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  • av Frank Förster
    1 006,-

    This volume presents a collection of papers focusing on the dynamic relationship between rock art, movement and the surrounding landscape. The contributors offer a wide range of theoretical perspectives from broad geographical and chronological contexts, encompassing case studies from three continents, and spanning a timeline from the European Palaeolithic to the Colonial Period of South America. The diverse approaches and contexts converge over themes of movement, motion and mobility - all inherent to rock art and its production.

  • av Sébastien Cabes

    Cet ouvrage rassemble les actes de deux journées d'études organisées à l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour en 2019 et 2020. Regroupées en cinq thèmes, ces 17 articles et la conclusion associée reviennent sur les méthodologies employées par divers chercheurs et spécialistes pour mieux appréhender la période complexe de l'Antiquité tardive.Pour y parvenir, les différentes contributions de cet ouvrage interrogent des thématiques variées (les habitats ruraux et l'organisation des territoires, l'économie, le pouvoir et la société, le monde funéraire), dans des aires d'études diverses (Gaule, Hispanie, Lusitanie, Istrie...).Par cette approche diversifiée et interdisciplinaire, les contributeurs présentent de nouveaux horizons dans l'étude de l'Antiquité tardive et entament ainsi une importante relecture de cette période. This book brings together innovative methodologies across the themes of rural settlement, economy, power, society, and the funerary world, to better understand the complex period that is Late Antiquity.

  • av Janette Horvath

    Die archäologische Fundstätte Mont Lassois, nahe Vix in Burgund, befindet sich etwa 6 km nördlich von Châtillon-sur-Seine. Die Siedlung auf dem Berg und am Fuß gilt als Beispiel für einen sogenannten Fürstensitz der Hallstattzeit. Im Faunenmaterial aus dem Bereich Les Renards, am östlichen Fuß des Zentralortes, gelang ein früher Nachweis für den Import italischer Rinder sowie für die Haltung von Haushühnern. Die archäozoologische Untersuchung des Faunenmaterials aus dem Siedlungs- und Werkstattbereich am Hang des hallstattzeitlichen Zentralortes Mont Lassois zeigte, dass die Fleischversorgung der Bevölkerung hauptsächlich über den Konsum von Schweinen gedeckt wurde. Die Verwendung von Rindern als Fleischlieferanten erfolgte in geringerem Maß. Schaf- und Ziegenhaltung im Siedlungsbereich und die Jagd auf Wildtiere wie Rothirsch oder Wildschwein bereicherten den Speiseplan.This is an archaeozoological study of the fortified settlement of Mont Lassois, near Vix, Burgundy, France, from the late Hallstatt period, ca. 530 - 450 v.Chr.

  • av Daisuke Nakamura, Tomoko Nagatomo & Maria Shinoto
    1 060,-

  • av Sian Tiley-Nel

  • av Michael Allen Stephens
    1 050,-

    This book - a continuation of the author's previous BAR work "A Categorisation and Examination of Egyptian Ships and Boats from the Rise of the Old to the End of the Middle Kingdoms" (BAR Publishing 2358, 2012) - brings together disparate strands of the study of ships and boats of the Egyptian New Kingdom. It collates previous categorisation systems for these watercraft and presents an overall system for ships and boats. Deck structures, mast and rigging and aspects of hull construction are also classified. This project will be an important addition to knowledge of Ancient Egyptian ships of the New Kingdom, and in combination with the author's previous volume, will be the first work to deal comprehensively with boats and ships throughout all periods of Ancient Egypt.

  • av Hartwig Hartmann

    Seit der 5. Dynastie wird die Geburt eines Kälbchens und dessen Säugung auf den Wandreliefs altägyptischer Gräber dargestellt. Auch Grabbeigaben und Amulette bilden die Geburt ab. Dabei lässt sich ein für Ägypten typisches Brauchtum erkennen, das womöglich älter ist als die Belege selbst es sind. Diese Belege zur Geburt des Kalbes im Alten Ägypten werden hier erstmals typologisiert. Der vorliegende Beitrag vergleicht nun das Felsbild in der Ostwüste, welches eine kalbende und säugende Kuh abbildet, mit den gesammelten Quellen zur Geburt eines Kälbchens und dessen Säugung ausführlich. Wie die so vorgelegte Diskursanalyse zeigt, wurden die Vorstellung von der Geburt der Sonne als Kälbchen und das Verhalten der Hirten bei der Geburt eines Kälbchens im Alten Ägypten miteinander verknüpft. Deshalb hat vermutlich auch die rituelle Rolle, die der König als Sonnenpriester im altägyptischen Tempel spielte, um den Sonnenlauf zu gewährleisten, womöglich pastorale Wurzeln. This book analyses depictions of the shepherd in rock carvings Min 1-12 from the south wall of Wadi Minah, and compiles and categorizes Ancient Egyptian evidence for calving and suckling for the first time.

  • av Alessia Frassani

    Religious manuscripts from ancient and early colonial Mexico offer a direct pathway into indigenous worldviews through the uniquely Mesoamerican medium of pictography. During the thousands of years preceding Spanish invasion, a complex calendrical system developed in the region, forming the basic organizing principle of this pictorial language. This book offers new interpretations and insights on both calendrics and the related iconography of Mesoamerican religious manuscripts, based on the author's field work in the Sierra Mazateca in northern Oaxaca. Detailed calendrical analysis is included, along with audio recordings of chants, prayers, and ceremonies available as an online download. The author's novel approach questions accepted notions of divination, chronology, and the dichotomy between ritual and historical time.

  • av Michelle Hampson
    1 746,-

    The tomb paintings and reliefs of Ancient Egypt constitute a major source of evidence for the historical and cultural reconstruction of this fascinating civilisation, but the compilation and detailed analysis of both the iconographic and textual data contained in such scenes in one volume is seldom undertaken. This book focuses on one of the main themes illustrated - craftsmen at work - and uses an original micro-analytical approach to determine the key conventions of their representation. Industries such as boat building, carpentry, jewellery making, leatherwork, metalwork, sculpture and stone vessel making are examined. Particular emphasis is given to the postures and actions of the figures, their methods, tools and interactions, as well as their clothing, physical features and objects on which they work. A catalogue of scenes, some previously unpublished, is included, together with over 2,000 plans and line drawings, innovative isometric diagrams, text and translation summaries, and appendices.

  • av ¿Tefana Cristea

    This volume is the product of the symposium, 'Africa and the Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire' (July 29-30, 2018), which took place in Timi¿oara and was organized by the National Museum of Banat Timi¿oara, the Center for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies (Babe¿-Bolyai University) Cluj-Napoca, and the West University Timi¿oara. One of the keynote speakers was the Director of the Center for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies, Prof. Dr Alexandru Diaconescu. Unfortunately, he passed away much too soon during the compiling of this book , and thus, the volume is dedicated to his memory. The chapters present case studies on the Egyptian and African military and civilian presence in the Danubian provinces, the Egyptian and African influences found in the material evidence, religion and magic around the Danube, as well as the presence of the inhabitants of the Danubian provinces in the North African region of the Roman Empire and Egypt. The contributors to this volume examine literary, historical, epigraphic, archaeological, and art historical evidence in order to discuss the cross-pollination of culture and organization within these two regions of the Roman Empire. This book is a useful tool for historians and archaeologists interested in the interactions at the military, social and religious level within the African and Egyptian space of the Roman Empire, Roman Dacia and other Danubian provinces.

  • av Emiliano Arena

    Il libro presenta l'edizione di un gruppo iscrizioni greche tardo-ellenistiche provenienti dalla città di Halaesa Archonidea in Sicilia, comprendente documenti di recente scoperta, alcuni dei quali inediti e altri recentemente pubblicati dall'autore, fra cui spiccano due frammenti superstiti delle perdute Tabulae Halaesinae (IG XIV 352 + SEG IV 45) e il frammento di un contratto di locazione (misthosis), presumibilmente fondiaria. Grazie ad una analisi complessiva dei documenti il volume offre un contributo all'interpretazione e alla comprensione delle Tabulae Halaesinae e fornisce, attraverso i nuovi dati epigrafici, una ricostruzione dello scenario storico-istituzionale nel quale la città di Halaesa, probabilmente intorno all'ultimo quarto del II sec. a.C., ridefinì la sua terra pubblica, istituì un sistema per risolvere i conflitti sulla proprietà delle terre e affittò la terra ai suoi cittadini.This volume contributes a new interpretation and understanding of the Tabulae Halaesinae. It uses fresh epigraphical data to reconstruct how the city of Halaesa, around the last quarter of the 2nd century B.C., resurveyed its public land, established a system to resolve conflicts over land ownership, and leased the land to its citizens.

  • av Donald W. Jones
    1 466,-

    In this book Donald W. Jones presents a framework for how to approach four important topics that have held the attention of historians and archaeologists for decades. He offers intuitive but rigorous introductions to the contemporary economic theory and modelling dealing with agriculture, international trade, populations, and the behavior of aggregate economies. Familiarity with these models can offer nuanced insights into ancient economic behavior in data-poor as well as data-rich environments. Each chapter presents case studies from the literature of antiquity demonstrating how this could work and offering suggestions of topics where these models could be fruitfully explored.

  • av Roberto Meneghini

    Questo libro illustra i risultati degli scavi realizzati dal Comune di Roma sull'area del Foro di Traiano fra il 1998 e il 2007. In particolare il volume analizza i dati relativi alla storia del monumento nel medioevo e nell'età moderna. Nella parte iniziale del libro viene presentata una storia del sito, dall'antichità ai nostri giorni, sulla base degli studi e degli scavi sinora realizzati. Nella seconda e nella terza parte sono esposti i ritrovamenti effettuati durante le campagne di scavo e le conclusioni che è possibile trarre dal loro studio per la conoscenza della topografia medievale dell'area e delle modalità di acquisizione e di gestione del territorio in quel periodo storico. Completano il volume quattro Appendici relative ai dati d'archivio, ai materiali ceramici rinvenuti in una cisterna, a due scarichi di scarti di produzione provenienti da altrettante officine di vasai rinascimentali e all'elenco dei reperti rinvenuti nel corso degli scavi nelle unità stratigrafiche esaminate. This book illustrates the results of the excavations carried out by the Municipality of Rome on the area of the Trajan's Forum between 1998 and 2007. In particular, the volume analyzes data relating to the history of the monument in the Middle Ages and in the modern age. In the initial part of the book, a history of the site is presented, from antiquity to the present day, based on the studies and excavations carried out so far. The second and third parts show the findings made during the excavation campaigns and the conclusions that can be drawn from their study for the knowledge of the medieval topography of the area and the methods of acquisition and management of the territory in that historical period. The volume is completed by four Appendices relating to archival data, ceramic materials found in a cistern, two discharges of production waste from as many Renaissance potters' workshops and the list of finds found during excavations in the stratigraphic units examined.

  • av Rhianna C. Rogers

    Archaeologists consider Puerto Rico a key geographical location for categorizing native occupations in the Caribbean. However, lack of funding, minimal focus on petroglyph research, and limited historical records has reduced Puerto Rico's contributions to the broader archaeological conversation. This book hopes to alleviate this issue through its interdisciplinary analysis of the La Mina site, a previously unrecorded petroglyph site near the El Yunque National Forest in Municipio de Naguabo, Puerto Rico. The authors' 2015 fieldwork consisted of a Phase I geological and archaeological survey and the cataloguing of Rex Cauldwell's longitudinal photographic study of the site (2006-2018), both of which included the documentation of dozens of previously unrecorded preTaíno/Taíno glyphs. In 2017-2018, they supplemented the initial fieldwork with additional ethnographic data, focusing on the aftermath of recent natural disasters and cultural unrest in the region.

  • av Patricia Bello Alonso

    En este libro se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis arqueológico de las huellas de uso documentadas en el material lítico asociado al yacimiento achelense de Thiongo Korongo (1,353±0,35 Ma.) (Garganta de Olduvai, Tanzania), así como los datos registrados tras el desarrollo y estudio de la colección de referencia experimental. El objetivo de esta investigación reside en interpretar tanto la gestión tecno-funcional como económica desarrollada por los homininos en el contexto del inicio del Achelense en África Oriental en general y del yacimiento de TK en particular. El conjunto de los resultados ha permitido no sólo contrastar el procesado de carcasas animales con interés nutricional, sino también establecer hipótesis en relación con la gestion de madera y tubérculos. Además, en el conjunto de elementos líticos analizados se incluyen resultados sobre piezas que hasta ahora no habían sido valoradas como artefactos (un fragmento de placa y un chunk). This book presents results obtained from the archaeological analysis of use traces documented in the lithic material associated with the Acheulean site of Thiongo Korongo (1,353±0,35 Ma.) (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania), as well as the data recorded after the development and study of the experimental reference collection. The aim of this research is to interpret both the techno-functional and economic management developed by hominins in the context of the early Acheulean in East Africa in general and the TK site in particular. The results have made it possible not only to contrast the processing of animal carcasses with nutritional interest, but also to establish hypotheses in relation to the management of wood and tubers. In addition, the set of lithic elements analysed includes results on pieces that until now had not been assessed as artefacts.

  • av Celia Sánchez Natalías
    1 790,-

    Defixiones, also known as curse tablets, are one of the most revealing sources for ancient magico-religious practices. Born of rancour, anger, desire, love, envy, or just out of desperation, curse tablets were a strategy for obtaining 'individual justice' for those who could not accomplish their purposes through the available means, due to a lack of knowledge, power or legal/economical resources. In this volume, the reader will find a detailed catalogue that discusses 535 curse tablets written in Latin and a wide range of local languages. The catalogue is preceded by a full introduction in which the main features of these inscriptions are discussed together with leading scholarship. Such a detailed yet global study of these texts sheds light on various aspects of curses that vary on a regional basis, thus showing how this magico-religious technology was not only adopted but also adapted in new and creative ways by the local populations throughout the Roman West.

  • av Sebastian J. Pfeifer

    This book presents the bows and arrows attributed to the Greenland Thule culture in the archaeological and ethnographic collections of the National Museum of Denmark. It contains a catalogue with comprehensive visual and metric data. Supplemented by material from other collections and written sources accessed through the literature, both regional variability and chronology are discussed. It becomes clear that during the spread and development of the Thule culture, its archery tradition developed into very different regional forms. This process was mainly triggered by resource availability and intra-group communication, or lack thereof. The second focus of the book is on functional analysis and examines the influence of raw material, technology and design on the performance of different bow and arrow types. It becomes clear that archery in Greenland, as in other Arctic regions, was highly complex and reflects specific environments of use. This makes it a primary source for Arctic cultural history.

  • av Jana Anvari
    1 306,-

    This book evaluates the epistemology by which archaeology has translated the architectural record at Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic (6500-5500 BC) sites in central Anatolia into interpretations of social organisation. The first part of the book provides a summary of existing knowledge on the study region, architecture in particular. The second part conducts a content analysis of 284 publications and systematically maps and critiques the archaeological discourse around Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic architecture and social organisation. As a by-product of this discussion, the book also provides an exploration of how people in central Anatolia during this period used architecture to create communities. In the tradition of reflexive archaeology, the main purpose of this book is to critically evaluate past research practices to contribute to their improvement. It seeks to improve the research tools to understand the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic as important transformative time periods in Anatolian prehistory that influenced the further course of southwest Asian and European prehistory, for example by initiating development towards social stratification.

  • av Meng Zhang

    The rise and fall of microblade technology during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene is not only a part of the panorama of global microlithization, but also a key question linked to human adaptive change in the face of climate fluctuation. This monograph creatively uses Lewis Binford's macroecological approach developed from his book Constructing Frames of Reference (2001) against both interglacial and glacial climate conditions, to provide an explanation of variation and change among late Pleistocene and early Holocene microblade-based industries in northeastern Asia. It uses six case studies to discuss two waves of cultural change linked with issues of the origin of microblade technology and the Palaeolithic to Neolithic transition. These cover the formation and convergence of microblade-based societies (MIS 3 to MIS 2), referring to case studies in Siberia and Northern China, and the development and ultimate divergence of microblade-based societies (MIS 2 to MIS 1), involving case studies in the Japanese Archipelago, Eastern Siberia, Northern China, and the Tibetan Plateau.

  • av Celia Sánchez Natalías

    Defixiones, also known as curse tablets, are one of the most revealing sources for ancient magico-religious practices. Born of rancour, anger, desire, love, envy, or just out of desperation, curse tablets were a strategy for obtaining 'individual justice' for those who could not accomplish their purposes through the available means, due to a lack of knowledge, power or legal/economical resources. In this volume, the reader will find a detailed catalogue that discusses 535 curse tablets written in Latin and a wide range of local languages. The catalogue is preceded by a full introduction in which the main features of these inscriptions are discussed together with leading scholarship. Such a detailed yet global study of these texts sheds light on various aspects of curses that vary on a regional basis, thus showing how this magico-religious technology was not only adopted but also adapted in new and creative ways by the local populations throughout the Roman West.

  • av Margaret Lindsay Faull
    2 016,-

    This book contains descriptions of 432 coal-mining museums, heritage centres, archives and memorials, and preserved colliery sites in 48 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe and New Zealand. This is not a history of coal mining, but rather a catalogue of how museums around the world have portrayed the history of coal mining, colliers and mining communities. This includes subjects such as the development and dissemination of new technology, features commonly found on the surface of mines, disasters, transport, women and children working underground, working conditions, strikes and trade unions, and slavery and forced labour, especially in wartime and by certain countries in particular. There is a detailed introduction, including discussion of the types of buildings used for museums and collections such as art and fossils, and a concordance of 18 items found commonly at the sites described, including those with a genuine or a simulated underground experience and opencast sites open to the public.

  • av Pauline Bombled

    Ce livre est le résultat d'un colloque consacré à l'armement, thématique au coeur de nombreuses recherches internationales, mais manquant parfois de visibilité. Il vise à proposer une vision renouvelée et des approches originales pour l'étude des Armes et des Guerriers en Europe et au Proche-Orient pour les sociétés anciennes. Au travers d'approches "classiques" et de la mise en place de nouvelles méthodologies, les différents auteurs s'ouvrent à des problématiques militaires, mais aussi plus sociétales, comme la façon de faire la guerre, les élites guerrières, la composition des armées, le statut du guerrier, du soldat, etc. En résumé, comment, au travers de l'étude de l'armement, peut-on comprendre les sociétés et leur mode d'organisation ? Les différents exposés de ce manuscript abordent plusieurs aspects de la recherche afin de caractériser les facteurs qui pourraient être à l'origine de modifications ou au contraire d'une pérennisation dans l'équipement du guerrier et dans ses modes de combat. Par ces différents articles, le lecteur est invité à confronter et comparer les méthodes employées pour étudier la panoplie militaire et les résultats obtenus. Ainsi, l'évolution de l'armement est abordée d'un point de vue technologique autant que typologique, sociologique et identitaire. This book aims to propose a renewed vision and innovative approaches for the study of weapons and warriors in Europe and the Near East for ancient societies.

  • av Michela Stefani

    Il Sepolcro degli Scipioni, situato sulla Via Appia fuori Porta Capena, si configura come un vero e proprio palinsesto di epoche storiche. Oltre al celebre ipogeo infatti numerose altre strutture funerarie furono progressivamente costruite nel sito, come due colombari, due recinti funerari, una tomba a tempietto e un edificio funerario con piccola catacomba annessa, alcuni edifici presumibilmente residenziali, e una struttura forse interpretabile come un impianto produttivo/artigianale. La presente monografia si focalizza sull'analisi storico-archeologica degli edifici di età imperiale e tardo antica, condotta attraverso l'analisi tipologica delle tecniche costruttive, della stratigrafia delle cortine e lo studio funzionale degli edifici. Ciò ha permesso di ricostruire l'evoluzione degli insediamenti del sito e del tratto urbano della via Appia, incluso nell'urbs con al costruzione delle Mura Aureliane, offrendo una visione d'insieme sul progressivo cambiamento delle dinamiche di sfruttamento e occupazione di un territorio "ibrido" di confine dal periodo imperiale alla tarda antichità. The Tomb of the Scipios constitutes a palimpsest of historical periods. Besides the famous hypogeum, other funerary structures were progressively built on the site, such as two columbaria, two funerary enclosures, a temple tomb and a funerary building with a small catacomb, some residential buildings, and a structure interpreted as a production plant. This monograph focuses on the historical-archaeological analysis of the imperial and late antique buildings, conducted through the typological analysis of construction techniques, the stratigraphy of the curtain wall and the functional study of the buildings.

  • av Sabine A Laemmel
    1 156 - 1 820,-

    1 106 - 1 900,-

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