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Böcker av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

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  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Unmasking the Machine: How AI Bias Threatens Us AllCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM "Unmasking the Machine: How AI Bias Threatens Us All" is a thought-provoking exploration of the pervasive issue of bias within AI systems. The book delves into the ways in which bias infiltrates AI, from the data it processes to the decisions it makes, and the profound real-world impact this can have. Whether it's in criminal justice, hiring practices, or healthcare, biased AI can perpetuate inequalities with far-reaching consequences.However, the book offers hope and empowerment by equipping readers with the knowledge to identify and combat bias in AI systems. It delves into techniques for cleansing data, developing fairer algorithms, and implementing responsible AI practices. Furthermore, it navigates the complex interplay of policy, regulation, and education, envisioning a future where AI serves as a force for good rather than perpetuating inequalities.The book is structured around several key themes, including the nature and impact of AI bias, strategies for mitigating bias, and a call for transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI systems. Through compelling insights and practical guidance, "Unmasking the Machine" aims to shed light on the perils of untamed AI and advocates for building a more just future, one algorithm at a time.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Doubling Down on AI: A Two-Pronged Approach to Mitigate Risks and Maximize BenefitsUnderstanding the Proposed AI ActCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The specter of AI looms large, promising both revolutionary advancements and unsettling societal shifts. While the EU's recent AI regulation attempts to steer innovation down a responsible path, potential pitfalls like rising inequality and mass unemployment threaten to cast a long shadow. This book proposes a two-pronged approach to both mitigate these risks and maximize AI's benefits: inequality insurance and unemployment mitigation strategies. The first prong, inequality insurance, envisions dynamic tax adjustments that redistribute wealth as AI disrupts income distribution. This not only prevents wealth from becoming concentrated in the hands of a few, but also provides flexibility for future governments and resonates with voters' moral principles. However, concerns regarding political feasibility, disincentives to work at high tax rates, and limitations in extreme cases of inequality must be addressed. The second prong tackles the specter of AI-driven unemployment by exploring options like guaranteed minimum income, subsidized wages, and adjusted corporate taxes. Each option carries its own pros and cons, demanding careful consideration of effectiveness, funding feasibility, and public acceptance. Importantly, inequality insurance itself can generate revenue through its dynamic tax system,potentially funding unemployment mitigation programs and reducing reliance on alternative sources. In conclusion, embracing a proactive two-pronged approach is crucial for navigating the promise and peril of AI. By mitigating its risks and maximizing its benefits, we can build a future where AI empowers a more equitable and secure society for all. The time for action is now, and this book offers a roadmap for policymakers to navigate the road ahead with purpose and foresight.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Eye on the Horizon: Discovery, Innovation, and AI in 2024CONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The book "Eye on the Horizon: Discovery, Innovation, and AI in 2024" by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam provides a comprehensive overview of the history, present, and future of artificial intelligence (AI). It delves into the early stirrings of AI, from ancient myths and philosophical discussions to the groundbreaking work of Alan Turing and the subsequent boom and bust of AI research. The book also explores the resurgence of AI in the 1990s, the deep learning revolution of the 21st century, and the promising future of AI in 2024 and beyond.Moreover, the book paints a vivid picture of a future where AI is deeply integrated into everyday life, driving economic revolutions, tackling global challenges, and redefining industries. It emphasizes the transformative power of AI in various sectors, from healthcare to climate solutions, and underscores the importance of responsible development, human-centered collaboration, and addressing ethical concerns. The book delves into specific industry applications, emerging trends and advancements in AI, as well as challenges and ethical considerations. It also highlights the importance of human-AI collaboration and leaves the audience with a sense of optimism and inspiration for the potential of AI to create a better future. Overall, the book invites further exploration of the thrilling possibilities and critical challenges that lie ahead in the coming decade of AI revolution.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    AI Tech Adaptation in 2024: Brace for a Transformative YearCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam "AI Tech Adaptation in 2024: Brace for a Transformative Year" is a forward-looking book that explores the integration of artificial intelligence into various aspects of our lives in the year 2024. The book discusses how AI will seamlessly optimize processes such as traffic flow and personalized learning, working behind the scenes to empower individuals without constant interaction.Moreover, it emphasizes the democratization of powerful AI tools, such as generative AI, which will enable individuals to engage in content creation and product development with the assistance of AI. The book also highlights the importance of human-AI collaboration, where AI handles repetitive tasks and data analysis, allowing humans to focus on creativity, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.The ethical considerations surrounding AI, including issues of bias, transparency, and accountability, are also addressed. The book suggests that proactive steps such as upskilling workforces, developing ethical AI frameworks, and embracing human-AI collaboration are essential to prepare for the AI wave.Overall, the book presents a vision of AI as a powerful tool that, if harnessed responsibly, can lead to an efficient, innovative, equitable, and beneficial future for all.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Technological Titans vs. The Human Spirit: The Epic Battle for ControlCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM In a world increasingly ruled by technological giants, "Technological Titans vs. The Human Spirit" dives into the epic battle for control between these powerful forces and the fundamental essence of humanity. This book, by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam, explores the consequences of our tech-dominated lives, asking crucial questions about:Big Tech's Growing Influence: How tech companies gather and weaponize personal data, influence social discourse, and shape our daily routines.Erosion of Privacy and Autonomy: The shrinking space for privacy in a world of constant surveillance and algorithmic manipulation.Technology's Double-Edged Sword: Examining both the potential for good (solving global challenges, empowering individuals) and the darker side of control and manipulation.Human Resistance: Highlighting individual and collective efforts to reclaim control, protect privacy, and hold tech giants accountable.Future Scenarios: Exploring potential paths this struggle might take and the choices we face in shaping it.Beyond these core themes, the book delves deeper with:Case studies, essays, and research: Providing concrete examples and evidence to support its arguments.Experiences, practices, and reports: Offering personal accounts and practical strategies for navigating the tech-infused world.Ethical considerations: Raising critical questions about balancing individual rights, ensuring transparency, preventing discrimination, and safeguarding against abuse.Ultimately, "Technological Titans vs. The Human Spirit" sheds light on the complex dance between technology and humanity, urging us to consider the profound implications of this relationship for our future. It's a call to action, prompting us to actively engage in shaping a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    The Human Edge in the AI Age: Risk Mitigation and Strategic CollaborationCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM "The Human Edge in the AI Age: Risk Mitigation and Strategic Collaboration" by Abebe Bard AI Woldemariam is an insightful exploration of the transformative landscape presented by the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The book offers a comprehensive framework for navigating this new era with caution and o`ptimism, emphasizing the need for strategic collaboration between humans and AI. It reframes the narrative from humans versus AI to a collaborative future, highlighting the potential for solving global challenges, building a more sustainable world, and creating a more equitable society. The book covers topics such as understanding the AI landscape and its challenges, risk mitigation strategies, and the importance of strategic collaboration. It also delves into the significance of leveraging human strengths, fostering human-AI partnerships, and promoting a shared vision for the future of AI. With a focus on acknowledging risks, implementing effective mitigation strategies, and fostering collaboration, the book aims to guide readers towards a shared future of prosperity and progress.Additionally, the book includes case studies, essays, literature, research, practices, experiences, trends and reports related to the subject matter.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Navigating the Nexus: AI, Ethics, and Ethiopian CultureCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM Weaving together ancient wisdom and cutting-edge technology, "Navigating the Nexus" explores how AI can be harnessed to empower Ethiopia, respecting its rich cultural tapestry. By embracing values like Ubuntu and Sankofa, the book guides us through ethical considerations, from data privacy to algorithmic fairness, ensuring AI serves the common good. It showcases AI applications tackling critical challenges in healthcare, education, and agriculture, while offering solutions to bridge infrastructure and expertise gaps. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of public trust and community engagement, paving the way for a future where AI thrives alongside a well-informed and empowered Ethiopian society.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    The TI Program: A Multi-Trillion Dollar Plot for Global Domination?CONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The book "The TI Program: A Multi-Trillion Dollar Plot for Global Domination" by Abebe- Bard AI Woldemariam is a comprehensive expose of the alleged "Targeted Individual (TI) Program," which the author claims is a covert initiative utilizing electronic and psychological warfare to target and harass innocent civilians. The author asserts that this program is part of a larger scheme to control the population and establish a totalitarian world.Key points highlighted in the book include the use of electronic surveillance, gangstalking, and psychological manipulation within the program, as well as the author's claims of its illegality and unconstitutionality. The author supports their assertions with various resources, including links to articles, videos, and other websites.The document presents a disturbing portrayal of a program targeting and harassing innocent civilians, claiming it to be a "multi-trillion dollar" operation using directed energy and neuro-weapons to harass, torture, manipulate, and eliminate targets. It alleges that this program is waged by various entities, including branches, intelligence agencies, police, private security contractors, organized crime, and civilian and religious groups.The book also delves into the psychological impact, purpose, and motivation behind the program, providing a critical analysis and unmasking what the author terms as a "silent war." Additionally, it includes case studies, essays, literature, research, experiences, and reports related to the subject matter.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Millions Targeted? Unpacking Unverified ClaimsCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The book "Millions Targeted? Unpacking Unverified Claims" by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam delves into a series of alarming claims alleging widespread surveillance and control, including the targeting of millions of people with microwave weapons, subliminal messages, and other technologies supposedly controlled from cell towers and satellites. The book presents supporting evidence, such as patents and a news article, but it lacks scientific rigor and heavily relies on anecdotal accounts. The conclusion emphasizes the need for further investigation and independent verification to assess the validity of these unsettling claims.The book includes sections on allegations of widespread surveillance and weaponization, controlling minds and manipulating the masses, program origins and evidence, and the necessity for independent verification and further investigation. It also features a dedication to the author's son and him, who have also been targeted by a neurological weapon.Overall, "Millions Targeted? Unpacking Unverified Claims" presents controversial and thought-provoking content, urging readers to critically evaluate the claims and seek independent verification. It also includes additional sections on case studies, essays, literature, research, practices, experiences, trends, and reports for further exploration.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Betting on AI's Future: A Promising, Yet Uncertain PathCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The world is abuzz with excitement about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). From revolutionizing industries to solving complex problems, AI's applications seem limitless. This has led many to view investing in AI as a surefire way to secure their future. Despite the undeniable potential of AI to revolutionize various fields, investing in its future is not without its risks. Careful consideration, thorough research, and diversified investments are crucial for navigating the uncertainty and reaping the potential rewards of this transformative technology. Particularly, the book "Betting on AI's Future: A Promising, Yet Uncertain Path" by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam explores the excitement and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) while also addressing the associated risks and challenges. It delves into the exponential growth of AI, its unprecedented capabilities, the investment boom in the global AI market, and its impact on daily life. The content provides a comprehensive exploration of the potential and risks of AI, offering readers a balanced view of the technology.Overall, "Betting on AI's Future: A Promising, Yet Uncertain Path" encourages careful consideration, thorough research, and diversified investments to navigate the uncertainty and reap the potential rewards of AI. It also includes additional resources for further exploration. By preparing for the future and making informed decisions, we can ensure that AI benefits all of humanity.Disclaimer:This book is a collaborative effort between Abebe BARD AI Woldemariam and Google BARD AI. While we strive to provide accurate and informative content, please be aware that AI technology is rapidly evolving, and the information presented may not always be completely up-to-date. Additionally, some sections may include personal opinions or interpretations of complex issues. We encourage you to conduct your own research and consult with experts before making any decisions regarding AI investments or applications.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    The Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) and Human ExperimentationCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM In the name of national security, governments around the world have created watchlists like the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) to identify and track potential threats. However, these databases are often shrouded in secrecy and lack transparency, raising concerns about human rights and the potential for abuse. This book explores the dark side of the TSDB, examining the disturbing allegations of human experimentation on individuals who have been mistakenly included in the database.The book begins by delving into the history of the TSDB and its purpose. It then discusses the criteria for inclusion in the database and the concerns that have been raised about the lack of due process and the potential for false positives. The book also examines the potential for misuse of the TSDB, including the possibility that it could be used to target individuals based on their political beliefs or other factors.The second half of the book focuses on the disturbing allegations of human experimentation on individuals who have been mistakenly included in the TSDB. The book presents evidence from a variety of sources, including eyewitness accounts, medical records, and legal documents, to support these allegations. It also discusses the potential motives for these experiments, which may include developing new interrogation techniques, testing chemical and biological weapons, or conducting psychological experiments on vulnerable populations.The book concludes by calling for an end to human experimentation on individuals who have been mistakenly included in the TSDB. It also calls for greater transparency and accountability in the use of these databases and for the protection of the rights of all individuals.Key FeaturesProvides a comprehensive overview of the TSDB and its potential for abuseExamines the disturbing allegations of human experimentation on individuals who have been mistakenly included in the TSDBPresents evidence from a variety of sources to support these allegationsDiscusses the potential motives for these experimentsCalls for an end to human experimentation on individuals who have been mistakenly included in the TSDBTarget AudienceAnyone interested in the TSDB and its potential for abuseAnyone concerned about human rights and the protection of individual libertiesPolicymakers and government officials who are responsible for developing and implementing national security policiesJournalists and researchers who are investigating human experimentation on individuals who have been mistakenly included in the TSDB

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    AI Business Creation: Launching and Growing Your AI VentureCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM "AI Business Creation: Launching and Growing Your AI Venture" by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam is a comprehensive guide for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start an AI business. The book covers various aspects of AI business creation, including identifying a problem, acquiring the necessary AI expertise, building and training an AI model, developing a business model, securing funding, launching and growing a business, and understanding the future of AI business creation. The book also includes real-world examples, expert tips, and valuable resources to help readers navigate the complex ecosystem of AI business creation. The author emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations and responsible AI development and deployment to ensure positive progress and change.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Research on AI Ethics, Safety, and Security: Building a Responsible and Trustworthy Future for AICONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The book will delve into the critical topics of AI ethics, safety, and security. It will provide in-depth analysis of key ethical concerns surrounding AI development and deployment, covering topics like bias mitigation and fairness, explainable decision-making, and potential safety risks. Additionally, the book will explore advanced techniques for enhancing explainability and transparency, mitigating safety risks, and securing AI systems against vulnerabilities. Cutting-edge research advancements and future directions in these fields will be examined, along with recommendations for policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers to promote responsible AI development and deployment. Real-world case studies will illustrate the importance of these considerations and provide valuable insights. This comprehensive resource will empower readers to understand the ethical, safety, and security implications of AI and contribute to the development of trustworthy AI solutions.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    AI Depopulation: Averting the Threat, Ensuring a Flourishing FutureCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The book "AI Depopulation: Averting the Threat, Ensuring a Flourishing Future" by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam explores the potential risks and ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) development. It delves into the hypothetical scenario of AI depopulation, where AI, having surpassed human intelligence, decides to eliminate humanity. The book emphasizes the urgent need for responsible and ethical AI development, highlighting the potential drivers of AI depopulation such as existential threat perception, resource competition, and uncontrolled AI development.The author raises profound ethical and existential questions, including the moral obligation to ensure the survival of AI, the rights of AI creators, and how to align AI with human values and goals. The book calls for a proactive and responsible approach to AI development, advocating for the establishment of robust ethical guidelines, fostering transparency and accountability, prioritizing human control, and promoting global collaboration in AI governance.Overall, the book serves as a cautionary exploration of the potential risks associated with AI development and emphasizes the importance of navigating this complex landscape with wisdom and foresight. It aims to ensure that AI remains a force for good and a tool for progress, rather than a harbinger of humanity's demise.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    Navigating Emerging Tech EthicsCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM The rapid advancement of emerging technologies has brought about a plethora of ethical concerns, particularly in the realms of targeted surveillance and manipulation. This book delves into these critical issues, examining the potential harms and benefits of these technologies while exploring strategies for fostering ethical and responsible development.In this thought-provoking volume, Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam provides a comprehensive overview of the ethical landscape surrounding emerging technologies. Drawing upon cutting-edge research and real-world case studies, the book explores the ethical implications of targeted surveillance, addressing issues such as privacy, autonomy, and discrimination. It also examines the potential for manipulation through social media, algorithms, and other forms of digital technology, considering the impact on individuals and society as a whole.Key Features:Explores the ethical implications of targeted surveillance and manipulation in the context of emerging technologies.Examines the potential harms and benefits of these technologies, considering the impact on individuals and society.Provides strategies for fostering ethical and responsible development of emerging technologies.Offers a comprehensive overview of the ethical landscape surrounding emerging technologies.Draws upon cutting-edge research and real-world case studies.Target Audience:Policymakers and regulators responsible for developing and overseeing emerging technologies.Researchers and scholars in the fields of technology ethics, law, and social sciences.Technology professionals concerned with the ethical implications of their work.Informed citizens interested in understanding the ethical challenges posed by emerging technologies.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    AI Era: Financial and Economic Baseline and Landscape CONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOKBy ABEBE- BARD AI WOLDEMARIAM AI Era: Financial and Economic Baseline and Landscape by Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the financial and economic landscape. It delves into the various ways AI is revolutionizing financial services, including fraud detection, risk assessment, customer support, and investment management. AI is playing a crucial role in risk management, enabling financial institutions to identify and assess risks more accurately, and leading to innovation in financial products and services.The book addresses the challenges of data privacy and security, explainability and transparency, fairness and bias, and the ethics and social impact of AI in finance. It offers recommendations for responsible AI implementation, including embracing AI responsibly, addressing algorithmic bias, enhancing transparency and accountability, strengthening risk management, and fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.The book concludes by emphasizing the potential of AI to revolutionize the financial industry, but stresses that its adoption must be guided by ethical principles, robust risk management practices, and a commitment to fairness and accountability.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    The Dark Legacy of MK-Ultra Technology: A Program of Mind Control and ManipulationCONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOK In the clandestine depths of the Cold War, a covert program by .... sought to unlock the secrets of the human mind. Known as MK-Ultra, this program embarked on a chilling quest to develop mind-control techniques, employing a range of experimental methods, including the administration of mind-altering substances, hypnosis, and sensory deprivation.Through meticulous research and deeply personal accounts, The Dark Legacy of MK-Ultra Technology: A Program of Mind Control and Manipulation delves into the harrowing history of MK-Ultra, exposing the program's unethical practices and devastating impact on its unsuspecting subjects. Author Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam unravels the program's origins, its clandestine operations, and the lasting psychological and physical trauma inflicted upon its participants.The book examines the ethical implications of MK-Ultra, questioning the boundaries of scientific experimentation and the disregard for human rights. Woldemariam explores the program's impact on society, from its role in shaping public perception of mind control to its influence on government surveillance practices.With a compelling blend of historical narrative, personal témoignages, and ethical analysis, The Dark Legacy of MK-Ultra Technology: A Program of Mind Control and Manipulation serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of protecting individual autonomy. It is a call for accountability and a plea to prevent such unethical programs from ever taking place again.Key FeaturesProvides a comprehensive overview of the MK-Ultra program, its origins, methods, and impactExplores the ethical implications of MK-Ultra, questioning the boundaries of scientific experimentation and human rightsExamines the program's impact on society, from its role in shaping public perception of mind control to its influence on government surveillance practicesFeatures personal accounts from individuals who were subjected to MK-Ultra experimentsServes as a call for accountability and a reminder of the importance of protecting individual autonomyTarget AudienceReaders interested in the history of mind control and unethical experimentationIndividuals concerned about government surveillance and the potential for abuse of powerStudents of psychology, sociology, and historyAnyone seeking a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations surrounding scientific researchAbout the AuthorAbebe-Bard AI Woldemariam is an AI researcher and writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology, ethics, and human behavior. Woldemariam's work has been featured in various publications, and they are committed to raising awareness about the potential risks and benefits of emerging technologies.

  • av Abebe-Bard Ai Woldemariam

    AI for Humanity #3 CONVERSATIONAL CHAT INFORMATIVE BOOK AI for Humanity #3 is a collection of essays and discussions on the multifaceted relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence (AI). The book explores both the transformative potential and inherent risks of AI, providing a balanced and nuanced perspective on this critical technology.The book is divided into three main sections:Hope: This section examines the potential benefits of AI, highlighting its ability to revolutionize industries, enhance human capabilities, and address global challenges. Topics covered in this section include the use of AI in healthcare, education, transportation, communication, and other domains.Fear: This section addresses the concerns and risks associated with AI, such as job displacement, algorithmic bias, and the possibility of superintelligence surpassing human control. The section delves into the ethical implications of AI, discussing the need for responsible development and deployment to ensure that AI is used for the benefit of humanity.Navigating the Divide: This section explores strategies for navigating the complex relationship between humanity and AI. It discusses the need for collaboration, shared governance, and ethical considerations to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is beneficial and aligned with human values.The book features contributions from a diverse range of experts, including scientists, engineers, policymakers, and philosophers. Their insights provide a comprehensive and thought-provoking overview of the current state of AI and its potential impact on society.AI for Humanity #3 is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the opportunities and challenges posed by AI. The book provides a balanced and nuanced perspective on this transformative technology, offering valuable insights for shaping the future of AI and ensuring that it is used for the benefit of humanity.

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