av Alan Walden
From the streets of Brooklyn, New York, to cities, nations, and earth-shaking events across the world, Alan Walden takes the reader on the adventure of a lifetime to which he was witness and, in some cases, an active participant. In his relentless pursuit of excellence as a broadcaster and journalist, Walden plumbed the who, what, where, when, and why of each event with a near fanatical desire to inform, educate, and enlighten the public he served for more than half a century. Along the way, he led the news departments of radio stations in major cities, created nationwide broadcast networks, and taught the key elements of journalism at major universities. And when time permitted, he became heavily involved in civic affairs to a point when he became a major party nominee for mayor of one the largest cities on the East Coast. For Alan Walden, one of a handful of men or women ever to be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, it was never a search for truth. It was always about the facts, facts to be presented with total objectivity, without bias, and in a manner so precise, so clear, the audience would, he hoped, itself find the truth.