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Böcker av Abdul Aziz Al-Tarifi

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  • av Abdul Aziz Al-Tarifi

    Chapter 1 Islam is the religion of all prophets and the true and everlasting religion.Chapter 2 Interpretation of Islam: What is in God's book may be interpreted onlythrough the Sunnah, the understanding of the Prophet's companions andanalogy with these.Chapter 3 The right owed to God by His servants: Unbelievers incur punishment inhell but this does not negate granting them bene¿¿¿¿ts in this life.Chapter 4 Faith, disbelief and hypocrisy: Which property enjoys sanctity? - Who isconsidered unbeliever? - The status of ignorant people whether deliberatelyor by inability.Chapter 5 The nature of faith: What is faith? - Faith may increase or decrease. -What proves it and who has excuses.Chapter 6 God's names and attributes: Their con¿¿¿¿rmation or negation. - God's will.- Are His attributes comparable with those of others?Chapter 7 God's words and the Qur'an: The Qur'an is His word, whether spoken orwritten. - The ruling regarding anyone who claims that it is a creature.Chapter 8 The nature of religious truth: The relation between religious text andreason.Chapter 9 God's legislation for religion and life: Both are the same. - God's law issuited for all generations. - Deduction of rulings is only in cases whereno religious text applies.Chapter 10 God's determination of destiny: His will and cause and effect.Chapter 11 The inevitability of death: Resurrection, reckoning, reward and punishment,and other matters related to the life to come.Chapter 12 The Muslim community: Its leader and the obedience due to him. - Conditionsof his authority and the ruling regarding rebellion. - What is dueto him from his people and the place of scholars.Chapter 13 Jihad: Its types and conditions. - Intention and obedience of the leader ofthe Muslim community.Chapter 14 The status of the Prophet's companions and their distinction: The best ofthem and the consequences of speaking ill of them. - How to regard theirdisagreements.Chapter 15 Who may be ruled as unbeliever and on what basis: The claim that aparticular person will be in heaven or hell.Chapter 16 Servitude and the nature and extent of freedom.

  • av Abdul Aziz Al-Tarifi

    All Prophets and Messengers were sentwith one Message. God says:"Or have they taken gods besides Him?Say, [O Muhammad to them], 'Produceyour proof. This [Qur'an] is the messagefor those with me and the message ofTHE GREATPROPHETSOF GODthose before me.' But most of them donot know the truth, so they are turningaway. And We sent not before you anymessenger except that We revealed tohim that, 'There is no deity except Me,so worship Me.'" (Qur'an 21:24-25)The belief in the Oneness of God wasthe central message delivered by allProphets and Messengers to theirrespective peoples. God, the Exalted,says:"He has ordained for you of religionwhat He enjoined upon Noah and thatwhich We have revealed to you, [OMuhammad], and what We enjoinedupon Abraham and Moses and Jesus -to establish the religion and not bedivided therein. Difficult for those whoassociate others with Allah is that towhich you invite them. Allah chooses forHimself whom He wills and guides toHimself whoever turns back [to Him]."(Qur'an 42:13)

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