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Tecknade serier

Hitta spännande serieböcker i vår samling med ett läckert urval av våra främsta serietecknare, både svenska som internationella. Tecknade serier är en beundransvärd kombination av historier och illustrationer, som tillsammans skapar fantastiska tecknade serier för barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Hos oss erbjuder vi tecknade serier inom alla genrer, och du kan därför hitta de genrer som bäst passar dig i smaken. Vi erbjuder allt från gamla klassiska serier till de nya moderna, som finns på antingen svenska, engelska eller något annat språk som du hellre föredrar. Du hittar också mängder av populära manga-böcker. Om du letar efter ett annorlunda och händelserikt sätt att läsa, utforska vårt stora urval nedan.
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  • av Javier Ramirez

    Our editorial presents this fabulous new collection of battlefield girls.

  • - Queen of the Night: Vol. 2

    With Dragons Jaw learning the existence of Seran Koizumi, The Group set out to kidnap and use her as a hostage in exchange for Akane's Allure ability. Little do they know That task might now be as easy as they once thought.

  • av Christina Yen

    In a world of wonder, mystery and a fair pawful of cuteness, we find a little dragon named Lucky, whose adventures start with a twist of fate. A mysterious coin of unknown origin leads Lucky on a quest of discovery. Good friends, new lands and a wealth of secrets await. Will you join Lucky and Friends on their adventures? Making friends is easy when you have a bit of luck!

  • - L'art de la guerre
    av Leonardo Gudiño
    1 926,-

    Le livre est divisé en treize chapitres.Yotitres, chacun dédié à un aspect de la guerre, comme la planificationsoitn, attaque, défense, terrain, incendie, espionnage et autres. Certaines des idées centrales qui ressortent du livre sont les suivantes: La meilleure façon de gagner une guerre est de l'éviter, grâce à la diplomatie, au renseignement et à la tromperie.ñsoit.La guerre est une question d'une importance vitale pour l'État, elle doit donc être étudiée avec soin et ne pas agir dans la précipitation.soitn ni la colère.Connaissance de soietla force et l'ennemi sont essentiels pour obtenir la victoire. Il faut savoir quoiàCe sont leurs forces et leurs faiblesses, leurs projets et leurs intentions.Nous devons nous adapter aux circonstances changeantes du champ de bataille, en profitant des opportunités et en évitant les risques. Il faut toujours rechercher l'avantage stratégiqueetmagie sur l'ennemi, attaquant ses points Detactifs et protéger les leurs.Vous devez maintenir le moral des troupes à un niveau élevé, en récompensant le metrituels et fautes punitives. Vous devez être flexible et créatif dans l'utilisation des ressources disponibles, telles que les armes, la nourriture, la météo et le terrain.Vous devez utiliser l'art de la tromperieñou pour confondre l'ennemi, en cachant ses propres intentions et en créant de fausses apparences.

  • av Mars Knight

    In the eternal war of vampire against their human prey, one small battle for souls is waged in Redlands, New Mexico Territory, circa 1894. Prince Duncan and his vampire gang own and operate this small, western mining town, in spite of several dedicated vampire hunters, but the balance of power shifts when a new US Marshal is appointed to the territory.Redlands is torn apart and made a bloody, smoking battlefield as shape-shifting bloodsuckers, gunslingers, prostitutes, lawmen and traitors fight for the town, and their very existence!

  • av J Scott Vanlester

    Based on famed horror writer H.P. Lovecraft's third story. When Jervas Dudley discovers an ancient tomb, it leads him into the depths of madness. What terrible truth compels him to sleep beside The Tomb every night? What horrifying reality awaits him inside? Experience the third tale of the Cthulhu Mythos as interpreted by artist J. Scott Vanlester.

  • - Helen
    av Bishop Jyk Ernest Ejike

    Some has preached dirty that the death Christ died on the cross he has died for them therefore they will rapture with him. They have forgotten that the same Jesus said; here I am, I have spread my hands, whoever is willing shall come and take of the free gift of the water of life. You did not have the water of life in you yet you boasted of salvation by rapture. The water of life is not the water of baptism. It is neither the word of God nor the Holy Spirit. The water of baptism is gotten in the river but the water of life is the blood of Christ Jesus that shall be the blood of sprinkling to them that will be the benefactors or beneficiaries of rapture. . The water of life is all you need to reserve a sit for your rapture not the church. The churches are meant to show us the way but the churches even did not know the ways to eternal life. Those that makes an altar calls for the new members to come to the front of Altar to be declared born again are of the group that calls on the lord with their mouths but their hearts are far away from him. What they read is not what they teach nor practices.

  • - Ein bezauberndes Kinderbuch mit 40 niedlichen Gedichten über die Tiere des Waldes - Für Kinder von 4 bis 8 Jahren - Als Vorlesebuch oder für Erstleser geeignet

    Lustige Gedichte mit den Tieren im Wald begeistern alle - ob Jung oder Alt!Tauche ein in eine bezaubernde Sammlung von 40 niedlichen Kindergedichten mit liebevoll illustrierten Bildern für kleine und große Leser.In diesem Buch erwachen die Tiere des Waldes zum Leben, denn auf jeder Seite wartet eine neue lustige Geschichte darauf entdeckt zu werden. Begleite die Tiere bei ihren Abenteuern und finde heraus, was der kluge Biber gegen sein Fieber macht, warum das faule Eichhörnchen keine Nüsse sammeln möchte oder wem die pfiffige Waldmaus gerne Streiche spielt.Jedes Gedicht wird von einer liebevollen und lebendigen Illustration begleitet, die die Tiere und Szenen zum Leben erweckt, die Fantasie anregt und Kinder in eine Welt voller Farben und Freude entführt. Die lustigen Verse nehmen junge Zuhörer und Leser mit auf eine humorvolle und unvergessliche Reise in den Wald.Die unterhaltsamen Gedichte sind ideal für gemütliche Vorlesestunden geeignet und bieten auch jungen Leseanfängern eine großartige Möglichkeit, in die Freude am Lesen einzutauchen.Ein Riesenspaß für Kinder von 4 bis 8 Jahren, der in keinem Kinderzimmer fehlen sollte.Entdecke die Magie der Kindergedichte von "Huhu sagt der Uhu"Wusstest Du, dass Kindergedichte einzigartige Möglichkeiten für die pädagogische Entwicklung von Kindern bieten, die normale Kindergeschichten nicht aufweisen? Mit "Huhu sagt der Uhu" kannst Du Deine bisherige Kinderliteratur sinnvoll ergänzen und die folgenden Vorteile von Gedichten auch für Dein Kind nutzen.Sprachliche Sensibilität: Die Gedichte spielen oft mit Sprache auf eine Art und Weise, die Kinder für Klang, Rhythmus und Bedeutung sensibilisiert. Die Reime helfen Kindern, die Feinheiten der Sprache besser zu verstehen.Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit: Die Gedichte in diesem Buch sind kompakter als normale Geschichten und erfordern dadurch eine höhere Konzentration, um den Sinn zu verstehen. Kinder lernen, aufmerksam zuzuhören oder zu lesen und sich auf die Details zu konzentrieren.Gedächtnisbildung: Die Gedichte sind rhythmisch und leicht zu merken. Kinder können sich die Verse und Reime leicht einprägen, was ihre Gedächtnisbildung fördert. Schon allein den Titel des Buches "Huhu sagt der Uhu" werden sich Kinder sehr schnell und einfach merken können.Sprachliche Vielfalt: Die Gedichte bieten eine reiche und vielfältige Sprache, die Kinder mit neuen Wörtern und Ausdrücken vertraut macht, die so vielleicht nicht in vielen anderen Kinderbüchern vorkommen, und so ihre sprachliche Vielfalt fördert.Flexibilität im Alltag: Die Gedichte erfordern in der Regel weniger Zeit zum Vorlesen als längere Geschichten. Sie können leicht in den hektischen Alltag integriert werden und bieten eine flexible Möglichkeit, Lern- und Bindungsmomente mit den Kindern zu schaffen.Gute-Nacht-Ritual: Die Gedichte eignen sich hervorragend als Teil eines Gute-Nacht-Rituals. Das Vorlesen eines kurzen Gedichts kann eine beruhigende und liebevolle Art sein, den Tag zu beenden und Kinder in den Schlaf zu begleiten..BONUS: Alle Gedichte als Audiodateien verfügbar - vorgelesen von der Autorin Ursula GrußAlle 40 Gedichte sind über einen im Buch enthaltenen Link als Audiodateien verfügbar und werden von der Autorin Ursula Gruß persönlich vorgelesen. Du kannst auf diese Ressource zugreifen, um die Gedichte mit Deinem Kind zu teilen, ohne sie selbst vorlesen zu müssen. So könnt ihr die Gedichte gemeinsam in ihrer vollen Klangpracht erleben.Sichere Dir jetzt Dein Exemplar von "Huhu sagt der Uhu" und verbringe wunderbare Stunden zusammen mit Deinem Kind!

  • - O.P.S.
    av Victor Prioleau

    In a world where the zombie plague was contained and covered up by the government task force referred to as the O.P.S. (Occult Paranormal Supernatural) Division, zombie sightings have become more frequent and harder to hide.Initially, the O.P.S Division was founded to keep all current and upcoming outbreaks at bay however, they can only do so much without a cure or vaccine to stop the spread.While O.P.S. focuses on monitoring Zombie activity, there continues to be speculation about the mystery surrounding the lone survivor of a zombie bite. So many questions have come front and center... is he immune, lucky, or is it more to the story?If that's not enough, what happens when a zombie regains consciousness, and along with a thirst for flesh also comes a taste for vengeance?Find out the answers to these questions and more in Superior Conflict DeathWalkers Volume 1

  • - Code of Ambitions
    av Ajay Kumar

    "Moneya: Code of Ambitions" unfolds as a gripping narrative, seamlessly blending mystery, suspense, and technological intrigue. Authored by Ajay kumar, a skilled freelance writer, the story introduces readers to Amit, Kavya, and Vikki, whose lives become entangled in a complex web of ambitions, love, and the enigmatic 'Moneya' algorithm. As the characters navigate college rivalries, personal struggles, and the pursuit of wealth, they inadvertently stumble upon a world-changing revelation-the true identity of The Operator. With the help of 'Moneya, ' a guardian algorithm, they embark on a journey to reshape destinies, challenging the formidable Cyber Collective. This tale, enriched by Ajay's creative touch and further developed through collaborative storytelling with ChatGPT, promises a riveting exploration of power, truth, and the consequences of manipulating the convergence of realities.

  • - The Ride Never Ends

    HIGH BEAM!An alien predator menaces a quiet desert town, sucking the juices out of those it hunts on the highway outside of town! Only one man has the guts -and the truck- to battle this monster - but will he survive the final conflict?

  • - Le Mystère de la Muse et l'Héritage de Zoé
    av Madelon Barole

    Dans le village pittoresque de Valclair, un mystère musical captivant éveille la curiosité chaque printemps. Une mélodie sans source connue enveloppe le village d'une aura mystique, laissant une empreinte indélébile dans l'esprit de ses habitants. Zoé, une jeune fille audacieuse aux yeux étincelants de malice, est irrésistiblement attirée par ce phénomène. Déterminée à percer le secret de cette mélodie enchanteresse, elle entreprend une quête qui la mènera bien au-delà des collines chatoyantes de Valclair.Avec courage et astuce, Zoé s'aventure dans le Bois des Murmures, où d'anciens secrets et une forêt mystique l'attendent. Sa découverte d'une clé mystérieuse au fond d'un lac caché marque le début d'une aventure inoubliable. Cette clé ouvre un monde de légendes, révélant l'histoire d'une muse dont la passion pour la musique transcende le temps. "La Mélodie de Valclair" est une histoire captivante de découverte, de magie et de musique. Elle explore comment une jeune fille peut déverrouiller les secrets d'une tradition ancienne, apportant un nouvel éveil musical à son village. Cette histoire est un hymne à la persévérance, à l'émerveillement enfantin, et à la puissance transformatrice de la musique. Rejoignez Zoé dans son voyage pour découvrir non seulement l'origine d'une mélodie mystérieuse mais aussi le chemin de sa propre destinée


    Segunda parte, em quadrinhos, da história do "As" da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Pierre Clostermann, piloto da caçaalistado na la R.A.F, baseada em seu livro clássico pós-guerra "The Big Show".

  • - The Coloring Book: An Epic Whimsical Tale of Life, Loss, Love and Adventure
    av Roy M Taylor

    A whimsical and wonderful walk through the life and times of one Robot Pirate Ninja.

  • - Scribble All The Way
    av Shawn Boyle

    Paperville City Super Villain, Scribbles McDoodles is back at it. He's trying to steal a robot to take down Paperville City just in time for the holidays. Can The Chief, Lefty and friends stop him? Will his evil brain power aided with artificial intelligence make him too much to handle? Read the book and find out!

  • - Journey into the mystical realm and unveiling of nature's secrets
    av John T Paul

    Readers are drawn into a magical and fantastical world by the engrossing and entertaining story "The Enchanted Forest." The story, which takes place in a magical woodland full of enchantment, centers on the travels of a young protagonist as they make their way through a world full of fantastical creatures, labyrinthine riches, and amazing phenomena.The protagonist's journey to learn the secrets of the forest and their actual purpose within its enigmatic boundaries is at the center of the narrative. They meet a wide range of people during the journey, each with special skills and anecdotes to share. There are many fanciful creatures in the forest, ranging from cunning fairies to sage old wizards, who can either help or impede the protagonist's quest.Amelia discovers old prophecies, long-forgotten tales, the value of friendship and self-discovery, and more as she explores the mysteries of the forest. Amelia discovers how to use their own inner magic to overcome obstacles and realize their dreams, and the narrative skillfully combines themes of bravery, resiliency, and the transformational power of believing.The enchanted forest itself takes on a life of its own throughout the story, complete with lush surroundings, sparkling waterfalls, and secret passageways that are both beautiful and dangerous. Amelia's personal development and evolution are reflected in the forest's ever-changing landscape, which they must learn to traverse while overcoming both internal and external challenges.Readers of all ages enjoy the story "The Enchanted Forest," which transports them to a fantasy setting where imagination rules supreme. With its blend of imagination, adventure, and self-discovery, it beckons readers to go out on a fantastical trip where the impossible becomes attainable and dreams come true.

  • - Daybreak
    av Mason McKinney

    The first chapter of a young grim reaper trying to keep Hell off Earth! Meet Eric, he's pretty lame right now, but who knows, maybe he'll be up next? Oh yeah, Greg and Satan are in this one too. Don't know who those guys are? Want more context? Give it a read! Or don't! I don't care! We're just trying to entertain you punk ass! - The Management CONTENT WARNING: Use of Offensive Language, not intended for anyone under 18, reader discretion advised.

  • av Janie Sullivan

    Lilura Kobe is tired. She is 73 years old, transitioning into what she hopes is a drama-free retirement in a small town about 200 miles from her hometown. She had enough drama teaching high school and then volunteering after school hours to teach little witchlings how to hide their talents in the human world. Oh yes, did I mention Lilura, known as Lily to her friends, is a witch? And she's tired of being a witch. All she wants is a quiet place to spend her so-called "golden years." She was sure she found such a place in Ebonglen, a witch-centric retirement community for magical beings. Then the body was discovered ...

  • - Unmasking the Dark Secrets of Detroit
    av David Holman

    Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the rain-soaked streets of Detroit in "I Fell In Love With A Serial Killer: Unmasking the Dark Secrets of Detroit." This gripping psychological thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat as you navigate a complex web of mystery, obsession, and forbidden love.In the heart of Detroit, Detective Jack Brennan stands as a relentless symbol of justice. The city is his life, and he's determined to unmask the elusive serial killer haunting its darkest corners. As the body count rises, Jack's determination intensifies, setting the stage for a thrilling exploration of the city's dark secrets.Partnered with the skilled and dedicated Sarah Kensington, Jack dives headfirst into an investigation that reveals shocking revelations. The line between duty and desire blurs as a forbidden romance ignites, constantly threatening exposure.The investigation takes an intense turn as the tension escalates and the killer is finally cornered. The story reaches its climax in a gripping final confrontation, leaving you breathless with drama, intensity, and a sense of resolution.But the aftermath is equally powerful, showcasing the impact of the pursuit of justice and the sacrifices made in its name. The city's secrets are gradually washed away, leaving you with a bittersweet sense of catharsis.Why "I Fell In Love With A Serial Killer" is a Must-Read: "I Fell In Love With A Serial Killer: Unmasking the Dark Secrets of Detroit" is a psychological thriller that promises to captivate your imagination from the very first page. This book is perfect for readers who enjoy crime thrillers with well-developed characters, atmospheric settings, and intricate plots.If you're ready to unravel the dark secrets of Detroit, explore the complex relationships between love, duty, and the relentless pursuit of justice, then "Whispers in the Rain" is your next must-read thriller. Get your copy now and dive into a world where rain-soaked streets hold the key to unmasking a city's deepest mysteries.

  • av Lorin Emery -Siler

    A different world with a different story uncover Lucifer's hidden secrets while Sierra unlocks her true potential while unraveling secrets about the supposed fallen angel. Did he really fall like the story's suggest? ( A WHAT IF SCENARIO) follow your truth...

  • - The Rescue part 1 of 2

    You'll be introduced to our FriendFish gang and learn more about them. In this 2 part series the adventures starts with a rescue that Flitch, Mel, and Yo-Yo have to solve. It's full of adventure and the illustration and colors will pull you into the story. Our comic books are always family friendly.

  • - A Collection of Humorous Comics on Public Service
    av Rudolph Ronswik

    Here's the thing people don't tell you before you go to work in public service: the public are wild animals! Combine that with a strict bureaucracy stuck in a mid-80's management class, and things are sure to go haywire. Explore the riveting world of PDF flipping, red tape sorting, "No, I will not help you commit computer crimes"ing, and printer troubleshooting that is the public library in these 51 comics. Every comic is accompanied by a real, related anecdote written by a library worker. This book is the perfect gift for librarians, teachers, or any government worker.

  • av Steven Roberts

    A.I. Prophecies of the Apocalypse - 200 visions from the future.

  • av Steven Roberts

  • av Steven Roberts

  • av Tom Watson

    There's a new pet in town: Stick Cat!Perfect for fans of the Big Nate, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Timmy Failure, and Stick Dog books, Stick Cat features Tom Watson's trademark combination of laughs, adventure, and hilarious stick-figure drawings.It's a big day in the big city for Stick Cat and his best friend, Edith. There are treasures to hunt, songs to sing, pigeons to catch, and naps to take. But way up on the twenty-third floor, danger lurks just around the corner. Terrible noises and violent crashes trap a desperate man in the building across the alley. Stick Cat will need to navigate his way across the alley?and around Edith's peculiar ways?to attempt a rescue.Stick Cat's high-wire act is sure to please cat lovers and Stick Dog fans everywhere?even reluctant readers.


    TWO AGAINST ONE Mira is finally reunited with Soul Howl, but there's no time to reminisce! The two face the powerful Machina Guardian, a raid boss that required all Nine Wise Men to defeat back in their gaming days. To make matters worse, this enemy now has learning capabilities like never before. Is there an ingenious strategy that will get Mira and Soul Howl out of this bind? Whatever it is, they better find it quick, or their reunion will be short-lived...

  • av Henry Simon

    En este álbum intento recoger la historia de estos personajes, centrándome en cuatro grandes nombres: El Sacerdote Perro, Jure Grando, Vlad Tepes y Elizabeth Bathory. Para terminar Enriqueta Martí, la vampira del Raval, un caso de principios del Siglo xx.Estos individuos pasaron a la historia por su crueldad y los extraños hechos que acontecieron entorno a ellos. Y muchos testimonios dejaron escrito las vilezas que cometieron y cuál fue su final. Y es que pese a los tiempos modernos, los vampiros siguen en alza en nuestra cultura, pero también, a veces, salen a la luz monstruos reales

  • - Manga Drawing Your Complete Guide to Drawing Anime Characters From Heads, Anatomy, and Clothing, to Color Illustrations!

  • - Your Complete Guide to Drawing Anime Characters From Heads, Anatomy, and Clothing, to Color Illustrations!

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