- Preaching Mark's Gospel for Year B
av Bruce Epperly
Every project is a team effort. No doubt the writing of Mark''s Gospel was the result of many storytellers and a few writers before the emergence of the final text attributed to an unknown "Mark." This is certainly true of this lectionary commentary. I give thanks for my parents, Everett and Loretta Epperly, from whom I learned to love scripture and One whose love gave birth to Jesus of Nazareth and the early Christian movement. I give thanks to my spiritual and theological teachers: John Akers, George (Shorty) Collins, John Cobb, David Ray Griffin, Bernard Loomer, Jack Verheyden, Richard Keady, and Ben White. I have learned much about scripture from courses I''ve taught at congregations: First Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona; Palisades Community Church, Washington D.C.; and Falls Church Christian Church, Falls Church, Virginia. I give great thanks to South Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, whose generosity of spirit has allowed me to be not only pastor, teacher, and spiritual leader, but also a writer. The beauty of our Cape Cod village with its ponds, beaches, streams, and beaches has inspired my writing, preaching, and teaching. It is a daily joy to be part of a community that seeks to learn, love, and live the word of God.I am grateful to Deborah Arca of Patheos (patheos.com), who encouraged me to write a weekly lectionary commentary for this forward-thinking spiritual website. As always, I give thanks for my companion of over 35 years, Kate, whose partnership in ministry, parenting, grand parenting, and family life has been at heart of my spiritual journey. Finally, I give thanks for you and your quest for faithful excellence in preaching. May these words be an inspiration and creativity in responding to God''s word and wisdom in your life.