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Böcker av Brian Smith

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  • - Pericula Sub Sole
    av Brian Smith

    In margine Murum Hadriani Centurio Aelius Valerius collocatus est, virtute et prudentia insignis, vitam militarem cum dignitate ducens. Cum uxore Flavia, cuius pulchritudo aequalis ingenio est, diem tranquillum agit. Tamen in medio otii, inter sussurros venti et murmur aquarum, epistula pervenit. Amica Flaviae nuptias celebraturam invitavit, faustam occasionem inveniens ut gaudium cumulatum cum amicis participent.In ipsa festivitate, ubi convivae laetitia effulgent, Aelius faciem amici recognoscit, sed praeteritum tempus eum celaverat. Nescit adhuc quae mutatio ob amicum instet, sed haud ita multo post, per amicitiam iterum coniunctam, Aelii vita plane transformabitur.Insequentur Aelium peregrinationes intrepidus, plenas periculorum quae velut procellae superabuntur, necnon amores ferventes, et eventus quos numquam praevideas. Sic Aelius ultra fines notos feretur, usque ad extremos orbis terrarum. In regionibus Africae et Asiae, Aelius situs terribiles experietur, ubi virtus eius et constantia probabuntur. Incipit liber: Festum Sulpiciae LepidinaeIn oppido Vindolanda, quod prope murum Hadriani situm est, murum quem Imperium Romanum in Britannia extruxit ut barbaros excluderet et provinciam suam defenderet, Centurio Aelius Valerius cum uxore sua Flavia habitabat. Vindolanda erat castellum et vicus, lucida exempla vitae quotidianae militum Romanorum ac civium prope murum degentium.Murus Hadriani, mirabilis facti Romanorum, per decem et octo milia passuum porrectus est, non solum ex lapidibus et terra erectus, sed etiam turribus et castellis instructus, validam defensionis lineam praebens inter provinciam Romanam et terras barbarorum Caledoniorum.Vindolanda, quae sub umbra muri posita erat, non tantum castellum erat, sed etiam oppidum cum thermis, tabernis, et diversis aedificiis. Viae lapideae erant, et publicas latrinas cloacasque possidebat, ingenium Romanum ostentantes. Ibi, negotiatores et artifices, ut coqui, fabri, et textores, artibus suis operabantur, necessaria luxusque militibus eorumque familiis offerentes.Centurio Aelius saepe per vias deambulabat, milites in exercitatione aut thermis relaxantes spectans. Interdum, in foro, litteras et nuntios ex Roma aut aliis provinciis accipiebat. Flavia autem saepe in tabernis emebat aut cum amicis suis ad thermas ibat, ubi de novis rebus et fama loci colloquebantur.Vita in Vindolanda, etsi longe a Roma et in loco alieno, tamen Romana erat. Festi, ritus, et mos Romanus hic agebantur, et lingua Latina in omnibus locis oppidi audiebatur. Et cum nox veniret et caelum stellis fulgeret, milites in turribus vigilabant, provinciam et oppidum contra barbarorum incursiones defendentes.Uno die, tabellarius, qui per oppida et castra Romanorum epistulas nuntiosque portabat, epistolam ad domum Aelii attulit. Erat epistula invitatio ad festum natale amicae, Sulpiciae Lepidinae, feminae Romanae, quae prope murum habitabat. Huiusmodi festum demonstrat qualis intimi et familiari inter Romanos etiam in remotissimis provinciis essent."Vide, Flavia," inquit Aelius epistolam tenens, "Sulpicia nos ad suum natale festum invitat. Magnum gaudium!"Flavia epistolam arreptam perlegit. "O, quam iucundum! Sulpicia est femina liberalis et eius festa semper sunt laeta. Quidnam induam?"Aelius subridens respondit, "Semper de vestitu cogitas, dulcissima mea. Sed priusquam aliud, Sulpiciae scribamus et gratias agamus."

  • av Brian Smith

    Do you run away screaming when you see a grammar book? Then this Power Reader is the very thing you need! All the important German grammar is presented in entertaining stories that let you learn grammar simply by reading. There are brief explanations for those interested along with many examples. The topics and vocabulary cover many common language settings to help you communicate in everyday German, but also to give an insight into literary language.There are FREE recordings of the German stories for you to listen to online or to download.

  • - Iter Gilgamesi: Epicum Mesopotamiae
    av Brian Smith

    Epos Gilgamesi est carmen epicum ex antiqua Mesopotamia. Historia litteraria Gilgamesi incipit cum quinque carminibus Sumericis de Gilgameso, rege Uruki, oriundis ex Tertia Dynastia Ur (circa 2100 a.C.). Haec carmina postea sunt adhibita ut materia prima pro epo composito in Akkadico. Prima versio conservata huius epici compositi, nota ut "Vetus Babylonica," refertur ad saeculum 18 a.C., cuius titulus est "Ante cunctos alios reges." Tantum paucae tabulae ex ea servantur. Versio Babylonica standard, postea a Sîn-lēqi-unninnini confecta, ex saeculis 13 ad 10 a.C. provient, et nomen eius est "Qui Abyssum vidit," quod proprie est "Is qui Invisibile videt."Narratur de vita et periculis Gilgamesi, potenti rege Uruk, qui vias vitae humanae exploravit et adversa fortunae pertulit. Eventus heroici et amicitia cum Enkidu, homine ferino, describuntur. Post mortem amici Enkidu, Gilgamesus sapientiam a deo quaerit et ab Utanapishtim, qui diluvium effugerat, accipit. Opus de humana condicione, de immortalitate et de sapientia tractat, ita ad aeternas quaestiones humanitatis pertinens.Et nunc, pro prima vice in Latinum versum, fabula Gilgamesi incipit: "Gilgamesus, magnus et illustris, erravit per mundum vastum et ignotum, sed neque vir neque bestia inveniebatur qui potentibus armis eius resistere auderet, donec pervenit ad Uruk, urbem magnificam et venerabilem. Sed cives Urukani, in domibus suis serico vestiti, tacite murmurabant, "En Gilgamesus, qui signum tubae ferit ad solam voluptatem suam; eius superbia, vasta et indomita, nullis finibus continetur, neque lucis neque tenebris. Nullus filius apud patrem suum remanet, nam rex omnipotens omnes capit, etiam infantes teneros; et tamen rex, dux magnus, populum suum pascere debet, ut pastor gregem. Libido immoderata eius nullam virginem amatori suo, ardenti et fido, relinquit, neque filiam militis fortis neque uxorem nobilis splendidi; et tamen hic est pastor urbis, sapiens, decorus, fortis et invictus." Dei in altissimis, stellis proximi, lamentationem gravem eorum non ignoraverunt; dii caeli ad Dominum Urukani, ad Anu, deum excelsiorem Urukani, clamarunt cum voce tonitruum: "O dea, quae eum creavit, fortem et ferocem ut taurum silvestris; quis armis terribilibus eius resistere valet? Nullus filius, pietate plenus, cum patre suo remanet, nam Gilgamesus, rex sine misericordia, omnes capit; et hicne est rex, pastor populi sui, protector et dux? Libido impotens eius nullam virginem puram amatori suo relinquit, neque filiam militis neque uxorem nobilis honorati." Anu, rex deorum, audito lamento eorum, dii venerandi clamarunt ad Aruru, deam creationis divinae: "Tu fecisti eum, o Aruru, sapientissima et sancta; nunc par illi aequalem, formam perfectam; sit similis ei tanquam imago sua, alter ego, sicut speculum; animus procellosus pro animo procelloso. Contendant inter se, velut leones irati, et Uruk, urbs sancta, in pace et tranquillitate relinquatur."

  • av Brian Smith

    Embark on a thrilling and educational journey through time with "Learn Esperanto with Time Travel Stories." This captivating A1 level reader presents a collection of engaging narratives that combine the excitement of time travel with the immersive learning experience of the Esperanto language. These stories, ranging from "La Tempoglobo" to "Terura Estonteco," offer a rich and diverse range of adventures that will not only improve your Esperanto skills but also transport you to different eras and worlds.In "La Tempoglobo," we meet Liz, an intelligent teacher working in a bustling laboratory at a large school. Her discovery of a peculiar phenomenon involving her pen sets her on a path to create a time machine known as the "Tempoglobo." With this invention, Liz delves into the mysteries of time travel, leading to unexpected adventures as she explores the past and the future."Brulu la Sor¿istinon" introduces us to Eliza, a sorceress living in 17th-century England who is unjustly persecuted by her fellow villagers. In her quest for freedom, Eliza stumbles upon a magical escape-a journey to the future. Landing in the year 2023, she finds herself in a futuristic London where conformity and surveillance dominate daily life. Eliza's adventures in this unfamiliar world shed light on the challenges and wonders of time travel."Terura Estonteco" takes us into the life of Anthea, an ordinary girl living in a sleepy town. Her discovery of a mysterious clock sets her on an accidental journey into the year 2084. This futuristic world is vastly different from her own, characterized by a monotonous, gray existence where individuality is suppressed, and surveillance is ubiquitous. Anthea's quest to navigate this unfamiliar world and uncover the secrets behind her time-traveling clock provides valuable lessons about resilience, curiosity, and the power of language.Each of these stories offers a unique perspective on time travel and its consequences, making them not only entertaining but also enlightening for Esperanto learners. You'll explore themes of adventure, curiosity, and adaptability while expanding your Esperanto vocabulary and language skills."Learn Esperanto with Time Travel Stories" offers an immersive and engaging experience for language learners and lovers of science fiction alike. As you journey through time alongside the characters, you'll discover the magic of Esperanto while unraveling the mysteries of time itself. Start your Esperanto adventure today and experience the thrill of time travel through the pages of this captivating reader.

  • av Brian Smith

    People like cheese, but they often like different types of cheese, and so it is with poetry as well. For those who like cheese and poetry, Cheesy Poetry could be just what is needed to motivate you to keep making the dough to put bread on the table. The two pair very profitably in this publication of poems I have aged for twenty-five years. Enjoy!

  • av Brian Smith

    This is a true story of the life of Mingo Sanders. Freed from slavery during the Civil War, he rises to become the First Sergeant of the U.S. Army Bicycle Corps and leads his company through two deployments in the Spanish American war, first Cuba and later the Philippine Islands. In the shadow of the Buffalo Soldiers legacy, his honor was crushed into the ground of Brownsville, Texas by the Rough Riders Colonel. Time rights the wrongs done to him when President Theodore Roosevelt's actions are overturned by the first U.S. Army Equal Opportunity Office. Why haven't you ever heard of him? No longer living, and no with living relatives, his legacy has never been fully restored. Can it be when government institutions, corrupted by baked in racism, have worked for so long to keep his story from blemishing the Medal of Honor recipient and face of Mount Rushmore?

  • av Brian Smith

    Unlock the power of Esperanto while embarking on a spine-tingling adventure with "Learn Esperanto with Horror Stories." Dive into a captivating collection of chilling tales that will not only send shivers down your spine but also immerse you in the beauty of the Esperanto language.Inside these pages, you'll encounter mysterious disappearances, ancient ruins harboring dark secrets, and eerie encounters in remote and isolated locations. Each story unfolds in a way that both challenges and entertains, making it an ideal learning tool for Esperanto enthusiasts of all levels.From the enigmatic "Mistero de la Malaperinta Vojäanto" to the bone-chilling "Luphomo de Kergeleno," these stories will keep you on the edge of your seat while you absorb the language effortlessly. You'll explore the depths of suspense, fear, and curiosity as you navigate through each tale, all the while enhancing your Esperanto vocabulary and comprehension.Whether you're a beginner looking to start your Esperanto journey or an intermediate learner aiming to refine your language skills, this unique language-learning experience offers something for everyone. It combines the thrill of a good horror story with the educational value of language acquisition, ensuring that your learning experience is both engaging and effective."Learn Esperanto with Horror Stories" isn't just a language course; it's an immersive journey into the heart of Esperanto, where the language comes alive through the art of storytelling. So, if you're ready to embrace the dark side of language learning and master Esperanto in a spine-tingling way, pick up this book and get ready for a linguistic adventure like no other.

  • av Brian Smith

    Maurice Trevor has disgraced himself at school and is kicked out. Unable to face his family he runs away to join the navy and seek his fortune across the perilous seas. It is a dangerous age where raiders from North Africa enslave crews of European ships, the Royal Navy battles the transatlantic slave trade, and malnourishment and disease make for horrific living conditions on ships that are at sea for up to three years before returning to Britain. Maurice must learn to survive or find an early grave at sea like so many others.

  • - Short Stories for Beginners
    av Brian Smith

    Read - Relax - Learn GermanYour German adventure continues! Immerse yourself in the second episode of German Short Stories for Beginners and be delighted with the progress you make. Get going on the past tense, learn lots of new words and be amazed how fast you'll be ready for the next level. When Sabine borrows Robert's car she sets off a catastrophic chain of events. Is her boyfriend cheating on her? Is her best friend involved? What happens when she goes to Austria?This book includes: 10 short and quirky chapters set in Munich special learning features a thrilling storyline new vocabulary and grammara comprehensive German-English glossarylanguage building techniques embedded in the textspecial learning featuresexercises and bonus material

  • av Brian Smith

    The brothers Jack and Paul Despard both want to join the Royal Navy, but - Alas! - there is only one position for midshipman available; one of them will have to join the merchant navy. They sail forth to distant seas, but fate smiles kindly upon them. Cruel shipmates, dastardly slavers and cannibals are among the perils the brothers have to face.A thrilling tale of adventure and heroism in the Caribbean and West Africa.

  • av Brian Smith

    Are you ready to embark on an exciting language learning journey like no other? Dive into the captivating world of Esperanto with "Learn Esperanto with Detective Stories" - an Esperanto A1 reader that will not only teach you the language but also keep you on the edge of your seat with thrilling mysteries and suspenseful narratives.Contents:La Diamanta Ringo - A Mysterious AffairMurdo ä nur akcidento? - Murder or Just an Accident?Kie estas Anne? - Where is Anne?Morto en Hyde Park - Death in Hyde ParkMorto en la Buso - Death on the BusLa Psikiko - The PsychicKrimo de Tempo - The Time CrimeLa Stelo de Barato - The Star of IndiaFrädo en Gibraltaro - Fraud in GibraltarKrimo en Honkongo - Crime in Hong KongAntarkta Mistero - Antarctic MysteryLa Kontrabandistoj de Cornwall - The Smugglers of CornwallBanditoj en la Altebenäo - Bandits on the PlateauLa Neregulaj Enmigrintoj - The Irregular ImmigrantsLa Al Gaga Teroratako - The Al Gaga Terror AttackLa Malbona Nebulo - The Evil FogFantomo en la Brita Muzeo - Phantom in the British MuseumStep into the shoes of Detective Miller and Detektivo Ciborgo as they unravel mysteries, solve crimes, and navigate through a world filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists.In "La Diamanta Ringo," you'll help Detective Miller solve the case of a missing diamond ring, leading you through a web of secrets, strange noises, and unexpected clues. Will you be able to crack the case and recover the precious ring?Then, join Detektivo Ciborgo in "Krimo de Tempo" as he investigates a bizarre phenomenon where time is being stolen from people in a futuristic city. Get ready to explore the mysteries of time manipulation, futuristic gadgets, and a secret gang with a thirst for longevity.With each chapter, you'll not only improve your Esperanto language skills but also immerse yourself in thrilling stories that will keep you engaged from start to finish. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your Esperanto skills, "Learn Esperanto with Detective Stories" is the perfect companion for an exciting and educational language-learning experience.

  • - The Strange Adventures of Lieut. Fairlie, R.N.
    av Brian Smith

    Victor Fairlie is stranded on half-pay. While in his ancestral home he discovers that his family is haunted by an evil spirit. When he encounters his neighbour's beautiful daughter his emotions and the family curse bring about a series of perilous events that push Fairlie to the limits of human endurance, not only in England, but half-way across the world, where tropical splendour and death lie side by side.Arthur Lee Knight (1852 - 7 Jul 1944) was a popular author of adventure books in the late 19th and early 20th century. Around 1868 he joined the Royal Navy at the age of sixteen as a junior midshipman, where he served on the 51-gun screw frigate HMS Forte.Having been a midshipman in the navy he was familiar with life in the navy and many of the episodes in his novels - such as hunting Arab slave traders - are clearly events he experienced himself and give unique insight into the world and people in the Victorian age. His readable and often racy stories are characterized by authentic navy language of the time and evocative descriptions of seascapes, distant countries and unusual people.

  • - Holiday in Hong Kong
    av Brian Smith

    Apprendre l'anglais avec succès! Des histoires courtes amusantes avec des MP3 gratuits à télécharger pour comprendre l'anglais rapidement et facilement! (bilingue anglais-français; A2): pour adultes, adolescents et élèves. Ce voyage de vacances à Hong Kong introduit le passif à différents temps ainsi que le past perfect. A cela s'ajoutent de nombreux nouveaux mots de vocabulaire qui sont indispensables en voyage ou dans la vie quotidienne. La grammaire et le vocabulaire des deux premiers volumes sont révisés pour un approfondissement supplémentaire. Le vocabulaire courant et les structures de phrases sont répétés sous différentes formes jusqu'à ce que tu aies acquis une base linguistique solide et que tu puisses aborder une lecture plus avancée en toute sécurité. Enregistrements MP3 des textes gratuits sur le site de l'auteur: briansmith.deCe livre offre: - des histoires courtes passionnantes de la vie quotidienne- de nombreux thèmes différents- des histoires courtes faciles pour les débutants- apprentissage ciblé avec texte parallèle- Le vocabulaire et la grammaire sont enseignés de manière pratique.- Vocabulaire et expressions de la vie quotidienne- Anglais vivant de la vie quotidienne- Plaisir et plaisir d'apprendre- Contenu audio pour la compréhension orale et la prononciation Fini les listes de vocabulaire et la grammaire! Apprendre avec des histoires courtes est l'outil idéal! Les histoires de ce livre permettent d'apprendre facilement et rapidement du nouveau vocabulaire, de la grammaire et de la prononciation en contexte. La traduction parallèle permet de comprendre chaque détail et le développement rapide des connaissances en anglais.Un cadeau idéal pour les élèves et les adultes qui se plongent dans la langue anglaise avec ce livre.Continue avec: - Apprendre l'anglais par la lecture 4: Magical Britain (A2-B1)

  • - or He would be a Sailor
    av Brian Smith

    When young Ronald Hallifax goes out fishing one day his boat is carried out to sea by the tide. An approaching storm puts his life in utmost peril. Is his life over? Or could this be the beginning of a young sailor lad's adventures among the buccaneers? A pirates stronghold, treasure and dangers galore set the stage for a thrilling story and pukka adventures.Arthur Lee Knight (1852 - 7 Jul 1944) was a popular author of adventure books in the late 19th and early 20th century. Around 1868 he joined the Royal Navy at the age of sixteen as a junior midshipman, where he served on the 51-gun screw frigate HMS Forte.Having been a midshipman in the navy he was familiar with life in the navy and many of the episodes in his novels - such as hunting Arab slave traders - are clearly events he experienced himself and give unique insight into the world and people in the Victorian age. His readable and often racy stories are characterized by authentic navy language of the time and evocative descriptions of seascapes, distant countries and unusual people.

  • - The Complete Adventures
    av Brian Smith

    When two brothers are unexpectedly flung through time and space they find themselves in 19th century Hong Kong. Yet no glittering Metropolis awaits them. It is a savage world in which they must contend with pirates, privation and an unknown terror on a mountain. Will they prevail in their quest and be able to return to their own time?This edition contains all nine Dare Quest adventures: The Chinese Pirate, The Red Planet, Queen Cleopatra, The Tiger, Free the Slaves, The End of the World, Sherlock Holmes, The Man from the Ice, The Crystal Skull.

  • av Brian Smith

    HMS Rover, a thirty-six-gun sailing frigate with a crew of four hundred, sets sail for West Africa in search of slave traders. Flag-lieutenant Onslow is looking forward to doing his bit, not to mention adventures and prize money. When Commodore Windham, in command of the West Africa squadron, comes on board, he brings his beautiful daughter with him. As flag-lieutenant it is Onslow's duty to assist the commodore in every way, including looking after his daughter, a duty that soon blossoms into rather more.The perils of storms, disease and battles with slavers soon put the crew of HMS Rover to the test.

  • av Brian Smith

    David Ker travels to Central Asia where he meets Captain Ostap Danilevitch Kostarenko. The Russian officer then tells him his story, of a time before the Russians came and the land was ruled by Muslim potentates. At that time raids by Muslim armies on Russian territories often resulted in the Russian population being killed or enslaved. One of those Russians who was made a slave was the young Ostap, the Boy Slave of Bokhara.

  • - Super English
    av Brian Smith

    Apprenez l'anglais avec succès! Des histoires courtes amusantes avec des MP3 à télécharger gratuitement pour comprendre l'anglais rapidement et facilement ! (bilingue anglais-français; A1): pour adultes, adolescents et étudiants. Cette lecture amusante en anglais est basée sur le vocabulaire le plus courant ainsi que sur quatre temps de base de l'anglais qui permettent au lecteur de comprendre jusqu'à 70% d'un texte moyen en anglais. Le livre contient des descriptions stimulantes et des histoires divertissantes de la vie quotidienne de tout un chacun - aussi bien les enfants que les adultes, les femmes que les hommes, en train de jouer, à la maison, au bureau, en train de faire des courses, tout simplement dans toutes les situations de la vie quotidienne. Les textes sont conçus de manière à ce que l'on puisse pratiquer encore et encore, de manière quasi automatique, le vocabulaire et les structures de phrases fréquentes sous différentes formes, jusqu'à ce que l'on ait acquis une base linguistique solide et que l'on puisse aborder une lecture plus approfondie en toute sécurité. En lisant ce livre varié, vous constaterez que vous passez du niveau de débutant complet à celui d'étudiant plus avancé, et que vous pouvez ensuite passer à l'étape suivante sans effort. Tous les textes sont disponibles GRATUITEMENT au format MP3 sur le site de l'auteur.Ce livre offre: - des histoires courtes et passionnantes tirées de la vie quotidienne- de nombreux thèmes différents- des histoires courtes faciles pour les débutants- un apprentissage ciblé avec un texte parallèle- le vocabulaire et la grammaire sont enseignés de manière pratique- Vocabulaire et expressions de la vie quotidienne- Un anglais vivant, issu de la vie quotidienne- Apprendre en s'amusant- Contenu audio pour la compréhension et la prononciation Fini les listes de vocabulaire et les leçons de grammaire! Apprendre avec des histoires courtes est l'outil idéal! Les histoires de ce livre permettent d'apprendre facilement et rapidement du nouveau vocabulaire, de la grammaire et de la prononciation en contexte. La traduction parallèle permet de comprendre chaque détail et de développer rapidement les compétences en anglais. Un cadeau idéal pour les étudiants et les adultes qui s'immergent dans la langue anglaise avec ce livre.Poursuivez avec: - Apprendre l'anglais en lisant 2: London Life (A1-A2)- Apprendre l'anglais en lisant 3: Holiday in Hong Kong (A2)- Apprendre l'anglais en lisant 4: Magical Britain (A2-B1)

  • - Mind- blowing secret of losing weight without hitting the gym
    av Brian Smith

    Anyone trying to reduce weight will typically need to do so quickly. However, people who lose weight gradually and regularly (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping it off. A healthy weight loss strategy involves more than just a "diet" or "program". A consistent method of living comprises exemplary dieting practices and expected real labor.Once you've reached a healthy weight, you can rely on wise dieting and regular exercise to help you keep the weight off for the long term.Getting in shape is challenging and requires accountability. However, if you're ready to get started, we have a step-by-step guide to help you start on the path to weight loss and better health. Indeed, even a small reduction in weight can have significant benefits.In fact, even a modest weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight is likely to provide health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels.For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, a 5 percent weight loss translates to 10 pounds, lowering your weight to 190 pounds. Even while this weight may still fall into the "overweight" or "big" categories, this modest weight loss can reduce your risk of developing chronic illnesses linked to being overweight.Therefore, consider it an expedition rather than just a final goal, even if the overall goal seems enormous. You'll pick up new eating and working habits that will help you maintain a better way of life. After some time, you might find that these tendencies help you maintain your weight loss.

  • - & the Rest of the World
    av Brian Smith

    Large Print Font Size 18 IS THERE ANY WAY TO SURVIVE?Eight gripping apocalyptic short stories about the end of the world. As we all know from Hollywood films the end usually begins in America - the rest of the world is an afterthought. Aliens, doomsday bugs, ancient Greek Gods and even time travel are among the surprising ways that destroy planet Earth. The surprising twists and humour make each of the stories unique and fascinating to read.

  • av Brian Smith

    For a long time George has been dreaming of joining the navy and living a life of adventure around the world. When Captain Hardy, a friend of his father's, prepares an expedition to make the attempt of finding the fabled north-west passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic George finally has his chance. He joins the ship to become a midshipman.As the ship sails through the Pacific he experiences adventures and romance until they have to face the perils of unknown seas and lands in the icy north.

  • av Brian Smith

    In 1803 Harry Treverton, a youth of sixteen whose father has died, sets out to London for help from a distant uncle to join the navy. But across the English Channel Napoleon is preparing to conquer the world. War is declared and the Royal Navy becomes engaged in a desperate fight, a fight that sees many merchant ships taken as prizes including those of Harry's uncle, who owns a trading company. Will Harry be able to save his uncle from ruin?

  • av Brian Smith

    In the 1840s the Royal Navy is fighting a fierce battle to suppress the transatlantic slave trade. Midshipman Valentine Murray faces action in the Caribbean and the perilous seas off West Africa. Murray makes some unlikely allies and there is a hint of romance in the air, but slave dealers, savage tribes and disease decimate the British crew. Will he prevail to set foot in his native England again?

  • av Brian Smith

    Claude Sefton is delighted when he is notified by the admiralty that he has been accepted as a volunteer on HMS Wasp. At last he can add those magical letters after his name: R.N.Then the Wasp heads out to sea. Her mission: to sail into West African waters to suppress the slave trade. Vessels from Spain, Brazil and the USA are carrying hapless Africans off to the new world, where - if they survive the voyage - they are to toil away for their masters. When the Wasp arrives off the African coast the first sail is spotted. Sefton and his shipmates prepare for what they see as their first adventure. But slave dealers are not the only peril awaiting them. At sea and on land they must soon go to the limits of their endurance and beyond.

  • av Brian Smith

    Large Print - Font Size 18 Sailing from ports in East Africa Arab slave dhows are transporting African slaves to markets in Arabia. But the British Royal Navy is at hand! The frigate HMS Forte is sailing through these perilous waters on the look-out for slave dhows with their wretched human cargo. Yet things seldom go as planned and the wheel of fortune keeps turning without mercy. Midshipman Jack Villiers has just finished a routine duty when fate's icy hand grasps him. Will he survive his ordeal - or go to Davy Jones Locker like so many others before him?

  • - London Life
    av Brian Smith

    Apprenez l'anglais avec succès! Des histoires courtes amusantes avec des MP3 à télécharger gratuitement pour comprendre l'anglais rapidement et facilement! (bilingue anglais-allemand; A1-A2): pour adultes, adolescents et étudiants. Cette lecture amusante en anglais est basée sur le vocabulaire courant ainsi que sur huit temps de base de l'anglais. Elle aborde également le rôle différent des adjectifs et des adverbes en anglais. Le livre est divisé en histoires cohérentes qui tournent autour d'une famille britannique typique. Les quatre membres de cette famille vivent des moments passionnants mais aussi amusants, par exemple en faisant des courses, en assistant à un match de football au stade de Wembley, dans une cave magique, ou encore en surprenant des pickpockets. Les textes sont conçus de manière à ce que l'on s'entraîne à répéter le vocabulaire courant et les structures de phrases sous différentes formes jusqu'à ce que l'on ait acquis une base linguistique solide et que l'on puisse aborder une lecture plus approfondie en toute sécurité. Le contenu grammatical ainsi que le vocabulaire du premier volume sont revus afin d'obtenir un approfondissement supplémentaire. Des enregistrements MP3 des textes sont disponibles GRATUITEMENT sur le site de l'auteur.Ce livre offre: - des histoires courtes et captivantes tirées de la vie quotidienne- de nombreux thèmes différents- des histoires courtes faciles pour les débutants- un apprentissage ciblé avec un texte parallèle- le vocabulaire et la grammaire sont enseignés de manière pratique- Vocabulaire et expressions de la vie quotidienne- Un anglais vivant, issu de la vie quotidienne- Apprendre en s'amusant- Contenu audio pour la compréhension et la prononciation Fini les listes de vocabulaire et les leçons de grammaire ! Apprendre avec des histoires courtes est l'outil idéal ! Les histoires de ce livre permettent d'apprendre facilement et rapidement du nouveau vocabulaire, de la grammaire et de la prononciation en contexte. La traduction parallèle permet de comprendre chaque détail et de développer rapidement les compétences en anglais.Un cadeau idéal pour les étudiants et les adultes qui s'immergent dans la langue anglaise avec ce livre.Poursuivez avec: - Apprendre l'anglais en lisant 3: Holiday in Hong Kong (A2)- Apprendre l'anglais en lisant 4: Magical Britain (A2-B1)

  • av Brian Smith

    After his adventures in the Arctic George Falkland is accepted as a midshipman on HMS Albatross. They sail for the Mediterranean much to the disappointment of the crew who were hoping for excitement and prize money off West Africa. But appearances can be deceptive and a midshipman can find thrills wherever he goes.Oriana returned with George from the Arctic to live with his family. When she has news from a long-lost uncle in India she embarks on the perilous journey through the Atlantic towards the Cape of Good Hope. Yet this route takes her past West Africa, the haunt of slavers and pirates. Inexorably George and Oriana drift towards their tryst with destiny...

  • - Magie de Munich
    av Brian Smith

    Ce livre est conçu pour vous aider à vous entraîner à la lecture à un faible niveau, avant de passer à des textes plus difficiles. Il contient du vocabulaire et de la grammaire supplémentaires pour faciliter la transition vers l'allemand pré-intermédiaire. Les mots et les constructions sont issus du langage courant et il y a beaucoup de dialogues pour vous donner plus d'assurance lorsque vous rencontrez des Allemands en face à face. Des enregistrements MP3 GRATUITS des textes sont disponibles sur le site de l'auteur:

  • - Short Stories for Beginners
    av Brian Smith

    The FUTURE is yours!Change your future by learning German - and learn how to talk about the future in the third book of this series! On a rainy day in Munich Monika's girlfriend Petra calls her from Berlin and invites her for a visit. Little does Monika know that she will soon be faced by the terrors of organized crime.How will the two friends fare? Can they stand up to the criminals?This book includes: 10 short and quirky chapters set in Berlin special learning features a thrilling storyline new vocabulary and grammar a comprehensive German-English glossary language building techniques embedded in the text exercises and free audio

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