- Stem Cells in Tissue Regeneration
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Derya Sağraç, Hatice Burcu Şişli, Ayşegül Doğan - Apelin Receptor Signaling During Mesoderm DevelopmentSimona Martinotti, Katia Marconato, Gregorio Bonsignore, Elia Ranzato - Epidermal stem cells in regenerative medicineAida Selaru, Sorina Dinescu , Marieta Costache - The cellular and molecular patterns involved in the neural differentiation of adipose-derived stem cellsI. Kulvinskiene, R. Aldonyte, R. Miksiunas, A. Mobasheri, D. Bironaite - Biomatrices for heart regeneration and cardiac tissue modelling in vitroSoner Sismanoglu, Pınar Ercal - Dentin-Pulp Tissue Regeneration Approaches in Dentistry: An Overview and Current TrendsMuge Anil-Inevi , Oyku Sarigil, Melike Kizilkaya, Gulistan Mese, H. Cumhur Tekin, Engin Ozcivici - Stem Cell Culture under Simulated MicrogravityAfsaneh Adibfar, Samaneh Hosseini, Mohamadreza Baghaban Eslaminejad - Smart Polymeric Systems: A Biomedical ViewpointJie Lian , Juntang Lin, Norashikin Zakaria, and Badrul Hisham Yahaya - Acute lung injury: Disease modelling and the therapeutic potential of stem cells.Tunç AKKOÇ - COVID-19 AND MESENCHYMAL STEM CELL TREATMENT; MYSTERY OR NOTKristy L Kolc, Rikke S Møller, Lynette G Sadleir, Ingrid E Scheffer, Raman Kumar, and Jozef Gecz - PCDH19 pathogenic variants in males: Expanding the phenotypic spectrum.