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Böcker i The Manufacture and Sale of St Einstein-serien

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  • av Christopher Jon Bjerknes

    Zionists have always employed the bogey of "anti-Semitism" to force Jews into segregation. After thousands of years of planning and work, the Jewish bankers had finally accumulated enough wealth to buy Palestine and destroy the Gentile world in fulfillment of Jewish Messianic prophecy. They only lacked one resource needed to become King of the Jews, the Holy Messiah. That one last necessary ingredient for fulfillment of the prophecies of the End Times was the Jewish People, the majority of whom rejected Zionism. The Jewish bankers had an ancient solution for that problem. They manufactured an anti-Semitic dictator who segregated the Jews and filled them with the fear of God. Palestine was for the fearful remnant. Those who would not obey were to have their necks broken and be thrown into the well. "The way I see it, the fact of the Jews' racial peculiarity will necessarily influence their social relations with non-Jews. The conclusions which-in my opinion-the Jews should draw is to become more aware of their peculiarity in their social way of life and to recognize their own cultural contributions. First of all, they would have to show a certain noble reservedness and not be so eager to mix socially-of which others want little or nothing. On the other hand, anti-Semitism in Germany also has consequences that, from a Jewish point of view, should be welcomed. I believe German Jewry owes its continued existence to anti-Semitism."-ALBERT EINSTEIN "Hitler will be forgotten in a few years, but he will have a beautiful monument in Palestine. You know the coming of the Nazis was rather a welcome thing. So many of our German Jews were hovering between two coasts; so many of them were riding the treacherous current between the Scylla of assimilation and the Charybdis of a nodding acquaintance with Jewish things. Thousands who seemed to be completely lost to Judaism were brought back to the fold by Hitler, and for that I am personally very grateful to him.'"-EMIL LUDWIG "[H]ad I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine being anything else. In fact, I would have been the most ardent Zionist imaginable."-ADOLF EICHMANN

  • av Christopher Jon Bjerknes

    Popular myth has it that Albert Einstein originated the concept of "space-time". However, not only did Einstein not originate the idea of "space-time", he vigorously opposed it for quite some space of time. In fact, space-time theories have been quite common in folk-lore, philosophy, mathematics, religion, science, science fiction, psychology, and are even inherent in some languages. Contrary to popular myth, Einstein did not usher in the atomic age. In fact, he found the idea of atomic energy to be silly. Einstein was not the first person to state the mass-energy equivalence, or E = mc2. Myths such as Einstein's supposed discoveries are not uncommon. Newton did not discover gravity, nor did he offer a viable explanation for it, nor did he believe that matter attracted other matter. Consider that few in his time knew that President Roosevelt was severely handicapped, being limited to a wheel chair, and the press cooperated in keeping Roosevelt's disability a secret. Is it difficult to believe that this same press presented Albert Einstein as a super-hero of science, when he was in fact less than that, much less? It was a good story for them to sell. Einstein wrote to Sommerfeld, "It is a bad thing that every utterance of mine is made use of by journalists as a matter of business." Einstein rarely gave filmed interviews, but when he did, he came across as something considerably less than a "genius". Einstein's public appearances were scripted as were his lectures. His public appearances were most often repetitions of his lectures. He appeared oblivious to the distinction between an academic lecture and a media event. He appeared rehearsed and incapable of adapting to his audience. Einstein appeared to be an actor giving a performance. The physics community and the media invented a comic book figure, "Einstein", with "E = mc2" stenciled across his chest. The media and educational institutions portray this surreal and farcical image as a benevolent god to watch over us. Some modern portraits depict the man with a godly glow and all the other visual cues inspiring reverence. For some, Einstein (often together with Marx and Freud) is seen as a source of tremendous ethnic pride. To question "Einstein", the god, either "his" theories, or the priority of the thoughts he repeated, has become the sin of heresy. "His" writings are synonymous with truth, the undecipherable truth of a god hung on the wall as a symbol of ultimate truth, which truth is elusive to mortal man. No one is to understand or to question the arcana of "Einstein", but must let the shepherd lead his flock, without objection. Do not bother the believers with the facts!

  • av Christopher Jon Bjerknes

    Racist physicist Albert Einstein became internationally famous in 1919 when newspapers around the world reported that he had correctly predicted that the gravitational field of the sun would deflect rays of light. The press promoted the virulently racist and segregationist Zionist, Albert Einstein, as if he were the world's greatest mind, a mind that had surpassed the genius of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton. In April of 1921, Albert Einstein took advantage of his newly found fame and traveled to America. He promoted racist Zionism to the Jews of America, while raising money for the Eastern European Zionists who had made him famous. Einstein championed the racist doctrine of Theodor Herzl, that Jews were a distinct race of human beings, who could not assimilate into any Gentile society and therefore ought to segregate themselves and form a nation in Palestine. Einstein also believed that there ought to be a world government. However, Einstein thought that Israel ought to be a distinct nation. Though he described himself as non-religious, Einstein's racist views, and his concurrent call for a world government and a segregated "Jewish State" mirrored Jewish Messianic prophecies. Einstein raised money in America for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He also tried to popularize the racist Zionist cause. The news media enthusiastically covered his trip to the United States. Mainstream news media claimed that all of Einstein's critics were anti-Semites, but did not criticize Einstein for his rabid racism or his segregationist politics. Prof. Arvid Reuterdahl of St. Thomas College, in St. Paul, Minnesota, responded to Einstein's aggressive self-promotion. With reference to the notorious circus promoter P. T. Barnum, Prof. Reuterdahl dubbed Albert Einstein the "Barnum of the Scientific World". He publicly challenged Einstein to a debate over the merits of the theory of relativity and publicly accused Einstein of plagiarism. Einstein refused to debate Reuterdahl. Einstein stated that his sole purpose for coming to America was to raise money for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and that he could not be bothered with issues related to "his" theories. Even before coming to America, Einstein had earned an international reputation for hiding from his critics. His favorite tactic to avoid debate was to accuse his critics of being "anti-Semites", while refusing to address their legitimate accusations of his, Einstein's, irrationality and plagiarism. Like most bullies by bluff, Einstein was a coward, who hid behind the power of the racist Jews who attempted to shield him from criticism through well-orchestrated smear campaigns in the international press.

  • av Christopher Jon Bjerknes

    Germany had been very good to the Jews. German Jews were the wealthiest people in the world. In the years following the First World War, the Germans resented the fact that the Jews, Einstein being their chief spokesman, had stabbed the Germans in the back during the war, and then twisted the knife at the peace negotiations in France, where a large contingent of Jews decided Germany's fate, and reneged on Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, one of which assured Germany that it would lose no territory. The Germans had thought that Wilson's pledge would be honored after the Germans had surrendered in good faith. Had not the Germans received this promise of the Fourteen Points, they would not have surrendered and were in a position to continue the war. The promise was broken. In addition, the Allies insisted that Germany pay draconian war reparations that would forever ruin the nation. Leading Jews in Germany sided with the Allies against their native land. It was obvious that leading Jews were profiteering from the war in every way possible, at the expense of the German nation and its People. Jewish leaders instigated crippling strikes in the arms industry, which left German troops without adequate armaments. Jewish revolutionaries took advantage of Germany's weakened state, which Jews had deliberately caused for the purpose, and created a Soviet Republic in Bavaria and overthrew the monarchy. German-Jewish bankers cut off Germany's access to funds. German-Jewish Zionists moved to London and brought America into the war on the side of the British at the very moment Germany was about to win the war. Those arms which were produced were often substandard and were peddled by Jews to Jews in the German Government, which also left the German troops without adequate arms, while making Jews immensely wealthy. German-Jewish bankers conspired with German arms manufacturers to produce weapons for both sides. The German-Jewish press, which had initially beat the war drums louder than anyone else, teamed up with leading Jews in the German Government at the end of the war and demanded that Germany submit to the demands of the Allies, give up vast territories and make the reparations payments. The German-Jewish press and Jews in the German Government, many of whom were the same persons who had most boisterously called upon the German People to go to war, insisted that the Germans accept responsibility for causing the war, though they had not caused it. Etc. Etc. Etc. While millions of Germans were starving to death, many Jews in Germany had never known better times. Whenever anyone revealed the truth of what was happening, the Jewish press immediately smeared them by calling them "anti-Semites". The situation was similar to, though even worse than, the situation in America today.

  • av Christopher Jon Bjerknes

    The First World War emancipated the Jews of Russia. Turkey and Germany were greatly weakened and were further crippled by unjust debts placed on them through treacherous treaties. Jews in Eastern Europe were segregated and seemed ready for emigration to Palestine-though most did not wish to go. In 1916, France and Britian divided up the Mid-East amongst themselves in the Sykes-Picot Agreement. At the San Remo conference in 1920, the British granted themselves the right to rule of Palestine and the French granted themselves the right to rule Syria. The Jews pushed for the ratification of the Palestine Mandate in the League of Nations so that they could enforce their bogus interpretation of the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The political Zionists remained a fanatical minority group among Jews, and though many Eastern European Jews would have been happy to have moved to Palestine, if it had meant a good job and a stable life, very few Western Jews desired to leave their comfortable homes and head for the desert. Most Jews knew that the political Zionists were totalitarian zealots, and dangerous terrorists. An article appeared in 1921, which, while naïve and inaccurate on some points, made several important arguments against the utterly selfish, undemocratic, totalitarian political Zionist movement, which are valid to this day. It was published in: The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 127, Number 2, (February, 1921), pp. 268-279 (note that the racist political Zionists dominated and censored the mass media at the time when they made the racist political Zionist Albert Einstein an international celebrity and censored his critics): Jewish prophecy had long held that Gentiles should soldier and slave for Israel. In other words, Israel is a leech on the Gentile nations, which has no right to exist, and which forever throws the world into turmoil. It was very persuasive to argue to anyone ignorant of the facts that the Protocols were fictions on their face and that there were no Zionist or financial groups operating behind the scenes to influence governments and the outcome of wars, as Louis Marshall did argue-just as it was persuasive to argue to anyone ignorant of the facts that the charges of an Italian organized crime syndicate operating at the same time were fictions. Joe Valachi has since bolstered the allegations that these secret, or not so secret, societies exist and that their corrupt actions and intentions pose a real threat to humanity. In fact, the Italian mafia was overseen by the Jewish mafia. Benjamin Harrison Freedman, a man with firsthand knowledge of Zionist and Communist inner circles, came forward with allegations that Zionists and Communists had corrupted the Government of the United States of America and were responsible for America's involvement in World War I, and deliberately contributed to the tensions of post-World War I Germany.

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