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Böcker i Byzantinisches Archiv-serien

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  • - A Critical Edition, with English Translation, Introduction, and Notes of John Kananos' Account of the Siege of Constantinople in 1422
    1 411

    An eye-witness to the siege, Kananos celebrates the defense of the City and its miraculous liberation at the hand of the Mother of God. This book presents a critical edition of John Kananos' account of the unsuccessful siege of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1422.

  • av Wiebke-Marie Stock & Sergei Mariev
    1 691

  • av Sofia Kotzabassi
    2 077

    The Monastery of Pantokrator, founded by John II Komnenos and his wife Piroska-Irene, is not only one of the most important and most impressive monastic complexes of the Komnenian age, it is also one of the few to occupy a key position in the life of Constantinople in the Palaiologan age, given that its mortuary chapel (Heroon) was also the last resting place of many members of the latter dynasty. The first attempt to chronicle its history, based on the texts known at the time, was undertaken by G. Moravscik (1932). Interest was rekindled by P. Gautier¿s critical edition of its Typikon (1971), and more recently by restoration work on its buildings. This volume brings together a comprehensive selection of all the texts concerning or connected with the Monastery of Pantokrator, and through them it demonstrates the Monastery¿s importance and its role throughout the history of the Byzantine Empire¿a role that has received insufficient attention, given that older studies have tended to focus on the 12th century. The texts cover the situation in Constantinople before the Monastery was founded, the historical and cultural context within which it was established, its Typikon (monastic formulary), the descriptions of Slav and Western travellers, the Byzantine texts (homiletic, historical, hagiographic, and poetic) relating to the Monastery and its history from the 12th to the 15th century, the Byzantine officials associated with it, and the celebration of the principal festivals in its churches. It also contains critical editions of and commentaries on the two versions of the Synaxarion of Irene Komnene, a speech referring to the Empress¿s associate in the construction of the Monastery, another on the translation of the icon of St. Demetrios from the Church of St. Demetrios in Thessalonica to the Monastery of Pantokrator, an Office of the Translation of the Holy Stone, the verse Synaxarion composed for the consecration of the Monastery, and the known and unpublished poems by Byzantine poets (12th-15th c.) relating to it, as well as an extensive bibliography.

  • - Introduction, edition critique, traduction francaise et annotation
    av Ilias Taxidis
    1 747

    This annotated critical edition presents the epigrams of the Byzantine scholar Maximus Planudes. Due to the absence of a critical edition of almost all Maximus Planudes' epigrams as well as of a methodical commentary or a systematic review of their thematic, lexical, stylistic and metrical features, this study aims to elucidate the least recognised facet of the literary work of one of the most important scholar of the Palaiologan Renaissance.

  • - Das spate Byzanz zwischen Machtlosigkeit und kultureller Blute (1204-1461)
    av Albrecht Berger
    1 747

    The late Byzantine age, from the conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204 to the fall of the last independent Greek territories to the Ottomans in 1461, was not only a period of political decline, but also of intensive cultural activity. The essays assembled in this volume discuss the works and lives of various authors (Nikephoros and Theodoros Xanthopoulos, Theodoros Metochites, Nikephoros Gregoras and Manuel Philes), they investigate issues such as ancient Greek and contemporary Western influences on the literary production, and discuss themes of material culture and, with a clear focus on Constantinople, of social, administrative and economical history.

  • - Einleitung, Edition und Kommentar
    av Sofia Kotzabassi
    2 727

  • - Einleitung Und Kritische Edition
    av Christina Hadjiafxenti
    1 661

  • - Ein Fruhpalaiologischer Byzantiner Im Bezug Zur Fruhen Neuzeit
    av Markos Kermanidis
    2 167

    Der Band ist dem literarischen und kunstästhetischen Werk des Theodoros Metochites gewidmet. Im Zentrum stehen die Miscellanea und Ethikos oder über die Bildung, die Lobreden auf Nikaia (Exilhauptstadt) und Konstantinopel sowie die Umgestaltung der Chora-Kirche. Dabei werden byzantinische Raumdarstellungen in den Blick genommen wie auch die interdisziplinären Verhältnisse der frühen Palaiologenzeit zum ausgehenden westlichen Spätmittelalter.

  • - Form Und Funktion Des Literarischen Lobes in Der Fruhen Palaiologenzeit
    av Krystina Kubina
    2 021

  • av Vratislav Johannes Zervan Kramer Fwf
    1 307

    Die vorliegende Publikation beschäftigt sich mit den Lehnwörtern, die sich in 18 spätbyzantinischen Historien und Chroniken befinden. Um die lexikalischen Interferenzen im Wortschatz der spätbyzantinischen historiographischen Literatur zu analysieren wurden alle Wörter (außer Toponyma und Eigennamen) erfasst, die einen Sprachkontakt belegen. Besonderer Akzent wurde auf den soziolinguistischen Kontext der benutzten Wörter gelegt.

  • - Books and Learning in the Byzantine World
    2 591

  • - Studien zur byzantinischen Literatur gewidmet Wolfram Hoerandner zum 65. Geburtstag
    2 591

    Contains articles on Byzantine literature written in honour of W Horander. This book focuses on his research interests, epigrams and the literature of the Comnenan period, as well as the history of literary motifs, rhetoric and questions of literary language. It includes articles written in German, English, French and Italian.

  • av Johannes Karayannopulos
    1 607

  • - Miscellanea Fur Peter Schreiner Zu Seinem 60. Geburtstag
    2 727

  • - Untersuchungen zur byzantinischen antijudischen Dialogsliteratur und ihrem Judenbild
    av Andreas Kulzer
    1 901

    Das Byzantinische Archiv ist die Begleitreihe derByzantinischen Zeitschrift und umfasst sowohl Monographien als auch Sammelbande. Es bietet ein Forum fur Editionen, Kommentare sowie vertiefende Studien zu Einzelaspekten aus dem Bereich der Byzantinistik. Literatur, Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte einschlielich der damit verbundenen Neben- und Randdisziplinen sind gleichermaen vertreten.

  • - Spurensuche UEber Das Mittelalter Und Die Renaissance Bis in Die Gegenwart
    2 525

  • - Annotated Critical Edition of an Unpublished Byzantine "Menaion" for June
    av Apostolos Spanos
    3 607

    An annotated critical edition of an unpublished collection of hymnographical texts, preserved in the 11th-12th-century Greek manuscript 11 of the library of Leimonos monastery, Lesbos, Greece.

  • - Essays on Byzantine Literature and Culture
    2 087

    This volume presents a broad array of contributions on Byzantine literature and culture, in which well-known Byzantinists approach topics of ceremonial, education, historiography, hagiography, homiletics, law, philology, philosophy, prosopography, rhetoric and theology.

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