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Böcker i Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society-serien

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  • av Ramon Antoine, Francesc Perera & Hannes Thiel
    1 096,-

    The Cuntz semigroup of a $C^*$-algebra is an important invariant in the structure and classification theory of $C^*$-algebras. It captures more information than $K$-theory but is often more delicate to handle. The authors systematically study the lattice and category theoretic aspects of Cuntz semigroups.

  • av Nicola Gambino & Andre Joyal
    1 060,-

    Develops the theory of operads and analytic functors. In particular, the authors introduce the bicategory $\operatorname{OpdBim}_{\mathcal{V}}$ of operad bimodules, that has operads as $0$-cells, operad bimodules as $1$-cells and operad bimodule maps as 2-cells, and prove that it is cartesian closed.

  • av James Damon & Ellen Gasparovic
    1 060,-

    The authors consider a generic configuration of regions, consisting of a collection of distinct compact regions $\{ \Omega_i\}$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ which may be either regions with smooth boundaries disjoint from the others or regions which meet on their piecewise smooth boundaries $\mathcal{B}_i$ in a generic way.

  • av Agelos Georgakopoulos
    1 060,-

    "Volume 250, Number 1190 (third of 6 numbers), November 2017."

  • av Aaron Hoffman, Hermen Hupkes & E.S. Van Vleck
    1 060,-

    Considers scalar lattice differential equations posed on square lattices in two space dimensions. Under certain natural conditions they show that wave-like solutions exist when obstacles (characterized by "holes") are present in the lattice.

  • av John McCuan
    1 060,-

    Examines the stability of certain liquid drops in a gravity field satisfying a mixed boundary condition. The author also considers as special cases portions of cylinders that model either the zero gravity case or soap films with the same kind of boundary behavior.

  • av Arnulf Jentzen & Martin Hutzenthaler
    1 140,-

    Develops a general theory based on rare events for studying integrability properties such as moment bounds for discrete-time stochastic processes. Using this approach, the authors establish moment bounds for fully and partially drift-implicit Euler methods and for a class of new explicit approximation methods which require only a few more arithmetical operations than the Euler-Maruyama method.

  • av Joachim K Krieger
    1 206,-

    Shows that the finite time type II blow up solutions for the energy critical nonlinear wave equation $ \Box u = -u^5 $ on $\mathbb R^3+1$ constructed in Krieger, Schlag, and Tataru (2009) and Krieger and Schlag (2014) are stable along a co-dimension three manifold of radial data perturbations in a suitable topology.

  • av Camille Male
    1 206,-

    Voiculescu's notion of asymptotic free independence is known for a large class of random matrices including independent unitary invariant matrices. This notion is extended for independent random matrices invariant in law by conjugation by permutation matrices. This fact leads naturally to an extension of free probability.

  • av Colette Moeglin & J.-L. Waldspurger
    1 096,-

    Proves a twisted version of the local trace formula of Arthur over a local field. This formula is an equality between two expressions, one involving weighted orbital integrals, the other one involving weighted characters; and provides a symmetric form of the local trace formula as in Arthur's paper on Fourier Transform of Orbital integral and describes any twisted orbital integral.

  • av Pavel M. Bleher
    1 206,-

    The normal matrix model with algebraic potential has gained a lot of attention recently, partially in virtue of its connection to several other topics as quadrature domains, inverse potential problems and the Laplacian growth. In this volume the authors consider the normal matrix model with cubic plus linear potential.

  • av Andrew J. Blumberg
    1 206,-

    The authors develop a theory of $THH$ and $TC$ of Waldhausen categories and prove the analogues of Waldhausen's theorems for $K$-theory. They resolve the longstanding confusion about localization sequences in $THH$ and $TC$, and establish a specialized devissage theorem.

  • av Rodney G. Downey
    1 206,-

    Two of the central concepts for the study of degree structures in computability theory are computably enumerable degrees and minimal degrees. This book considers how minimal weak truth table degrees interact with computably enumerable Turing degrees and obtain three main results.

  • av Antonio Alarcón
    1 206,-

    The aim of this work is to adapt the complex analytic methods originating in modern Oka theory to the study of non-orientable conformal minimal surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^n$ for any $n\ge 3$.

  • av S.V. Ivanov
    1 206,-

    Introduces and studies the bounded word problem and the precise word problem for groups given by means of generators and defining relations. The main technical result of the paper states that, for certain finite presentations of groups the bounded word problem and the precise word problem can be solved in polylogarithmic space.

  • av Michael Handel
    1 206,-

    Develops a decomposition theory for subgroups of $\mathsf{Out}(F_n)$ which generalizes the decomposition theory for individual elements of $\mathsf{Out}(F_n)$ found in the work of Bestvina, Feighn, and Handel, and which is analogous to the decomposition theory for subgroups of mapping class groups found in the work of Ivanov.

  • av Peter Polacik
    1 206,-

    The author considers semilinear parabolic equations of the form $u_t=u_xx f(u),\quad x\in \mathbb R,t>0,$ where $f$ a $C^1$ function. Assuming that $0$ and $\gamma >0$ are constant steady states, the author investigates the large-time behavior of the front-like solutions.

  • av Cristian Gavrus
    1 206,-

    In this paper, the authors prove global well-posedness of the massless Maxwell-Dirac equation in the Coulomb gauge on $\mathbb{R}^{1+d} (d\geq 4)$ for data with small scale-critical Sobolev norm, as well as modified scattering of the solutions.

  • av Ulrich Bunke
    1 076,-

    Sets up a language to deal with Dirac operators on manifolds with corners of arbitrary co-dimension. This book develops a theory of boundary reductions, introducing the notion of a taming of a Dirac operator as an invertible perturbation by a smoothing operator.

  • av Andrzej Rucinski, Ehud Friedgut, Vojtech Rodl & m.fl.

    Presents generalization of Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma to a certain hypergraph setting.

  • av Laurent Berger
    1 206,-

    The main idea of this article is to carry out a Lubin-Tate generalization of the theory of cyclotomic $(\varphi,\Gamma )$-modules in a different fashion. Instead of the $p$-adic open unit disk, the authors work over a character variety that parameterizes the locally $L$-analytic characters on $o_L$.

  • av Daniel C. Isaksen
    1 140,-

    Presents a detailed analysis of 2-complete stable homotopy groups, both in the classical context and in the motivic context over $\mathbb C$. The author uses the motivic May spectral sequence to compute the cohomology of the motivic Steenrod algebra over $\mathbb C$ through the 70-stem.

  • av Christopher L. Douglas
    1 140,-

    The authors construct cornered Floer homology invariants of 3-manifolds with codimension-2 corners and prove that the bordered Floer homology of a 3-manifold with boundary, split into two pieces with corners, can be recovered as a tensor product of the cornered invariants of the pieces.

  • av Ethan Akin
    1 140,-

    The main object of this work is to present a powerful method of construction of subshifts which the authors use chiefly to construct WAP systems with various properties. Among many other applications of these so-called labeled subshifts, the authors obtain examples of null as well as non-null WAP subshifts.

  • av Chen Wan
    1 140,-

    Following the method developed by Waldspurger and Beuzart-Plessis in their proofs of the local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture, the author is able to prove the geometric side of a local relative trace formula for the Ginzburg-Rallis model.

  • av Elizabeth Milicevic
    1 140,-

    Let $G$ be a reductive group over the field $F=k((t))$, where $k$ is an algebraic closure of a finite field, and let $W$ be the (extended) affine Weyl group of $G$. The associated affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties $X_x(b)$, which are indexed by elements $b \in G(F)$ and $x \in W$, were introduced by Rapoport.

  • av Sergey Bobkov
    1 140,-

    This work is devoted to the study of rates of convergence of the empirical measures $\mu_{n} = \frac {1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n \delta_{X_k}$, $n \geq 1$, over a sample $(X_{k})_{k \geq 1}$ of independent identically distributed real-valued random variables towards the common distribution $\mu$ in Kantorovich transport distances $W_p$.

  • - Part I: Schubert Systems and Decompositions into Affine Spaces
    av Oliver Lorscheid
    1 140,-

    The authors characterize the affine spaces in terms of the combinatorics of a fixed coefficient quiver for $M$. The method of proof is to exhibit explicit equations for the Schubert cells of $\mathrm{Gr}_{\underline{e}}(M)$ and to solve this system of equations successively in linear terms.

  • av Dominic Joyce
    1 140,-

    Explains the foundations of a version of algebraic geometry in which rings or algebras are replaced by $C^\infty $-rings. As schemes are the basic objects in algebraic geometry, the new basic objects are $C^\infty $-schemes, a category of geometric objects which generalize manifolds and whose morphisms generalize smooth maps.

  • av J.I. Hall
    1 140,-

    In 1925 Elie Cartan introduced the principal of triality specifically for the Lie groups of type $D_4$, and in 1935 Ruth Moufang initiated the study of Moufang loops. The observation of the title in 1978 was made by Stephen Doro, who was motivated by George Glauberman. Here the author makes the statement precise in a categorical context.

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