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Böcker av Ahmed Msakni

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  • av Ahmed Msakni

    Test OSCE, podtwerzhdaüschij prohozhdenie ortopedicheskoj stazhirowki, chasto neproporcionalen mezhdu wzrosloj i detskoj ortopediej i ne mozhet swidetel'stwowat' o dostizhenii celej detskogo ortopeda-äxterna. Jeto nesootwetstwie mezhdu ocenochnym testom i mestom stazhirowki pobudilo nas sozdat' esche odin formatiwnyj ocenochnyj test wo wremq stazhirowki, chtoby ocenit' obuchenie nashih internow.Pacienty i metody: Nashe issledowanie bylo prospektiwnym i prodol'nym. My ispol'zowali dwa linejnyh PMP, perwyj iz kotoryh byl diagnosticheskogo tipa "Jetiologicheskaq diagnostika lihoradochnoj hromoty", a wtoroj - terapewticheskogo tipa "Terapewticheskoe wedenie gematogennogo septicheskogo artrita". Dlq kazhdogo PMP prowodilos' pred- i posttestirowanie.Rezul'taty: my ocenili 42 studenta-medika DCEM1, i razlichiq mezhdu srednimi pokazatelqmi do i posle testirowaniq byli priznany statisticheski znachimymi (p

  • av Ahmed Msakni

    Vwedenie:Swqz' powrezhdenij medial'nogo meniska s razrywom perednej krestoobraznoj swqzki nedooceniwaetsq. Jeto powrezhdenie imeet swoü specifiku otchasti iz-za diagnosticheskih i terapewticheskih trudnostej, a otchasti iz-za posledstwij dlq stabil'nosti kolena.Metody :Vsem pacientam bylo prowedeno sistematicheskoe issledowanie zadnego roga medial'nogo meniska. Hirurgicheskoe wosstanowlenie porazheniq medial'noj meniskowoj rampy wypolnqlos' po metodu ALL INSIDE.Rezul'taty:Srednij wozrast pacientow w nashej serii sostawil 24 goda. Porazhenie medial'nogo meniska bylo wyqwleno u 42 pacientow (40%), w tom chisle 10 porazhenij medial'nogo meniska, t.e. rasprostranennost' porazheniq w nashej populqcii sostawila 9,5%. Pri poslednem nablüdenii pacientow, kotorym byl nalozhen show na porazhenie medial'nogo meniska, ocenka ARPEGE pokazala 100% horoshij rezul'tat.Vywody:Oswobozhdenie medial'nogo otdela kolennogo sustawa i sistematicheskoe artroskopicheskoe issledowanie postäromedial'no pered lüboj ligamentoplastikoj - edinstwennaq garantiq ne propustit' porazhenie medial'nogo meniskal'nogo pandusa, wosstanowlenie kotorogo qwlqetsq obqzatel'nym wo izbezhanie ostatochnoj drqblosti.

  • av Ahmed Msakni

    Introduction:The association of medial meniscal ramp lesions with rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament is underestimated.This lesion draws its specificity partly because of the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulty and partly because of the repercussions on knee stability.Methods :Systematic exploration of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus was performed in all patients. Surgical repair of the medial meniscal ramp lesion was performed using the ALL INSIDE method.Results:The mean age of our series was 24 years. A medial meniscal lesion was found in 42 patients (40%), including 10 medial meniscal ramp lesions, i.e. a prevalence of 9.5% in our population.At last recoil of patients who had a suture for medial meniscal ramp lesions, ARPEGE scoring showed 100% good results.Conclusions:Liberation of the medial compartment of the knee and systematic arthroscopic exploration postero-medially before any ligamentoplasty is the only guarantee of not overlooking an injury to the medial meniscal ramp, the repair of which is imperative in order to avoid residual laxity.

  • av Ahmed Msakni

    The OSCE test that validates the orthopaedic internship is often disproportionate between adult and paediatric orthopaedics, and cannot attest to the achievement of the paediatric orthopaedic extern's objectives. This discrepancy between the evaluation test and the clerkship prompted us to establish another formative evaluation test during the clerkship to assess our externs' learning.Patients and methods: Our study was prospective and longitudinal. We used two linear PMPs, the first of which was of the diagnostic type "Etiological diagnosis of febrile lameness" and the second of the therapeutic type "Therapeutic management of hematogenous septic arthritis". A pre- and post-test was performed for each PMP.Results: We evaluated 42 DCEM1 externs.The variation between the means observed in the pre-test and post-test was deemed statistically significant p

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