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  • av Abby Jimenez

    The brand new romance from bestselling author Abby Jimenez, author of Life's Too Short and The Happy Ever After Playlist

  • av Henning Sjöström & Ernst Sjöström

    Det är 30-tal och Korpelarörelsen, en frireligiös rörelse som förespråkar öppna förhållanden, fritt sex, dryckenskap och otyglad passion, sprider sig som en farsot i Norrbotten. Ingen i det lilla samhället lämnas oberörd när rörelsen under korta tid lyckas slå sönder flera familjer och tillintetgöra tidigare välfungerande samhällsmedborgare. Snart eskalerar formen, och strukturerna som upprättas närmar sig mer och mer ett alternativt samhälle: ett samhälle som erbjuder friheter som av många varit helt otänkbara tidigare. Men är det för bra för att vara sant ...?Romanen följer flertalet medlemmar i rörelsen, och skildrar frankt deras intima möten. Runt åttio personer åtalades senare för osedligt leverne, något som romanen också försöker gå till botten med.Henning Sjöström (1922-2011) var uppmärksammad svensk advokat och författare. Han blev känd under Haijbyaffären och genom rättegången om Neurosedynskandalen. Han arbetade nära Leif Silbersky och Jan Guillou. Sjöström var en flitig författare och skrev även böcker tillsammans med sina bröder, Ernst och Gunnar Sjöström.

  • av Elle Kennedy

    Everyone says opposites attract. And they must be right, because there's no logical reason why I'm so drawn to Colin Fitzgerald. I don't usually go for tattoo-covered, video-gaming, hockey-playing nerd-jocks who think I'm flighty and superficial. His narrow view of me is the first strike against him. It doesn't help that he's buddy-buddy with my brother.And that his best friend has a crush on me.And that I just moved in with them.Oh, did I not mention we're roommates?I suppose it doesn't matter. Fitzy has made it clear he's not interested in me, even though the sparks between us are liable to burn our house down. I'm not the kind of girl who chases after a man, though, and I'm not about to start. I've got my hands full dealing with a new school, a sleazy professor, and an uncertain future. So if my sexy brooding roomie wises up and realizes what he's missing?He knows where to find me.

  • av Elsie Silver

    A small-town enemies to lovers romance and the debut novel from the bestselling author of Flawless and Wild Love.

  • av Tillie Cole

    DISCOVER THE UNFORGETTABLE TIKTOK SENSATION THAT HAS CAPTURED MILLIONS OF HEARTS'This book is breathtakingly, heartbreakingly beautiful. You will cry ugly tears' 5***** READER REVIEW'So moving that it left me sobbing but at the same time filled my heart. Beautiful, tragic, heartbreakingly wonderful' 5***** READER REVIEW'It is without a doubt the biggest ugly cry I have ever had from a book' 5***** READER REVIEW________Two hearts. One love story. An ending you will never forget . . .Rune Kristiansen and Poppy Litchfield met as children and swore to be friends forever.As teenagers, their friendship grew into a love that promised to last a lifetime. But their worlds were shattered when Rune was sent home to his native Norway.Two years later, Rune is back, and Poppy is ready for their happy ever after to begin. But the boy who returns is not the Rune she remembers.What happened to turn her sweet, thoughtful Rune into this brooding stranger?And will the secret Poppy is carrying bring them closer together or separate them forever?Discover the story that will break your heart and make you believe true love really does last for eternity . . .________'I have read books that have had me ugly crying in the past but I honestly don't think I've read a book before this one where tears flowed in every single chapter' 5***** READER REVIEW'The most heartbreaking, soul-shattering yet beautiful book I have ever read . . . I sobbed. I mean ugly crying' 5***** READER REVIEW'One of the most beautiful and most heartbreaking books I have ever read' 5***** READER REVIEW 'Rune couldn't have been more perfect, nor Poppy more perfect for him' 5***** READER REVIEW

  • av Vanessa Salt

    På stranden i Playa de las Burras i San Agustin skifter en livredder det gule flag til det røde. Strømmene i vandet er farlige, og ingen må svømme. Alejandro går hen for at informere en af de få turister, der er på stranden, om faren. En smuk kvinde, der ser ud til alligevel at ville hoppe i vandet.Da Kiara ser livredderen komme mod sig med bestemte skridt og svulmende, svedige muskler, kan hun ikke lade være med at blive tændt – og endnu mere af tanken om, at han bliver nødt til at springe i efter hende og fysisk stoppe hendes planlagte svømmetur ...Vanessa Salt er et pseudonym. Vanessa finder inspiration til sine fortællinger på sine mange rejser, hvor varme, eksotiske steder giver næring til hendes erotiske fantasier. Hun skriver med humor om den passion, der kan opstå, når man allermindst venter det.

  • av Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

    När Werther anländer till Walheim, en liten ort ute på landsbygden, fängslas han omedelbart av det enkla livet och ortens invånare. Avskildheten och den grönskande naturen är som balsam för hans själv och aldrig förr har han upplevt ett sådant lugn. Det dröjer dock inte lång tid innan han träffar Lotte, en ung kvinna som tar hand om sina syskon efter moderns död, och blir hopplöst förälskad. Trots att Werther vet att Lotte är trolovad kan han inte hålla sig borta från henne och hans kärlek växer sig snart för stark för hans eget bästa ... Klassikern "Den unge Werthers lidanden" publicerades 1774 och sällan har en bok haft sådana förödande effekter på unga sinnen som den hade när den först kom ut. Den väckte en Werther-feber som sträckte sig upp ända till Sverige. Den ansågs vara ett brott mot borgerlig anständighet och normer. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) var en tysk författare, diktare och naturforskare. Han adlades 1782 och hette innan dess bara Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Han är främst känd för sin bok "Den unge Werthers lidanden" som han gav ut anonymt 1774. Boken ledde till en omedelbar och skandalartad succé som lämnat stora spår i historien och sägs ha utlöst en rad av Werther-inspirerade självmord, som historiskt benämns som Werther-effekten.

  • av Camille Bech

    Begärets maktSex erotiska noveller för dig som älskar heta berättelser.Camille Bechs noveller får det att pirra till hos de flesta.Begärets makt är den fjärde i en serie pornografiska novellsamlingar som ges ut under samlingsnamnet Sex noveller för vuxna. Gemensamt för dessa berättelser är att de handlar om begär och åtrå, men kanske framför allt om tillfredsställelse. Tillfälliga möten mellan olika människor i vardagliga situationer. Så vardagliga att man frågar sig: Vad kan hända?Boken innehåller novellerna:- Ensam hemma- Födelsedagspresenten- Lägenheten ovanför- One night stands- Isabella och Torben- KonsertenCamille Bech

  • av Viola Maybach
    67,05 - 96,-

    "Så nära som de var nu hade de inte ens varit under dansen på festen. Han kände till varenda rundning av hennes kropp sedan han hade slukat henne med blicken från sin hemliga utkikspost. När han blundade kunde han se henne framför sig hur lätt som helst, och det gjorde han nästan varje kväll. Det var då han fantiserade om hur det skulle vara att smeka henne, kyssa henne och göra henne lika upphetsad som hon gjorde honom."Året är 1958. Efter att 20-åriga Christina blivit påkommen med sin pojkvän skickas hon av sin pappa till sina tyska släktingar i Afrika. Tanken är att hon ska glömma pojkvännen och lära sig att vara en respektabel ung kvinna. Men det finns frestelser även i Afrika ...Viola Maybach är en tysk författare som skriver fängslande historier om starka personligheter. Hon skriver erotik och romance med inslag av historisk fiktion. Hon har bland annat skrivit den populära serien "Der kleine Fürst".

  • av Ana Huang

    Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! Read Twisted Love now for a brother's best friend romance.He has a heart of ice . . . but for her, he'd burn the world.Alex Volkov is a devil blessed with the face of an angel and cursed with a past he can't escape.Driven by a tragedy that has haunted him for most of his life, his ruthless pursuits for success and vengeance leave little room for matters of the heart.But when he's forced to look after his best friend's sister, he starts to feel something in his chest:A crack.A melt.A fire that could end his world as he knew it.***Ava Chen is a free spirit trapped by nightmares of a childhood she can't remember.But despite her broken past, she's never stopped seeing the beauty in the world . . . including the heart beneath the icy exterior of a man she shouldn't want.Her brother's best friend.Her neighbour.Her saviour and her downfall.Theirs is a love that was never supposed to happen - but when it does, it unleashes secrets that could destroy them both . . . and everything they hold dear.Twisted Love is a brother's best friend/opposites attract romance with a hint of suspense. It's book one in the Twisted series but can be read as a standalone.WARNING: This book contains a jealous/possessive antihero, explicit sexual content and profanity. Recommended for 18+.

  • av Ana Huang

    Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang!Read Twisted Games now for a steamy, angsty forbidden romance.She can never be his . . . but he's taking her anyway.Stoic, broody and arrogant, elite bodyguard Rhys Larsen has two rules: protect his clients at all costs and do not become emotionally involved. Ever.He has never once been tempted to break those rules . . . until her.Bridget von Ascheberg. A princess with a stubborn streak that matches his own and a hidden fire that reduces his rules to ash. She's nothing he expected and everything he never knew he needed.Day by day, inch by inch, she breaks down his defences until he's faced with a truth he can no longer deny: he swore an oath to protect her, but all he wants is to ruin her. Take her.Because she's his.His princess.His forbidden fruit.His every depraved fantasy.***Regal, strong-willed and bound by the chains of duty, Princess Bridget dreams of the freedom to live and love as she chooses.But when her brother abdicates, she's suddenly faced with the prospect of a loveless, politically expedient marriage and a throne she never wanted.And as she navigates the intricacies - and treacheries - of her new role, she must also hide her desire for a man she can't have.Her bodyguard.Her protector.Her ultimate ruin.Unexpected and forbidden, theirs is a love that could destroy a kingdom . . . and doom them both.Twisted Games is a contemporary royal bodyguard romance. It's book two of the Twisted series but can be read as a standalone.Warning: This book contains a possessive alpha hero, explicit sexual content and profanity.

  • av Tillie Cole

    READ THE HEARTBREAKING SEQUEL TO THE TIKTOK SENSATION A THOUSAND BOY KISSES . . .A beautiful and life-affirming novel about grief, love and friendship from the international bestselling phenomenon Tillie Cole --- CAN TWO BROKEN HEARTS MAKE A WHOLE . . . ? After losing her beloved sister three years ago, Savanna Litchfield has been living half a life. When Savannah's therapist suggests joining a trip around the world for grieving teens she agrees to go clutching tightly to the unread journal her sister left behind. Seventeen-year-old Cael Woods is angry. One year after losing his older brother his life has spiralled. Once the most promising hockey player in the junior league, Cael can no longer step onto the ice. When his parents sign him up for a trip abroad no part of him wants to go. As Cael and Savannah embark on a journey they begin to find solace in each other. As they start to heal piece by broken piece, could this be the start of a love they never thought they'd feel again? ---Readers love A Thousand Broken Pieces 'I didn't want to finish because I knew what was coming and the tears were really starting to form' ***** Reader Reviews'I am always amazed that a person can provoke so much emotion with just words typed on paper but Tillie Cole did not just provoke emotion-she crushed my heart' ***** Reader Reviews'Heartbreaking in so many ways. If you need an ugly cry, this will do it!' ***** Reader Reviews'I absolutely cannot wait to fall back into a book hangover after reading this' ***** Reader Reviews

  • av Abby Jimenez

    Praise for Abby Jimenez:'Literally the best book I ever read'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'This author has blown me away before but this book . . . I can't even. I will need some serious time to recover. It was everything and more'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'OK, this is the best romance I've ever read. I loved everything about it'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'This book deserves all the stars in the universe'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Things I loved about this book . . . I mean it's literally everything. Not a single flaw'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Wow. wow. WOW. Every book I've read of Abby's just gets better and better'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ .........................A sharp and scintillating summer novel that will make readers laugh out loud and cry happy tears from the New York Times bestselling author of Yours Truly.Justin has a curse, and thanks to a Reddit thread, it's now all over the internet. Every woman he dates goes on to find their soul mate the second they break up. When a woman slides into his DMs with the same problem, they come up with a plan: They'll date each other and break up. Their curses will cancel each other's out, and they'll both go on to find the love of their lives. It's a bonkers idea . . . and it just might work. Emma hadn't planned that her next assignment as a traveling nurse would be in Minnesota, but she and her best friend agree that dating Justin is too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially when they get to rent an adorable cottage on a private island on Lake Minnetonka.It's supposed to be a quick fling, just for the summer. But when Emma's toxic mother shows up and Justin has to assume guardianship of his three siblings, they're suddenly navigating a lot more than they expected - including catching real feelings for each other. What if this time Fate has actually brought the perfect pair together?'Abby Jimenez's words . . . sprinkle humour and warmth all over my life' ALI HAZELWOOD.........................FIND OUT WHY READERS ARE FALLING IN LOVE WITH ABBY JIMENEZ . . . 'Sweet and achingly romantic - a truly wonderful love story' BETH O'LEARY'Full of fierce humour and fiercer heart' CASEY MCQUISTON'A deliciously hot, sweet debut. This book is an absolute treat' L. G. SHEN

  • av Elsie Silver

    The start of a small-town contemporary romance series by TikTok sensation Elsie Silver.

  • av Bal Khabra

    When Summer Preston's professor issues her with an ultimatum, she finds herself on an unexpected collision course with hockey captain, Aiden Crawford. Summer hates everything about hockey, for good reason, but she isn't going to let that stand in the way of her becoming a sports psychologist. Aiden loves being the hockey captain, except when his team's reckless mistakes risk jeopardizing their entire season. When coach puts him forward for a research paper as punishment, he has no choice but to accept. Summer can't stand his blasé approach to life, and Aiden doesn't understand her uptight, scheduled one. They are off to a rocky start, and provoking each other – it turns out – is what they do best. But losing isn't something either of them does well. Maybe there's a way for both of them to win?

  • av Ali Hazelwood

    A forbidden, secret affair proves that all's fair in love and science - from Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Ali Hazelwood. Rue Siebert might not have it all, but she has enough: a few friends she can always count on; the financial stability she yearned for as a kid; and a successful career as a biotech engineer at Kline, one of the most promising start-ups in the field of food science. Her world is stable, pleasant, and hard-fought. Until a hostile takeover and its offensively attractive front man threatens to bring it all crumbling down. Eli Killgore and his business partners want Kline, period. Eli has his own reasons for pushing this deal through - and he's a man who gets what he wants. With one burning exception: Rue. The woman he can't stop thinking about. The woman who's off-limits to him. Torn between loyalty and an undeniable attraction, Rue and Eli throw caution out the lab and the boardroom windows. Their affair is secret, no-strings-attached, and has a built-in deadline: the day one of their companies will prevail. But the heart is risky business - one that plays for keeps.Real readers are so in love with Not in Love:'Ali Hazelwood's spiciest book so far...also one of the funniest. The dual pov was really fun! Loved this book!' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Ali never, ever misses! Another incredible book with characters you simply cannot resist falling for...And the spice. Just wow. Absolute perfection!' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'WOW...Intelligent, beautiful, profound in a gentle way, and entertaining from the get-go...I can't help but think about it days later, I'm obsessed. One of the easiest five stars I have ever given.' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'ALI FINALLY DID DUAL POV!!!...The spice was also *chefs kiss* but there was a good mix of storyline and plot as well...100% recommended to any romance readers out there!' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I loved this book so much!...I couldn't drag myself away...An absolutely gorgeous romance, and one I will be rereading and enjoying all over again' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'ATTENTION: I HAVE A NEW FAVOURITE ALI HAZELWOOD BOOK. Not only is this Ali's spiciest book yet, but it's so full of heart and growth...Oh and did I mention it's dual POV?' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Eli and Rue got me GOOD. They were everything to me. But what I loved the most about this story is how fun, fast paced and sexy it was...Perfect, just perfect!' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Ali Hazelwood is a literal mastermind...intriguing, emotional and so good...The tension, chemistry and spice was incredible. Ali truly knocked it out of the park!' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Stem-romance, smut and enemies-to-lovers all in one! Phenomenal' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'The spice was SPICING. I was literally gasping for air...dual pov was such a game changer... Top Tier Ali Hazelwood and a MUST READ' Real Reader Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • av Ana Huang

    He'd never wanted anyone enough to chase them . . . until he met her.Charming, easy-going, and rich beyond belief, Xavier Castillo has the world at his fingertips.He also has no interest in taking over his family's empire (much to his father's chagrin), but that hasn't stopped women from throwing themselves at him . . . unless the woman in question is his publicist.Nothing brings him more joy than riling her up, but when a tragedy forces them closer than ever, he must grapple with the uncertainty of his future - and the realization that the only person immune to his charms is the only one he truly wants.***Cool, intelligent, and ambitious, Sloane Kensington is a high-powered publicist who's used to dealing with difficult clients.However, none infuriate - or tempt - her more than a certain billionaire heir, with his stupid dimples and laid-back attitude.She may be forced to work with him, but she'll never fall for him . . . no matter how fast he makes her heart beat or how thoughtful he is beneath his party persona.He's her client, and that's all he'll ever be. Right?

  • av Rachel Gillig

    'An evocative tale of romance, mystery and alluring monsters, told in beautifully lush prose' Lyndall Clipstone, author of LakesedgeELSPETH NEEDS A MONSTER. THE MONSTER MIGHT BE HER.An ancient, mercurial spirit is trapped inside Elspeth Spindle's head - she calls him the Nightmare. He protects her. He keeps her secrets. But nothing comes for free, especially magic.When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, she is thrust into a world of shadow and deception. Together, they embark on a dangerous quest to cure the town of Blunder from the dark magic infecting it. As the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly, darkly, taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him.For fans of Uprooted and For the Wolf comes a gothic fantasy romance about a maiden who must unleash the monster within to save her kingdom.Praise for One Dark Window:'An enchanting tale with sharp claws and teeth - Gillig's prose will pull you in and won't let you sleep. Pulse-pounding, darkly whimsical and aglow with treacherous magic, One Dark Window is everything I love in fantasy and more' Allison Saft, author of A Far Wilder Magic'The steamy romance that emerges between Elspeth and Ravyn delights' Publishers Weekly'A beautifully dark fairy tale of blood, rage and bitter choice, that whisked me away to mist-wreathed woods ripe with romance and menace' Davinia Evans, author of Notorious Sorcerer

  • av Elsie Silver

    Dive back into Chestnut Springs with the second book in the small-town contemporary romance series by TikTok sensation Elsie Silver.

  • av Ana Huang

    She's his opposite in every way . . . and the greatest temptation he's ever known.Reserved, controlled, and proper to a fault, Kai Young has neither the time nor inclination for chaos - and Isabella, with her purple hair and inappropriate jokes, is chaos personified.With a crucial CEO vote looming and a media empire at stake, the billionaire heir can't afford the distraction she brings.Isabella is everything he shouldn't want, but with every look and every touch, he's tempted to break all his rules . . . and claim her as his own.***Bold, impulsive, and full of life, Isabella Valencia has never met a party she doesn't like or a man she couldn't charm . . . except for Kai Young.It shouldn't matter. He's not her type - the man translates classics into Latin for fun, and his membership at the exclusive club where she bartends means he's strictly off limits.But she can't deny that, beneath his cool exterior, is a man who could make her melt with just a touch.No matter how hard they try, they can't resist giving into their forbidden desires.Even if it costs them everything.

  • av Ana Huang

    A brand-new steamy billionaire romance from the bestselling author of the Twisted seriesFull synopsis TBD.

  • av Emily Henry
    139 - 280,-

  • av Ana Huang

    A brand new steamy billionaire romance from the bestselling author of the Twisted series! -She's the wife he never wanted ... and the weakness he never saw coming. Ruthless. Meticulous. Arrogant. Dante Russo thrives on control, both personally and professionally. The billionaire CEO never planned to marry - until the threat of blackmail forces him into an engagement with a woman he barely knows: Vivian Lau, jewellery heiress and daughter of his newest enemy. It doesn't matter how beautiful or charming she is. He'll do everything in his power to destroy the evidence and their betrothal. There's only one problem: now that he has her ... he can't bring himself to let her go. - Elegant. Ambitious. Well-mannered. Vivian Lau is the perfect daughter and her family's ticket into the highest echelons of high society. Marrying a blue-blooded Russo means opening doors that would otherwise remain closed to her new-money family. While the rude, elusive Dante isn't her idea of a dream partner, she agrees to their arranged marriage out of duty. Craving his touch was never part of the plan. Neither was the worst thing she could possibly do: fall in love with her future husband.

  • av Meagan Brandy

    For fans of Elle Kennedy, Colleen Hoover and Monica Murphy, SAY YOU SWEAR is the smash TikTok hit from Meagan Brandy, the million-copy bestselling author you need to add to your TBR now!

  • av Elsie Silver

    She's been driving him wild for years.The kind of wild that comes with wanting your best friend's little sister and knowing you can't have her.Forbes may have labeled Ford Grant the World's Hottest Billionaire, but all he cares about is escaping the press and opening a recording studio in the gorgeous small town Rose Hill. Something that comes to a screeching halt when he ends up face-to-face with a young girl who claims he's her biological father.After years of living in the city, Rosie comes blasting into town like a storm. Beautiful, messy, and chaotic. And one wide-eyed, desperate plea for a job is all it takes for Ford to hire her. He vows to keep her at arm's length. But with her, verbal sparring is a type of foreplay-friction that soon turns to blistering heat.Ford knows damn well he shouldn't cross this line. But shouldn't and can't are two very different things.And the only thing he truly can't do is resist her.

  • av Chloe Walsh

    An epic and unforgettable love story begins in Binding 13, the first in the international bestselling and TikTok-phenomenon The Boys of Tommen series, from Chloe Walsh. The power and pain of first love has never been more deeply felt than in Chloe Walsh's extraordinary stories about the irresistible Boys of Tommen, which will give you the ultimate book hangover.The reader reaction to The Boys of Tommen says it all!'This universe is all consuming. Chloe Walsh has some serious talent'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'If you're looking for a beautifully written, heart wrenching, hilarious book . . . and want one hell of a book hangover, then do yourself a favour and read these pronto'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'To say I loved this book is an understatement, It has ripped my guts out shattered my heart had me biting my nails with anticipation and bawling like a baby all in one phenomenal read'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I adore this world & the found family this series has brought into my life and I don't know what I was before I read this'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Chloe Walsh will always be my number one author'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐.........................They are from opposites sides of the track - but when their two worlds collide, nothing will ever be the same again.Johnny Kavanagh has everything going for him. On the rugby pitch, he's a force to be reckoned with. Primed for stardom, he's heading straight for the top. Nothing can possibly get in his way, right? Not even the shy new girl at Tommen College. The one with the sad eyes and hidden bruises. The one that distracts him like no one ever has. Life has never been easy for Shannon Lynch. Bullied and tortured, she arrives at Tommen College mid-way through the school year praying for a fresh start and desperate to shake off the demons that plague her. On her very first day at the prestigious private school, she comes into contact with the notorious Johnny Kavanagh. Thrown through a hoop over her feelings for him, and desperate to keep a low-profile, Shannon finds herself once again the target of bullies as she forms a fragile alliance with rugby's rising star. Falling into a complicated friendship and grappling with their undeniable chemistry, Johnny and Shannon could never have foreseen the obstacles that will threaten their blossoming relationship . . . .........................Want more of Johnny, Shannon and the rest of The Boys of Tommen? Read the rest of the series so far:Binding 13Keeping 13Saving 6Redeeming 6

  • av Stephanie Garber

    Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after. Evangeline Fox ventured to the Magnificent North in search of her happy ending, and it seems as if she has it. She's married to a handsome prince and lives in a legendary castle. But Evangeline has no idea of the devastating price she's paid for this fairytale. She doesn't know what she has lost, and her husband is determined to make sure she never finds out . . . but first he must kill Jacks, the Prince of Hearts. Blood will be shed, hearts will be stolen, and true love will be put to the test in A Curse for True Love, the breathlessly anticipated conclusion to the Once Upon A Broken Heart trilogy.

  • av Elsie Silver

    Two childhood friends. Two broken hearts. One impromptu road trip to get away from everything. That's all this was supposed to be. Afterall, I've been living in the friend zone for years now.But hockey heartthrob Jasper Gervais isn't looking at me like a friend anymore. And he isn't touching me like one either.To his fans, he's the handsome, talented athlete on TV. But to me he's still the lost boy with sad eyes and a heart of gold.The man I've loved in secret for years.So when my life falls apart on my wedding day, it only makes sense that he's the one to swoop in and save me. And when his world comes crashing down around him, I'm there to return the favor.But the more time we spend alone, the more Jasper doesn't feel like a friend at all. He feels like everything I've ever wanted and thought I could never have.Our feelings aren't straight forward though. They twist and turn around the pain of his past and the reality of my present.Jasper Gervais acts like he wants me.But after years of turning me away, he's going to need to prove it.

  • av Sarah J. Maas

  • av Liz Tomforde

    'He's everything I try to avoid. Arrogant. Athlete. Too attractive for his own good. But he's impossible to stay away from, especially when we're 37,000 feet in the air...'REAL READERS LOVE THE WINDY CITY SERIES:'SWEET MOTHER this is my new favourite book . . . literally left a mark on my soul'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Read it!! I promise you, you won't regret it!!'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I laughed and cried and swooned'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Someone please slap me for putting this off for so long!'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I can't believe it's over. I want to turn back to page 1 and start all over again!!'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Evan and Stevie are just so perfect for each other! I just love everything about them, especially how he helps her feel more confident in her body'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ZANDERSChicago hockey isn't complete without me - everyone's favourite player to hate. I know my role, and I play it well. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy spending the majority of my game time in the penalty box before leaving the arena with a new girl on my arm each night.What I don't like is the new flight attendant on our team's private plane. She works for me, not the other way around. But I'll be sure to remind her of that, and I can guarantee, by the end of the season, she'll be begging to quit her job.But every road trip blurs the lines, and I can't quite figure out if I keep pushing that flight attendant call button in order to push her buttons, or if it's more than that.STEVIEI've been a flight attendant for years. I thought I'd seen it all, but when my new job lands me onboard working for the most egotistical and self-righteous diva in the NHL, I start to second guess everything. Including the promise I made to myself of never hooking up with an athlete again . . . no matter how annoyingly tempting he may be.Evan Zanders is unfiltered, unapologetic, and too attractive for his own good. He loves his image, but I hate everything about it.Everything but him.

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