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INTRODUCTION Important Developments in the History of Ionic Liquids from Academic Curiosity to Commercial Processes and Products - Mark Shiflett (Univ. Kansas), Dirk Tuma (BAM, Germany), Joe Magee (NIST, Boulder U.S.) IONIC LIQUID PROCESSES ISOALKYΓäó Technology: Next-Generation Alkylate Gasoline Manufacturing Process Technology Using Ionic Liquid Catalyst - Hye Kyung Timken, Huping Luo, B.K. Chang (Chevron Energy Technology Company) and Elizabeth Carter, Matthew Cole (Honeywell UOP) Continuous Catalytic Processes with Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Materials - Marco Haumann (Universitat Erlangen, Germany) Are Ionic Liquids Enabling Technology? Startup to Scale-up to Find Out - Julia Shamshina, Robin Rogers (525 Solutions, U.S.) Commercial Aspects of Biomass Deconstruction with Ionic Liquids - Aida R.Abouelela, Florence V. Gschwend, Francisco Malaret, Jason P. Hallett (Imperial College London, U.K.) IONIC LIQUID PRODUCTS Gas Chromatography Columns using Ionic Liquids as Stationary Phase - Mohsen Talebi, Rahul A. Patil, Daniel W. Armstrong (University Texas-Arlington) Ionic Liquid-Liquid Chromatography: A Novel Separation Method - Leslie Brown (AECS-QuikPrep, Ltd UK), Martyn J. Earle, Manuela A. Gilea, Natalia V. Plechkova, Kenneth R. Seddon (QUILL, Queens University-Belfast, UK) Commercial Production of Ionic Liquids - Thomas J. S. Schubert (Iolitec, Germany) FUTURE IONIC LIQUID APPLICATIONS Natural Fiber Welding - Luke M. Haverhals, David P. Durkin (Natural Fiber Welding, Inc.), Paul C. Trulove (U.S. Naval Academy) Development of New Cellulosic Fibers and Composites using Ionic Liquids Technology - Frank Hermanutz, Marc Philip Vocht, Michael R. Buchmeiser (German Institute of Textile Fiber Research, Denkendorf, Germany) Towards Industrialization of Ionic Liquids - Roland S. Kalb (Proionic, Austria)