- Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng
This book contains a collection of dialogues written in honor of the late Frederick J. Streng, the former President of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, by well-known Buddhist and Christian scholars on subjects that were of primary interest to Streng. A group of outstanding scholars and dialoguers have written essays from a Buddhist or a Christian point of view on a subject in which they are established scholars-subjects including inter religious dialogue, ultimate reality, nature and ecology, social engagement, and ultimate transformation or soteriology. Questions examined by the authors include: What is the role of religious practice in interrelgious dialogue? How does each faith''s present historical situatedness affect its priorities in dialogue? In what way do the metaphysical beliefs of Buddhism and Christianity affect their behavior on ecological and social issues? Are their fundamental incompatibilities or incommensurables between the two faiths? Are the personal God of Christianity and the emptiness of Buddhism simply diametrically opposed? What can Christianity learn from Buddhism and Buddhism from Christianity?The book reflects real dialogue and not simply side-by-side presentations from two points of view, in that each author responds to the statements of his or her dialogical partner. The dialogical aspect is further strengthened by the contributions of two senior scholars, one Buddhist and one Christian, who reflect upon perspectives in the Epilogue. The contributors to the volume are: David W. Chappell, John B. Cobb, Jr., Paula M. Cooey, Malcolm David Eckel, Ruben L. F. Habito, Thomas P. Kasulis, John P. Keenan, Sallie B. King, Winston L. King, Alan Sponberg, Bonnie Thurston and Taitetsu Unno.