- Conference Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, August 18-19, 1988
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Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Recent Developments in Machine Translation / Hutchins, W. John -- Language and the Computer Society / Vámos, Tibor -- The State of the Art in Machine Translation in the U.S.S.R. / Oubine, Ivan I. / Tikhomirov, Boris D. -- MT Research in China / Dong, Dong Zhen -- Pros and Cons of the Pivot and Transfer Approaches in Multilingual Machine Translation / Boitet, Christian -- A Sublanguage Approach to Japanese- English Machine Translation / Kosaka, Michiko / Teller, Virginia / Grishman, Ralph -- ATAMIRI - Interlingual MT Using the Aymara Language / Rojas, Iván Guzmán de -- The Architecture of DLT - Interlingual or Double Direct? / Schubert, Klaus -- Discourse Structure - Some Implications for Machine Translation / Hauenschild, Christa -- What Is a Cross-Linguistically Valid Interpretation of Discourse? / Tsujii, Jun-ichi -- Advanced Terminology Banks Supporting Knowledge-Based MT / Galinski, Christian -- Terminologia Esperanto-Centro / Blanke, Wera -- Universal Applicability of Dependency Grammar / Weidmann, Dietrich M. -- Translating to and from Swedish by SWETRA - a Multilanguage Translation System / Sigurd, Bengt -- Hungarian - a Special Challenge to Machine Translation? / Prószéky, Gábor -- Learning from Translation Mistakes / Piron, Claude -- On Some Results of the Conference / Sgall, Petr -- Index