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Böcker av Anthony

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  • - A Comical Common Sense Guide to Airplane Travel
    av Anthony & Angela Williams

  • - A Scientific-Spiritual Journey to Oneness
    av Anthony & Zangla
    276 - 396,-

  • - The Vision, The Journey And The Quest
    av Anthony & J. Fisichella
    290 - 450,-

  • - Strategies to Contain Sprawl and Revive the Core
    av Anthony, Alan F. J. Artibise, Fritz W. Wagner, m.fl.

    This practical work demonstrates that controlling urban growth and reviving central city economies are not mutually exclusive endeavors. Rather than re-hash theories of urban development, the contributors describe and evaluate successful community-tested approaches to sustaining cities.

  • av Anthony, DipProMan Banfield & FRICS
    1 096 - 2 220,-

    Covers the subject of commercial property management, estates, private sector estates, public sector estates, policy, commercial leases, professional practice, acquisition, disposal and lettings. This book covers property management and professional practice in a practical way with reference to legal cases.

  • - Over 2,600 Years Ago Babylon Was Destroyed by God. Will It Happen Again?
    av Anthony Mattiello Jr
    386 - 596,-

    Babylon Revealed is an epic journey of Gods plan of salvation for mankind. The journey begins with Gods call to Abraham to come out of Babylon and settle into the land of Canaan. The book examines Satans efforts to mislead humanity into apostate worship, which began in this region. From the historical record, the book takes the reader on a journey through time and ends in the same place where the journey began. Civilization began in Babylon and will end in Babylon the Great. Apostate worship will ultimately lead to the destruction of the world. God, from the beginning, knew the future and numbered the days of Babylon and Satans kingdom on earth. Satan opposes God in order that he may continue to exist and remain in the world by separating the Creator from His creation. Satan is allowed to continue to exist through mankinds choice to remain apart from the Lord. This book reveals Gods mysteries and warnings about mankinds ultimate fate, which is found in the prophetic books of the Bible. Mans only hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, who will, in the end of time, triumph over the forces of evil and establish Gods kingdom on earth.

  • av Anthony & PhD Clark

    Trials will befall everyone: no matter the age, race, gender or wisdom in life. Author Anthony Clark knows well facing trials in life, having endured a poor childhood in a broken home and growing up in the projects. His autobiography, Chronicles of Hope, recounts Anthony's struggle against fear that lead to his difficulties with family and influence from drugs and alcohol. His relationship with God was also a source of difficulty, as Anthony saw the trials as indications of uncertainty for tomorrow. However, God guided Anthony's path with His promises of hope that helped to heal spiritual wounds and keep him on track with starting a ministry with his wife, even during times when the Church rejected them. The knowledge Anthony gained through his life experiences he offers to readers, coupled with scripture verses that inspire assurance in Christ. There is hope in trials, found with God's love and faith.

  • - Maturing In Life And Ministry
    av Anthony & PhD Clark

  • - A Relaxed Approach Audiobook Script
    av Anthony & Pharmd Rph (Chair Instructorpharmacy Technician Programdes Moines Area Community Collegeankeny Iowa) Guerra

    As a working parent of five-year-old triplet daughters, I understand time management presents one of the greatest barriers to my pharmacology students' success. Many students feel that cold sense of overwhelm and information overload. This guide organizes pharmacology into manageable, logical steps you can fit in short pockets of time. The proven system helps you memorize medications quickly and form immediate connections. With mnemonics from students and instructors, you'll see how both sides approach learning. After you've finished the 200 Top Drugs in this book, reading pharmacology exam questions will seem like reading plain English. You'll have a new understanding of pharmacology to do better in class, clinical and your board exam. You'll feel the confidence you'd hoped for as a future health professional. For patients and caregivers, this book provides a means to memorize your own medications to better communicate with your health providers.

  • - The Book: Put my tears in your bottle...
    av Anthony & Sr Fludd

  • av Anthony Trollope

  • - A Macro Model for a strong National E-conomy
    av Anthony Phd Horvath
    316 - 420,-

  • av Anthony & Ph.D. Armstrong

  • av Anthony & Ph.D. Armstrong

  • av Anthony

    This book is an alphabetical register of the names of over 25,000 Officer casualties (including Sub-Conductors, Nursing Officers, and members of the Indian Army, Bombay Marine and Bengal Pilot Service) who served in the East Indian Company Presidential Armies and the India n Army. The information is drawn from East India Company Registers, India OfficeLists, and India Army Lists. It provides, where possible, full names, final rank and regiment/unit, date and place of death, manner of death including if died in battle casualty or from an accident. Though, the work covers casualties between 1803- 1946, some casualties that occurred beyond these dates (both before and after) have also been included.

  • - Poems Constructed
    av Anthony Green Jr
    196 - 310,-

  • - An Essay
    av Anthony & Ffs Ffs Joseph

  • - You Don't Have to Agree
    av Anthony Hooper Jr
    296 - 446,-

  • av Anthony Trollope
    360 - 590,-

  • av Anthony & Ziegler

  • av Anthony & Ziegler

  • av Anthony & DePalma

    Anthony DePalma, escribe una fascinante y bien documentada biografía de Herbert L. Matthews, el destacado periodista del New York Times que además de haber sido el autor de una histórica entrevista a Fidel Castro en 1957, fue corresponsal de guerra en la invasión de Abisinia por la Italia fascista y durante la guerra civil española. "Una vida tras las huellas de la verdad le había enseñado a Herbert Matthews que ninguna mentira es más poderosa que los mitos, y que ninguna verdad es más frágil que aquella que nadie quiere oír. Estaba convencido de que un mito había arruinado prácticamente sus cuarenta y cinco años de carrera como editorialista, reportero, y corresponsal; uno de los corresponsales extranjeros más influyentes y controvertidos del siglo XX. Culpaba a las verdades desagradables al oído por convertir su vida en un infierno. Matthews se había internado en las impenetrables montañas cubanas, de las que había emergido con una exclusiva sensacional para la portada de The New York Times: Fidel Castro, a quien se creía muerto hacía ya meses, se encontraba vivo y saludable, y había sido elegido para conducir la revolución en Cuba. Su firma, arrancada de las notas de Matthews, aparecía bajo una fotografía en la que se veía a Castro saliendo de los bosques con un rifle de mira telescópica y un rostro exento de malicia. La entrevista, llevada a cabo en el escondite de Castro en la Sierra, marcó un momento decisivo en la historia de Cuba y, pasando el tiempo, también en la de los Estados Unidos, puesto que señaló el primer escalón en el ascenso de Castro al poder. Por un tiempo, al menos, convirtió a Matthews y a Castro en figuras heroicas." La red de relaciones entre Castro, Matthews y el New York Times descritas con gran detalle por DePalma sirve de marco para apreciar los conflictos que enfrentan de manera cotidiana los medios de comunicación, en particular los que surgen de la confusión entre información objetiva y opinión partidista. Anthony DePalma es un destacado periodista del New York Times donde escribe regularmente desde hace mas de 20 años. Fue corresponsal y Jefe de la redacción en México y Canadá y ha cubierto eventos importantes en todo el hemisferio, incluyendo Cuba. También es autor del libro Here: A Biography of the New American Continent (PublicAffairs, 2001). DePalma vive en Montclair, NJ, con su esposa Miriam y sus tres hijos.

  • av Anthony & Liccione

  • av Anthony & Collett

  • av Anthony & Trollope

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