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  • av Agata Waszkiewicz

    Delicious Pixels: Food in Video Games introduces critical food studies to game scholarship, showing the unique ways in which food is utilized in both video game gameplay and narrative to show that food is never just food but rather a complex means of communication and meaning-making. It aims at bringing the academic attention to digital food and to show how significant it became in the recent decades as, on the one hand, a world-building device, and, on the other, a crucial link between the in-game and out-of-game identities and experiences. This is done by examining specifically the examples of games in which food serves as the means of creating an intimate, cozy, and safe world and a close relationship between the players and the characters.

  • - Heresy in Jewish History, Thought, and Literature
    av Gilad Sharvit

    This volume offers an examination of varied forms of expressions of heresy in Jewish history, thought and literature. Contributions explore the formative role of the figure of the heretic and of heretic thought in the development of the Jewish traditions from antiquity to the 20th century. Chapters explore the role of heresy in the Hellenic period and Rabbinic literature; the significance of heresy to Kabbalah, and the critical and often formative importance the challenge of heresy plays for modern thinkers such as Spinoza, Freud, and Derrida, and literary figures such as Kafka, Tchernikhovsky, and I.B. Singer. Examining heresy as a boundary issue constitutive for the formation of Jewish tradition, this book contributes to a better understanding of the significance of the figure of the heretic for tradition more generally.

  • - Epistemologie Und Literaturgeschichte Kleiner Formen
    av Maren Jäger

    Kleine Formen - wie das Exzerpt, die Liste, der Aphorismus, aber auch der Scherenschnitt - sind häufig Produkte von gezielten Zurichtungen des Kleinmachens. Manche dieser Operationen sind von Zeit- und Platzknappheit erzwungen, andere folgen dem ästhetischen Eigensinn, stehen im Dienst der Formalisierung oder der Konzentration auf Partikulares. Die hier versammelten Fallstudien nähern sich den Eigenheiten solcher Kleinformen über die zugrundeliegenden Verfahren der Reduktion, Selektion, Verdichtung und Transposition. Von einem dynamisierten Formkonzept ausgehend, suchen sie Antworten auf die Fragen: Wie wird das Kleine klein? Und wie wird es Form?

  • av Nico Nassenstein
    2 130,-

    This book provides an overview of approaches to language and culture, and it outlines the broad interdisciplinary field of anthropological linguistics and linguistic anthropology. It identifies current and future directions of research, including language socialization, language reclamation, speech styles and genres, language ideology, verbal taboo, social indexicality, emotion, time, and many more. Furthermore, it offers areal perspectives on the study of language in cultural contexts (namely Africa, the Americas, Australia and Oceania, Mainland Southeast Asia, and Europe), and it lays the foundation for future developments within the field. In this way, the book bridges the disciplines of cultural anthropology and linguistics and paves the way for the new book series Anthropological Linguistics.

  • av David Hadbawnik

    This volume builds on recent scholarship on contemporary poetry in relation to medieval literature, focusing on postmodern poets who work with the medieval in a variety of ways. Such recent projects invert or ¿queer¿ the usual transactional nature of engagements with older forms of literature, in which readers are asked to exchange some small measure of bewilderment at archaic language or forms for a sense of having experienced a medieval text. The poets under consideration in this volume demand that readers grapple with the ways in which we are still ¿medieval¿ ¿ in other words, the ways in which the questions posed by their medieval source material still reverberate and hold relevance for today¿s world. They do so by challenging the primacy of present over past, toppling the categories of old and new, and suggesting new interpretive frameworks for contemporary and medieval poetry alike.

  • av Elmar Dod
    2 146,-

    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Vernünftigkeit der Imagination in Aufklärung und Romantik" verfügbar.

  • av Johannes Zenk

    Livius stellt in der ersten Pentade seines Geschichtswerks die Geschichte der Stadt Rom und ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung von der Gründung bis zum Jahr 390 v. Chr. dar. Ausgehend von der praefatio, in der Livius sich zu Art und Absicht seiner Darstellung äußert, untersucht dieses Buch die literarische Technik, die Livius für die Darstellung der Stadt Rom in dieser Zeit anwendet.

  • av Carmen Mellado Blanco
    1 516,-

  • av Dirk Purschke
    346 - 1 550,-

  • av James Spivey
    5 656 - 5 670,-

    This volume looks at modern approaches to catalysis and reviews the extensive literature. Chapters highlight microkinetic modeling, encapsulated metals for confined catalysis, recent advances on the direct decomposition of NOx and heteropolyacid catalysts. There is also a chapter reviewing methods for estimating adsorption energies on catalytic surfaces, which will provide information from both fundamental and technological points of view. Appealing broadly to researchers in academia and industry, the detailed chapters bridge the gap from academic studies in the laboratory to practical applications in industry, not only for the catalysis field, but also for environmental protection. The book will be of great benefit to any researcher wanting a succinct reference on developments in this area now and looking to the future.

  • - Kant's Quasi-Ontological Argument for the Categorical Imperative
    av Deryck Beyleveld

    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.

  • av Michael Springborg
    5 656,-

    Chemical modelling covers a wide range of disciplines and this book is the first stop for any materials scientist, biochemist, chemist or molecular physicist wishing to acquaint themselves with major developments in the applications and theory of chemical modelling. Containing both comprehensive and critical reviews, it is a convenient reference to the current literature. Coverage includes, but is not limited to, isomerism in polyoxometalate chemistry, modelling molecular magnets, molecular modelling of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes and graphene nanoribbons heterojunctions.

  • av Swarn Chatterjee

    The De Gruyter Handbook of Personal Finance provides a robust review of the core topics comprising personal finance, including the primary models, approaches, and methodologies being used to study particular topics that comprise the field of personal finance today. The contributors include many of the world¿s leading personal finance researchers, financial service professionals, thought leaders, and leading contemporary figures conducting research in this area whose work has shaped¿and continues to affect¿the way that personal finance is conceptualized and practiced. The first section of the handbook provides a broad introduction to the discipline of personal finance. The following two sections are organized around the core elements of personal finance research and practice: saving, investing, asset management, and financial security. The fourth section introduces future research, practice, and policy directions. The handbook concludes with a discussion on an educational and research agenda for the future. This handbook will be a core reference work for researchers, financial service practitioners, educators, and policymakers and an excellent supplementary source of readings for those teaching undergraduate and graduate-level courses in personal finance, financial planning, consumer studies, and household finance.

  • av David Lingelbach

    As of early 2022, seven of the ten largest firms in the world by market capitalization had been funded through various types of entrepreneurial finance. This handbook provides an up-to-date survey of what we know about this significant phenomenon in all its forms, and where our knowledge about it needs to head from here. The handbook embraces a wide range of established and emerging academic and practitioner voices across the globe to explore the theoretical and practical flux and tension in the field. Until recently, most studies have taken a supply side perspective, focusing on the perspective of those who provide funding to new ventures. This book takes a different, demand side perspective, beginning with the entrepreneur and gradually broadening our view to include close by and then more distant funding sources. Following this approach, it is organized into four parts detailing the individual level (founders¿ resources, bricolage and bootstrapping, effectuation and portfolio entrepreneurship); the inner circle (informal financing, business groups, incubators and accelerators); the wider world (formal debt, microfinance, venture capital, corporate venture capital, business angels, government funding and family offices); and emerging perspectives (non-Western perspectives, gender, indigenous perspectives, post-conflict and disaster zones and ethics). The introduction considers the general state of the field, while the conclusion takes on additional topics relevant to entrepreneurial finance, such as decentralized finance, big data, behavioral economics, financial innovation and COVID-19, as well as possible ways in which entrepreneurial finance can have a greater impact on other disciplines. This handbook will be a core reference work for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers seeking an up-to-date academic survey of entrepreneurial finance. It can also be used as a primary text in Ph.D. seminars in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance, and finance. Instructors in Master¿s level courses in entrepreneurial finance and venture capital will also find the book of benefit.

  • av Eva Gredel
    1 550,-

  • av Olga Katharina Schwarz
    1 550,-

  • av Nicolai N. Petro
    346 - 1 220,-

  • av Aditya Malik

    This book is about the legendary Rajput chieftain Hammira Chauhan, the king of the impregnable fortress of Ranthambore in southern Rajasthan who died in 1301 CE after a monumental battle against Alauddin Khalji, the sultan of Delhi. This singular event reverberates through time to the point of creating a historical and cultural region that crystallizes through copious texts composed in different genres and languages (Persian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Rajasthani, English) in shifting religious and political contexts, medieval as well as modern. The main poetical-historical work composed in Sanskrit, the Hammira-Mahakavya (¿great poem¿) by the Jaina poet Nayachandra Suri (15th century), is propelled by a dream in which the dead king urges the poet to write about his deeds. Can history with its preoccupation for the factual, begin in a dream? What does it mean to think about history and time via the imagination? Is time, whether past, present or future linked to imagination? Do imagination, time, and history arise together? What are the implications of thinking of history as something that appears in our experience? What does it mean to write a history as a historical being in whom diverse temporalities intertwine in the here and now?

  • av Peter Jordens

    Acquisition of the native language proceeds in a stage-wise manner for both typically developing (TD) children and children with developmental language disorder (DLD). As shown in TD children learning Dutch and German, the ability to establish contextual cohesion serves as the driving force to proceed from a simple, lexical system to a more complex, functional system. It is argued that precisely this ability is challenged in children with DLD. The present book offers an account of the functional linguistic features fit to achieve contextual cohesion in language production. It provides a rationale for practitioners to develop linguistically founded tools to be used in speech therapy.

  • av Uwe Rose
    346 - 1 696,-

    In fünf Kapiteln thematisiert das Buch Kants Ethik im Ganzen, dabei werden die zentralen moralphilosophischen Schriften Kants als Einheit bzw. als eine sukzessive Fortentwicklung hin zu einer ¿vollständigeren¿ Ethik aufgefasst, bei der der formale Kern schrittweise durch materiale Momente angereichert und erweitert wird. Erst dadurch ergibt sich ein adäquates Bild der kantischen Ethik. Der Ausdruck »im Ganzen« bezieht sich also zum einen auf die Gesamtheit der in den Blick genommenen Werke und zum anderen auf die ¿Komplementarität¿ von formaler und materialer Seite.Die schrittweise Erweiterung bzw. Anreicherung wird als Anwendung rekonstruiert, nämlich als eine Anwendung des kategorischen Imperativs auf den Menschen in ganz konkreten Zuständen und Umständen, sodass am Ende auch kasuistischen Überlegungen ein angemessener Raum gegeben wird. Dies ist ein Aspekt, der im ¿überkommenen¿ Kant-Bild bislang zu wenig Beachtung gefunden hat.Durch diesen umfassenderen Blick auf Kants Ethik als Ganzes können immer wieder erhobene Einwände bzw. Vorwürfe (wie z. B. Unanwendbarkeit, Formalismus, Gesinnungsethik sowie Rigorismus) entschärft oder auch zurückgewiesen werden.

  • av Claudia Wirsing
    346 - 1 916,-

    Das Problem einer ausschließlich ¿idealistischen¿ oder ¿realistischen¿ Position ist es, dass sie die Bedingungen ihrer Analyse nur einseitig einfangen und nicht hinreichend begründen kann, weil sie das begriffliche und evaluative Theoriedesign ihrer Position immer schon voraussetzen muss, und damit in der Beantwortung ihrer Frage stets normativ Stellung bezieht. Diesem Desiderat einer Begründung möchte die vorliegende Studie abhelfen. Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit den kategorialen Begriffen von Realität und Wirklichkeit innerhalb der historischen Diskussionsstadien um 1800. Die Autorin liefert dabei jenseits des Dualismus von Idealismus und Realismus eine Begründung des Realen innerhalb ihrer Vermittlung. Sie fragt danach, wie wir um diese Vermittlung wissen können, und erkundet anhand der Hegelschen Wesenslogik in kritischer Absetzung zu dessen Vorläufern (Kant, Jacobi, Fichte) die argumentative Basis dafür, welche kategorialen Grundbedingungen ein Begriff von Realität erfüllen muss: nämlich Realität immer schon als immanent verbunden mit einer bestimmten Art von fundamentaler Begrifflichkeit zu verstehen.

  • av Natalie Binczek & Uwe Wirth
    506 - 2 446,-

    Das Handbuch geht den vielfältigen Interdependenzen zwischen Literatur und Audiokultur nach und erschließt das Forschungsfeld für die Literaturwissenschaft. Im Fokus der Beiträge stehen Aspekte der literarischen Mündlichkeit und des Sounds: Analysiert werden Formen der Hörkultur in schriftlichen Texten, aber auch Audiotexte wie die Lesung, das Interview oder der Poetryslam sowie medientechnische Formate wie das Hörspiel oder das Hörbuch.

  • av Fidel Toldra
    2 110,-

    Advances in Food and Nutrition Research provides updated knowledge about nutrients in foods and how to avoid their deficiency, especially for those essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimise health. The series provides the latest advances on the identification and characterisation of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption, always having in mind its nutritional benefits and health effects. Contains contributions that have been carefully selected based on their vast experience and expertise on the subject Includes updated, in-depth, and critical discussions of available information, giving the reader a unique opportunity to learn Encompasses a broad view of the topics at hand

  • av R. Paul Singh & Dennis R. Heldman
    1 496,-

    Food engineering is a required class in food science programs, as outlined by the Institute for Food Technologists (IFT). The concepts and applications are also required for professionals in food processing and manufacturing to attain the highest standards of food safety and quality.The third edition of this successful textbook succinctly presents the engineering concepts and unit operations used in food processing, in a unique blend of principles with applications. The authors use their many years of teaching to present food engineering concepts in a logical progression that covers the standard course curriculum. Each chapter describes the application of a particular principle followed by the quantitative relationships that define the related processes, solved examples, and problems to test understanding.The subjects the authors have selected to illustrate engineering principles demonstrate the relationship of engineering to the chemistry, microbiology, nutrition and processing of foods. Topics incorporate both traditional and contemporary food processing operations.

  • av Lena Sowada
    2 000,-

    Wie schreiben Französinnen und Franzosen, die über eine geringe Routine und wenig Erfahrung im Schreiben verfügen? Wie gestaltet sich ihr schriftlicher Sprachgebrauch in privater Kommunikation auf den unterschiedlichen sprachlichen Ebenen? Die Arbeit behandelt den Schriftsprachgebrauch weniger geübter Schreiber zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts in der deutsch-französischen Grenzregion auf der Grundlage authentischer, bisher unveröffentlichter französischer Textzeugnisse. Neben orthographischen Kompetenzen umfasst der Prozess des Schreibens lexikalisches, morphosyntaktisches und diskurstraditionelles Wissen, das in den Briefen, Postkarten und Tagebüchern mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen individuell aktualisiert wird. Dabei bilden die im Wesentlichen aus der deutsch-französischen Grenzregion stammenden Schreiber die ihren Alltag prägende Mehrsprachigkeit, zum Teil verbunden mit Biliteralismus, auch im Geschriebenen ab. Der Gebrauch epistolärer Formeln verdeutlicht zugleich individuelle Routinen und ökonomische Versprachlichungsmuster. Vor dem biographischen Hintergrund der Schreiber leistet die Analyse einen Beitrag zur Untersuchung verschiedener Schriftsprachgebrauchsnormen in privater nähesprachlicher Kommunikation. Diese Arbeit wurde ausgezeichnet mit dem Manfred Lautenschläger-Preis zur Förderung der Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften (2022) der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.

  • av Hans Henrich Hock
    690 - 2 266,-

    Historical linguistic theory and practice contains a great number of different 'layers' which have been accepted in the course of time and have acquired a permanency of their own. These range from neogrammarian conceptualizations of sound change and analogy to present-day ideas on rule change and language mixture. To get a full grasp of the principles of historical linguistics it is therefore necessary to understand the nature and justifications (or shortcomings) of each of these 'layers', not just to look for a single 'overarching' theory. The major purpose of the book is to provide in up-to-date form such an understanding of the principles of historical linguistics and the related fields of comparative linguistics and linguistic reconstruction. In addition, the book provides a very broad exemplification of the principles of historical linguistics.

  • av Rebekka Klein

    Wie wird die Perspektive von Kindern in der Theologie repräsentiert? Diese selten gestellte Frage wird im vorliegenden Band als eine gesamttheologische Herausforderung thematisiert. Ausgangspunkt dafür ist die Wahrnehmung einer nicht auflösbaren Polarität: Wenn die Theologie es mit ihrem Subjektbezug ernst meint, ist es ihr aufgegeben, die Perspektive von Kindern sensibel wahrzunehmen und kritisch zur Geltung zu bringen. Um Grenzüberschreitungen zu vermeiden, muss sie sich aber stets neu vergewissern, was ihr am kindlichen Sein nicht zugänglich ist. Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der Notwendigkeit und den Grenzen der Repräsentation von Kindern wird in den Beiträgen des Bandes aus biblischer, historischer sowie systematischer Sicht ausgelotet und auf seine Implikationen für eine kindorientierte Bildung hin befragt.

  • av Gregory Whistance-Smith
    1 256,-

    Video game environments constitute a vast expansion of the built environment, offering new worlds to explore and new spaces for engaging in a range of activities. Like buildings and cities before them, these interactive environments are deeply meaningful for how they communicate values and shape behaviour. This book unpacks how they do this, drawing on theories of embodied cognition to analyze virtual environments designed as rich worlds.

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