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Böcker av Bernard Kipsang Rop

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  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 226,-

    This book on Northern Kenya's Petroleum and Geothermal Resources Prospectivity involves a synoptic overview of geological implications, tectonic features, and subsurface stratigraphical studies of the great East African Rift System (EARS), where recent plays and geothermal manifestations have been discovered. Tectonism was brought out by continental rifting as a part of the major Gondwanaland breakup in the Late Paleozoic time, and continued in the Mesozoic and Tertiary. This movement was accompanied by a stupendous outpouring of the lava flows within several horst- and graben- like structural systems caused by extensional rifting, block faulting and subsidence, resulting in favourable petroleum and geothermal zones. This comprehensive overview of applied geology underscores the importance of essential skills required for geoscientists to unravel these vital energy resources in Kenya's EARS.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 430,-

    This book focuses on the Prospectivity Review of Kenya's Petroleum and Geothermal Resources, offering a synoptic overview of geological implications, tectonic features, and subsurface stratigraphical studies within the Great East African Rift System (EARS). Recently, significant petroleum leads/plays and geothermal manifestations have been discovered in the Tertiary Rifts of Kenya. Tectonism resulted from continental rifting during the Late Paleozoic, continuing through the Mesozoic and Tertiary periods. This movement led to a remarkable outpouring of lava flows within various horst- and graben-like structural systems, induced by extensional rifting forces, block faulting, and subsidence, creating favorable zones for petroleum and geothermal exploration. The comprehensive overview of applied geology underscores the essential skills required for geoscientists to unlock the potential of these vital energy resources within Kenya's EARS.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Minerals continue to play a notable role in infrastructural development. Their harnessing involves applying exploration methods that are begged on prior geological knowledge and practical concepts. The geological knowledge is preliminarily learned from field geological mapping which can then be followed by applying investigations and analyses that involve methods such as geophysical survey, geochemical analytical techniques or drilling methods, or at times a combination of the methods so as to unravel the envisaged details. Indeed, mineral mapping process begins with the analysis of historical information, geological mapping, field observations and collection of field samples for further investigations under laboratory conditions. Such investigations were undertaken for Ainamoi Area, Kericho County in Kenya. The investigations resulted to identification of anomalies that have substantial bauxite mineralization as geochemical and lab results obtained showed. The study investigated the economic potential of bauxite mineral deposits (Aluminum ore) with respect to concentration per acre of land, depth and/or height of the resource.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 020,-

    Ce livre sur la géologie, la géophysique et la géochimie d'exploration:A Synopsis Perspective s'adresse aux étudiants qui suivent des cours de deuxième cycle en géologie, géophysique, géochimie et sciences de l'environnement (qui constituent la discipline des sciences de la Terre) afin d'acquérir des connaissances et un aperçu des processus responsables de la composition globale et de la structure interne acquises par la Terre. De même, le livre permet de comprendre les différentes caractéristiques structurelles géologiques et géophysiques de la subsurface pour la logique de l'exploration pétrolière en termes de production, d'accumulation et de préservation de la matière organique non dégradée qui agit comme une condition préalable à l'existence de roches mères pétrolières. Le système et les processus dynamiques de la terre, généralement connus sous le nom de géorisques, en particulier les tremblements de terre qui affectent négativement le développement humain déjà réalisé, ont été explicitement inclus. Des illustrations comparatives détaillées sont présentées dans la description et les propriétés d'identification de certaines roches et minéraux sélectionnés, ce qui permet une comparaison avec les résultats obtenus lors des études sur le terrain. Il s'agit d'un ouvrage convivial et plein de ressources pour les jeunes géoscientifiques en exercice.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 110,-

    Ce livre sur la géologie et la géophysique appliquées à l'exploration: A Synoptic Perspective (Géologie appliquée et géophysique dans l'exploration : une perspective synoptique ) présente l'application de l'identification et de la description des principales roches et minéraux couramment rencontrés, des minéraux formant les roches et de leurs utilisations, en tant que partie intégrante des processus de formation des roches. De même, ce livre permet de comprendre les différentes caractéristiques structurelles géologiques et géophysiques de la subsurface dans le cadre de l'exploration pétrolière. Ce livre synoptique de géologie appliquée et de géophysique englobe également le système et les processus dynamiques de la Terre, généralement connus sous le nom de géorisques, en particulier les tremblements de terre, qui affectent négativement les activités de développement humain déjà réalisées. Des illustrations comparatives ont été largement saisies dans la description et l'identification des propriétés de certaines roches et minéraux sélectionnés, ce qui permet une comparaison avec les résultats qui auront été obtenus à partir des études sur le terrain. Il s'agit d'un ouvrage pratique et plein de ressources pour les géoscientifiques en exercice en Afrique et au-delà.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 020,-

    Este livro sobre Geologia, Geofísica e Geoquímica de Exploração:Uma perspetiva sinóptica destina-se a estudantes que frequentam cursos de pós-graduação em geologia, geofísica, geoquímica e ciências ambientais (que constituem a disciplina de Ciências da Terra) para adquirirem conhecimentos e percepções sobre os processos responsáveis pela composição e estrutura interna adquiridas pela Terra. Do mesmo modo, o livro permite compreender as diferentes características estruturais geológicas e geofísicas do subsolo para a lógica da exploração petrolífera em termos de produção, acumulação e preservação de matéria orgânica não degradada que actua como pré-requisito para a existência de rochas geradoras de petróleo. O sistema e os processos dinâmicos da Terra, geralmente conhecidos como riscos geológicos, em particular os sismos que afectam negativamente o desenvolvimento humano já alcançado, foram explicitamente incluídos. A descrição e as propriedades de identificação de algumas rochas e minerais seleccionados são objeto de ilustrações comparativas pormenorizadas, que permitem uma comparação com os resultados obtidos nos estudos de campo reais. Trata-se de um livro de fácil utilização e de grande utilidade para os jovens geocientistas em atividade.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 110,-

    Este livro sobre Geologia Aplicada e Geofísica na Exploração: Uma Perspetiva Sinóptica capta a aplicação da identificação e descrição das principais rochas e minerais seleccionados, comummente encontrados, a partir de minerais formadores de rocha e das suas utilizações, como parte íntima dos processos de produção de rocha. Do mesmo modo, o livro permite compreender as diferentes características estruturais geológicas e geofísicas do subsolo para fins de exploração petrolífera. Este livro sinóptico de geologia e geofísica aplicadas abrange também o sistema e os processos dinâmicos da Terra, geralmente conhecidos como riscos geológicos, especialmente os sismos, que afectam negativamente as actividades de desenvolvimento humano já alcançadas. Algumas ilustrações comparativas foram amplamente capturadas na descrição e identificação das propriedades de algumas rochas e minerais seleccionados, o que permite uma comparação com os resultados obtidos nos estudos de campo. Este é um livro útil e cheio de recursos para geocientistas praticantes em África e não só.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 110,-

    Questo libro sulla Geologia applicata e la Geofisica nell'esplorazione: A Synoptic Perspective cattura l'applicazione dell'identificazione e della descrizione delle principali rocce e minerali comunemente incontrati, dei minerali che formano le rocce e dei loro usi, come parte intima dei processi di creazione delle rocce. Allo stesso modo, il libro fornisce la comprensione delle diverse caratteristiche strutturali geologiche e geofisiche del sottosuolo per l'esplorazione petrolifera. Questo libro sinottico di geologia applicata e geofisica comprende anche il sistema e i processi dinamici della Terra, generalmente noti come geo-rischi, in particolare i terremoti, che influenzano negativamente le attività di sviluppo umano già raggiunte. Alcune illustrazioni comparative sono state ampiamente riprese nella descrizione e nelle proprietà di identificazione di alcune rocce e minerali selezionati, che forniscono un ulteriore confronto con i risultati ottenuti dagli studi sul campo. Si tratta di un libro pratico e ricco di risorse per i geologi praticanti in Africa e non solo.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 020,-

    Questo libro su Geologia, geofisica e geochimica di esplorazione:Una prospettiva sinottica si rivolge agli studenti che frequentano corsi di laurea in geologia, geofisica, geochimica e scienze ambientali (che costituiscono la disciplina delle Scienze della Terra) per acquisire conoscenze e approfondimenti sui processi responsabili della composizione della massa e della struttura interna acquisita dalla Terra. Allo stesso modo, il libro fornisce la comprensione delle diverse caratteristiche strutturali geologiche e geofisiche del sottosuolo ai fini dell'esplorazione petrolifera in termini di produzione, accumulo e conservazione di materia organica non degradata che agisce come prerequisito per l'esistenza di rocce sorgenti di petrolio. Il sistema e i processi dinamici della Terra, generalmente noti come geo-rischi, in particolare i terremoti che influenzano negativamente lo sviluppo umano già raggiunto, sono stati esplicitamente inclusi. La descrizione e le proprietà di identificazione di alcune rocce e minerali selezionati sono illustrate in modo dettagliato e comparativo, in modo da fornire un ulteriore confronto con i risultati ottenuti dagli studi sul campo. È un libro di facile consultazione e ricco di risorse per i giovani geologi praticanti.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Jeta kniga o prikladnoj geologii i geofizike w geologorazwedke: A Synoptic Perspective ohwatywaet primenenie chasto wstrechaüschihsq wybrannyh osnownyh porod i mineralow, ih identifikaciü i opisanie, ot porodoobrazuüschih mineralow i ih ispol'zowaniq, kak neot#emlemoj chasti processow sozdaniq porod. Analogichnym obrazom, kniga obespechiwaet ponimanie razlichnyh geologicheskih i geofizicheskih strukturnyh osobennostej nedr dlq obosnowaniq nefterazwedki. Jeta sinopticheskaq kniga po prikladnoj geologii i geofizike takzhe ohwatywaet dinamicheskuü sistemu Zemli i processy, izwestnye kak geoopasnosti, osobenno zemletrqseniq, kotorye negatiwno wliqüt na uzhe dostignutye rezul'taty razwitiq chelowechestwa. Nekotorye srawnitel'nye illüstracii byli shiroko predstawleny w opisanii i identifikacii swojstw nekotoryh wybrannyh porod i mineralow, chto pozwolqet srawnit' ih s rezul'tatami, poluchennymi w hode polewyh issledowanij. Jeto udobnaq i poleznaq kniga dlq praktikuüschih geouchenyh w Afrike i za ee predelami.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Jeta kniga o Geologiq, geofizika i razwedochnaq geohimiq: Perspektiwa sinopsisa adresowana studentam, izuchaüschim wypusknye kursy po geologii, geofizike, geohimii i äkologii (kotorye sostawlqüt disciplinu "Nauka o Zemle") dlq polucheniq znanij i ponimaniq processow, otwetstwennyh za osnownoj sostaw i wnutrennüü strukturu, priobretennuü Zemlej. Krome togo, kniga daet ponimanie razlichnyh podpowerhnostnyh geologicheskih i geofizicheskih strukturnyh osobennostej dlq obosnowaniq nefterazwedki s tochki zreniq proizwodstwa, nakopleniq i sohraneniq nerazlozhiwshihsq organicheskih weschestw, kotorye wystupaüt w kachestwe predposylok dlq suschestwowaniq porod-istochnikow nefti. Dinamicheskaq sistema Zemli i processy, izwestnye kak geoopasnosti, w chastnosti zemletrqseniq, kotorye negatiwno wliqüt na uzhe dostignutoe chelowecheskoe razwitie, byli wklücheny w knigu w qwnom wide. Podrobnye srawnitel'nye illüstracii zapechatleny w opisanii i identifikacionnyh swojstwah dlq nekotoryh wybrannyh porod i mineralow, kotorye w dal'nejshem obespechiwaüt srawnenie s rezul'tatami, kotorye budut polucheny w hode real'nyh polewyh issledowanij. Jeto udobnaq i poleznaq kniga dlq molodyh praktikuüschih geouchenyh.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 020,-

    Dieses Buch über Geologie, Geophysik und Explorationsgeochemie:Eine zusammenfassende Perspektive richtet sich an Studenten, die Graduiertenkurse in Geologie, Geophysik, Geochemie und Umweltwissenschaften (die die Disziplin der Geowissenschaften ausmachen) belegen, um Kenntnisse und Einblicke in die Prozesse zu gewinnen, die für die Zusammensetzung und innere Struktur der Erde verantwortlich sind. In ähnlicher Weise vermittelt das Buch ein Verständnis für die verschiedenen geologischen und geophysikalischen Strukturmerkmale des Untergrunds, die für die Erdölexploration im Hinblick auf die Produktion, Akkumulation und Erhaltung von unabgebauter organischer Substanz als Voraussetzung für die Existenz von Erdölquellengestein von Bedeutung sind. Die dynamischen Erdsysteme und -prozesse, die allgemein als Georisiken bekannt sind, insbesondere Erdbeben, die sich negativ auf die bereits erreichte menschliche Entwicklung auswirken, wurden ausdrücklich berücksichtigt. Detaillierte vergleichende Darstellungen sind in der Beschreibung und den Identifikationseigenschaften für einige ausgewählte Gesteine und Minerale enthalten, die einen weiteren Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen ermöglichen, die bei den tatsächlichen Feldstudien erzielt wurden. Es ist ein benutzerfreundliches und hilfreiches Buch für junge praktizierende Geowissenschaftler.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 110,-

    Dieses Buch über Angewandte Geologie und Geophysik in der Exploration: A Synoptic Perspective (Eine synoptische Perspektive ) erfasst die Anwendung von häufig anzutreffenden ausgewählten Hauptgesteinen und Mineralen, deren Identifizierung und Beschreibung von gesteinsbildenden Mineralen und deren Verwendung als intimer Teil von Gesteinsbildungsprozessen. In ähnlicher Weise vermittelt das Buch ein Verständnis für die verschiedenen geologischen und geophysikalischen Strukturmerkmale des Untergrundes, die für die Erdölexploration von Bedeutung sind. Dieses synoptische Buch über angewandte Geologie und Geophysik umfasst auch die dynamischen Erdsysteme und -prozesse, die allgemein als Georisiken bekannt sind, insbesondere Erdbeben, die sich negativ auf die bereits erreichten menschlichen Entwicklungsaktivitäten auswirken. Bei der Beschreibung und Identifizierung einiger ausgewählter Gesteine und Minerale wurden einige vergleichende Abbildungen eingefügt, die einen weiteren Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen der Feldstudien ermöglichen. Dies ist ein handliches und hilfreiches Buch für praktizierende Geowissenschaftler in Afrika und darüber hinaus.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 096,-

    This book on Applied Geology and Geophysics in Exploration: A Synoptic Perspective captures application of commonly encountered selected major rocks and minerals¿ identification and description from rock-forming minerals and their uses, as intimate part of rock-making processes. Similarly, the book provides understanding of the different subsurface geological and geophysical structural features for petroleum exploration rationale. This synoptic applied geology and geophysics book also encompasses the dynamic earth system and processes; generally known as geohazards, especially earthquakes, which negatively affect the human development activities already achieved. Some comparative illustrations have been extensively captured in the description and identification properties for some selected rocks and minerals which further provide comparison with the results that will have been obtained from the field studies. This is a handy and resourceful book for practising geoscientists in Africa and beyond.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Few Christians have difficulty believing in the personal guidance of God. In most cases, our difficulty is not with the fact that God guides but how. The first quality that God desires in every ministry that He ordains in this dispensational end-times is wisdom. God hates folly and does not therefore condone foolishness in His ministry. Fools always make blunders in the ministry; thus causing the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to be blasphemed. Usually, the wisdom of God is subtly concealed in His creation. Hence, we discover the mysteries of God¿s wisdom through His creation. No one is born wise. Wisdom is neither inherited from parents also. It is acquired through regeneration; being a gift from God. God gives wisdom liberally, generously, and ungrudgingly by His grace, after an individual requests the same accordingly (1 Kings 3:5-12). A wise person has prominent quality and power in making accurate and/or appropriate decisions by God¿s guidance. Wise Up and Live!

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop
    1 460,-

    This book on Properties, Occurrences and Uses of Minerals and Rocks: A Comparative Illustrative Approach captures commonly encountered major minerals and rocks on quarrying and mining sites. The book addresses interests of the learners at Certificate and Diploma levels in the subject areas of Geology which includes; Mineralogy, Petrology and Structural Geology. The authors have adopted competency and evaluation based approach in presenting the contents. Expected learning outcomes and specific competences for the book were mirrored from similar expectations as contained in the UNESCO¿s ASM Certificate and Diploma Programmes. Concerted efforts were made to draw field realities to the desk or classroom environments. That effort is well enshrined in the comparative illustrations that have been extensively provided in the book. The illustrations capture schematic drawings and field images side by side. The book also provides suitable questions for evaluating the reader and learner on application of the concepts learned to field situations. The textbook is a resourceful material for sustainable research and innovation purposes. What a book for academics and students!

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Questo libro tratta della valutazione delle sorgenti di idrocarburi, che si basa generalmente sulla quantità di materia organica (ricchezza organica), sulla qualità (tipo di cherogene) e sulla capacità di generare maturazione termica della materia organica disseminata nella roccia. Il contenuto di materia organica è stato determinato direttamente dalle analisi di laboratorio dei campioni di roccia sorgente del pozzo LT-1 in un bacino di rift terziario, nel Kenya settentrionale, che presentava esposizioni di petrolio e gas. Abbiamo utilizzato alcuni profili sismici e di raggi gamma, il carbonio organico totale (TOC wt%), gli indici di maturità (HI e PI), la temperatura massima (Tmax °C), la porosità e altri parametri sedimentologici. Questo studio ha comportato una serie di studi analitici geochimici e petrofisici per accertare una serie di efficaci campioni di roccia di partenza dal pozzo campionato. I dati della pirolisi Rock-eval sono stati utili per valutare il tipo di materia organica (cherogene/bitume), la maturità termica (S1 e S2) e la capacità di generazione delle rocce sorgenti ai fini dell'esplorazione di idrocarburi. Le analisi hanno rivelato che alcuni strati all'interno dei dati dei pozzi campionati hanno un elevato potenziale di generazione di idrocarburi con l'esistenza di una produzione commerciale di idrocarburi.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Ce livre traite de l'évaluation des sources d'hydrocarbures qui est généralement basée sur la quantité de matière organique (richesse organique), la qualité (type de kérogène) et la capacité de génération de maturation thermique de la matière organique disséminée dans la roche. La teneur en matière organique a été déterminée directement à partir d'analyses en laboratoire d'échantillons de roches mères provenant du puits LT-1, situé dans un bassin de rift tertiaire, dans le nord du Kenya, où l'on trouve du pétrole et du gaz. Nous avons utilisé certains profils sismiques et de rayons gamma, le carbone organique total (COT % en poids), les indices de maturité (HI et PI), la température maximale (Tmax °C), les porosités et d'autres paramètres sédimentologiques. Cette étude a comporté une série d'analyses géochimiques et pétrophysiques visant à déterminer un certain nombre d'échantillons de roches mères efficaces à partir du puits échantillonné. Les données de pyrolyse Rock-eval ont permis d'évaluer le type de matière organique (kérogène/bitume), la maturité thermique (S1 et S2) et la capacité de production des roches mères dans le cadre de la prospection d'hydrocarbures. Les analyses ont révélé que certaines strates des puits échantillonnés ont un potentiel élevé de production d'hydrocarbures, avec l'existence d'une production commerciale d'hydrocarbures.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Este livro trata da avaliação da fonte de hidrocarbonetos que se baseia geralmente na quantidade de matéria orgânica (riqueza orgânica), qualidade (tipo de querogénio), e a capacidade de geração de maturação térmica da matéria orgânica disseminada na rocha. O conteúdo de matéria orgânica foi determinado directamente a partir de análises laboratoriais das amostras de rocha de origem de um poço LT-1 numa bacia de fendas terciária, no norte do Quénia, que tinha mostras de petróleo e gás. Foram utilizados alguns perfis sísmicos e de raios gama, carbono orgânico total (TOC wt%), índices de maturidade (HI e PI), temperatura máxima (Tmax °C), porosidades e outros parâmetros sedimentológicos. Este estudo envolveu uma série de estudos analíticos geoquímicos e petrofísicos para determinar uma série de amostras de rochas-fonte eficazes a partir do poço amostrado. Os dados da pirólise rochosa foram úteis na avaliação e avaliação do tipo de matéria orgânica (querogénio/bitume), maturidade térmica (S1 e S2) e a capacidade de geração de rochas-fonte para a lógica de exploração de hidrocarbonetos. As análises revelaram que alguns estratos dentro dos dados do poço amostrado têm um elevado potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos com a existência de produção comercial de hidrocarbonetos.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    In diesem Buch geht es um die Bewertung von Kohlenwasserstoffquellen, die im Allgemeinen auf der Quantität der organischen Substanz (organischer Reichtum), der Qualität (Kerogentyp) und der Fähigkeit zur thermischen Reifung der im Gestein verbreiteten organischen Substanz beruht. Der Gehalt an organischer Substanz wurde direkt aus Laboranalysen der Quellgesteinsproben aus dem LT-1-Bohrloch in einem tertiären Riftbecken im Norden Kenias bestimmt, in dem Öl und Gas nachgewiesen wurden. Wir verwendeten einige seismische und Gammastrahlenprofile, den gesamten organischen Kohlenstoff (TOC-Gew.-%), Reifungsindizes (HI und PI), das Temperaturmaximum (Tmax °C), Porositäten und andere sedimentologische Parameter. Diese Studie umfasste eine Reihe analytischer geochemischer und petrophysikalischer Untersuchungen, um eine Reihe effektiver Quellgesteinsproben aus dem beprobten Bohrloch zu ermitteln. Die Daten der Gesteinspyrolyse waren nützlich, um die Art der organischen Substanz (Kerogen/Bitumen), den thermischen Reifegrad (S1 und S2) und die Erzeugungsfähigkeit des Ausgangsgesteins für die Kohlenwasserstoffexploration zu beurteilen und zu bewerten. Die Analysen ergaben, dass einige Schichten in den beprobten Bohrlochdaten ein hohes Kohlenwasserstofferzeugungspotenzial aufweisen und bereits kommerziell Kohlenwasserstoffe gefördert werden.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    Jeta kniga poswqschena ocenke istochnikow uglewodorodow, kotoraq obychno osnowywaetsq na kolichestwe organicheskogo weschestwa (organicheskoe bogatstwo), kachestwe (tip kerogena) i sposobnosti organicheskogo weschestwa, rasprostranennogo w porode, k termicheskomu sozrewaniü. Soderzhanie organicheskogo weschestwa bylo opredeleno neposredstwenno na osnowe laboratornyh analizow obrazcow ishodnoj porody iz skwazhiny LT-1 w tretichnom riftowom bassejne na sewere Kenii, gde byli obnaruzheny mestorozhdeniq nefti i gaza. My ispol'zowali nekotorye sejsmicheskie i gamma-luchewye profili, obschee soderzhanie organicheskogo ugleroda (TOC wt%), indexy zrelosti (HI i PI), temperaturnyj maximum (Tmah °C), poristost' i drugie sedimentologicheskie parametry. Jeto issledowanie wklüchalo seriü analiticheskih geohimicheskih i petrofizicheskih issledowanij dlq ustanowleniq rqda äffektiwnyh obrazcow ishodnoj porody iz otobrannoj skwazhiny. Dannye piroliza porod byli polezny dlq ocenki i analiza tipa organicheskogo weschestwa (kerogen/bitum), termicheskoj zrelosti (S1 i S2) i sposobnosti k generacii ishodnyh porod dlq obosnowaniq razwedki uglewodorodow. Analiz pokazal, chto nekotorye plasty w otobrannyh skwazhinah imeüt wysokij potencial generacii uglewodorodow s nalichiem promyshlennoj dobychi uglewodorodow.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop

    This book is about hydrocarbon source evaluation which is generally based on the organic matter quantity (organic richness), quality (kerogen type), and the thermal maturation generation capability of the organic matter disseminated in the rock. The organic matter content were determined directly from laboratory analyses of the source rock samples from LT-1 Well in a Tertiary rift basin, northern Kenya, which had oil and gas shows. We used some seismic and gamma ray profiles, total organic carbon (TOC wt%), maturity indices (HI and PI), temperature maximum (Tmax °C), porosities and other sedimentological parameters. This study involved a series of analytical geochemistry and petro-physical studies to ascertain a number of effective source rock samples from the sampled well. The Rock-eval pyrolysis data were useful in assessing and evaluating the type of organic matter (kerogen/bitumen), thermal maturity (S1 and S2) and the generation capability of source rocks for hydrocarbon exploration rationale. The analyses revealed that some strata within the sampled well data have high hydrocarbon generation potential with the existence of commercial hydrocarbon production.

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop & Loice Jepkemboi Kipkiror

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop & Loice Jepkemboi Kipkiror

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop & Loice Jepkemboi Kipkiror

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop & Loice Jepkemboi Kipkiror

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop, Margaret Chepkoech Ketter & Sheilla Jeptanui Sawe

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop, Margaret Chepkoech Ketter & Sheilla Jeptanui Sawe

  • av Bernard Kipsang Rop, Margaret Chepkoech Ketter & Sheilla Jeptanui Sawe

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