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Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- 1. Basic Issues and Problems of Health in Adolescence / Hurrelmann, Klaus / Losel, Friedrich -- Part I. Antecedents of Adolescents' Health Behavior -- 2. Personality, Perceived Life Chances, and Adolescent Health Behavior / Jessor, Richard / Donovan, John E. / Costa, Frances -- 3. Parent and Peer Effects on Adolescent Health Behavior / Hansell, Steve / Mechanic, David -- 4. Young Adults' Health and its Antecedents in Evolving Life-styles / Pulkkinen, Lea -- 5. Subject's Implicit Anthropology. A Determinant of Mental and Physical Health / Oerter, Rolf -- 6. Parental Childrearing and Anxiety Development / Krohne, Heinz Walter -- 7. Youth Unemployment and Health. Results from a Five-Year Follow-Up Study / Hammarstrom, Anne -- 8. Health Impairment, Failure in School, and the Use and Abuse of Drugs / Nordlohne, Elisabeth / Hurrelmann, Klaus -- 9. Smoking and Drinking: Prospective Analyses in German and Polish Adolescents / Silbereisen, Rainer K. / Schonpflug, Ute / Albrecht, Helfried T. -- Part II. Coping with Stressful Life Events and Environments -- 10. Youth in Dangerous Environments: Coping With the Consequences / Garbarino, James -- 11. Antecedents and Consequences of Deviant Behavior / Werner, Emmy E. -- 12. Disruptive and Antisocial Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence: Development and Risk Factors / Loeber, Rolf -- 13. Bullying Among School Children / Olweus, Dan -- 14. Resilience in Adolescence: A Study on the Generalizability of Protective Factors / Lösel, Friedrich / Bliesener, Thomas -- 15. Behavioral/Emotional Problems in Adopted Adolescents / Verhulst, Frank C. / Bieman, Herma Versluis-den -- 16. Coping and Health-Related Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Perspective / Seiffge-Krenke, Inge -- Part III. Social Support and Education for Health Promotion -- 17. Social Support, Health, and Health Behavior / Schwarzer, Ralf / Leppin, Anja -- 18. Social Network Participation and Problem Behavior in Adolescence / Hopkins, Nicholas / Emler, Nicholas -- 19. The Role of Parent and Peer Contacts for Adolescents' State of Health / Holler, Birgit / Hurrelmann, Klaus -- 20. Social Networks as Resources: Relationships between Background Variables and Social Behavior / Bö, Inge -- 21. Competence Enhancement and the Prevention of Adolescent Problem Behavior / Dusenbury, Linda / Botvin, Gilbert -- 22. Problems and Challenges in Health Education for Young Adults / Dlugosch, Gabriele E. / Schmidt, Lothar R. -- 23. Innovative Approaches to Youth Information and Counseling / Fâché, Willi -- Subject Index -- Backmatter