av C Matthew McMahon
Christ is such an inexhaustible fountain that sinners cannot ever out desire His mercies. He is an overflowing fountain of infinite mercy and comfort. All other temporal mercies find their eternal significance in him. Nothing will delight the sincere believer, or be enjoyed, if such believers do not in some way partake of His comfort, and His tenderness. They must tap into Christ's virtue. How will they do this? Durant's discourse explores the sweetness of Christ's relationship with weak believers, addressing various aspects of this theme. He shows the fallacy of Satan to keep souls from Christ; and the sweetness of Christ to those in His service. His work is taken from Isaiah 40:11, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." The structure of the discourse includes the dependence of the words, their division, and the doctrines derived from them. His main doctrine, is that central teaching presented, emphasizes Christ's sweetness in His dealings with weak members. Most Christians will not admit they are weak. And the idea of the word "weak" seems to be negative. But Durant's work reaches to all Christians. He shows that Christ's carriage, and the sweetness of that carriage, is demonstrated in not casting off weak believers, but that He preserves their weak graces, strengthens them, bears with their infirmities, not burdening them with tasks they can't handle, and accepts their efforts despite failings. These reasons are drawn from God the Father's commission to Christ, the truth of the inherent weakness in believers, and Christ's intention to build them up as his lambs. The discourse concludes with applications for information, lamentation, reproof, comfort, encouragement, imitation, and exhortation.