- A Daddy Operating Manual
av Bill Fix
Being a good Dad is moment by moment, and fathering advice is more like one Dad saying to another, "Try this, it worked for me." To do justice to the topic of fathering would take more than a book, class, coaching session, or seminar. It would have to include unlimited on-demand question and answer sessions, because good dads are perfected with time and experience. This book uses humor, short stories, and illustrations about things that worked for the author and other great Dads. New Dad Genius will help you discover: Humorous poems and storiesHow to grade yourself in marriageHow to respond to changes during the pregnancyWhat to do when your baby comes home from the hospitalTwelve husband and dad tipsSix frequently seen flaws of dadsWays to help your child walk, and talk, and learnThe best way to discipline your preschooler and when not toOne of the most accurate and convincing testimonies any successful Dad will ever receive is what his children say about him. They observe Dad at his best and his worse and they have perhaps the most accurate appraisal. It is a blessing to experience the role of Dad. This book shares both knowledge and tips. One of the most accurate and convincing testimonies any Dad will ever receive is what his children say about him. They will remember how dad guided and encouraged them; how he taught them things, how he loved their mom, how he was there for them, and many more things. You can read no book, take a pill, or even take a class that will make you an instant great Dad. Parenting is, at best, a learn as you go endeavor. I hope this book makes you smile as you read it. I pray that you will become a great dad and that you stay encouraged. Please feel free to write me and tell me about your experiences as a husband and dad. You can email me at fmcbillfix@aol.com or write The People Pastor, 25770 Melody Street, Taylor, Michigan 48180.