av Brenda Hillman
"[Hillman's] work is fierce but loving, risk-taking, and beautiful." --Harvard ReviewFinalist for the Four Quartets Prize, given by Poetry Society of America, 2023An iconoclastic ecopoet who has led the way for many young and emerging artists, Brenda Hillman continues to re-cast innovative poetic forms as instruments for tracking human and non-human experiences. At times the poet deploys short dialogues, meditations or trance techniques as means of rendering inner states; other times she uses narrative, documentary or scientific materials to record daily events during a time of pandemic, planetary crisis, political and racial turmoil. Hillman proposes that poetry offers courage even in times of existential peril; her work represents what is most necessary and fresh in American poetry. During an enchantment in the life Do you love a living person absolutely? Tell them now.In a half-unwieldy life you made, underthe hyaline sky, while the dead drank from zigzag pools nearby, if they saved you in your wild incapacities, in timing of the world's harmin a little pettiness in your own heart while others took your madrigals in shreds to a tribunal, when others said you should feel grateful to be minimally adequate for the world'striple exposure or some tired committee... The ones who love us, how do theybreak through our defenses? We're tired today. Come back later.Their baffled voices melting our wax wallswith a candle, the ones who understandwhat being is--the glowing, the broken, the wheels, the brave ones-- they have their courage, you have yours; when you meet the one you love, it is so rare. When you meetthe one who loves you, it is extremely rare.