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  • av Abhishek Sharma

    L'amortisseur est un dispositif mécanique semblable à une pompe hydraulique qui est installé dans un véhicule pour contrôler le mouvement indésirable d'un véhicule monté sur ressorts. Dans cette étude, deux matériaux différents sont utilisés comme amortisseurs potentiels et leurs performances sont calculées à l'aide d'une analyse FEA. Les matériaux utilisés dans cette étude sont l'acier de construction et l'alliage d'aluminium 6061. Les contraintes, les déformations, la durée de vie et l'analyse vibratoire des deux amortisseurs sont comparées. L'étude montre que l'acier présente une excellente résistance aux contraintes, même en cas de fortes charges, et que la durée de vie en fatigue de l'acier est supérieure à celle de l'aluminium. Cependant, les deux matériaux présentent des vibrations à peu près égales lorsque la charge est appliquée. L'étude suggère que ces deux matériaux peuvent être utilisés dans les amortisseurs, mais que l'acier est préféré à l'aluminium en raison de ses caractéristiques de résistance et de durée de vie en fatigue élevées.

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    O amortecedor é um dispositivo mecânico semelhante a uma bomba hidráulica que é instalado num veículo para controlar o movimento indesejado de um veículo montado numa mola. Neste estudo, são utilizados dois materiais diferentes como potenciais materiais de amortecedores e o seu desempenho é calculado utilizando a análise FEA. Os materiais utilizados neste estudo são o aço estrutural e a liga de alumínio 6061. São comparadas as tensões, as deformações, a vida à fadiga e a análise vibracional de ambos os amortecedores. Verifica-se que o aço apresenta uma excelente resistência às tensões, mesmo com cargas pesadas, e que a vida à fadiga do aço é superior à do alumínio. No entanto, ambos os materiais apresentam vibrações aproximadamente iguais quando a carga é aplicada. O estudo sugere que ambos os materiais podem ser utilizados no amortecedor, no entanto, devido às suas características de elevada resistência e elevada vida à fadiga, o aço é preferível ao alumínio.

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    L'ammortizzatore è un dispositivo meccanico simile a una pompa idraulica che viene installato nel veicolo per controllare i movimenti indesiderati di un veicolo montato su molle. In questo studio sono stati utilizzati due diversi materiali come potenziali ammortizzatori e le loro prestazioni sono state calcolate mediante analisi FEA. I materiali utilizzati in questo studio sono acciaio strutturale e lega di alluminio 6061. Vengono confrontate le sollecitazioni, le deformazioni, la durata a fatica e l'analisi vibrazionale di entrambi gli ammortizzatori. È stato studiato che l'acciaio mostra un'eccellente resistenza alle sollecitazioni anche in presenza di carichi elevati e la durata a fatica dell'acciaio è superiore a quella dell'alluminio. Tuttavia, entrambi i materiali mostrano vibrazioni approssimativamente uguali quando viene applicato il carico. Lo studio suggerisce che entrambi i materiali possono essere utilizzati negli ammortizzatori, tuttavia, grazie alle caratteristiche di elevata resistenza e di durata a fatica, l'acciaio è preferito all'alluminio.

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    Amortizator - äto mehanicheskoe ustrojstwo, pohozhee na gidrawlicheskij nasos, kotoroe ustanawliwaetsq w awtomobile dlq kontrolq nezhelatel'nogo dwizheniq awtomobilq na pruzhinah. V dannom issledowanii dwa razlichnyh materiala ispol'zuütsq w kachestwe potencial'nyh materialow dlq amortizatorow, a ih harakteristiki rasschitywaütsq s pomosch'ü analiza FEA. Materialy, ispol'zuemye w dannom issledowanii, - konstrukcionnaq stal' i alüminiewyj splaw 6061. Srawniwaütsq naprqzheniq, deformacii, ustalostnaq dolgowechnost' i wibracionnyj analiz oboih amortizatorow. Issledowano, chto stal' demonstriruet otlichnuü ustojchiwost' k naprqzheniqm dazhe pri bol'shih nagruzkah, a ustalostnaq dolgowechnost' stali wyshe, chem u alüminiq. Odnako oba materiala demonstriruüt primerno odinakowye wibracii pri prilozhenii nagruzki. Issledowanie pokazywaet, chto oba ätih materiala mogut byt' ispol'zowany w amortizatorah, odnako iz-za wysokoj prochnosti i ustalostnoj dolgowechnosti stal' predpochtitel'nee alüminiq.

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    Ein Stoßdämpfer ist eine hydraulische, pumpenähnliche mechanische Vorrichtung, die in ein Fahrzeug eingebaut wird, um unerwünschte Bewegungen eines gefederten Fahrzeugs zu kontrollieren. In dieser Studie werden zwei verschiedene Materialien als potenzielle Stoßdämpfer verwendet, und ihre Leistung wird mittels FEA-Analyse berechnet. Die in dieser Studie verwendeten Materialien sind Baustahl und die Aluminiumlegierung 6061. Die Spannungen, Verformungen, die Ermüdungslebensdauer und die Schwingungsanalyse der beiden Stoßdämpfer werden verglichen. Die Studie zeigt, dass Stahl auch bei hohen Belastungen eine ausgezeichnete Spannungsfestigkeit aufweist und die Ermüdungslebensdauer von Stahl höher ist als die von Aluminium. Beide Werkstoffe zeigen jedoch annähernd gleiche Schwingungen, wenn die Belastung aufgebracht wird. Die Studie deutet darauf hin, dass beide Werkstoffe in einem Stoßdämpfer verwendet werden können, wobei jedoch Stahl aufgrund seiner hohen Festigkeit und hohen Ermüdungslebensdauer gegenüber Aluminium bevorzugt wird.

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    Prepare to be enthralled by "Vectors Unleashed" as it unfurls its narrative canvas. The journey begins with **Episode 1: "Into The Reality"**, set against the serene backdrop of the Java Indonesia mountains. Here, Robert, our enigmatic protagonist, shares his tragic past with his mentor, Master Krishna. Flashbacks transport us to the harrowing memory of Robert's father's murder by a corrupt society, igniting a burning desire for justice. In the present, Dr. MC Carteor's life takes a dark and unexpected turn when he's falsely accused, leading to a tragic end. A thrilling battle between Robert and Master Krishna sets the stage for a compelling story.**Episode 2: "Metamorphosis"** transports us to Germany, where Robert lives incognito, infiltrating the criminal underworld to understand the minds of wrongdoers. The enigmatic vigilante known as The Acrobat piques his curiosity, resulting in a heart-pounding rooftop showdown. District Attorney Haldane begins to suspect the identity of The Acrobat, and shocking revelations about cloning experiments and a cloned pop star named Germaine unfold. The White House comes under attack, and Raven's enigmatic past resurfaces.**Episode 3: "Revelation"** peels back the layers of deception, exposing Germaine's true identity as a cloned asset. The dark origins of the Bio Matryca Program come to light, and the vigilantes intensify their efforts to expose the organization behind it all. The introduction of the unpredictable element, Baphomet, adds complexity to the narrative, culminating in a climactic concert showdown.**Episode 4: "Construction Is Destruction"** sees the vigilantes triumph as they expose the organization's involvement in shocking practices, including cannibalism and the adult industry. Gaveleon's unbridled rage leads to Baphomet's demise, triggering chaos as cloned and brainwashed humans take to the streets. Kepler, Lara, and Raven make the ultimate sacrifice, exploring the profound cost of victory.In **Episode 5: "Escaping the Pattern"**, Robert and The Acrobat find themselves imprisoned in the nightmarish Hell's of Earth, a place from which no one has ever returned. Sakuza manipulates Gaveleon, who ends up killing District Attorney Albangain, seizing power in a world gone awry. Meanwhile, villagers from Pavithra Village prepare for a final, cataclysmic showdown. Imprisoned vigilantes must now summon every ounce of their resilience to escape and complete their quest."Vectors Unleashed" offers a thrilling exploration of corruption, justice, redemption, and personal transformation, challenging both its characters and audiences alike. This suspenseful, action-packed narrative promises to keep you on the edge of your seat, from the first page to the last, as it delves deep into the human psyche and the tangled web of intrigue. Abhishek Sharma's storytelling prowess shines through in this masterful creation, ensuring that you won't be able to put this book down until the very end.

  • av Abhishek Sharma
    2 046,-

    Computational Tools for Energy Harvesting Applications presents the latest applications of energy harvesting methods for renewable energy systems. The book provides readers with the computational tools and algorithms for energy harvesting, explaining the mathematical basis behind their development and application and analyzing the latest developments. Each chapter provides a review of the fundamentals and basic theory behind each energy harvester, the working principles, and the latest practical applications. The mathematical techniques and computational tools are provided for response analysis and optimization of diverse energy harvesters, including from fixed renewable energy systems - wind, solar, etc. - and portable devices such as PEM fuel cells. This is a valuable reference for students and researchers working in the field of renewable energy harvesting and its application, as well as electrical and mechanical engineers.

  • av Abhishek Sharma
    1 876,-

    "Smart Embedded Systems: Advances and Applications" is a comprehensive guide that demystifies the complex world of embedded technology.

  • av Abhishek Sharma, L. M. Das, Sumit Tiwari & m.fl.
    2 660,-

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    ¿ Morpho-chemical evaluation of different population of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle¿ was carried out with the objective 1. Inter and Intra population studies onmorphological parameters and 2. Studies on variation in podophyllotoxin in different morphotype/ population. Ten populations of Podophyllum hexandrum from North west Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh) at altitude ranging from 2050 m to 3636 m amsl were studied. Plants were observed to have different number of leaves/ plant viz single leaf, two leaves, three leaves and four leaves per plant. The plant bearing single leaf were more abundant (48.08 %) as compared to two leaved(35.35 %), three leaved (16.94 %) and four leaved plant (0.20 %). Considerable morphological variations in the lamina shape of leaf was observed and ten lamina shapes were documented.Significant variation in morphological characters was observed. The podophyllotoxin content in different plants of different population ranged from 2.93-6.31 % in roots, 2.22-8.96 % in rhizomes and 2.85%-6.95 % in whole underground part i.e. rootstock. However, no correlation between number of leaves/ plant and podophyllotoxin content in root, rhizome and rootstock was observed.

  • av Abhishek Sharma

    सुनो ना, इश्]क गर्मियों की ठंडी बयार है तो कभी सीना चाक करता चक्रवात भी। क्]या कहा, झूठ है यह? चलो घुमा लाएं 'इश्]क के अस्]सी घाट'। यह जो कहीं दीप जले कहीं दिन वाला कॉन्]सेप्]ट है न इसको कभी एक ही स्]क्रीन पर फील किया है? नहीं, फ]िर क्]या जिंदगी जिये हो जनाब। चलो आज आपको सैर करा लाते हैं बनारस के उन घाटों की जहां हर कोने-खोपचे में इश्]क या इश्]क सरीखी कोई चीज किसी को आबाद तो किसी को बर्बाद कर रही होती है। कहीं आंसुओं का सैलाब बह रहा होता है तो कहीं इश्]क की दरिया इठला रही होती है। कुछ नौसिखिया से इश्]कजादे-इश्]कजादियां वहां इन दोनों को एक साथ देखकर चाय की चुस्कियों के बीच गंगा की लहरों पर किनारा तलाश रहे होते हैं। अब क्]या है ना, इश्]क के रंग और रूप की वैराइटी बहुत है कलरचार्ट के रंगों की तरह। एक शेड ऊपर या एक नीचे भी हो जाता है तो इश्]क का नया रंग बन जाता है। 'इश्]क के अस्]सी घाट' के लेखक अभिषेक शर्मा ने इन्]हीं अलहदा रंगों को साल दर साल गंगा के दूर तक फैले घाटों से लेकर डूबते-उतराते, बनते-बिगड़ते, चूमते - लजाते प्रेम पगी संस्]कृति की अल्]हड़ता की सैर आपको घर बैठे ही कराने का प्रयास किया है। घाट दर घाट इश्]क के अजब अनोखे ठाठ और रंगों के शाब्दिक पैनोरमा में डूबकर महसूस कीजिए 'इश्]क के अस्]सी घाट' को।

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