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Böcker i Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics-serien

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  • av Ryogo (Waseda University Hirota
    1 577

    The modern version of the bilinear, or Hirota's direct, method is described here using relatively simple mathematics. As the only account in book form of the modern form of the theory, it will be essential reading for all those working in soliton theory.

  • av R. M. Green
    1 581

    Minuscule representations occur in a variety of contexts in mathematics and physics. They are typically much easier to understand than representations in general, which means they give rise to relatively easy constructions of algebraic objects such as Lie algebras and Weyl groups. This book describes a combinatorial approach to minuscule representations of Lie algebras using the theory of heaps, which for most practical purposes can be thought of as certain labelled partially ordered sets. This leads to uniform constructions of (most) simple Lie algebras over the complex numbers and their associated Weyl groups, and provides a common framework for various applications. The topics studied include Chevalley bases, permutation groups, weight polytopes and finite geometries. Ideal as a reference, this book is also suitable for students with a background in linear and abstract algebra and topology. Each chapter concludes with historical notes, references to the literature and suggestions for further reading.

  • av Nick (University of Sheffield) Gurski
    1 581

    Higher category theory is an increasingly important discipline with applications in topology, geometry, logic and theoretical computer science. This comprehensive treatment covers essential material for any student of coherence, or for any researcher wishing to apply higher categories or coherence results in fields such as algebraic topology.

  • av Janos Kollar
    1 111

    This book gives a comprehensive treatment of the singularities that appear in the minimal model program and in the moduli problem for varieties. The study of these singularities and the development of Mori's program have been deeply intertwined. Early work on minimal models relied on detailed study of terminal and canonical singularities but many later results on log terminal singularities were obtained as consequences of the minimal model program. Recent work on the abundance conjecture and on moduli of varieties of general type relies on subtle properties of log canonical singularities and conversely, the sharpest theorems about these singularities use newly developed special cases of the abundance problem. This book untangles these interwoven threads, presenting a self-contained and complete theory of these singularities, including many previously unpublished results.

  • av Thomas Ransford, Javad Mashreghi, Omar El-Fallah & m.fl.

    The Dirichlet space is one of the three fundamental Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disk. It boasts a rich and beautiful theory, yet at the same time remains a source of challenging open problems and a subject of active mathematical research. This book is the first systematic account of the Dirichlet space, assembling results previously only found in scattered research articles, and improving upon many of the proofs. Topics treated include: the Douglas and Carleson formulas for the Dirichlet integral, reproducing kernels, boundary behaviour and capacity, zero sets and uniqueness sets, multipliers, interpolation, Carleson measures, composition operators, local Dirichlet spaces, shift-invariant subspaces, and cyclicity. Special features include a self-contained treatment of capacity, including the strong-type inequality. The book will be valuable to researchers in function theory, and with over 100 exercises it is also suitable for self-study by graduate students.

  • av Burt (University of California Totaro
    1 581

    Group cohomology reveals a deep relation between algebra and topology, and its recent applications have provided important insights into the Hodge conjecture and algebraic geometry more broadly. This book presents a coherent suite of computational tools for the study of group cohomology and algebraic cycles.

  • av Uwe (Universite de Franche-Comte) Franz
    1 407

    This monograph is a progressive introduction to non-commutativity in probability theory, summarizing and synthesizing recent results about classical and quantum stochastic processes on Lie algebras. This book will appeal to advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in the relations between algebra, probability, and quantum theory.

  • av David J. (University of Aberdeen) Benson
    1 637

    This is the first book to study representations of elementary abelian groups using vector bundles on projective space. The treatment includes substantial background material from representation theory and algebraic geometry, including an algebraic treatment of the theory of Chern classes.

  • av Charles R. (College of William and Mary Johnson
    1 587

    This book gives a unified development of how the graph of a symmetric matrix influences the possible multiplicities of its eigenvalues. For mathematicians working with linear algebra, computation, and combinatorics, the book provides new information to extend the ideas to areas such as geometric multiplicities.

  • av A. A. (Imperial College London) Ivanov
    1 507

    This book provides a wealth of insight into the fascinating theory surrounding the Mathieu groups. In particular, the author introduces the theory of group amalgams and gives a systematic account of 'small groups'. Postgraduate students and researchers will enjoy this unique geometric treatment of these well-known finite simple groups.

  • av Pietro (Universita degli Studi di Udine Corvaja
    1 507

    This introduction to Diophantine approximation and Diophantine equations, with applications to related topics, pays special regard to Schmidt's subspace theorem. It contains a number of results, some never before published in book form, and some new. The authors introduce various techniques and open questions to guide future research.

  • av Radoslav Dimitric
    1 501

    Slenderness is a concept relevant to the fields of algebra, set theory, and topology. This first book on the subject is systematically presented and largely self-contained, making it ideal for researchers and graduate students. It provides over 350 exercises as well as many open problems to inspire further research.

  • av Benjamin (The Johns Hopkins University) Dodson
    1 507

    This study of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation provides a great deal of insight into other dispersive partial differential equations and geometric partial differential equations. It presents important proofs, using tools from harmonic analysis, microlocal analysis, functional analysis, and topology. Suitable for use in a one-semester course.

  • av Elizabeth S. (Case Western Reserve University Meckes
    1 547

    This book provides a broad overview of foundational results and recent progress in the study of random matrices from the classical compact groups. Designed to present a complete picture to researchers of different fields, the material makes connections to geometry, analysis, algebra, physics, and statistics.

  • av Chris (Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin) Wendl
    1 507

    Based on a series of lectures for students in topology, this book provides an entry point into the intersection theory of punctured holomorphic curves. Appendices featuring quick reference guides for applying the theory and self-contained proofs of key technical results also make it a valuable resource for researchers.

  • - Hilbert Space Methods in Complex Analysis
    av John Edward (Washington University, Jim (University of California, San Diego) Agler, m.fl.
    1 747

    This monograph, aimed at graduate students and researchers, explores the use of Hilbert space methods in function theory. Explaining how operator theory interacts with function theory in one and several variables, the authors journey from an accessible explanation of the techniques to their uses in cutting edge research.

  • av Alexander (Universitat Wien Komech
    1 491

    This is the first monograph to present the theory of global attractors of Hamiltonian evolutionary partial differential equations, inspired by fundamental phenomena of quantum physics. Researchers and graduate students will appreciate this detailed reference, which covers applications in mathematical physics as well as the underlying theory.

  • - A Complete Proof from Diophantine Geometry
    av Hideaki Ikoma

    This book provides a self-contained proof of the Mordell conjecture (Faltings's theorem) - one of the most important achievements in Diophantine geometry - alongside a concise introduction to the field of Diophantine geometry itself, at a level suitable for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students.

  • av Christian (University of Maryland Rosendal
    1 241

    This book provides a general framework for doing geometric group theory for non-locally-compact topological groups that arise in mathematical practice. With sufficient introductory material for beginning graduate students, it is of interest to researchers in geometric group theory, functional analysis, geometric topology and mathematical logic.

  • av Virginia) Johnson, Charles R. (College of William and Mary, Michael J. Tsatsomeros, m.fl.
    1 491

    This comprehensive reference, for mathematical, engineering and social scientists, methodically discusses matrix positivity classes. The matrices studied have direct applications in data analysis, differential equations, mathematical programming, computational complexity, economic models, population biology, dynamical systems, control theory, etc.

  • av Alexander Polishchuk
    1 581

    The aim of this book is to present a modern treatment of the theory of theta functions in the context of algebraic geometry. The novelty of its approach lies in the systematic use of the Fourier-Mukai transform. The author starts by discussing the classical theory of theta functions from the point of view of the representation theory of the Heisenberg group (in which the usual Fourier transform plays the prominent role). He then shows that in the algebraic approach to this theory, the Fourier-Mukai transform can often be used to simplify the existing proofs or to provide completely new proofs of many important theorems. Graduate students and researchers with strong interest in algebraic geometry will find much of interest in this volume.

  • av Christopher D. Sogge
    1 581

    This advanced monograph is concerned with modern treatments of central problems in harmonic analysis. The main theme of the book is the interplay between ideas used to study the propagation of singularities for the wave equation and their counterparts in classical analysis. In particular, the author uses microlocal analysis to study problems involving maximal functions and Riesz means using the so-called half-wave operator. To keep the treatment self-contained, the author begins with a rapid review of Fourier analysis and also develops the necessary tools from microlocal analysis. This second edition includes two new chapters. The first presents Hormander's propagation of singularities theorem and uses this to prove the Duistermaat-Guillemin theorem. The second concerns newer results related to the Kakeya conjecture, including the maximal Kakeya estimates obtained by Bourgain and Wolff.

  • - Reasoning with Reasons
    av Melvin Fitting & Sergei Artemov
    1 507

    Justification logic is a theory of reasoning that enables the tracking of evidence for statements and therefore provides a framework for the reliability of assertions. This book, the first in the area, is a systematic and modern account that will appeal to readers from a variety of disciplines to which the theory applies.

  • av Sergei Kuksin & Armen Shirikyan
    1 171

    This book is dedicated to the mathematical study of two-dimensional statistical hydrodynamics and turbulence, described by the 2D Navier-Stokes system with a random force. The authors' main goal is to justify the statistical properties of a fluid's velocity field u(t,x) that physicists assume in their work. They rigorously prove that u(t,x) converges, as time grows, to a statistical equilibrium, independent of initial data. They use this to study ergodic properties of u(t,x) - proving, in particular, that observables f(u(t,.)) satisfy the strong law of large numbers and central limit theorem. They also discuss the inviscid limit when viscosity goes to zero, normalising the force so that the energy of solutions stays constant, while their Reynolds numbers grow to infinity. They show that then the statistical equilibria converge to invariant measures of the 2D Euler equation and study these measures. The methods apply to other nonlinear PDEs perturbed by random forces.

  • av David Masser
    1 747

    This unified account of various aspects of a powerful classical method, easy to understand in its simplest forms, is illustrated by applications in several areas of number theory. As well as including diophantine approximation and transcendence, which were mainly responsible for its invention, the author places the method in a broader context by exploring its application in other areas, such as exponential sums and counting problems in both finite fields and the field of rationals. Throughout the book, the method is explained in a 'molecular' fashion, where key ideas are introduced independently. Each application is the most elementary significant example of its kind and appears with detailed references to subsequent developments, making it accessible to advanced undergraduates as well as postgraduate students in number theory or related areas. It provides over 700 exercises both guiding and challenging, while the broad array of applications should interest professionals in fields from number theory to algebraic geometry.

  • - Lyapunov Function Methods for Near-Critical Stochastic Systems
    av Serguei Popov, Andrew Wade & Mikhail Menshikov
    1 917

    Stochastic systems provide powerful abstract models for a variety of important real-life applications: for example, power supply, traffic flow, data transmission. They (and the real systems they model) are often subject to phase transitions, behaving in one way when a parameter is below a certain critical value, then switching behaviour as soon as that critical value is reached. In a real system, we do not necessarily have control over all the parameter values, so it is important to know how to find critical points and to understand system behaviour near these points. This book is a modern presentation of the 'semimartingale' or 'Lyapunov function' method applied to near-critical stochastic systems, exemplified by non-homogeneous random walks. Applications treat near-critical stochastic systems and range across modern probability theory from stochastic billiards models to interacting particle systems. Spatially non-homogeneous random walks are explored in depth, as they provide prototypical near-critical systems.

  • av J. P. Ponstein

    Optimization is concerned with finding the best (optimal) solution to mathematical problems that may arise in economics, engineering, the social sciences and the mathematical sciences. As is suggested by its title, this book surveys various ways of penetrating the subject. The author begins with a selection of the type of problem to which optimization can be applied and the remainder of the book develops the theory, mainly from the viewpoint of mathematical programming. To prevent the treatment becoming too abstract, subjects which may be considered 'unpractical' are not touched upon. The author gives plausible reasons, without forsaking rigor, to show how the subject develops 'naturally'. Professor Ponstein has provided a concise account of optimization which should be readily accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of topology and functional analysis. Advanced students and professionals concerned with operations research, optimal control and mathematical programming will welcome this useful and interesting book.

  • av D. G. Northcott

    An important part of homological algebra deals with modules possessing projective resolutions of finite length. This goes back to Hilbert's famous theorem on syzygies through, in the earlier theory, free modules with finite bases were used rather than projective modules. The introduction of a wider class of resolutions led to a theory rich in results, but in the process certain special properties of finite free resolutions were overlooked. D. A. Buchsbaum and D. Eisenbud have shown that finite free resolutions have a fascinating structure theory. This has revived interest in the simpler kind of resolution and caused the subject to develop rapidly. This Cambridge Tract attempts to give a genuinely self-contained and elementary presentation of the basic theory, and to provide a sound foundation for further study. The text contains a substantial number of exercises. These enable the reader to test his understanding and they allow the subject to be developed more rapidly. Each chapter ends with the solutions to the exercises contained in it.

  • av E. T. Copson

    Metric space topology, as the generalization to abstract spaces of the theory of sets of points on a line or in a plane, unifies many branches of classical analysis and is necessary introduction to functional analysis. Professor Copson's book, which is based on lectures given to third-year undergraduates at the University of St Andrews, provides a more leisurely treatment of metric spaces than is found in books on functional analysis, which are usually written at graduate student level. His presentation is aimed at the applications of the theory to classical algebra and analysis; in particular, the chapter on contraction mappings shows how it provides proof of many of the existence theorems in classical analysis.

  • av H. G. Eggleston

    This account of convexity includes the basic properties of convex sets in Euclidean space and their applications, the theory of convex functions and an outline of the results of transformations and combinations of convex sets. It will be useful for those concerned with the many applications of convexity in economics, the theory of games, the theory of functions, topology, geometry and the theory of numbers.

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