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    沖擊現代運動-太極勁秘傳(趙堡架) 稿册原名「勁法威力」。勁法威力勁太極,運動精英跑跳碰! 「勁」是古典太極所描寫的內功力量,使領教過的人印像深刻,以現代語言解釋,是指两腿肌肉發動體重的力量。「法」是指駕駛技巧,把體重沿關節軌道駛入立體空間,使來犯者一觸即發、應手即飛。「勁」就如氣車的內燃機,「法」則是駕駛體重的方法。 没有受過正式勁法訓練的運動員、武者和百姓的運動,均容易錯傷筋腱。勁法的沖擊力,取決於動量三因子,姿勢發勁的威力,起始於高勢能的軌道位置。「定式發勁」以粘黏保持等速,是趣味挑戰兼備的現代內功運動,適合在學、在職和退休的各年齡層,比拼活步黐手時槓桿運發技巧於不動形影中,當中科學現像,耐人尋味,功力深厚。定式既是比賽形式,亦是訓練方法,能有效提升站行踏、跑跳踫的基礎運動效益,探索個人體能的致高境界,與運動愛好者齊步蹬峰。

  • av Hon-Wai Hui, Maria Valtorta, &#35377, m.fl.

    ΓÇ╗σ¢╛Σ╣ªτ«ÇΣ╗ïΓÇ╗ πÇɵêæΦºüµêæΘù╗τÜäτªÅΘƒ│πÇæµÿ»Σ╕ÇσÑùτªÅΘƒ│τÑ₧Φºåσ╜òπÇéµá⌐µá⌐σªéτöƒτÜäµâàΦèé∩╝îΦâ╜σ╕ªΘóåΦ»╗ΦÇàΦ║½σÄåσà╢σóâ∩╝îσÅéΣ╕Äσ«ùσ╛ÆΣ╗¼Σ╕ÇΦ╡╖Φ┐╜ΘÜÅΦÇ╢τ¿úτÜäΦè│Φ╕¬∩╝üΣ╣ªΣ╕¡µÅÅΦ┐░ΦÇ╢τ¿úσ£¿σ£░Σ╕èτÜäτöƒµ┤╗πÇéµ╢╡τ¢ûτÜäΦîâσ¢┤σîàµï¼∩╝Üσ£úµ»ìτÄ¢σê⌐Σ║ÜτÜäσç║τöƒΣ╕ĵêÉΘò┐ΓåÆΦÇ╢τ¿úτÜäΦ»₧τöƒΓåÆτ½Ñσ╣┤τöƒµ┤╗ΓåÆΣ╕ëσ╣┤σ«úµòÖΓåÆσÅùΘÜ╛σ£úµ¡╗ΓåÆΦÇ╢τ¿úσñìµ┤╗σìçσñ⌐ΓåÆσ£úτÑ₧ΘÖìΣ╕┤ΓåÆσꥵ£ƒµòÖΣ╝ÜΓåÆσ£úµ»ìΦÆÖσżσìçσñ⌐τ¡ë∩╝îτè╣σªéτö╡σ╜▒Φê¼µ╕àµÖ░σ£░σæêτÄ░σ£¿τ£╝σëì∩╝ü Σ╜£ΦÇàσìÄσñÜΦ╛╛σÑ│Σ╗ò∩╝îσ£¿1944∩╜₧1947σ╣┤Θù┤∩╝îΦÇ╢τ¿úΣ║▓Φç¬σÉ»τñ║τ╗ÖσÑ╣∩╝îΦ«⌐σÑ╣"τ£ïΦºü" τªÅΘƒ│σà¿Θâ¿τÜäΘ¥óΦ▓îπÇéΦÇ╢τ¿úσ╣╢Σ╕öΦªüµ▒éσìÄσñÜΦ╛╛Φ»ªτ╗åΦ«░σ╜òµëÇΦºüµëÇΘù╗τÜäτªÅΘƒ│∩╝îΣ╗ÑΣ╛¢Σ╕ûΣ║║ΘÿàΦ»╗πÇéτ¢┤σê░τ¢«σëìΣ╕║µ¡ó∩╝ñσÑùµäÅσñºσê⌐σăµûçσìüσåîτÜäτªÅΘƒ│τÑ₧Φºåσ╜ò∩╝îσ╖▓Φó½τ┐╗Φ»æµêÉΣ║îσìüσñÜσ¢╜Φ»¡Φ¿ÇπÇé ΦÇîµòÖΣ╝ÜτÜäΣ╕ÇΣ║¢µáçτ½┐Σ║║τë⌐σ»╣µ¡ñΣ╣ªτÜäΦ»äΣ╗╖∩╝Ü σìÄσñÜΦ╛╛σ╜ôΣ╗úµòÖσ«ùτóºσ▓│σìüΣ║îΣ╕û∩╝îΦ»┤∩╝ÜπÇîΦªüΣ╛¥τàºσìÄσñÜΦ╛╛ΦæùΣ╜£τÜäσăΦ▓îσç║τëê...Φ░üΦ»╗Σ║å∩╝îΦç¬Σ╝ÜτƒÑµéëπÇéπÇì Σ╕¡µûçσñ⌐Σ╕╗µòÖσ£úτ╗ÅµÇ¥Θ½ÿτëêτÜäµÄ¿µëïσÅèΣ╕╗Φªüτ┐╗Φ»æσèƒΦçú∩╝î"τ£ƒτªÅ"Θ¢╖µ░╕µÿÄτÑ₧τê╢∩╝îσ»╣σìÄσñÜΦ╛╛τÜäΦæùΣ╜£Σ╣ƒµÄ¿σ┤çσñçΦç│∩╝îΣ╗ûΦ»┤∩╝ÜπÇîσñ⌐Σ╕╗τÜäµëïµîçσ£¿Φ┐ÖΘçî∩╝üπÇì Σ║öΣ╝ñσ£úτóºσÑÑτÑ₧τê╢µ¢╛σ»╣Σ╗ûΦ╛àσ»╝τÜäµòÖσÅï Elisa Lucchi Φ»┤ ∩╝ÜπÇîµêæσ╣╢Θ¥₧σ╗║Φ««∩╝îΦÇîµÿ»µêæσæ╜Σ╗ñσª│∩╝îΘÿàΦ»╗σìÄσñÜΦ╛╛τÜäΦæùΣ╜£πÇéπÇì τ╜ùΦÑ┐σ░╝τÑ₧τê╢(Fr. Gabriel Roschini) µÿ»τ╜ùΘ⌐¼σ«ùσ║ºµïëτë╣µ£ùσñºσ¡ªΣ╕ÇΣ╜ìΦ╡½Φ╡½µ£ëσÉìτÜäµòÖµÄê∩╝îΣ╗ûµ£¼Σ║║µÆ░σåÖΦ┐ç130µ£¼σ£úµ»ìσ¡ªτÜäΣ╣ª∩╝îσì┤Φ░ªΦÖÜσ£░Φí¿τñ║∩╝ܵèèΣ╗ûµëÇτáöΦ»╗Φ┐çτÜäτ╗ƒτ╗ƒσèáΦ╡╖µ¥Ñ∩╝îΣ╣ƒµ»öΣ╕ìΣ╕èσìÄσñÜΦ╛╛τ¼öΣ╕ïµëǵÅÅσåÖτÜäσ£úµ»ìΘéúΣ╣êτöƒσè¿Σ╝áτÑ₧∩╝ü The main work among Maria Valtorta''s writings is entitledπÇÉThe Gospel As Revealed to MeπÇæ. The original language was Italian and has been published in ten volumes . It narrates, in a form of "vision" , the birth and childhood of Mary and her Son JesusΓåÆ the three years of Jesus'' public lifeΓåÆHis passion, death, resurrection, and ascensionΓåÆthe beginnings of the ChurchΓåÆand the assumption of Mary, as if one is watching a movie. In 1944∩╜₧1947, the author, Maria Valtorta, received the revelation directly from Jesus Christ Himself, which enabled her to "see" the gospel in vision. Jesus asked her to write down everything she "saw" in details, so that the world may read it and hence understand the gospel in content. Up to the moment, the Italian masterpiece has been translated into more than 20 languages. And this Chinese version is one of them. Now, let''s see what the outstanding personalities of the church said about∩╝Ü The contemporary Pope Pius XII said on 1984 February 26∩╝ÜπÇîPublish this work as it is. There is no need to give an opinion about its origin, whether it be extraordinary or not. Who reads it will understand.πÇì Renowned Bible Scholar, the Blessed Fr. Gabriel M. Allegra, a Franciscan missionary who is highly revered by Chinese Catholics for being the very first to translate the entire Catholic Bible into Chinese, was beatified on September 29, 2012 by Pope John Paul II∩╝î said∩╝ÜπÇîThe finger of God is here.πÇì Saint Padre Pio da Pietralcina said to a spiritual daughter, Elisa Lucchi, about Valtorta''s writings. πÇîI don''t advise you ---I "order" you to read them∩╝ü. πÇì    Fr. Gabriel Roschini, a distinguished Mariologist and professor, who himself has written 130 books on the topic, humbly said∩╝ÜπÇîeven if I put all my writings together, is still inferior to that of Valtorta''s in terms of vividness. πÇì

  • av Hon-Wai Hui, Maria Valtorta, &#35377, m.fl.

    πÇɵêæΦªïµêæΦü₧τÜäτªÅΘƒ│πÇæµÿ»Σ╕ÇσÑùτªÅΘƒ│τÑ₧ΦªûΘîäπÇéµá⌐µá⌐σªéτöƒτÜäµâàτ»Ç∩╝îΦâ╜σ╕╢ΘáÿΦ«ÇΦÇàΦ║½µ¡╖σà╢σóâ∩╝îσÅâΦêçσ«ùσ╛ÆσÇæΣ╕ÇΦ╡╖Φ┐╜ΘÜ¿ΦÇ╢τ⌐îτÜäΦè│Φ╣ñ∩╝üµ¢╕Σ╕¡µÅÅΦ┐░ΦÇ╢τ⌐îσ£¿σ£░Σ╕èτÜäτöƒµ┤╗πÇéµ╢╡ΦôïτÜäτ»äσ£ìσîàµï¼∩╝ÜΦüûµ»ìτæ¬σê⌐Σ║₧τÜäσç║τöƒΦêçµêÉΘò╖ΓåÆΦÇ╢τ⌐îτÜäΦ¬òτöƒΓåÆτ½Ñσ╣┤τöƒµ┤╗ΓåÆΣ╕ëσ╣┤σ«úµòÖΓåÆσÅùΘ¢úΦüûµ¡╗ΓåÆΦÇ╢τ⌐îσ╛⌐µ┤╗σìçσñ⌐ΓåÆΦüûτÑ₧ΘÖìΦç¿ΓåÆσꥵ£ƒµòÖµ£âΓåÆΦüûµ»ìΦÆÖσżσìçσñ⌐τ¡ë∩╝îτî╢σªéΘ¢╗σ╜▒Φê¼µ╕àµÖ░σ£░σæêτÅ╛σ£¿τ£╝σëì∩╝ü Σ╜£ΦÇàΦÅ»σñÜΘüöσÑ│Σ╗ò∩╝îσ£¿1944∩╜₧1947σ╣┤Θûô∩╝îΦÇ╢τ⌐îΦª¬Φç¬σòƒτñ║τ╡ªσÑ╣∩╝îΦ«ôσÑ╣"τ£ïΦªï" τªÅΘƒ│σà¿Θâ¿τÜäΘ¥óΦ▓îπÇéΦÇ╢τ⌐îΣ╕ªΣ╕öΦªüµ▒éΦÅ»σñÜΘüöΦ⌐│τ┤░Φ¿ÿΘîäµëÇΦªïµëÇΦü₧τÜäτªÅΘƒ│∩╝îΣ╗ÑΣ╛¢Σ╕ûΣ║║Θû▒Φ«ÇπÇéτ¢┤σê░τ¢«σëìτé║µ¡ó∩╝ñσÑùτ╛⌐σñºσê⌐σăµûçσìüσåèτÜäτªÅΘƒ│τÑ₧ΦªûΘîä∩╝îσ╖▓Φó½τ┐╗Φ¡»µêÉΣ║îσìüσñÜσ£ïΦ¬₧Φ¿ÇπÇé ΦÇîµòÖµ£âτÜäΣ╕ÇΣ║¢µ¿Öτ½┐Σ║║τë⌐σ░쵡ñµ¢╕τÜäΦ⌐òσâ╣∩╝Ü ΦÅ»σñÜΘüöτò╢Σ╗úµòÖσ«ùτóºσ▓│σìüΣ║îΣ╕û∩╝îΦ¬¬∩╝ÜπÇîΦªüΣ╛¥τàºΦÅ»σñÜΘüöΦæùΣ╜£τÜäσăΦ▓îσç║τëê...Φ¬░Φ«ÇΣ║å∩╝îΦ笵£âτƒÑµéëπÇéπÇì Σ╕¡µûçσñ⌐Σ╕╗µòÖΦüûτ╢ôµÇ¥Θ½ÿτëêτÜäµÄ¿µëïσÅèΣ╕╗Φªüτ┐╗Φ¡»σèƒΦçú∩╝î"τ£ƒτªÅ"Θ¢╖µ░╕µÿÄτÑ₧τê╢∩╝îσ░ìΦÅ»σñÜΘüöτÜäΦæùΣ╜£Σ╣ƒµÄ¿σ┤çσéÖΦç│∩╝îΣ╗ûΦ¬¬∩╝ÜπÇîσñ⌐Σ╕╗τÜäµëïµîçσ£¿ΘÇÖΦúí∩╝üπÇì Σ║öσé╖ΦüûτóºσѺτÑ₧τê╢µ¢╛σ░ìΣ╗ûΦ╝öσ░ÄτÜäµòÖσÅï Elisa Lucchi Φ¬¬ ∩╝ÜπÇîµêæΣ╕ªΘ¥₧σ╗║Φ¡░∩╝îΦÇîµÿ»µêæσæ╜Σ╗ñσª│∩╝îΘû▒Φ«ÇΦÅ»σñÜΘüöτÜäΦæùΣ╜£πÇéπÇì τ╛àΦÑ┐σ░╝τÑ₧τê╢(Fr. Gabriel Roschini) µÿ»τ╛àΘª¼σ«ùσ║ºµïëτë╣µ£ùσñºσ¡╕Σ╕ÇΣ╜ìΦ╡½Φ╡½µ£ëσÉìτÜäµòÖµÄê∩╝îΣ╗ûµ£¼Σ║║µÆ░σ»½ΘüÄ130µ£¼Φüûµ»ìσ¡╕τÜäµ¢╕∩╝îσì╗Φ¼ÖΦÖ¢σ£░Φí¿τñ║∩╝ܵèèΣ╗ûµëÇτáöΦ«ÇΘüÄτÜäτ╡▒τ╡▒σèáΦ╡╖Σ╛å∩╝îΣ╣ƒµ»öΣ╕ìΣ╕èΦÅ»σñÜΘüöτ¡åΣ╕ïµëǵÅÅσ»½τÜäΦüûµ»ìΘéúΘ║╝τöƒσïòσé│τÑ₧∩╝ü The main work among Maria Valtorta''s writings is entitledπÇÉThe Gospel As Revealed to MeπÇæ. The original language was Italian and has been published in ten volumes . It narrates, in a form of "vision" , the birth and childhood of Mary and her Son JesusΓåÆ the three years of Jesus'' public lifeΓåÆHis passion, death, resurrection, and ascensionΓåÆthe beginnings of the ChurchΓåÆand the assumption of Mary, as if one is watching a movie. In 1944∩╜₧1947, the author, Maria Valtorta, received the revelation directly from Jesus Christ Himself, which enabled her to "see" the gospel in vision. Jesus asked her to write down everything she "saw" in details, so that the world may read it and hence understand the gospel in content. Up to the moment, the Italian masterpiece has been translated into more than 20 languages. And this Chinese version is one of them. Now, let''s see what the outstanding personalities of the church said about∩╝Ü The contemporary Pope Pius XII said on 1984 February 26∩╝ÜπÇîPublish this work as it is. There is no need to give an opinion about its origin, whether it be extraordinary or not. Who reads it will understand.πÇì Renowned Bible Scholar, the Blessed Fr. Gabriel M. Allegra, a Franciscan missionary who is highly revered by Chinese Catholics for being the very first to translate the entire Catholic Bible into Chinese, was beatified on September 29, 2012 by Pope John Paul II∩╝î said∩╝ÜπÇîThe finger of God is here.πÇì Saint Padre Pio da Pietralcina said to a spiritual daughter, Elisa Lucchi, about Valtorta''s writings. πÇîI don''t advise you ---I "order" you to read them∩╝ü. πÇì    Fr. Gabriel Roschini, a distinguished Mariologist and professor, who himself has written 130 books on the topic, humbly said∩╝ÜπÇîeven if I put all my writings together, is still inferior to that of Valtorta''s in terms of vividness. πÇì

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