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  • - meditations on art and desire
    av Torgeir Fjeld

    Is the creative act like a volcano: an outburst that lights up the universe? This volume connects reason with desire and the arts in ways that enable us to imagine how creativity can bring us closer to the truth. The artistic quest for freedom stands in stark contrast to philosophy's call to subordinate art to reason and tradition. The struggle between them has culminated in artistic attempts to subsume philosophical matters within the domain of art. One central question in this study is what the consequences will be of a final dissolution of the boundary between the two domains: will all that remains of the artwork be an abstract howl of the rock - our rock, the planet - itself?


    Technology, in all its forms, has had and continues to have an indisputable impact on society and culture. Philosophy of technology seeks to understand this impact and the meaning of technology for society and culture. Although its origins can be traced back to the Greeks, it wasn't until the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century that it gained ground as a philosophical discipline. Now more than ever it is considered an essential philosophical enterprise. 'The Budapest Workshop on Philosophy of Technology' was a lively and successful event that sort to discuss, reflect on and apply this branch of philosophical inquiry to both historical and contemporary examples. Importantly, the contributors' methodological approaches were influenced by, although not limited to, Michael Polanyi's term 'post-critical'. Moving beyond the rigidity of past approaches, the selected essays were driven by two lines of inquiry, what has been the historical role of technology in social and scientific change? And, how can a 'post-critical' approach enhance and extend our understanding of philosophy of technology?This edited volume begins by exploring the role of technology in social and scientific developments from a historical perspective, before moving towards a discussion of philosophy of technology from a 'Post-Critical' epistemic stance. Free from the constraints of previous methodologies, the third part of this work engages with the term 'Post-Critical' in its broadest sense. The contributors to this section consider the phenomenology of the body and the influence of technology on our lives. Finally, the four concluding chapters of this book apply this philosophical approach to a wide range of contemporary problems from Decision Support Systems to Crisis Communication.


    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time-or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history-emerging from Christianity's and Islam's intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi's times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on the one hand and Avicenna/Ibn Sina on the other, precisely because these have attracted so much attention due to their prominence in their respective traditions-and beyond. In a certain way, Maximus the Confessor and Ibn Al-Arabi-together with Al-F¿r¿bi-emerge as alternative representatives of their two traditions in this volume, offering two axes for this endeavor. The synthesis of those approaches on time and history, their comparison rather than their mere co-existence, is left to the reader's critical inquiry and philosophical investigation.

  • - An Essay in Platonic Ontology
    av Alexander Zistakis

    Unlike the vast majority of existing literature on Plato, this book seeks to argue that liberty constitutes the central notion and preoccupation of Platonic thought and that his theory of ideas is indeed a theory of liberty. Moreover, this book contends that Plato's thought can be understood to be both one of liberty and a theory of liberation. Bound up in its efforts to reveal both the ideal liberty and the conditions and possibility of its existence in the so-called 'real world,' the thought of liberty tends to be all-encompassing. Consequently, this book seeks to expose how liberty can be understood to influence Plato's ontological form of analysis in relation to politics, philosophy, and anthropology, as well as its influence on the structural unity of all three. Understood from such a perspective, this book frames Platonic philosophy as primarily an investigation, an articulation and as a way of establishing the relationship between the individual and the collective. Importantly, this relationship is acknowledged to be the natural and original framework for any conception and exercise of human liberty, especially within democratic theory and politics. By treating Plato's philosophy as a continuous effort to find modes and dimensions of liberation in and through different forms of this relationship, this book hopes to not only engage in the discussion about the meaning of Platonic ontological-political insights on different grounds, but also to provide a different perspective for the evaluation of its relevance to the main contemporary issues and problems regarding liberty, liberation, democracy and politics. This book will be of interest to both undergraduate students, experienced scholars and researchers, as well as to the general public who have an interest in philosophy, classics, and political theory.

  • - On the Principle of Identity and Difference
    av Nikola Stojkoski

    The nature of human reason is one of the thorniest of mysteries in philosophy. The reason appears in many specific forms within general areas such as cognition, thinking, experiencing beauty, and moral judgment. These forms are "perfectly" known in philosophy, yet an unknown pattern has been noticed which shows us that they are all a variation of the same theme: truth is an identity relation between the "thought" and "reality"; justice is an identity relation between the given and the deserved; beauty is an identity relation as rhyme is an identity relation between the final sounds of words; rhythm is an identity relation between time intervals; symmetry is an identity relation between two halves; proportion is an identity relation between two ratios; anaphora is an identity relation between the initial words. Particular things are identities in themselves and universals are identities between particulars. One idea associates another idea identical to it; an analogy is an identity between relations; induction is an identification between the known and unknown instances; and all the logic rests on the law of identity. What is common for all of them is the nature of reason itself.

  • - African Philosophy in the Postmodern Era
    av Edwin E Etieyibo

    This collection is about composing thought at the level of modernism and decomposing it at the postmodern level where many cocks might crow with African philosophy as a focal point. It has two parts: part one is titled 'The Journey of Reason in African Philosophy', and part two is titled 'African Philosophy and Postmodern Thinking'. There are seven chapters in both parts. Five of the essays are reprinted here as important selections while nine are completely new essays commissioned for this book. As their titles suggest, in part one, African philosophy is unfolded in the manifestation of reason as embedded in modern thought while in part two, it draws the effect of reason as implicated in the postmodern orientation. While part one strikes at what V. Y. Mudimbe calls the "colonising structure" or the Greco-European logo-phallo-euro-centricism in thought, part two bashes the excesses of modernism and partly valorises postmodernism. In some chapters, modernism is presented as an intellectual version of communalism characterised by the cliché: 'our people say'. Our thinking is that the voice of reason is not the voice of the people but the voice of an individual. The idea of this book is to open new vistas for the discipline of African philosophy. African philosophy is thus presented as a disagreement discourse. Without rivalry of thoughts, Africa will settle for far less. This gives postmodernism an important place, perhaps deservedly more important than history of philosophy allocates to it. It is that philosophical moment that says 'philosophers must cease speaking like gods in their hegemonic cultural shrines and begin to converse across borders with one another'. In this conversation, the goal for African philosophers must not be to find final answers but to sustain the conversation which alone can extend human reason to its furthermost reaches.

  • av Pio Colonnello

    The concept of memory has always been a crucial topic in philosophical discourse. This book re-traces the thought of major philosophers such as Edmund Husserl, Paul Ricoeur, Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, William James, Jos¿uis Borges and Sigmund Freud to provide an indepth exploration around several aspects of this timely issue. How is a memory formed? How can we bring into existence what has sunk into oblivion? What is the role of our instincts and inner drives in the constitution of memory? What is the connection between memory and forgetfulness, as well as that between mercy and remembrance? Focusing on these fundamental questions, the author presents a rich interconnection of concepts and ideas that build a signifi cant work on the great theme of memory.

  • - Knowledge of Life and Government of People
    av Ottavio Marzocca

  • av Stefano Pippa

    Prefazione di Vittorio Morfino.


    After the publication of Nietzsche¿s Untimely Meditations (Unzeitgem¿e Betrachtungen) the term 'Untimely' was introduced widely in philosophical studies, not merely in Nietzschean contexts. Although this concept has become very popular, it is surprising that it has been neglected by critical studies. Indeed, there are only a few publications that fully present the issue of 'Untimely' on the international scene. In this volume the reader will find different reflections moving from the Nietzschean texts, rethinking the question of the ¿Untimely¿ beyond the 'master', and exploring wider horizons of research.

  • av Nicola Masciandaro

    "For the will desires not to be dark, and this very desire causes the darkness" (Jacob Boehme). Moving through the fundamental question of this paradox, this book offers a constellation of theoretical and critical essays that shed light on the darkness of the will: its obscurity to itself. Through indepth analysis of medieval and modern sources - Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius, Eriugena, Dante, Meister Eckhart, Chaucer, Nietzsche, Cioran, Meher Baba - this volume interrogates the nature and meaning of the will, along seven modes: spontaneity, potentiality, sorrow, matter, vision, eros, and sacrifice. These multiple lines of inquiry are finally presented to coalesce around one fundamental point of agreement: the will says yes, yet only a will that knows how to say no to itself, entering the silence of its own darkness, will ever be free.

  • - Thoughts for a Post-Human Philosophy
    av Roberto Marchesini

    Roberto Marchesini presents a timely proposal within post-human philosophy in order to overcome the centuries of separation between human beings, non-human animals and technology. This book highlights the inspiring nature of the relationship with non-human beings ¿ what Marchesini calls ¿Epiphany¿ ¿ and how its enhancement can open new existential dimensions. Technology is also reinterpreted, no longer as a performative tool, but as a virus that infiltrates the human dimension and changes its predicates. Technopoietic events are not just the product of human intelligence, but they arise from an epiphany (a becoming alterity), thus positioning technology well within the ontological and somatic dimension of human beings. This book lays the foundations for a new and non-anthropocentric Humanism, which is able to recognize the essential role that non-human alterities have had throughout our history.

  • av Ashley J. Bohrer

    What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and class within the structures of capitalism and imperialism that we can understand power relations as we find them nowadays. Bohrer explains how many of the purported incompatibilities between Marxism and intersectionality arise more from miscommunication rather than a fundamental conceptual antagonism. As the first monograph entirely devoted to this issue, »Marxism and Intersectionality« serves as a tool to activists and academics working against multiple systems of domination, exploitation, and oppression.

  • - Rethinking The Boundaries Between Philosophy, Aesthetics And Arts

  • - Is There A Conflict Between Political And Epistemic Virtues
    av Snjezana Priji Samarzija

  • av Diego Fusaro

  • - Remarks on Controversies
    av Angeles Perona

  • av Rene Descartes

  • - Philosophy of Mathematics. Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice

    Philosophy of mathematics is moving in a new direction: awayfrom a foundationalism in terms of formal logic and traditionalontology, and towards a broader range of approaches thatare united by a focus on mathematical practice.The scientific research network PhiMSAMP (Philosophy ofMathematics: Sociological Aspects and MathematicalPractice) consisted of researchers from a variety ofbackgrounds and fields, brought together by their commoninterest in the shift of philosophy of mathematics towardsmathematical practice. Hosted by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and funded by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from 2006-2010, thenetwork organized and contributed to a number of workshopsand conferences on the topic of mathematical practice.The refereed contributions in this volume represent theresearch results of the network and consists of contributionsof the network members as well as selected paper versions ofpresentations at the network's mid-term conference, "Ismathematics special?" (PhiMSAMP-3) held in Vienna 2008.

  • - Questioning as Philosophy and as Method

    Man by nature desires to know, and the most natural way ofsatisfying this desire is to find answers to the questions thatarise from wonder and perplexity. Questioning is our default viewof method. I was turned into a cornerstone of western thoughtin the Socratic elenchus and Aristotle¿s doctrine of explanationand inquiry. Aristotle¿s dialogical games, especially as they findexpression in Topics, survived medieval dialectical games and hada profound impact on practices in academic life. And even whenAristotelianism came under fire during the renaissance and theScientific Revolution, questioning as method was not jettisonedbut rather transformed into a new form in which the questionswere to be addressed to Nature herself.Questioning is not just a method but also a philosophy in itsown right. Man not only desires to know, but wonder andperplexity are at the very heart of man¿s essence. As Karl-Otto Apel persuasively argues, Gadamer¿s Truth and Methodwas not just, or perhaps even mainly, a methodologicalinsight into how knowledge was to be obtained. Rather, inphilosophical hermeneutics questioning has a more profoundstanding, marking, as Apel puts it, "logos-reflection" andhence dialogue in the full sense.This collection of essays by leading philosophers probesquestioning as philosophy and as method both from ahistorical and a systematic perspective. The authors includeJ. Hintikka, P. Aubenque, R. Smith, M.-L. Kakkuri-Knuuttila,E. Moutsopoulos, T. Calvo Martínez, M. Yrjönsuuri, J.-F.Courtine, K.-O. Appel, V. A. Lektorsky, G. Schurz, M.Sintonen, and W. Rabinowicz & L. Bovens


    It has been observed many times before that, as yet, there are no encompassing, integrated theories of mathematical practice available.To witness, as we currently do, a variety of schools in this field elaborating their philosophical frameworks, and trying to sort out their differences in the course of doing so, is also to be constantly reminded of the fact that a lot of epistemic aspects, extremely relevant to this task, remain dramatically underexamined. This volume wants to contribute to the stock of studies filling this perceived lacuna. It contains papers by established, upcoming, as well as beginning scholars, covering general, metaphilosophical themes such as naturalism, semiotics, pragmaticism, or empiricism, next to more specific topics including the unity of mathematical theories, thruth-flow in mathematics, diagrammatic reasoning, erroneous argumentation, or numerical analysis.

  • - Radical Probabilist

    This volume sheds new light on the multifarious personality of Bruno de Finetti and his outstanding contributions not only to probability and statistics, but also to economics and philosophy. Rather than focusing on de Finetti¿s technical work on probability, the essays collected here address the philosophy underpinning all of de Finetti¿s writings, a view Richard Jeffrey labelled ¿radical probabilism¿. Special attention is devoted to de Finetti¿s ideas on economics, which are inspired by the same philosophical approach, while an effort is made to highlight some lesser known aspects of de Finetti¿s production. The volume ends with an Appendix on de Finetti¿s book L¿invenzione della verità (The invention of truth), written in 1934 and published in 2006, which contains an extensive presentation of de Finetti¿s philosophical viewpoint, revolving around the idea that our knowledge is the product of human thought, which in such enterprise is guided by considerations of utility, rather than metaphysical principles.

  • - Proceedings of the First SIFA Graduate Conference

    The key-terms "language", "knowledge" and "metaphysics" arguably shapemost of the recent researches in analytic philosophy. This volume aim toaddress some of the currently debated issues revolving around thesethree fundamental areas and, in particular: can the notion of"descriptive name" be extended to names of natural kinds? What does itmean for a belief to be justified? Is there a principled way to draw thedistinction between causal and non causal relations? Do futurecontingent claims require us to employ a notion of relative truth? Inwhat sense analytic sentences could be taken to be known a posteriori?The twelve papers collected in this volume arise from a selection ofthose presented during the First Graduate Conference of the ItalianSociety for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA) held at the University of Paduain September 2007. The authors are all young and brilliant scholarscoming from some of the most prestigious universities in the world:University College (London), Nottingham, Princeton, Kentucky, Stanford,Eastern Piedmont, St. Andrews, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Duhram,Catholic University of Leuven, London School of Economics.

  • av Raimond Gaita & Gerry Simpson

  • av Emanuele Severino

  • - The Ethical Thought of Raimond Gaita
    av Craig Taylor

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