- Our Spiritual Journey
av Carla R Mancari
WHETHER WE ARE just beginning our Christian spiritual walk or have traveled it for a lifetime, we can learn from the Contemplative Invitation Teaching. This teaching encompasses the Christ Centered Prayer, Meditation, Christ-centered Christian Spiritual Principles, and our spiritual journey as they relate to this world of opposites and beyond. These teachings were first recorded in The Lessons: How To Understand Spiritual Principles, Spiritual Activities and Rising Emotions 2nd Edition, Volumes One and Two. The Lessons were written from the Spiritual Heart Center. They were written in response to Rev. Sandy's (a student who would later become co-author for The Lessons) and other students' questions and needs. Many students have benefited from sharing these teachings over the years. These Lessons apply to the seeker of the truth of our being.The Lessons may assist us in understanding, realizing, and recognizing the inner truth. We may begin to grasp the subtleties of the rising vibrating energies within an awakening consciousness. The Christian spiritual walk is a journey to the spirituality of our being. As a Christian, Jesus Christ is our inner guide and teacher. We are an inner pilgrim, journeying into the unknown to the realized presence of the Oneness. "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you" (John 14: 20).The Spiritual Heart Center (the strait gate), the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation (the narrow way), and six Mini-Exercises that may help support our spiritual journey are included. Most importantly, practice the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation. A faithful, twice-a-day practice may develop the realization of the fruits of the spirit. In addition, the twice-a-day practice of one or a few minutes (allowing the prayer time to expand itself naturally) may allow the process of repentance-healing-forgiveness to "take hold" of our hearts, minds, and souls. The Mini-Exercises may be used when the need arises.The Bible verses quoted are from the Holy Bible, King James Version, London: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York, New York, printed in Great Britain.