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Tecknade serier

Hitta spännande serieböcker i vår samling med ett läckert urval av våra främsta serietecknare, både svenska som internationella. Tecknade serier är en beundransvärd kombination av historier och illustrationer, som tillsammans skapar fantastiska tecknade serier för barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Hos oss erbjuder vi tecknade serier inom alla genrer, och du kan därför hitta de genrer som bäst passar dig i smaken. Vi erbjuder allt från gamla klassiska serier till de nya moderna, som finns på antingen svenska, engelska eller något annat språk som du hellre föredrar. Du hittar också mängder av populära manga-böcker. Om du letar efter ett annorlunda och händelserikt sätt att läsa, utforska vårt stora urval nedan.
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    Deep Wound, is a bloody and romance story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells the old tale of greed and love and grudge and revenge.that tells the story of conspiracy and spiteful and betrayal.A conspiracy that destroy a great noble family, little by littleThis book is a rare and truly different book.

  • av Javier H Ortiz

  • av Javier H Ortiz

    ¡La mejor historia en toda la era de la humanidad mostrada en un formato que le encantará a toda la familia! ¡La biblia anime se enfoca en las historias de fe que seguramente impactarán tu vida! no importa la edad o el genero que seas, ¡te encantará la biblia anime!

  • av Clint Cote

    Dive into a world of enchantment and creativity with our Anime Fairies Coloring Book! Unleash your inner artist as you bring these mesmerizing fairy characters to life with your own colorful imagination. From ethereal forest nymphs to fierce guardian sprites, this collection captures the essence of anime magic. Whether you're a devoted anime fan or a coloring enthusiast seeking a captivating new challenge, embark on an enchanting journey with our Anime Fairies Coloring Book. Let your colors dance and your creativity soar with every stroke of the pen. Get ready to experience the magic of coloring like never before!

  • av Claudio Furnier

    Dibujos de humor gráfico y frases ilustradas con el tema de la búsqueda espiritual, el sentido de la vida, el amor, la naturaleza y las relaciones humanas. Para entretenerse y reflexionar, un libro apto para todas las edades.Furnier es un humorista gráfico argentino que publica sus dibujos en medios de distintos países. Creador de los personajes de tarjetas JUNOT, del personaje de comic CHARLY HUESOS y de la tira EL PARQUE DE LA VIDA. Actualmente se dedica a su proyecto SOMOS INSTANTES, viñetas de humor mudo que distribuye la agencia CARTOON STOCK y se recopilará en futuros libros. Vive en Córdoba, Argentina, ama la naturaleza, los animales y sus dibujos reflejan su propia búsqueda espiritual. Este libro recopila más de 200 dibujos creados en los últimos años, día a día, como si fuera su diario personal. Es un ebook que invita a la reflexión a través de los diálogos simpáticos de tiernos personajes, animales y personitas.

  • av Claudio Furnier

    Furnier presenta viñetas, diseños, humor, palabras dibujadas, ilustraciones, dibujos, tatuajes... lineales, simples porque menos es más.

  • av Kam R Johnson

    All Stories are 100% true! They are funny, dramatic, tragic, and educational.I am an Army Veteran and retired Florida Marine Patrol/FWC State Officer.This book has been described in the Citrus County Chronical Newspaper twice!This book is personal. It is not government related.All great reviews!

  • - Polo en África
    av Alan J Hesse
    171 - 237

    Esquivando las balas de un cazador de trofeos en Kenia y escapando de una multitud furiosa en El Cairo, un encuentro inesperado en Europa coloca al Capitán Polo en el camino para cumplir su verdadero destino.Viajar por el mundo para aprender sobre el cambio climático es una labor peligrosa: después de enfrentar los peligros de la sabana africana, un viaje por el río Nilo lleva al Capitán Polo a Egipto y más allá. El desafío final de Polo implica escapar del Zoológico de Londres, donde tiene su primer encuentro con el compañero más improbable...Capitán Polo en África combina de manera única el valor de entretenimiento de una aventura gráfica al estilo de Tintín, humor y escenarios geográficamente precisos con una educación perspicaz sobre el cambio climático y la acción positiva. El tercer libro de esta serie de cómics educativos de aventuras complementa los dos anteriores para proporcionar una visión más profunda de las causas, efectos y soluciones al cambio climático, todo dentro del marco de una historia de ficción llena de acción, humor y escenarios exóticos."Todos necesitan conocer el cambio climático y las aventuras del Capitán Polo hacen precisamente eso. Las ilustraciones dan claridad al concepto y le dan al relato un buen ritmo y movimiento." - Readers Favorite"La importancia de transmitir el mensaje del cambio climático a la mayor cantidad de audiencias posible es más evidente ahora que nunca. Este cómic proporciona un excelente ejemplo de cómo se puede lograr esto." - Dr. Ashton Berry, Coordinador del Programa Global de Cambio Climático, BirdLife International.Originalmente un oso polar solitario y confundido, el Capitán Polo ha experimentado una transformación que cambia la vida. ¡Obtén tu copia de Polo en África para descubrir qué es!

  • av Aurélien Lainé

    "Perpetrators - Bracelet of Shadows" is a story set in Jeosung, the world of the Koryo Hall of Adventures. This comic introduces readers to the Koryo Hall of Adventures through the eyes of a nameless protagonist seeking employment and potential glory in the dead of night. He is one of many who have been showing up in recent weeks, and the Administrator is starting to question the stability of Jeosung, and those adventurers' capability to address significant challenges. Complicating matters, a valuable treasure vanishes, prompting the Administrator to launch a comprehensive investigation.This comic not only introduces the Koryo Hall of Adventures and its main characters to the readers, it also offers an adventure hook for readers who like tabletop roleplaying games. The Koryo Hall of Adventures was initially released as a campaign setting, and this comic is the perfect point of entry into the world of Jeosung.

  • av Peter Demuth

    Dr. Peter Demuth is a Forensic Clinical Psychologist and Jungian Psychoanalyst in private practice in Evanston, Illinois. He is an international lecturer, as well as an instructor at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago and a member of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts. He has published numerous papers on subjects such as ego strength, psychopathy, the Criminal Code, and the use of early memories in a therapeutic prison setting. In addition to his clinical work, he is a singer-songwriter with eight full length albums in circulation, featuring over 160 original compositions. He performs regularly in the greater Chicago area. He lives with his wife Karen, along with their two cats and golden retriever. Their son Noah recently graduated from Western Michigan University with plans to work in sports marketing.

  • av Jb Comics

    Everyone has emotions. We may feel happy, angry, sad, and sometimes even depressed. It's natural to have these feelings but we also need to be able to control negative emotions so that they don't overwhelm us and stop us from living our best lives. Depression isn't a weakness and it isn't something that you can just 'snap out of'. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel that life isn't worth living. More than just a bout of the blues, depression may require long-term treatment. But there is hope, as most people with depression feel better with therapy. This story will help you understand the various emotions that can affect depression and how you can help control them and go about Denying the Depression Feeling.

  • - Skylar The Dinosaur
    av Rebecca C C Massey

    This is the third book in Colton's Pocket Dragon series. The first book, Dragon Land, was the introduction to the series followed by Iggy The Bigfoot. In this story, Colton with his twin baby dragons, will go in search of a dinosaur. They will encounter large boa snakes, mammoth elephants, and other creatures along the way. The earliest known dinosaurs appeared approximately 250 million years ago, with the oldest dinosaur fossils dating back to about 231 million years ago. Contrary to what many people think, not all dinosaurs lived during the same geological period. Some 180 million years ago, an asteroid blasted to Earth, destroying every living plant and creature. There has been over 500 species of dinosaur fossils found and identified to this day. All I can say is that Colton is intent on finding a baby dinosaur. So, let's see how his journey goes. I am excited about this new adventure. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading these stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Colton and Kolta look forward to you becoming a book fan! Rebec

  • av Mathieu Bablet

    A few hundred years in the future, humans live in a space station far from Earth governed by a cultured multinational corporation. On the surface, everyone seems to be satisfied with this "perfect society" and they are set on pushing their own limitations to become equal to gods. They are near to setting up a program aimed at creating life from scratch on Shangri-La, one of the most hospitable regions of Titan, where they intend to rewrite "Genesis" in their own way. But as tends to happen, mankind's hubris gets in the way... Spanning a period of a thousand years, this science fiction epic begins after mankind has abandoned earth to live in space stations run by corporate governments. After an introductory sequence amidst the ruins of Earth, it leaps from our desolated planet into this firmly established future, where life is good and all needs are met. But that longevity isn't enough, and science is ready to use its genetic knowledge to breed the next generation of humans for colonization. Far from being just another science fiction adventure, author Mathieu Bablet uses this scenario to observe and comment on many core qualities that mankind can't seem to outgrow: consumerism, jealousy, distrust, entitlement, ambition, curiosity, and - ultimately - violence. Through a cinematic visual style and dramatic pacing, this book proves to be much weightier and thought-provoking than even its 220-page length would suggest.

  • av Mathieu Bablet
    317 - 461

    For hundreds of years, those attuned to the powers of magic and supernaturalism have been ostracized and persecuted as "witches" by those who do not understand them or wish to maintain power over them. And yet these individuals continued to practice their knowledge in secrecy to protect themselves and those around them from occult evils that would invade our reality. The most dedicated of these individuals formed THE MIDNIGHT ORDER, an organization that grew through generations into a secret globe-spanning organization of agents who protect humanity from unknown demonic forces that could end the world if left unchecked. Created by artist and author MATHIEU BABLET, creator of the celebrated, award-winning SHANGRI-LA, CARBON & SILICON, and ADRASTEA, THE MIDNIGHT ORDER is an action-packed series of interlinked short tales set in a shadowy shared universe of witches, witch-hunters, and a menagerie of unimaginable beasts that roam the world unnoticed. Together with a team of 13 other writers and artists, Mathieu weaves an intricate tale around Sheridan and Johnson, two of the Order's best agents, as they pursue the Seraph, an ancient power that threatens to corrupt their ranks from within. Torn by deeds committed in their pasts, Sheridan and Johnson find themselves on opposite sides of a moral quandary, with the fate of the Order hanging between them. Will they be able to overcome their own ghosts to save the world? Described as "X-FILES meets MEN IN BLACK with witches," this premium 272-page graphic novel contains 17 chapters written, illustrated and/or art directed by Mathieu Bablet along with prose articles connecting these fictional events to real-world esotericism by Mathieu's author-wife, Claire Barbe. While these stories are imaginary, the worldwide practice of witchcraft is not.

  • av Harleen And Andrew

    A reclusive genius billionaire and avid stargazer stumbles across an unbelievable discovery with the help of his AI robot that could be a possible threat to life on earth. But does anyone else know?Meanwhile, data relating to poor dietary habits, eating disorders and food anxiety is spiralling out of control. A coincidence?Could someone be behind this, and if so, how are they doing it?In a society driven by social media and misinformation, five young adults from different walks of life are chosen to use their unique skills, individual thinking and drive to help each other get to the bottom of the mystery, stop the negative trend and create a better world.An action-packed graphic novel that reminds you of the power of friendship, that anyone can be a hero and what we can learn from following a principle rather than a person. Don't believe everything you see.Unfollow. Rise above.Trigger Warning: This book contains discussions and themes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, addiction and eating disorders, which may be triggering for some readers.10% of the author's royalties from the book will be donated to Beat, UK's leading charity supporting those affected by eating disorders. Your purchase helps us contribute to their vital work in offering support, raising awareness, and advocating for a change.

  • av Alan Martin

    The definitive anthology of Tank Girl - presenting classic stories from original creators, Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, in colour for the first time ever! Cult favorite comic discussed in the hit Netflix show Sex Education

  • av Alan Martin

    The definitive anthology of Tank Girl - presenting classic stories from original creators, Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, in colour for the first time ever! Cult favorite comic discussed in the hit Netflix show Sex Education

  • av Alan Martin

    The definitive anthology of Tank Girl collecting classic stories from original creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett!

  • - A Broken Home no left, no right.
    av Joann Taylor

    In the book Straight Ahead, no left, or right. An education piece to help with the aid to directions. Unfortunately, as busy mothers we tend to use minimal full sentences. We often repeat what we have to say over, and over again the answer to the repeated question. So, in this story the answer is repeated in a rhyme that points to the reunification of a family. This young mother could have given up at any time, but the heartache builds her character. As, a grandmother I wanted my daughter to care for her own child. I raised her that way. The courts did not give me a chance to clarify why I denied taking my grandson. However, we know the truth, and God will provide the justice. Remembering, Job, Ester, and Ruth you will never be alone God the father of us all will provide. Straight ahead is your blessing.Love, Grandma

  • av Shingo Honda

    Welcome to Happyland, an extreme amusement park! The Komiyas are a happy family, with no apparent problems. The parents love each other and are kind to their two children. The kids are brilliant students and in good health. In short, the ideal family that has everything they need to be happy! At least that's what they believed. Until dad decided to take the little tribe to spend a day at Happyland Amusement Park. In this park with deadly attractions, the most shameful secrets will emerge. Because in Happyland the curtain caller is Mr. Rabbit, and by the time he's all done, everything will end in tragedy.

  • - I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!

    In this manga adaptation of the popular web novel series, an overworked wage slave finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he quickly becomes the strongest sage in the world...thanks to the help of an army of tamed Slimes! Yuji Sano was a normal guy working a soul-sucking nine-to-five job when he suddenly found himself transported to a fantasy world where he restarted his life as a Monster Tamer. After befriending the Slimes, Yuji is quickly able to gain a second character class, ranking up his stats and learning new skills as he encounters one surprise after another. While trying to find more information regarding the cursed tree found on Evildominus Island, Yuji stumbles on the small town of Declen. After discovering the local Adventurer's Guild, he is tasked with a quest to clear out an infestation of wraiths that haunt the nearby forest. In the midst of the quest, he meets a wraith who differs from the other inhumane spirits, though it remains unclear if she is a friendly ally or a dangerous foe. What secrets lie in the grudge she carries from beyond the grave?

  • - Light Novel
    av Densuke Densuke

    As Vandal and his allies were working to take back Talosheim from the demon barren, vampires with orders to assassinate Vandal appeared in the city. But Vandal acquired the skill Soul Crusher and was able to successfully avenge his own father, Varen, by killing the noble species vampire Sercrent. He subsequently ventured beneath Talosheim Castle and also crushed the soul of the Frozen Spear Ice Age. However, while all that was going on, an expedition army from the Milg Shield Kingdom--including High Priest Goldan, one of those who killed Vandal's mother--was preparing to invade Talosheim...

  • - The Manga Companion
    av Aneko Yusagi

    "It sure has changed since the last time I was here." A deadly illness has spread from the dragon corpse left unburied as a tourist spectacle. The shadow of death falls over the village to the east. Following Wyndia's wishes, Naofumi and Motoyasu head there to try to put a stop to the plague. But the attitude of the villagers, who want a scapegoat for their misfortune, push the heroes to their limit . . . The heroes, seeking a proper burial for Gaelion and Wyndia's father, head to the site of the corpse--only to find it transformed into a dragon zombie!

  • av Sei Takano

    News of a Black Death outbreak reaches Farma as the San Fleuve Grand Market looms close. Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that has ravaged a colony of a neighboring country, seeks to make landfall in the imperial city as the capital gets swamped with shipments arriving from various nations. In a bid to thwart a mass outbreak, Farma sets off on a frantic journey!

  • av Sei Takano

    Farma's older brother Palle is coming home from the Novalout College of Medicine. Farma is confounded by his brother's overly ardent training sessions, which send Blanche and Lotte scrambling to avoid them. But despite this, Palle's sincere approach to illnesses resonates with Farma.

  • - The Manga Companion
    av Aneko Yusagi

    "This is our village! We'll protect it ourselves!" After coming to Zeltoble, Naofumi and his companions managed to ascertain the whereabouts of the demi-human slaves of Lurolona Village--bought and sold on the dark auction. In order to get them home safe, they turn to the Coliseum to make a fortune as fast as they can, but will the scheme work? Meanwhile, Keel and the others guarding the village must face off in a battle against a remnant force of the Church of the Three Heroes!

  • av Cambria Bakuhatsu Tarou Cambria Bakuhatsu Tarou

    Reunited in another world, classmates face off in a mecha colosseum. Next up, the front lines. Let the battles begin! Vowing revenge for the murder of his first benefactor in the new world, Yuto prepares to take down the Ludawan Kingdom. First step: gathering funds. He claims bounties in deadly colosseum battles--but to Yuto's surprise, he encounters an old classmate, sent along with him from Earth. Yuto expected friendship, but quickly finds that the rules have changed...

  • - The Manga Companion
    av Kugayama Reki

    Now that Nea has uncovered Usato's past and knows that he came from another world, she's hell-bent on capturing him all for herself. To do so, she's awakened a monster that for many long years has remained slumbering in the basement of her family's manor. But that monster, once sealed away by a former hero, is a dragon of pure evil known in legends for wielding catastrophic powers!

  • av Cambria Bakuhatsu Tarou Cambria Bakuhatsu Tarou

    In another world, war is waged through battles of humanoid mechanical "Magic Suits." These suits are piloted with power called Ludea, intrinsic to each human from birth. One day, Yuta and his whole high school class are summoned to fight. Why? "People from Earth have high Ludea Rates." So they say, but Yuta's Rate was only 2? As his classmates are auctioned off for fortunes, Yuta is sold as a slave for next to nothing. But before long, an encounter with a mysterious white Magic Suit sets him on the path to awaken his hidden strength! Mecha combat in another world-- let the battles begin!

  • - Re Life with an Angelic Girl
    av Boiru Iseebi

    Shin'ichiro Niihama works at a job he hates, for a company with no morals, under a boss who detests him. After years of corporate abuse, one day he collapses. He wakes, only to find--he's returned to his high school self! Reunited with his once lost mother, Shin'ichiro realizes he's leapt back in time. Given a second chance at high school, he vows to do things right this time. Most importantly, he must get close to the girl he always wished he knew better, Haruka Shijoin, to prevent the tragedy that awaits her!

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