologie!

  • av Asker Jeukendrup
    1 670,-

    This is the loose-leaf version of Sport Nutrition, Fourth Edition, which offers students a less expensive, printed version of the text. For students planning to work in a sport- or exercise-related career, it is crucial to understand the essential role nutrition plays in health, adaptations to physical activity and exercise, weight maintenance, and sports and exercise performance. Sport Nutrition, Fourth Edition With HK Propel Access, presents the principles and rationale for current nutrition guidelines for athletes and provides an in-depth look at the science behind sport nutrition. Using a physiological basis, Sport Nutrition aims to explain the role of nutrition in enhancing exercise performance. It moves from general principles of nutrition and nutrient requirements to estimating and fulfilling energy needs with the appropriate combinations of macronutrients and micronutrients. Supplements are addressed from a scientific standpoint, followed by the influence of nutrition on training adaptations, body composition, weight management, and eating disorders. Information on personalized nutrition covers periodized nutrition, sex differences, and special populations (young athletes, older athletes, and diabetic athletes) and offers practical examples from specific sports. The fourth edition is greatly enhanced with a new full-color format showcasing 40 new infographics and 50 additional figures and illustrations. These visual elements provide a more engaging experience, allowing students to fully comprehend important concepts, methods, and research findings. This edition features online access to references, appendixes, and glossary terms and definitions, providing useful explanations and at-a-glance information. New topics in this edition include the following: How to recognize good versus bad information about sport nutrition The role of gut microbiota and how this microbiome is affected by diet and exercise The function of macronutrients and micronutrients in relation to exercise performance and recovery Guidelines to limit gastrointestinal problems during exercise Electrolyte replacement during exercise in the heat The effects of exercise and nutrition on immune function and health outcomes, as learned from the COVID-19 pandemic Low energy availability and the causes and consequences of relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs) More than a simple prescription of recommendations, Sport Nutrition, Fourth Edition, offers a systematic presentation of the science supporting current nutrition guidelines. It is an ideal book to provide a comprehensive understanding of nutrition as it relates to sport, exercise performance, training, and recovery. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.

  • - 55+ Easy and Tasty Recipes for a Healthy Stomach Recovery and Weight Management Diet 28 Days Meal Plan
    av Bonnie Simon

    Are you on a journey to better health through gastric bypass surgery?Looking for delicious recipes that support your post-surgery dietary needs?Interested in recipes that prioritize taste without compromising on nutrition?

  • - Simple and Nutrient-Packed Thyroid-Healing Recipes for Optimal Wellness
    av Melissa Hayes

    TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR THYROID HEALTH TODAY Melissa Hayes embarked on a profound exploration into the intricacies of thyroid ailments, aiming to enrich the knowledge of her readers regarding the complexities of Hashimoto's and thyroid dysfunction.In that essence you need to discover this flavorful journey to thyroid wellness with the Hashimoto Thyroid Cookbook. More than just recipes, this friendly guide unravels the complexities of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, offering essential insights into nutrition, kitchen essentials, and a holistic approach to well-being. From nourishing breakfasts to delightful desserts, each recipe is crafted with care to support your thyroid health. Say goodbye to confusion and embrace a delicious path to harmony with this cookbook designed for the well-being of your thyroid. What you Benefit from this Cookbook: Tailored Recipes: Enjoy thyroid-friendly meals for delicious and nutritious eating.Holistic Approach: Gain insights into stress, exercise, and sleep for overall wellness.Clear Information: Understand Hashimoto's with straightforward explanations.Nourishing Essentials: Discover key ingredients and kitchen tools for thyroid support.Effortless Planning: Practical tips for easy meal preparation in a busy lifestyle.Healthcare Collaboration: Emphasizes the role of professionals in effective Hashimoto's management. BONUS FEATURES: 60-Day Meal PlanTake the guesswork out of meal planning with a comprehensive 60-day meal plan, ensuring a diverse and balanced approach to thyroid-friendly eating over two months. Revitalize your health! Order the Hashimoto Thyroid Cookbook today. Act fast, thrive sooner!

  • - Over 120+ Flavorful and Healthful Recipes to Support Your Weight Loss Goals.
    av Milton B Graham

    ✅✅✅✅Did you undergone gastric sleeve surgery and you are looking for cookbook for dieting?With the help of "Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook," you may go on a gastronomic adventure that will lead to a healthier and more vibrant version of yourself. Your post-surgery meal experience may be transformed into a celebration of taste, nutrition, and wellbeing with the help of this professionally produced cookbook, which serves as your crucial guide. Inside these pages, you'll discover a treasure trove of delectable recipes specifically designed for individuals who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery. Whether you're a seasoned home chef or just starting your culinary adventure, this cookbook is your passport to a world of delicious possibilities that cater to your unique dietary needs. Key Features: ✅⭐Gourmet Flavor, Nourishing Ingredients: Indulge your taste buds with a diverse collection of recipes that prioritize both taste and nutrition. From mouthwatering protein-packed entrees to creative and satisfying side dishes, each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your post-surgery lifestyle. ✅⭐Meal Planning Made Easy: Say goodbye to the stress of planning meals after gastric sleeve surgery. "Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook" provides practical tips and a variety of customizable meal plans, ensuring that every bite you take aligns with your dietary goals. ✅⭐Empowering Your Culinary Skills: Whether you're a kitchen novice or a seasoned chef, our cookbook offers step-by-step instructions, nutritional information, and expert tips to guide you through each recipe. Unleash your inner chef and make every meal a culinary masterpiece. ✅⭐Diverse and Delicious: From comforting classics to internationally inspired dishes, this cookbook caters to every palate. Discover the joy of eating well with recipes that are not only nourishing but also packed with the vibrant flavors you crave. ✅⭐Supporting Your Health Journey: Beyond the kitchen, "Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook" provides insights into post-surgery nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and practical advice to support your overall well-being. This cookbook is your ally on the path to sustained success and improved health. Ignite your passion for cooking and transform your post-surgery diet into a delightful experience with "Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook." Empower yourself to savor the success of a healthier, happier life-one delicious recipe at a time. Stroll up and BUY!!!

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