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Leonid Strakovskiy - former Muscovite, physicist. Author of over 50 scientific papers in the field of chemical physics, including a book published in the USA. Along with scientific works, he published several stories and articles in various periodicals. This book contains stories and articles based on the author's personal experience in the USSR and the USA. Using the example of his family, starting with his grandfather Abram, Leonid describes the life of the Jews in anti-Semitic Russia and the USSR: poverty and pogroms, war and the Holocaust, insults and bullying, difficulties in finding employment. Even at the age of a child, the author felt the fear of parents when the "fight against cosmopolitanism" grew into a deadly threat of deportation for all Jews. He witnessed the collapse of the USSR and the economic disasters that followed. As a former "refusenik", the author describes the complex process of obtaining permission to move to USA. Here he worked at 9 enterprises, on the tragic day of September 11, Leonid was only half a mile from the World Trade Center. Despite the diversity of the events described, all the notes presented are united by love for his people, a sense of national pride. The author writes that honor and human dignity are essential components of life, without which any material well-being cannot bring peace and happiness to a person. The book is permeated with concern for the fate of the Jews and all mankind. At the same time, the author expresses the hope that as long as humanity retains the moral values given by the Bible, the forces of Good will overcome Evil.