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Böcker i The Obscure Bible Study-serien

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  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Shamgar. Shamgar is mentioned only twice in the Bible. Judges 3:31 tells his story and 5:6 simply establishes a timeline and says nothing more about him. Judges 3:31 says that he killed 600 Philistines with his oxgoad. If I were Shamgar and I killed 600 Philistines with a stick, I would be hoping for a little more coverage than one verse! Is it even possible to learn something from this single mention?Jethro. This particular lesson is different than all the others in the series because we examine the meeting between Moses and Jethro (his father-in-law), and identify twelve leadership principles. Do you want to learn how to be a better leader? If so, this lesson is for you.Manoah & Wife. These are the parents of Samson and we learn about the Nazirite vow and about the time of the judges when Israel had no real leadership. Samson was the last of the judges and his Nazirite vow separated him from normal society to keep him focused on God.Hathach was Queen Esther's messenger. The evil Haman convinced the king to destroy all the Jews and Mordecai told Esther that she must approach the king at his court, but such an act was punishable by death without a summons from the king. Esther, of course, was afraid but she agreed to fast and pray about it. Would that have been your response? Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Paralytic Man. Four men lower a paralytic through the roof so that Jesus could heal him. Either the four men had great faith and determination, or the paralytic's health was so bad that they were driven by friendship or compassion to get him to Jesus. Would you have dug a hole in the roof?Joseph of Arimathea. Why did Joseph give the tomb for Jesus' burial? Did this put Joseph at risk from the Pharisees? Why did Pilate give the body to Joseph? Was there a conflict of interest with Joseph serving in the Sanhedrin and being a secret disciple of Jesus?Joanna & Susana. These two women are identified as benefactors and supporters of Christ. They supported Jesus' ministry out of their own wealth or income, helping the traveling band as it moved from one location to the next. They were totally committed to Jesus and made life on the road a bit easier for all those traveling with Jesus.Ananias. Grace and power are the subjects related to Ananias, God's messenger to Paul on the road to Damascus. Ananias was a disciple in Damascus and the Lord spoke to him in a vision telling him to go to Saul (Paul) who was now blind and pray for him. But Saul was the emissary of the Sanhedrin that was arresting all the Christ-followers. Would you have gone and prayed for Saul?Hymenaeus committed blasphemy and Paul wrote to Timothy, warning him about Hymenaeus. Paul wanted to make sure that Timothy would stand firm in the face of this false teacher. Paul told Timothy that he had handed Hymenaeus over to Satan.Euodia and Syntyche allow us to consider the subject of reconciliation. There was disunity or disharmony between these two women and Paul wanted them to "agree in the Lord." Is there a situation in your life that needs reconciliation in which you can be an agent of unity?Elimelech, Mahlon & Chilion. The deaths of Ruth's husband, Elimelech, and her two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, lead us to examine issues related to physical death. Thank God that He is the ruler of both life and death. We have a righteous God over both life and death, and that is good, because we are all going to die.Cornelius is a centurion and a Gentile. Jewish customs and the challenges of being a Gentile are the focus of this study. Who were Gentiles? Why was there a wall between Jews and Gentiles? How did Christianity eliminate the separation between Jew and Gentile? Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITS: This is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.The OBSCURE Bible Study Series explores the nature and challenges of life as a first-century disciple.Paralytic Man. Four men lower a paralytic through the roof so that Jesus could heal him. Either the four men had great faith and determination, or the paralytic's health was so bad that they were driven by friendship or compassion to get him to Jesus. Would you have dug a hole in the roof?Joseph of Arimathea. Why did Joseph give the tomb for Jesus' burial? Did this put Joseph at risk from the Pharisees? Why did Pilate give the body to Joseph? Was there a conflict of interest with Joseph serving in the Sanhedrin and being a secret disciple of Jesus?Joanna & Susana. These two women are identified as benefactors and supporters of Christ. They supported Jesus' ministry out of their own wealth or income, helping the traveling band as it moved from one location to the next. They were totally committed to Jesus and made life on the road a bit easier for all those traveling with Jesus.Ananias. Grace and power are the subjects related to Ananias, God's messenger to Paul on the road to Damascus. Ananias was a disciple in Damascus and the Lord spoke to him in a vision telling him to go to Saul (Paul) who was now blind and pray for him. But Saul was the emissary of the Sanhedrin that was arresting all the Christ-followers. Would you have gone and prayed for Saul?Hymenaeus committed blasphemy and Paul wrote to Timothy, warning him about Hymenaeus. Paul wanted to make sure that Timothy would stand firm in the face of this false teacher. Paul told Timothy that he had handed Hymenaeus over to Satan.Euodia and Syntyche allow us to consider the subject of reconciliation. There was disunity or disharmony between these two women and Paul wanted them to "agree in the Lord." Is there a situation in your life that needs reconciliation in which you can be an agent of unity?Elimelech, Mahlon & Chilion. The deaths of Ruth's husband, Elimelech, and her two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, lead us to examine issues related to physical death. Thank God that He is the ruler of both life and death. We have a righteous God over both life and death, and that is good, because we are all going to die.Cornelius is a centurion and a Gentile. Jewish customs and the challenges of being a Gentile are the focus of this study. Who were Gentiles? Why was there a wall between Jews and Gentiles? How did Christianity eliminate the separation between Jew and Gentile? Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Eve. We begin with Eve, who is certainly not an obscure character, but then no one in the Garden of Eden is obscure. The focus is on creation and the conclusion is that regardless of how many days it took for creation to be completed, the most important understanding is that God did it.Lot's Wife. The outcry due to Sodom and Gomorrah's sin was so great that it reached the ears of God. Abraham tried to save the city but the sin was too great. God did save some of his family, but Lot's wife disobeyed the instructions and turned into a mound of salt. Why?Potiphar's wife. This study is about how God used divine appointments to bring Joseph to Egypt so that he could provide for the family of Jacob which would ultimately grow into a mighty nation. But there were many challenges along the way, including Potiphar's wife.Shem, Ham & Japtheth (Noah's sons). Because the beginning would not be complete if we ignored the Flood, this lesson investigates the circumstances of Noah's family being saved although they were not deemed righteous - God said only Noah was righteous.Two Witnesses. The Two Witnesses appear during the end times and for three and a half years they were indestructible. No one could destroy them as they proclaimed the glory of God. But they were finally killed and their bodies lay in the street for three and a half days before God resurrected them.The Woman who rides the Beast. Who is this woman? Does she represent the world-wide ecumenical religious system? Does the woman represent any place where Satan rules? Does she represent the city of Rome or the city of Jerusalem? Is she a world-wide superpower nation like the USA? 24 Elders. The 24 elders appear only in the book of Revelation and in every instance they are described worshipping God. Who are these elders and why are they always at worship?The New Jerusalem. Rev 21:1 reports there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Evil will ultimately be destroyed by God's wrath. God said He is making all things new and the text describes a New Jerusalem coming down from heaven that will be the dwelling place of all God's followers. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Joseph. The virgin birth is investigated through Joseph, the husband of Mary. Joseph's engagement turned out to be much different that he would have expected. The angel of the Lord told Joseph to name the child "Jesus" because He would save the people from their sins.Sinful woman. True worship and God's forgiveness are observed in the story of the sinful woman who anointed Jesus' feet with her tears and then wiped His feet with her hair. Someone who is forgiven much will worship much.The Potter. God's sovereignty is the focus of the stories about the potter and his clay. This is a different and unique study as the focus is on the ten principles illustrated by examining the potter and his clay as compared to Jesus and His disciples.Ananias & Sapphira. Ananias and Sapphira both died after they lied about their promises to give the proceeds of a sale of property to the church. They kept back (or embezzled) monies they committed to the church. God was not pleased! Jabez. We observe the nature and characteristics of the prayer of Jabez and consider whether our personal prayers are big enough. Are your prayers for things you need or for things you want? Are you praying prayers that have eternal significance?Zophar. The study of Zophar, one of Job's "friends," provides an opportunity to reflect on the Retribution Principle. This principle is foundational to understanding many of the proverbs in the Bible.Ten Virgins. The parable of the ten virgins tells us that we must be prepared and ready, because the Bridegroom could return at any time. It also makes it clear that we must have a relationship with Christ. Knowing about Jesus is not sufficient; we must truly know Him.The Samaritans. Last we examine the circumstances surrounding Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well. Jesus described living water and said that everyone who drank water from the well would be thirsty again, but the water He would give would become a well of water "springing up to eternal life." The woman rightly perceived that Jesus is the Messiah and rushed into the town to tell the leaders what she saw and heard. That raises the question, "Have I rightly discerned who Jesus is and what am I doing with that information?" Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Joseph. The virgin birth is investigated through Joseph, the husband of Mary. Joseph's engagement turned out to be much different that he would have expected. The angel of the Lord told Joseph to name the child "Jesus" because He would save the people from their sins.Sinful woman. True worship and God's forgiveness are observed in the story of the sinful woman who anointed Jesus' feet with her tears and then wiped His feet with her hair. Someone who is forgiven much will worship much.The Potter. God's sovereignty is the focus of the stories about the potter and his clay. This is a different and unique study as the focus is on the ten principles illustrated by examining the potter and his clay as compared to Jesus and His disciples.Ananias & Sapphira. Ananias and Sapphira both died after they lied about their promises to give the proceeds of a sale of property to the church. They kept back (or embezzled) monies they committed to the church. God was not pleased! Jabez. We observe the nature and characteristics of the prayer of Jabez and consider whether our personal prayers are big enough. Are your prayers for things you need or for things you want? Are you praying prayers that have eternal significance?Zophar. The study of Zophar, one of Job's "friends," provides an opportunity to reflect on the Retribution Principle. This principle is foundational to understanding many of the proverbs in the Bible.Ten Virgins. The parable of the ten virgins tells us that we must be prepared and ready, because the Bridegroom could return at any time. It also makes it clear that we must have a relationship with Christ. Knowing about Jesus is not sufficient; we must truly know Him.The Samaritans. Last we examine the circumstances surrounding Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well. Jesus described living water and said that everyone who drank water from the well would be thirsty again, but the water He would give would become a well of water "springing up to eternal life." The woman rightly perceived that Jesus is the Messiah and rushed into the town to tell the leaders what she saw and heard. That raises the question, "Have I rightly discerned who Jesus is and what am I doing with that information?" Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Jael. The first lesson in the book describes the courage of Jael, Heber's wife. The story is a tale of allies, friends, traitors, and mixed loyalties. The story climaxes when Jael drove a tent peg into the skull of Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army.Gomer is the promiscuous wife of the prophet Hosea. God uses the relationship of Hosea and Gomer to illustrate the nature of the relationship between God and Israel. The Israelites had forsaken their God and were worshipping pagan deities - spiritual adultery.Rizpah. The story of Rizpah is almost as strange as the story of Jael is exciting. Rizpah was the mother of two sons who were executed in retaliation for past bloodshed by Saul against the Gibeonites. Rizpah watched over her son's bodies to protect them from scavengers. This was a 24/7 commitment that may have lasted as long as five months.The Woman of Tekoa was recruited to go to King David with a fabricated story in order for David to realize how his treatment of his son Absalom was impacting all those around him as well as the kingdom. The lesson examines the trickery of those involved with the charade as well as David's discernment.Dorsas (Tabitha). The book then investigates the miracle of Dorcas' (Tabitha) restoration to life and asks the question, "Do you need a miracle in your life?"The Other Mary. This is followed by the story of "the other Mary." The primary focus of this study is the Sabbath and how the rules surrounding the Sabbath should impact us in our walk with the Lord today.Shiphrah and Puah are another example of the bravery and courage of women choosing to fear God rather than obey man. These two women were in charge of the midwives who refused to kill Israel's baby boys. This provided the opportunity for Moses to be floated in the Nile, rescued, and to become the adopted son of the Pharaoh's daughter. He ultimately led his people out of Egypt.Lydia. Lastly we have the story of Lydia who was a dealer in purple cloth. Lydia was discovered at a "place of prayer" by Paul and Silas. She was a follower of the Jewish religion, but God stirred Lydia to understand the truth as her "heart was opened." She was baptized and she brought her whole household to Paul for conversion. Lydia's house became home base for Paul, Silas, and his traveling group when they were in Philippi. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Jael. The first lesson in the book describes the courage of Jael, Heber's wife. The story is a tale of allies, friends, traitors, and mixed loyalties. The story climaxes when Jael drove a tent peg into the skull of Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army.Gomer is the promiscuous wife of the prophet Hosea. God uses the relationship of Hosea and Gomer to illustrate the nature of the relationship between God and Israel. The Israelites had forsaken their God and were worshipping pagan deities - spiritual adultery.Rizpah. The story of Rizpah is almost as strange as the story of Jael is exciting. Rizpah was the mother of two sons who were executed in retaliation for past bloodshed by Saul against the Gibeonites. Rizpah watched over her son's bodies to protect them from scavengers. This was a 24/7 commitment that may have lasted as long as five months.The Woman of Tekoa was recruited to go to King David with a fabricated story in order for David to realize how his treatment of his son Absalom was impacting all those around him as well as the kingdom. The lesson examines the trickery of those involved with the charade as well as David's discernment.Dorsas (Tabitha). The book then investigates the miracle of Dorcas' (Tabitha) restoration to life and asks the question, "Do you need a miracle in your life?"The Other Mary. This is followed by the story of "the other Mary." The primary focus of this study is the Sabbath and how the rules surrounding the Sabbath should impact us in our walk with the Lord today.Shiphrah and Puah are another example of the bravery and courage of women choosing to fear God rather than obey man. These two women were in charge of the midwives who refused to kill Israel's baby boys. This provided the opportunity for Moses to be floated in the Nile, rescued, and to become the adopted son of the Pharaoh's daughter. He ultimately led his people out of Egypt.Lydia. Lastly we have the story of Lydia who was a dealer in purple cloth. Lydia was discovered at a "place of prayer" by Paul and Silas. She was a follower of the Jewish religion, but God stirred Lydia to understand the truth as her "heart was opened." She was baptized and she brought her whole household to Paul for conversion. Lydia's house became home base for Paul, Silas, and his traveling group when they were in Philippi. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>The Hypocrites (Pharisees). The book begins with an example of poor character: the pride and hypocrisy of the Pharisees. The Pharisees were experts in the Jewish law, but they were more interested in following their own man-made rules and then displaying them in public. But what they said in public did not match their performance in private.Benaiah. The second character in this study is Benaiah who on a snowy day followed a lion into a pit and killed him. Why would anyone do such a thing? What kind of courage and mental strength must one have to engage a lion in a pit on a snowy day?Ten Lepers. Here we learn that of ten men healed of leprosy, only one said, "Thanks." We are stunned by the silence and lack of thankfulness of nine lepers. Can you imagine being healed of such a horrible ailment and not saying, "Thank you?"Stephen. The story of Stephen reminds us to stand firm in our faith. It certainly brings to mind the question of how we would act in similar circumstances. What if the end times were upon us and we were required to accept or reject the mark of the beast? What would we do? Stephen held fast to his faith and did not waver. But his godly character did not end with his stalwart faith. He also asked God to forgive those who were stoning him to death.Onesimus was a runaway slave who deserted his owner and apparently stole from him. Paul asked the owner, Philemon, to take Onesimus back without inflicting any serious punishment. Paul wanted Philemon to take him back as a co-worker not a slave. Paul even offered to pay for any amount that Onesimus owed Philemon.Demas. The next subject of our study is a contrast to Stephen's standing firm. It's about Demas, who deserted Paul to pursue the values of the world. He abandoned Paul and the ministry to chase the pleasures and rewards of the secular world. There are certainly some similarities to the story of the Prodigal son, but Demas did not return.Rabshakeh. The book then tackles the very challenging subject of our speech as we examine the words and actions of Rabshakeh, an Assyrian official. Words are essential in order to communicate and engage in fellowship or relationship with other people. Speech is a very powerful tool and characteristic of the human condition. We can both heal and hurt with our words. We can both praise and slander God with our speech. Interestingly, there is no real way to physically constrain the tongue without some form of torture. Its importance and impact is out of proportion to its size.Elihu. Finally the book examines Elihu, Job's young friend. Elihu waited to speak until after Job's three close friends tried to convince Job to repent for the sin in his life that must be the cause of all his problems. Job claimed to be innocent and refused to follow the advice of his friends. Elihu, in humility, waited to speak until it was obvious the friends were unsuccessful. Elihu's words and actions provide a foundation for investigating Biblical humility. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>The Hypocrites (Pharisees). The book begins with an example of poor character: the pride and hypocrisy of the Pharisees. The Pharisees were experts in the Jewish law, but they were more interested in following their own man-made rules and then displaying them in public. But what they said in public did not match their performance in private.Benaiah. The second character in this study is Benaiah who on a snowy day followed a lion into a pit and killed him. Why would anyone do such a thing? What kind of courage and mental strength must one have to engage a lion in a pit on a snowy day?Ten Lepers. Here we learn that of ten men healed of leprosy, only one said, "Thanks." We are stunned by the silence and lack of thankfulness of nine lepers. Can you imagine being healed of such a horrible ailment and not saying, "Thank you?"Stephen. The story of Stephen reminds us to stand firm in our faith. It certainly brings to mind the question of how we would act in similar circumstances. What if the end times were upon us and we were required to accept or reject the mark of the beast? What would we do? Stephen held fast to his faith and did not waver. But his godly character did not end with his stalwart faith. He also asked God to forgive those who were stoning him to death.Onesimus was a runaway slave who deserted his owner and apparently stole from him. Paul asked the owner, Philemon, to take Onesimus back without inflicting any serious punishment. Paul wanted Philemon to take him back as a co-worker not a slave. Paul even offered to pay for any amount that Onesimus owed Philemon.Demas. The next subject of our study is a contrast to Stephen's standing firm. It's about Demas, who deserted Paul to pursue the values of the world. He abandoned Paul and the ministry to chase the pleasures and rewards of the secular world. There are certainly some similarities to the story of the Prodigal son, but Demas did not return.Rabshakeh. The book then tackles the very challenging subject of our speech as we examine the words and actions of Rabshakeh, an Assyrian official. Words are essential in order to communicate and engage in fellowship or relationship with other people. Speech is a very powerful tool and characteristic of the human condition. We can both heal and hurt with our words. We can both praise and slander God with our speech. Interestingly, there is no real way to physically constrain the tongue without some form of torture. Its importance and impact is out of proportion to its size.Elihu. Finally the book examines Elihu, Job's young friend. Elihu waited to speak until after Job's three close friends tried to convince Job to repent for the sin in his life that must be the cause of all his problems. Job claimed to be innocent and refused to follow the advice of his friends. Elihu, in humility, waited to speak until it was obvious the friends were unsuccessful. Elihu's words and actions provide a foundation for investigating Biblical humility. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Korah. The first lesson is about Korah, a dissatisfied Levite, who rebelled against Moses and Aaron during the forty years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. Korah thought he and his friends deserved better leaders. Rebellion is an dangerous business, particularly when the adversary is the Lord God!Haman & Zeresh. The second lesson features another character with an evil disposition: Haman, Queen Esther's antagonist. Haman wanted to totally destroy the Jewish people. This story describes the origins of the Feast of Purim that celebrates the salvation of the Jews from the wicked Haman.Blind Man. The Gospel of John describes only eight miracles of Jesus, one of them being the healing of a blind man near the Pool of Siloam. Giving sight to the blind was to be a power possessed by the future Messiah and this miracle was additional proof that Jesus was the Messiah. The Pharisees, however, wanted to prove that the blind man was not really blind so that Jesus could be discredited and ultimately eliminated from public ministry.Aeneas. In Acts 9 we find another similar miracle when Aeneas was raised from the dead by Peter at Lydda, a small community 25 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Interestingly the text says nothing about Aeneas asking to be healed, the extent of his faith, or what he did after he was raised from the dead. But, "all the residents . . . saw him, and they turned to the Lord!"Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednigo demonstrated an amazing trust in God, and their journey through the fiery furnace provides us with an example of those who are totally committed to their God, no matter what the consequences. Where did the foundation of their complete trust and commitment come from? Faith and trust are not generated on their own. Trust is only possible as we know God, know His Word, and become convinced of His faithfulness.Alexander, the coppersmith, is another lesson about a rebellious character who created problems for Paul. He along with Hymenaeus, whom we studied in Book 2 of this series, were accused of blasphemy and "handed over to Satan." In Paul's second letter to Timothy he warned Timothy about problems that would endanger the church and repeated his warning about Alexander who strongly opposed the Gospel.Slave Girl. Next we investigate the circumstances around Paul commanding a spirit to come out of a slave girl who was telling fortunes for her owners. The owners were not very happy with Paul and Silas and caused them to be thrown into prison. We learn some very interesting things by examining what the demon spirit said and knew.Crippled Man. Lastly, Paul healed a crippled man at Lystra and the local people thought Paul and Barnabas were Greek gods. The text says that the crippled man "had faith to be made well." What does that mean in the context of this story and our faith? The celebration of a healing didn't last long because some unhappy and unbelieving Jews created a firestorm of protest against Paul and Barnabas, and outsiders came from Antioch and Iconium, stoned Paul, and dragged him out of the city. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Lucifer. The book begins with two lessons about angels, Lucifer (the devil), and the archangel Michael. Lucifer is referred to by a number of names, the most common being Satan. If we have a better understanding of the nature of evil we should have a better chance of overcoming Satan's temptations. This is no small task as Paul tells us that we need to put on the full armor of God in order to stand against the devil's schemes.Michael. Other than Lucifer, only two other angels are mentioned by name: Michael and Gabriel. Michael is described as an archangel, or an angel of high rank. Other angels are cherubim, seraphim, and the Angel of the Lord.Job's wife is the next lesson, and the focus is on the Retribution Principle, which states that if a person is righteous, he will prosper and if a person is wicked, he will suffer. This lesson also raises the question of theodicy - how can the justice of an almighty God be defended in the face of evil, especially the suffering of the innocent?Achan. The lesson on Achan introduces us to the concept of "devoted things." These are things that God specifically sets aside as belonging to or to be devoted to Him and only Him. Achan challenged the instructions of God and paid the ultimate price for his rebellion.Bazalel. Next we gain a unique understanding of spiritual gifts as we study how God grants special knowledge to Bezalel and Oholiab so they could construct and furnish the Tabernacle.Jeduthun was chosen by King David to lead worship and give thanks to the Lord when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to the temple. Jeduthun and his family were specifically assigned to continue worship at the tabernacle in Gibeon. Thirty years later they were one of three family groups to lead worship when Solomon became King.The Watchman was responsible for warning the people of danger and the prophet's role as a watchman was to warn Israel of their rebellion and call them to repentance. The watchman prophets carried out their responsibilities but their message fell on deaf ears. The shepherd leaders of Israel had failed. They led the people into idolatry and rebellion.Shear-Jashub. Lastly, Book 8 examines Isaiah's son Shear-Jashub. God's people were living an illusion because of the absence of justice, faithfulness, and righteousness. Isaiah was called as a prophet and his message was one of doom if the people would not repent. The one glimmer of hope was Shear-Jashub, whose name means "a remnant will return." Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS>Lucifer. The book begins with two lessons about angels, Lucifer (the devil), and the archangel Michael. Lucifer is referred to by a number of names, the most common being Satan. If we have a better understanding of the nature of evil we should have a better chance of overcoming Satan's temptations. This is no small task as Paul tells us that we need to put on the full armor of God in order to stand against the devil's schemes.Michael. Other than Lucifer, only two other angels are mentioned by name: Michael and Gabriel. Michael is described as an archangel, or an angel of high rank. Other angels are cherubim, seraphim, and the Angel of the Lord.Job's wife is the next lesson, and the focus is on the Retribution Principle, which states that if a person is righteous, he will prosper and if a person is wicked, he will suffer. This lesson also raises the question of theodicy - how can the justice of an almighty God be defended in the face of evil, especially the suffering of the innocent?Achan. The lesson on Achan introduces us to the concept of "devoted things." These are things that God specifically sets aside as belonging to or to be devoted to Him and only Him. Achan challenged the instructions of God and paid the ultimate price for his rebellion.Bazalel. Next we gain a unique understanding of spiritual gifts as we study how God grants special knowledge to Bezalel and Oholiab so they could construct and furnish the Tabernacle.Jeduthun was chosen by King David to lead worship and give thanks to the Lord when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to the temple. Jeduthun and his family were specifically assigned to continue worship at the tabernacle in Gibeon. Thirty years later they were one of three family groups to lead worship when Solomon became King.The Watchman was responsible for warning the people of danger and the prophet's role as a watchman was to warn Israel of their rebellion and call them to repentance. The watchman prophets carried out their responsibilities but their message fell on deaf ears. The shepherd leaders of Israel had failed. They led the people into idolatry and rebellion.Shear-Jashub. Lastly, Book 8 examines Isaiah's son Shear-Jashub. God's people were living an illusion because of the absence of justice, faithfulness, and righteousness. Isaiah was called as a prophet and his message was one of doom if the people would not repent. The one glimmer of hope was Shear-Jashub, whose name means "a remnant will return." Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>.BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS Melchizedek. The primary focus of this lesson is on the superiority of Christ and the argument outlined in the book of Hebrews on that subject.Scribe. We then examine one of the many scribes identified in the Bible. This is the scribe who said "I will follow you wherever you go," but Jesus questioned his priorities and his commitment.Nicodemus. is an interesting character because he was a Pharisee and he came at night seeking answers from Jesus. Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again, but Nicodemus had difficulty understanding what Jesus was talking about.Lazarus. is the only character in any of the Biblical parables who is identified by name. He and a rich man had died and Lazarus was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man was in Hades. This story allows us to take an in-depth look at the subject of hell.Criminal. As we near the crucifixion the next lesson is Jesus on the cross with a criminal who knew who Jesus was and said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Then Jesus made a remarkable promise: "Today you will be with me in Paradise."Disciples on Road to Emmaus. Following the crucifixion Jesus appeared to two disciples walking home to Emmaus from Jerusalem. They had lost all hope and were deeply saddened by the events that had just taken place. Then Jesus joined them on the road, but they were kept from recognizing Him until he broke bread at the evening meal and blessed it.Philip and Ethiopian Eunuch. The next subject is a gospel conversation, and we find Philip running down a dusty road to talk with an Ethiopian eunuch who had been in Jerusalem. Philip opened the conversation by asking, "How can I help," and the result is that the eunuch later asked to be baptized.Jason. Lastly, we look at the story in Acts describing Jason who hosted Paul and Silas in Thessalonica. Paul was being pursued and persecuted by the Jews and when they could not find Paul they took their anger out on Jason. This allows us to closely examine the subject of the Messiah. Buy Now!

  • av Stephen H. Berkey

    The OBSCURE Bible Study Series>BENEFITSThis is the story of the Bible and the Gospel presented in a new, interesting, and fresh setting.These ordinary believers, strange characters, and people living on the fringe of life have the same troubles and circumstances as people today.This is a unique approach to bible study - fun, unique, but challenging.You will learn timeless truths in a different and revealing way.The OBSCURE Series provides new insights to life and scripture.CONTENTS Melchizedek. The primary focus of this lesson is on the superiority of Christ and the argument outlined in the book of Hebrews on that subject.Scribe. We then examine one of the many scribes identified in the Bible. This is the scribe who said "I will follow you wherever you go," but Jesus questioned his priorities and his commitment.Nicodemus. is an interesting character because he was a Pharisee and he came at night seeking answers from Jesus. Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again, but Nicodemus had difficulty understanding what Jesus was talking about.Lazarus. is the only character in any of the Biblical parables who is identified by name. He and a rich man had died and Lazarus was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man was in Hades. This story allows us to take an in-depth look at the subject of hell.Criminal. As we near the crucifixion the next lesson is Jesus on the cross with a criminal who knew who Jesus was and said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Then Jesus made a remarkable promise: "Today you will be with me in Paradise."Disciples on Road to Emmaus. Following the crucifixion Jesus appeared to two disciples walking home to Emmaus from Jerusalem. They had lost all hope and were deeply saddened by the events that had just taken place. Then Jesus joined them on the road, but they were kept from recognizing Him until he broke bread at the evening meal and blessed it.Philip and Ethiopian Eunuch. The next subject is a gospel conversation, and we find Philip running down a dusty road to talk with an Ethiopian eunuch who had been in Jerusalem. Philip opened the conversation by asking, "How can I help," and the result is that the eunuch later asked to be baptized.Jason. Lastly, we look at the story in Acts describing Jason who hosted Paul and Silas in Thessalonica. Paul was being pursued and persecuted by the Jews and when they could not find Paul they took their anger out on Jason. This allows us to closely examine the subject of the Messiah. Buy Now!

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