av Bioluminescent Drea
Like most philosophers, I do believe that the root cause of evil is ignorance. Since evil cannot exist in and of itself and our only crime is our lack of knowledge; hatred, bias, prejudice, condemnation, and judgment are utterly nonsensical. I do not live in the universe of good and evil but causes and effects, and I am completely convinced that to fight evil in the world, we just need knowledge, especially self-awareness and self-knowledge. Ignorance, not evil, is the cause of all problems in the world: irresponsible parenthood, overpopulation, substance abuse, crimes, exploitation, wars and conflicts, environmental issues, etc. All these negative things are the consequences of our lack of knowledge when it comes to where and how to look for happiness. We tend to mistarget the root cause of our problems and many do not even care to look into the primary cause. Our mainstream medicine, for example, tends to focus on suppressing symptoms rather than finding the root cause. The mainstream treatment of our society is merely to deal with the symptoms but the cause is always there and it is just like a ticking time bomb. Like physical sickness, to heal a person from illness completely, we need to address the root cause of our unhappiness first and Conversation with Myself targets the main cause and proposes the way to heal our sickness. Many people believe that greed is the cause of all evil in the world, but greed is not the cause of itself, it comes from the wrong type of self-love and this type of self-love is caused by ignorance or the lack of fundamental knowledge starting from the misconception about selfdom, attachment to selfdom together with the lack of self-awareness and self-knowledge. This book touches upon all aspects of our lives and I have written this book for just one reason: I want to share my knowledge with you. This book is not a theory but a practical knowledge based on true experiences and I hope that it can help you address the real cause of your problem and change your life for the better. If you desperately want to be truly happy every single day of your life. If you are chronically depressed and unhappy. If you are troubled by your traumatic childhood. If you don't want to live your life full of frustration and anger. This book is for you. May you find true happiness...