- From Antioch to Post COVID 19
av Cbm - Christian Book Editing
Global Missions Turned Upside Down gives an overview of global missions, missionaries, and the essence of the ancient culture from Antioch to our current modern-day world. Obedience was always the demand, as Abram and Sarai set out for the promised land with relatives and all their possessions. The author remembers David, the Psalmist, asked, "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Ps. 8:4) The author presents 13 chapters filled with Scripture and insight, leading to the disciples, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus to Paul the Apostle on the Damascus Road, thus setting the stage for the Good News of the Gospel and how the Gospel and the message of salvation through the resurrected Christ as preached by the disciples that progressed across the lands once known as Iraq, Syria, and ancient Turkey. Shedding light on the Day of Pentecost, the book presents a timeline of history to include the missionary movements and great missionaries in their efforts to "Go Into All the World", following the Great Commission. Exciting and intriguing the author includes maps and historical data of the time and culture to represent Biblical insight into the great persecutions of Christians that fanned revivals, miracles, and mayhem. He includes a 20th century viewpoint of missions (along with some photos) and the turning around of Africa. Being a missionary, a disciple and follower of Christ was never easy, however with the leading of the Holy Spirit brought great exploits. Ending with today's modern world turned upside down with the onset of the Covid 19 Pandemic, the world enters into darkness and uncertain times. He contrasts the pros and cons coming out of the Covid 19 isolations and shutdowns resulting in a progression of the Gospel using media and online as a means to go farther to the world. Good has resulted as the war continues to wage with restrictions, yet obedience and the call has never changed. Well-rounded and well-researched this is a wonderful book to see the birth, patterns of the Gospel, and gives keen insight into missionaries that changed the world. A wonderful book full of Biblical understanding and deep reverence for the Cross, the Gospel and the message of Jesus Christ, readers come to understand the deep importance of global missionaries and missions around the world.