av Andy Fletcher
Andy Fletcher has been speaking on science and spiritual questions for 30+ years in 45 or so countries in nearly 300 schools, in churches, on cruise ships, at colleges and universities, once in the basement children's' play room at a McDonald's in Paris, once on a cement pad in a Panamanian jungle, once at a former Soviet Pioneer camp in Uzbekistan, twice at a hotel on the beach in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, once at a house church in Shanghai, once at the US Russian Embassy's Far Dacha out in the forest somewhere, and a lot more. He was the sole speaker at nearly 60 conferences for multiple schools in 20 countries and has spoken or keynoted at a number of other conferences around the globe, generally but not always for teachers and administrators. List on the website. He's also written seven books on science with a pass at faith in each - relativity, quantum mechanics, chaos, complexity, the Anthropic Principle, the Multiverse and all the cool stuff like big bang, black holes, Schroedinger's Cat, the Butterfly Effect, emergent complexity, and the evidence for the existence of God as it is found in science and nature. You know - fine-tuning, observer-dependency, that kind of thing. This book specifically deals with God questions as they pertain to all of that, and much more.