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Tecknade serier

Hitta spännande serieböcker i vår samling med ett läckert urval av våra främsta serietecknare, både svenska som internationella. Tecknade serier är en beundransvärd kombination av historier och illustrationer, som tillsammans skapar fantastiska tecknade serier för barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Hos oss erbjuder vi tecknade serier inom alla genrer, och du kan därför hitta de genrer som bäst passar dig i smaken. Vi erbjuder allt från gamla klassiska serier till de nya moderna, som finns på antingen svenska, engelska eller något annat språk som du hellre föredrar. Du hittar också mängder av populära manga-böcker. Om du letar efter ett annorlunda och händelserikt sätt att läsa, utforska vårt stora urval nedan.
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  • av Cameo Anderson

    Weird weather starts killing wildlife and plant life in Pine Ridge when the temperature drops to new lows and a nasty snow storm from out of nowhere is spreading across the state - freezing everything in it's path. The Siberforce, a group of huskies that live in Pine Ridge MN, are called upon to get to the bottom of the strange storm because their thick coats will protect them even in dangerously low temperatures. The story is based on real huskies that live in Pine Ridge and includes some rescue animal cameos, too. Like Owlivia, who was rescued with a broken wing in real life by the Pine Ridge family. This is the second comic in the series Pine Ridge Siberforce. The first one is called "The Good, The Bad, and The Fluffy". and both books are a fun read with positive messages. This one will be bigger because as a legally blind artist, I wanted to make sure that the artwork is visible and clear to everyone. Thank you for the support. You can find me on youtube: Cameo Anderson: Pet Rescue Artist.

  • - Adventure to the Metaverse
    av Bhaskar Chandra Deva Sarma

    This is an Interesting Adventure Story suitable for Adults and Children

  • av Jack Jackson

    A Tale of Redemption and Justice In the corrupt city of Riverton, two unlikely heroes rise up to challenge the powerful Circle of Shadows and restore justice to their troubled home. George, a former journalist, and Connor, a disillusioned detective, join forces in an unwavering quest for truth. As they navigate a treacherous landscape of deceit and betrayal, they unravel a web of corruption that has ensnared the city for far too long. With each revelation, the people of Riverton find hope and the courage to stand against the shadows that have tormented them. This gripping tale explores the power of redemption and the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to surrender to darkness, leaving a legacy that will forever inspire future generations.

  • - Part 1
    av Ammar Mahdawi

    Why short stories? Because we have all become lazy, because we are all busy, because we all want to be busy, and although we have hectic lives full of activities and unfulfilled missions, dreams and goals, we still feel bored, we feel bored day after day as long as we become busier and busier!We have no time to read, we have no time to write, to see a movie in the theatre, to eat!We all like stories and we all need to feed our lazy mind with stories, we prefer to watch short videos nowadays, so why don't we have short stories? We have short videos but we are still not satisfied because it is not easy to find videos that suit us or change our mood.We don't have time to read long stories, so I decided to write some short stories.This book is part 1 of the 'No KARAZ' series of short stories.

  • av Ionut Corbea

    Doresc să nu jignesc pe nimeni și sper ca nimeni să nu se simtă ofensat. Cred că nici un ateu (cărora le este dedicată cartea) nu se va supăra. De aici și titlul. Rog pe oricine ar citi ceea ce scriu să critice calitățile mele scriitoricești, nu subiectele despre care scriu.Este foarte greu ca cineva să își afirme apartenența la un astfel de grup, cel al ateilor, într-o țară în care intoleranța este foarte mare, mai ales în ceea ce privește o astfel de poziție.Este vorba doar de o colecție de povestiri scrise ca distracție și pentru distracție. Vă doresc lectură plăcută!

  • av Midnight Showcase

    If you're looking for a fun and unique coloring experience, look no further than Mandala Animals Coloring Adventure. This book features 50 hand-drawn animal mandalas, each one more intricate and beautiful than the last. From lions and tigers to elephants and giraffes, there's something for everyone to color. So grab your favorite markers or pencils and get ready to lose yourself in this amazing coloring book.


    What happened to the creature of Frankenstein after facing its creator?Did it make it to the vast wilds of South America that it longed for? Inspired by the classic novel by Mary Shelley, writer Miguel Ferrada and artist Pipe Oliva bring to life this illustrated story that delves into the cursed legacy of Victor Frankenstein, which seems to extend from generation to generation, even crossing the most distant frontiers.

  • av Augustus Boarsblood

    This is the graphic novelization of "The Have-Not Nines" and the first part of the "Color Me Narcissist" storylines. The main protagonist running throughout the narrative is a young man named Verges. We are first introduced to him as he sits in his solitary cell after tattooing himself with makeshift tools he has found throughout his prison and contacts there. His own "story" is then seen through the perspectives of other characters with whom Verges interacts - his foster-father, his orphan "sisters", and even a somewhat devious and maniacal inmate whose life-story shares many commonalities with the overarching plot of the novel. Through these micro-interactions, we view the characters as (often small) parts which comprise the entire premise of the novel - that of the remaining antagonisms inherent to the Old vs. New World ideologies and perspectives. Verges is a "child of two worlds" - having experience with both a nomadic lifestyle as a "street rat" orphan and as one of the fortunate youths who have been "reclaimed" by polite society into an educated world of progress. Some familiar faces - along with new ones - gather in an attempt to find any means of procuring Verges' release from prison. However, the ulterior motives of those who seem to want to help overwhelm the protagonist to the point of Verges choosing exile rather than compliance. Again, this goes against the "status quo" of "what is expected" - and compromises the relationships Verges seeks. The drastic measures, then, of those who earnestly desire to help Verges attain his freedom - come at a great personal cost, resulting in the "formation" of a new generation and its protagonist - who we will meet in the next iteration of the mythic storyline.

  • - A New World
    av Jesus Martinez

    Después de la declaración de guerra del Dr. Drum, Ary & Cronos continúan sus aventuras y descubren la existencia de una raza milenaria que habita dentro de ellos, pero aún nos queda la duda ¿Quien es Drum?

  • av Daniel Volozov

    WHEN PEOPLE WERE TRAMS tells a story about a young man living in Los Angeles who is obsessed with searching for understanding the nature of Time while going through different experiences his life is taking him through: jail, rehab, mental hospital ...friends true and false...each moment teaches him something unexpected about the Time...the closer he is to catching the meaning, the stranger the reality around him becomes... but at the end the value of Love and Compassion over everything else id being revealed to him.

  • av Tatiana Gill

    Diary comics detailing the author's daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic. A graphic memoir featuring lockdown, isolation, wildfire smoke, unhealthy coping mechanisms, depression, apocalypse fears, and small moments of joy.

  • av Augustus Boarsblood

    Follow Borty, also known as Crookless, a young man trying to reconcile his old-world upbringing with a new-world perspective. Watch as he struggles with the assumptions of his family's legacy within the city of Lodi - and how he questions and rebels against them. But he is not alone. His Godfather, an old man called Lopt, attempts to guide his young charge through the pitfalls of a new future. Can the Old Man be trusted? What are his motives? And just how did he happen upon his protégé on that particular day? Old Man Lopt discusses the inherent difficulties in trusting "truths" offered by authors, narrators, and characters - the problems their perspectives have on the actual fashioning of stories. Set within the background of technological progress and development, the characters learn how to adapt by either accepting inevitability... or fighting against it. This offers a literary critique of the stereotypical tropes found in popular culture, literature, and other media. Through the characters' actions and ideas, we are given insights into why certain tropes still exist... and why others are overused to the point of losing their original meaning and intent.

  • - Art Concepts Vol.1
    av Published Ya Broadcasting Ltd

    Loyal Gargoyle: Vol.1 - Concept Art (from the YouTube Mini-Series) Assembling concept art from the first season of your YouTube mini-series into a picture book is a great way to showcase the artistic talent and world-building that went into creating "Loyal Gargoyle." This book will be a treat for both existing fans of the series and newcomers interested in exploring the visual elements that brought your show to life. Concept art books are beloved by many, as they provide unique insights into the creative process and offer a behind-the-scenes look at the imaginative world of a show or movie. The decision to focus solely on concept art makes this book stand out, as it lets the artwork speak for itself and allows readers to marvel at the designs, characters, and environments that shaped "Loyal Gargoyle."- Jerry M Thorpe

  • av Emilia Pacheco
    1 090,-

    En las páginas de este relato, se despliega una historia de coraje y autenticidad que resuena con la fuerza de aquellos que han decidido revelar su verdadero ser al mundo. "El Valor de Ser Auténtico (LGBT)" es un viaje íntimo a través de experiencias de individuos que, con valentía, han desafiado las expectativas sociales y han abrazado la verdad de su identidad.Cada capítulo en este relato es una ventana a los momentos cruciales en los que la autenticidad se convierte en una manifestación de resistencia y amor propio. Desde las primeras chispas de autoaceptación hasta la llama fulgurante de vivir en autenticidad, cada etapa es un recordatorio de que el valor de ser auténtico no solo es un acto individual, sino también una contribución a la diversidad de la experiencia humana.Las páginas de este relato desvelan encuentros apasionados, desafíos superados con gracia y la formación de conexiones significativas en un mundo que, paso a paso, se transforma hacia la aceptación y el respeto. "El Valor de Ser Auténtico (LGBT)" es un himno a la resiliencia y una celebración de la belleza intrínseca de aquellos que se atreven a ser diferentes.Este relato va más allá de las etiquetas y estereotipos, destacando que el verdadero valor radica en la capacidad de uno mismo para ser fiel a su esencia. Es un testimonio de que, al abrazar la autenticidad, no solo se construye un camino personal de autorreconocimiento, sino que también se contribuye a la creación de un mundo donde cada ser humano puede florecer sin miedo a ser juzgado."El Valor de Ser Auténtico (LGBT)" es una invitación a reconocer y celebrar la diversidad que existe en cada individuo, recordándonos que la autenticidad no solo es un acto de valentía, sino también una luz que guía hacia la verdadera libertad y conexión humana.

  • av Tàmmaro Verratti
    1 166,-

    "Scelte di Libertà" è un viaggio intrapreso con coraggio attraverso il labirinto delle scelte e delle passioni nella comunità LGBT. In questa coinvolgente narrazione, i protagonisti si trovano di fronte a crocevia significativi, dove le decisioni diventano manifestazioni di libertà individuale. Attraverso una prosa avvincente e riflessiva, la storia esplora il coraggio di abbracciare la propria autenticità e la bellezza che scaturisce dalla libertà di amare senza confini. "Scelte di Libertà" non è solo un inno alla diversità e all'inclusività, ma anche un invito a riflettere sul potere trasformativo delle scelte che plasmano il nostro cammino. La narrazione celebra il coraggio di sfidare le convenzioni, di seguire il cuore e di perseguire una vita che risuona autenticità. Un racconto coinvolgente che ispira a scegliere la libertà, a vivere senza rimpianti e a scoprire la gioia di essere veramente se stessi.

  • av Selvaggia Moretti
    1 166,-

    "Ritrovare l'Amore" è un coinvolgente viaggio emotivo attraverso il labirinto delle relazioni e delle scoperte personali all'interno della comunità LGBT. In questa toccante narrazione, i protagonisti si immergono coraggiosamente nella ricerca di se stessi e dell'amore autentico, affrontando sfide e rivelazioni che plasmano il loro percorso. Attraverso una prosa avvolgente e riflessiva, la storia esplora il processo di ritrovare l'amore, sia dentro di sé che nelle relazioni con gli altri. "Ritrovare l'Amore" non è solo una celebrazione della diversità delle esperienze romantiche, ma anche un inno alla forza interiore che guida il cammino verso la felicità. La narrazione rivela come, attraverso la crescita personale e la sincerità nei confronti di sé stessi, sia possibile ritrovare l'amore inaspettato e prezioso. Un racconto appassionante che ispira alla ricerca continua della verità, dell'accettazione e della gioia di amare e essere amati.

  • av Alfonsi
    1 166,-

    "Ritorno alla Felicità" è un commovente viaggio di autenticità e rinascita all'interno della comunità LGBT. In questa toccante narrazione, i protagonisti affrontano le sfide della vita con coraggio, intraprendendo un percorso di autoesplorazione e riscoperta personale. Attraverso una prosa delicata e coinvolgente, la storia dipana il ritorno alla felicità come un intricato intreccio di sfide superate, relazioni ritrovate e momenti di autentica gioia. "Ritorno alla Felicità" è un inno alla resilienza e alla forza interiore che permette di superare le avversità, abbracciando la verità di sé stessi e cercando la felicità con determinazione. La narrazione invita i lettori a credere che, anche nelle circostanze più difficili, esista la possibilità di ritrovare la luce della felicità attraverso la sincerità, l'amore e la riscoperta di un sé autentico. Un racconto coinvolgente che ispira a credere nei propri poteri di guarigione e a intraprendere il viaggio verso una vita più appagante e autentica.

  • av Jeremiah Cometa
    1 186,-

    En las páginas de este intrigante relato, se desentraña el enigma fascinante que yace en el corazón de la identidad LGBT. "El Misterio de la Identidad" nos sumerge en una travesía donde cada capítulo revela las complejidades, los descubrimientos y las celebraciones que conforman el tejido misterioso de ser auténtico en un mundo diverso.Cada página es una pista que conduce a la comprensión más profunda de sí mismo, desde los primeros destellos de autoexploración hasta la revelación completa de la autenticidad. El misterio se devela en encuentros apasionados, desafíos que son superados con valentía y la formación de conexiones que trascienden las etiquetas predefinidas.A través de la narrativa, los protagonistas exploran los recovecos de su identidad, revelando secretos ocultos en los pliegues de la autoaceptación. "El Misterio de la Identidad (LGBT)" destaca que cada individuo es un enigma único, y la verdadera belleza reside en la exploración constante de las capas que conforman la esencia de uno mismo.Las páginas de este relato son como pistas que conducen al descubrimiento personal y a la comprensión de que, aunque el misterio de la identidad puede ser desafiante, también es un viaje gratificante hacia la autenticidad. En este misterio, la diversidad se convierte en la clave que desbloquea la verdadera riqueza de la experiencia humana."El Misterio de la Identidad (LGBT)" es un recordatorio de que cada individuo es un rompecabezas único y hermoso, contribuyendo a la narrativa universal de la diversidad humana. A medida que se resuelve el misterio, se revela la verdadera esencia de ser uno mismo, un proceso de autodescubrimiento que es valioso, enigmático y profundamente liberador.

  • av Rebecca Veneracion
    1 260,-

    Entre las páginas de este relato cautivador, se desvela el secreto más preciado y liberador: el poder transformador de la aceptación. "El Secreto de la Aceptación (LGBT)" nos invita a explorar historias íntimas de individuos que han descubierto, con valentía y vulnerabilidad, el misterioso arte de aceptarse a sí mismos en un mundo que a veces parece resistente al cambio.Cada capítulo en esta narrativa revela el proceso de desentrañar las capas de la autoaceptación, desde los momentos iniciales de autoexploración hasta la plenitud de vivir auténticamente. Este relato no solo aborda la aceptación de la identidad LGBT, sino también la aceptación universal de la diversidad humana y la riqueza que emana de vivir en armonía con uno mismo.A lo largo de estas páginas, los protagonistas enfrentan sus miedos y desafíos, iluminando un camino de autodescubrimiento y amor propio. "El Secreto de la Aceptación (LGBT)" destaca que, al liberar el secreto de aceptarse a uno mismo, se desata una fuerza que puede transformar no solo la vida de aquellos que lo descubren, sino también la percepción del mundo que los rodea.Este relato es un testimonio de la belleza que se encuentra en la autenticidad y el valor de abrazar cada aspecto único de la identidad. A través de encuentros sinceros y decisiones valientes, los personajes descubren que el verdadero secreto de la aceptación es un viaje continuo, pero también un regalo que brinda paz, liberación y conexión genuina con el corazón humano."El Secreto de la Aceptación (LGBT)" es una puerta abierta hacia la comprensión y la empatía, recordándonos que, al descifrar este secreto, no solo nos liberamos a nosotros mismos, sino que también contribuimos a construir un mundo más compasivo y acogedor para todos.

  • - A Knights of New Avalon Story
    av Rusty Miller

    For more than a decade, the people of New Avalon have been protected by the White Knight - a mysterious cloaked figure with seemingly otherworldly abilities. A hero to many, White Knight is a beacon of light in a dark industrial city teaming with secrets and treachery. Now, a young man determined to fight alongside the mysterious vigilante will pull his best friend into a world of danger and extraordinary secrets. Journey with St. John and A.J. as they unravel secrets of the past in search of their future. In a world where superheroes are relegated to fiction and pop culture, who are the Knights of New Avalon? Written as an homage to the Saturday morning cartoons and sci-fi action-adventure shows of the 80s and 90s that he grew up with, Rusty Miller brings a fun, edgy, and brash twist to traditional cape and cowl stories.

  • - Coloring Book
    av Midnight Showcase

    Enchanted Reams - Fairy Coloring Book is a delightful collection of fairy-themed images for you to color. Fairies are magical creatures that live in the forests and gardens of our world, and in Enchanted Reams you will find them among the flowers and frolicking in the moonlight. This coloring book is sure to bring you hours of enjoyment, relaxation, and creative expression. So let your imagination take flight and enter the enchanting world of fairies!

  • - Coloring Book
    av Midnight Showcase

    This coloring book is filled with fairies that will take you on a magical journey. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced colorist, you will find something to challenge you on these pages. With intricate designs and beautiful details, Enchanted Dreams - Fairy Coloring Book is sure to become a treasured addition to your collection.

  • av Midnight Showcase

    Welcome to Steam Punk Fantasy, a unique and exciting coloring adventure. This book has over 60 pages of detailed and beautiful steampunk scenery for you to color. Whether you are a steampunk enthusiast or simply enjoy coloring, this book is sure to please. So grab your favorite colored pencils or markers and get ready to explore the steampunk world!

  • av Midnight Showcase

    Welcome to Steam Punk World, a unique and exciting coloring adventure. This book has over 60 pages of detailed and beautiful steampunk scenery for you to color. Whether you are a steampunk enthusiast or simply enjoy coloring, this book is sure to please. So grab your favorite colored pencils or markers and get ready to explore the steampunk world!

  • av Lor Dn

    Synopsis: This is a semi-fantastical story based on the famous sinking of the Titanic. After the disaster, Captain Smith embarks on a series of thrilling and mysterious adventures that test his bravery, intelligence, and ability to rally all available resources to fight evil forces and ultimately defeatdemons, all in the name of protecting world pea

  • - Coloring Book
    av Midnight Showcase

    This coloring book is filled with fun and whimsical dragons! Each page is detailed and waiting to be filled with color. Children and adults alike will enjoy spending time coloring these delightful creatures. Let your imagination run wild as you bring these dragons to life with color!

  • - Baby Robot Coloring Book
    av Midnight Showcase

    This coloring book is full of miniature machines that are sure to please your child. Each page is brimming with baby robots in all sorts of adorable poses. Whether they are engaged in everyday activities or exploring their world, these little machines are sure to bring a smile to your child's face. With over 60 pages to color, your child will have hours of fun with this coloring book.

  • av Midnight Showcase

    In the vast and mysterious world of The Forest, there are many spirits that protect and guide the creatures that live there. Some are benevolent and some are malevolent, but all are incredibly powerful. This book will explore the different types of forest spirits.

  • av Midnight Showcase

    If you're looking for a coloring book with a difference, then you need Snow Elf's Coloring Book. This book is packed with intricate patterns and detailed designs that will challenge and inspire you. Whether you're an experienced colorist or a beginner, you'll find something to enjoy in this book. With stunning illustrations of fairies, Snow Elf's Coloring Book is sure to please anyone who loves to color.

  • - Coloring Pages of Magical Animals
    av Midnight Showcase

    In this coloring book, you will find pages of magical animals to color. Each animal has been carefully hand-drawn and is waiting to be brought to life by you! This book is perfect for artists of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or a master colorist, you'll find hours of enjoyment in adding your own personal touch to these one-of-a-kind creatures. So grab your favorite coloring supplies and let your imagination run wild as you color your way through this Mythical Menagerie!

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