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Böcker i Directions in Development - Human Development-serien

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  • - Evidencia de paises selecionados

    Depois de quase um quarto de seculo de implementacao de reformas para a cobertura universal de saude, e chegada a hora de avaliar como a regiao se saiu neste sentido.

  • - Atteindre fes cibles mondiales en matiere de retard de croissance, d'anemie, d'allaitement maternel et d'emaciation
    av Meera Shekar

    II faudra, pour atteindre les cibles de nutrition fixees par l' Asssemblee mondiale de la sante en matiere de retard de croissance, danemie chez la femme, d'allaitement matemel exclusif et d'emaciation, proceder a des financ.ements mondiaux de 70 milliards de dollars sur lOans dans des interventions specifiques a la nutrition a fort impact.

  • - Evidencia de paises seleccionados

    Despues de casi un cuarto de siglo de implementar reformas de cobertura universal, ha llegado el momenta para hacer un balance de las logros en la region. Este volumen analiza el progreso en la reducci6n de las desigualdades en los resultados de salud, la utilizaci6n de los servicios y la protecci6n financiera.

  • - Preparing the Workforce for a Modern Market Economy
    av Christian Bodewig & Reena Badiani-Magnusson

    The demand for workforce skills is changing in Vietnam's dynamic economy. In addition to job-specific skills, Vietnamese employers value cognitive skills, like problem solving, and behavioural skills, like team work. This book presents an agenda of change for Vietnam's education system to prepare workers to succeed in Vietnam's modernizing economy.

  • - Trends in Demand, Gaps, and Supply
    av Prateek Tandon, Emanuela Di Gropello & Aurelien Kruse

    In Indonesia, the past two decades have been a time of great progress but also massive transformations and abrupt setbacks. In this context, this book reviews the main characteristics of - and trends in - demand for skills in Indonesia.

  • - Evidence from Selected Countries

    After nearly a quarter century of implementing universal coverage reforms, it is apt to take stock of how well the region has fared. This volume reviews progress in reducing inequalities in health outcomes, service utilization, and financial protection, and assesses the common trends emerging from these reforms.

  • - Le Nouveau Role des Filets Sociaux en Afrique
    av Victoria Monchuk

    Cet ouvrage examine la situation, les caracteristiques, la performance et le financement des filets sociaux en Afrique. Il identifie comment les gouvernements peuvent renforcer les filets sociaux afin que mieux proteger les pauvres et amelioration leur situation.

  • - Jobs and Policies in Developing Countries During the Great Recession
    av World Bank

    Reviews the experience of workers in developing countries during the global financial crisis of 2009, asseses the recovery, and provides new evidence on the policy response that countries undertook in response to the crisis.

  • - Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases in South Asia
    av Michael Maurice Engelgau

  • - An Analysis of Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay
    av Carmen Carpio

    Provides a status update on the human resources for health sub-system in six Latin American and Caribbean countries: Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay. The report structures its discussion around how the health workforce is financed, organised, managed, regulated, and performing.

  • - A Human Opportunity Report for Latin America and the Caribbean
    av Jose R. Molinas Vega

    The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is making progress in opening the doors of development to all. But it still has a long way to go. At the current pace, it would take, on average, a generation for the region to achieve universal access to the basic services that make for human opportunity. This book assesses the status and evolution of human opportunity in LAC.

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